FBActor | FBActor is used to link motion data to a character |
FBActorFace | Used to plot actor face animation |
FBAnimationLayer | Used to access animation layer properties and modify them |
FBAnimationNode | |
FBApplication | FBApplication is used mainly to manage files |
FBApplyManagerRule | ApplyManagerRules are used to define custom rules for manipulating custom objects |
FBArrayTemplate< Type > | Template class to contain an array of items |
FBArrowButton | Creates a button which opens a layout to display content |
FBAssetFile | Class representing a file stored in a version control database |
FBAssetFolder | Class representing a folder stored in a version control database |
FBAssetItem | Base class for all managed assets |
FBAssetMng | Used to access asset manager functionity to get files locally or from a server |
FBAudioClip | Used to play audio clips and access their properties |
FBAudioIn | Audio In class |
FBAudioOut | Audio Out class |
FBBatchOptions | Option parameters for the batch process |
FBBox | A box is a fundamental building block in the application architecture |
FBBoxPlaceHolder | Wrapper around a specific instance of a FBBox object |
FBBrowsingProperty | Property browsing |
FBButton | Used to create and manage buttons in a user interface |
FBCamera | Creates custom cameras and manages system cameras |
FBCameraStereo | |
FBCameraSwitcher | Camera switcher |
FBCharacter | A character is the link between a motion source and a character model |
FBCharacterExtension | Objects Grouping class |
FBCharacterFace | Animates a character face using an actor as input |
FBCharacterManipulator | Character Manipulator class |
FBCharacterManipulatorCtrlSet | Constraint class |
FBCharacterPose | Used to work with character poses |
FBCharacterPoseOptions | Stores options for operations on poses |
FBCharacterSolver | Constraint class |
FBCluster | Weighting interface for meshes |
FBColor | Color vector |
FBColorAndAlpha | Color and alpha vector |
FBCommand | Command class |
FBCommPort | Comm port class |
FBComponent | MotionBuilder SDK base class |
FBConfigFile | Interface to the application config files |
FBConsole | Console base class |
FBConsoleChannel | Console data channel |
FBConstraint | Base class for constraints |
FBConstraintInfo | Constraint information class |
FBConstraintLayout | Constraint layout class |
FBConstraintManager | Constraint manager |
FBConstraintRelation | ConstraintRelation class |
FBConstraintSolver | Base class for constraint solver |
FBContainer | Used to create a container for a tool UI |
FBControlSet | Control set class |
FBCriticalSection | High priority critical section class |
FBCustomManager | Custom manager class for user controlled observer objects |
FBDeck | Interface to a tape deck |
FBDeckLayout | Deck layout class |
FBDeformer | Base Model deformer class |
FBDeformerPointCache | Base Model deformer class |
FBDevice | Base Device class |
FBDeviceCamera | Camera device base class |
FBDeviceCameraInstrument | Instrument for a camera device |
FBDeviceCameraLayout | Camera device layout |
FBDeviceCameraPacket | Camera device packet |
FBDeviceGlove | Base Glove class |
FBDeviceGlove::GloveChannel | Base GloveChannel |
FBDeviceInstrument | Instrument abstraction layer |
FBDeviceLayout | Device layout class |
FBDeviceNotifyInfo | Device Input and Output Notification information structure |
FBDeviceOptical | Optical device class |
FBDeviceOpticalLayout | Layout for optical device |
FBDeviceOpticalMarker | Device optical marker |
FBDeviceSync | Sync'ed device class |
FBDeviceSyncPacket | Sync'ed device packet |
FBEdit | Text edit box |
FBEditColor | Color edit widget |
FBEditNumber | Number edit box |
FBEditProperty | Property editor widget |
FBEditPropertyModern | Property editor widget |
FBEditTimeCode | |
FBEditVector | Vector edit widget |
FBEvaluateInfo | AnimationNodeNotify evaluation information |
