Public Member Functions | Friends

FBPropertyManager Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: FBProperty - Object Properties.

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Detailed Description

Property Manager.

The property manager exists in all FBComponent objects, and contains an array of all the registered properties. These properties may be SDK properties, internal properties or both.

Definition at line 970 of file fbproperties.h.

#include <fbproperties.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBPropertyManager ()
  ~FBPropertyManager ()
int  Add (HFBProperty Property)
  Add a property to the property manager.
HFBProperty  operator[] (int pIndex)
  Overloaded [] operator.
int  GetCount ()
  Get the number of properties stored in property manager.
HFBProperty  Find (const char *pPropertyName, bool pMultilangLookup=true)
  Find a property, based on its name.
int  Remove (FBProperty *pProperty)
  Remove a property.
void  AddToCache (FBProperty *pProperty)
void  RemoveFromCache (KProperty *pProperty)
FBProperty FindInCache (KProperty *pProperty)


class  FBComponent
class  FBVisualComponent

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Function Documentation

int Add ( HFBProperty  Property )

Add a property to the property manager.

Property Handle to property to add.
Index in list where Property was added.
HFBProperty operator[] ( int  pIndex )

Overloaded [] operator.

Access the property at pIndex.

pIndex Index of property to access.
Property stored at pIndex.
int GetCount ( )

Get the number of properties stored in property manager.

Number of properties in manager.
HFBProperty Find ( const char *  pPropertyName,
bool  pMultilangLookup = true 

Find a property, based on its name.

pPropertyName Name of property to look for.
pMultilangLookup When searching, indicate if the name lookup should also be done on the property name as shown in the GUI. (default = true)
Handle to property found.
int Remove ( FBProperty pProperty )

Remove a property.

pProperty Property to remove.
Index where property was found.
void AddToCache ( FBProperty pProperty )

Add a property to PropertyCache.

pProperty Property to add to cache.
void RemoveFromCache ( KProperty *  pProperty )

Remove a property from PropertyCache.

pProperty Property to remove from cache.
FBProperty* FindInCache ( KProperty *  pProperty )

Find a property in PropertyCache.

pProperty Property to find.
Property from cache.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class FBComponent [friend]

Definition at line 1047 of file fbproperties.h.

friend class FBVisualComponent [friend]

Definition at line 1048 of file fbproperties.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager
FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager FBPropertyManager