FBEvaluateManager | |
FBEvent | Base Event class |
FBEventActivate | Activation event |
FBEventAnimationNode | The transform manipulator has begun doing modifications This event occurs every time a manipulator:
FBEventConnectionDataNotify | Connection notify event class |
FBEventConnectionNotify | Connection notify event class |
FBEventConnectionStateNotify | Connection notify event class |
FBEventDblClick | Input event class |
FBEventDragAndDrop | Drag and drop interface |
FBEventExpose | Event sent when a control needs to be displayed |
FBEventInput | Input event class |
FBEventMenu | Menu event |
FBEventResize | Event sent to a control that resizes |
FBEventSceneChange | Select model event class |
FBEventShow | Show event class |
FBEventSpread | Spreadsheet event |
FBEventTakeChange | Take change event class |
FBEventTransaction | Transaction event |
FBEventTree | FBTree node event |
FBEventTreeSelect | FBTree selection event |
FBEventVideoSwitcher | Video switcher callback event |
FBFbxObject | FBX file interface |
FBFbxOptions | Customize file loading and saving |
FBFCurve | FCurve class |
FBFCurveEditor | FCurve editor |
FBFCurveKey | KeyFrame for an FCurve |
FBFilePopup | File Popup (for open/save) |
FBFilter | Filters are used to modify motion capture data |
FBFilterManager | Filter manager |
FBFolder | Folder class |
FBFolderPopup | Folder Popup (for selecting a directory) |
FBGenericMenu | A GenericMenu class |
FBGenericMenuItem | FBGenericMenuItem This class stores data for a single menu item |
FBGeometry | Geometry class |
FBGlobalLight | Global light class |
FBGroup | Objects Grouping class |
FBHandle | FBHandle class |
FBImage | Image class |
FBImageContainer | Image |
FBJLCooper | JL Cooper interface class |
FBKeyControl | Key control |
FBKeyingGroup | KeyingGroup class |
FBLabel | Text label |
FBLayeredTexture | LayeredTexture class |
FBLayout | Used to build the user interface |
FBLayoutRegion | Layout region |
FBLibrary | Library class for DLL registration |
FBLibraryBase | Library class for DLL registration |
FBLight | Light class |
FBList | List of items |
FBManipulator | Manipulator class |
FBManipulatorLayout | Manipulator layout class |
FBManipulatorTransform | Manipulator class |
FBMarkerSet | Marker set class |
FBMaterial | Material class |
FBMatrix | Four x Four (double) Matrix |
FBMemo | Multi-line text input |
FBMenuItem | Menu Item |
FBMenuManager | The menu manager allows access to MotionBuilder menu bar |
FBMesh | Mesh class |
FBModel | Model class |
FBModelCube | Cube model class |
FBModelMarker | Model marker class |
FBModelMarkerOptical | Optical model marker class |
FBModelNull | Null object class |
FBModelOptical | Optical model class |
FBModelOpticalAdvanced | Advanced optical model information |
FBModelPath3D | Path 3D model class |
FBModelPlaceHolder | Wrapper around a specific instance of a FBModel object |
FBModelPlane | Plane model class |
FBModelRoot | Root object class |
FBModelSkeleton | Root object class |
FBModelTemplate | Model template class |
FBModelVertexData | |
FBMotionClip | Motion class |
FBMultiLangManager | Language manager |
FBNote | Note class |
FBNurbs | Nurbs class |
FBObjectPose | FBObjectPose class |
FBObjectPoseMirrorOptions | FBObjectPoseMirrorOptions class |
FBObjectPoseOptions | FBObjectPoseOptions class |
FBOpticalGap | Optical Gap class |
FBOpticalSegment | Optical segment class |
FBPatch | Patch class |
FBPhysicalProperties | Base class for physical properties attach to a model |
FBPickInfos | Picking information structure |
FBPlayerControl | Player control |
FBPlotOptions | Option parameters for plotting |
FBPlotPopup | Plot Popup (for setting options only) |
FBPlug | Connections Basic Open Reality SDK Element |
FBPointCacheFile | Base Model deformer class |
FBPointCacheManager | Point Cache Manager Interface to the point cache manager |
FBPopup | Popup window |
FBPose | Pose class |
FBProfiler | FBProfiler |
FBProfilerHelper | FBProfilerHelper |
FBProfileTaskCycle | FBProfileTaskCycle |
FBProfileTimeEvent | FBProfileTimeEvent |
FBProgress | Progress bar |
FBProperty | Property: Base property class |
FBPropertyAction | Property: Action Action property to trigger function |
FBPropertyAnimatable | Animatable property base class |
FBPropertyBase< tType, pPT > | |
FBPropertyBaseAnimatable< tType, pPT > | |
FBPropertyBaseAnimatableEnum< tType > | |
FBPropertyBaseComponent< tType > | |
FBPropertyBaseEnum< tType > | |
FBPropertyBaseList< tType > | |
FBPropertyBasicList | |
FBPropertyConnectionEditor | Property Connection Editor |
FBPropertyEvent | PropertyEvent: Base event class |
FBPropertyEventAnimationNode | PropertyEvent: UI idle event |
FBPropertyEventConnectionDataNotify | PropertyEvent: Global ConnectionDataNotify event |
FBPropertyEventConnectionNotify | PropertyEvent: Global ConnectionNotify event |
FBPropertyEventConnectionStateNotify | PropertyEvent: Global ConnectionStateNotify event |
FBPropertyEventUIIdle | PropertyEvent: UI idle event |
FBPropertyInspector | Property inspector class |
FBPropertyListActor | PropertyList: Actor |
FBPropertyListActorFace | PropertyList: Actor face |
FBPropertyListAnimationNode | List of animation nodes |
FBPropertyListAudioClip | List: AudioClip |
FBPropertyListAudioIn | List: AudioIn |
FBPropertyListAudioOut | List: AudioOut |
FBPropertyListBox | List: Box informations for constraint relation |
FBPropertyListCamera | PropertyList: Camera |
FBPropertyListCharacter | PropertyList: Character |
FBPropertyListCharacterExtension | Character extension property list |
FBPropertyListCharacterFace | PropertyList: Character face |
FBPropertyListCharacterPose | PropertyList: CharacterPose |
FBPropertyListCommPort | PropertyList: CommPort |
FBPropertyListComponent | PropertyList: Concrete class for PropertyList of component |
FBPropertyListComponentBase | PropertyList: Component |
FBPropertyListConsoleChannel | PropertyList: Data Channels |
FBPropertyListConstraint | PropertyList: Contraint |
FBPropertyListConstraintSolver | PropertyList: Contraint solver |
FBPropertyListControlSet | PropertyList: MarkerSet |
FBPropertyListDeck | PropertyList: Deck |
FBPropertyListDeformer | |
FBPropertyListDevice | PropertyList: Device |
FBPropertyListDeviceInstrument | List of instruments |
FBPropertyListDeviceOpticalMarker | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListFCurveKey | List of FCurveKey |
FBPropertyListFolder | PropertyList: Folder |
FBPropertyListGroup | List: Group |
FBPropertyListHandle | PropertyList: Handle |
FBPropertyListLight | PropertyList: Light |
FBPropertyListManipulator | PropertyList: Manipulator |
FBPropertyListMarkerSegment | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListMarkerSet | PropertyList: MarkerSet |
FBPropertyListMaterial | |
FBPropertyListModel | List: Model |
FBPropertyListModelMarkerOptical | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListModelTemplate | PropertyList: ModelTemplate |
FBPropertyListModelTemplateBinding | PropertyList: ModelTemplateBinding |
FBPropertyListMotionClip | List: MotionClip |
FBPropertyListNote | List: Note |
FBPropertyListObject | List of scene objects |
FBPropertyListObjectPose | PropertyList: ObjectPose |
FBPropertyListOpticalGap | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListOpticalSegment | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListPhysicalProperties | PropertyList: Physical properties |
FBPropertyListPivot | List: Story Clip pivot models |
FBPropertyListPose | List: Model |
FBPropertyListRigidBody | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListRigidBodyMarkers | PropertyList: Device optical marker |
FBPropertyListScene | PropertyList: Scene |
FBPropertyListSet | List: Set |
FBPropertyListShader | PropertyList: Shader |
FBPropertyListStoryClip | List: StoryClip |
FBPropertyListStoryDetails | List: Story track Details |
FBPropertyListStoryFolder | List: StoryFolder |
FBPropertyListStorySubTrack | List: StorySubTrack |
FBPropertyListStoryTrack | List: StoryTrack |
FBPropertyListTake | List: Take |
FBPropertyListTexture | |
FBPropertyListTrigger | PropertyList: Trigger |
FBPropertyListTriggerBranch | PropertyList: TriggerBranch |
FBPropertyListTriggerGroup | PropertyList: TriggerGroup |
FBPropertyListUserObject | PropertyList: UserObject |
FBPropertyListVideoClip | PropertyList: VideoClip |
FBPropertyListVideoIn | PropertyList: VideoIn |
FBPropertyListVideoOut | PropertyList: VideoOut |
FBPropertyManager | Property Manager |
FBPropertyString | Property class: char * (String) |
FBPropertyStringList | Property: StringList |
FBPython | |
FBPythonContext | |
FBReferenceTime | Reference time class |
FBRenderer | Open Reality renderer interface |
FBRenderOptions | |
FBRigidBody | Rigid body class |
FBScene | Access to the MotionBuilder scene |
FBScriptWrapper | This interface is used to bridge ORSDK and Python exposition |
FBScrollBox | Scroll Box |
FBSet | Objects Set class |
FBShader | Shader class |
FBShaderLayout | Shader layout class |
FBShaderLighted | Lighted shader class |
FBShaderManager | Shader manager |
FBShaderModelInfo | |
FBShaderShadowLive | Shader Shadow Live class |
FBSkeletonState | |
FBSlider | Slider |
FBSpread | Base spreadsheet class |
FBSpreadCell | Spreadsheet cell |
FBSpreadColumn | Spreadsheet column |
FBSpreadPart | Spreadsheet part |
FBSpreadRow | Spreadsheet row |
FBStory | Story Management class |
FBStoryClip | Story Clip class |
FBStoryFolder | Story Folder class |
FBStoryTrack | Story Track class |
FBString | Basic string class |
FBStringList | String list |
FBSurface | Surface class |
FBSVector | Three dimensional scaling vector |
FBSystem | Provides access to the underlying system, and the MotionBuilder scene |
FBTabPanel | Tab panel |
FBTake | A take is a container for animation in a scene |
FBTCPIP | TCP/IP class |
FBTexture | Texture class |
FBThermometer | Thermometer |
FBTime | Time data structure |
FBTimeCode | TimeCode data structure |
FBTimeSpan | TimeSpan class |
FBTimeWarpManager | Time Warp Manager Interface to the Time Warp Manager |
FBTool | Tool class |
FBTree | Tree list view |
FBTreeNode | A node in the tree view |
FBTrigger | |
FBTriggerBranch | |
FBTriggerGroup | |
FBTriggerManager | Trigger engine management |
FBUndo | Base Class for Custom Undoable Actions |
FBUndoManager | Access to global undo and redo functionality |
FBUserObject | |
FBVector2< tType > | Two dimensional vector (template) |
FBVector3< tType > | Three dimensional vector (template) |
FBVector4< tType > | Four dimensional vector (template) |
FBVideo | Video media class |
FBVideoClip | |
FBVideoClipImage | |
FBVideoCodecManager | Video Codec manager class |
FBVideoGrabber | Video Grabber class |
FBVideoGrabOptions | Video Grabbing Options structure |
FBVideoGrabStats | Video Grabbing Statistics structure |
FBVideoIn | Basic video input class, supporting webcam and DV device |
FBVideoMemory | Video media class |
FBVideoOut | Video media class |
FBVideoSwitcher | Video Switcher class |
FBView | Generic view |
FBViewerInfos | Scene information display |
FBViewingOptions | Viewing options for rendering |
FBVisualComponent | Visual Component base class |
FBVisualComponent::__Border | Border information structure |
FBVisualComponent::__Region | Region information structure |
FBVisualComponent::__Region::__AttachTo | Structure for attachment components |
FBVisualComponent::__Region::__AttachType | Structure for attachment types |
FBVisualComponent::__Region::__Pos | Structure for absolute positions |
FBVisualComponent::__Region::__Ratio | Structure for attachment ratio |
FBWidgetHolder | Native Widget Holder (can be used to embed QWidget on Qt) |
FBWrapperHolder | |
IObject |