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FBShaderLighted Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Lighted shader class.

This type of shader is the default type used by the application. It allows users to control luminosity, contrast and specularity as well as how the transparency is computed, should it be used.

There are two methods to create a FBShaderLighted object: using the FBShaderManager, or simply by instantiating a class object explicitely.

Please consult the application documentation for more infos on shader properties and their effects.
This class should not serve as a base class for another class.

Sample C++ code:

    // Creation of a lighted shader, and setting it to use
    // the constrast and specularity.
    HFBShaderLighted lShader = new FBShaderLighted( "New Shader" );

    lShader->UseContrast  = true;
    lShader->UseSpecular  = true;
    lShader->Specular     = 35.0;
    lShader->Transparency = kFBAlphaSourceTransluscentAlpha;

    // Use the shader.
    HFBModel lModel = FBFindModelByName( "Cube" );
    if( lModel )
        lShader->ReplaceAll( lModel );

    // Do some more things...

    // And then delete it when no longer necessary;

The following sample code does the same task, but in Python.

Sample Python code:

    from pyfbsdk import *

    # Creating the shader.
    lShader = FBShaderLighted( 'New Python Shader' )

    lShader.UseContrast  = True
    lShader.UseSpecular  = True
    lShader.Specular     = 35.0
    lShader.Transparency = FBAlphaSource.kFBAlphaSourceTransluscentAlpha

    lModel = FBFindModelByName( 'Cube' )
    if lModel:
        lShader.ReplaceAll( lModel )

Definition at line 574 of file fbshader.h.

#include <fbshader.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBShaderLighted:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBShaderLighted (const char *pName, HIObject pObject=NULL)

Public Attributes

FBPropertyBool  UseContrast
  Read Write Property: Activate the Contrast option.
FBPropertyDouble  Contrast
  Read Write Property: Changes the contrast of the object when it reflects light.
FBPropertyBool  UseLuminosity
  Read Write Property: Activate the Luminosity option.
FBPropertyDouble  Luminosity
  Read Write Property: Changes the brightness of the object when reflecting light.
FBPropertyBool  UseSpecular
  Read Write Property: Activate the Specularity option.
FBPropertyDouble  Specular
  Read Write Property: Changes an object's level of shininess when it reflects light by affecting the specular highlight.
FBPropertyAlphaSource  Transparency
  Read Write Property: Indicates the computation method of the transparency.
FBPropertyAnimatableDouble  Alpha
  Read Write Property: Controls the actual effect of the shader on the object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBShaderLighted ( const char *  pName,
HIObject  pObject = NULL 


pName Name of shader.
pObject Internal parent object to own shader(default=NULL).

Member Data Documentation

Read Write Property: Activate the Contrast option.

Definition at line 586 of file fbshader.h.

Read Write Property: Changes the contrast of the object when it reflects light.

Definition at line 587 of file fbshader.h.

Read Write Property: Activate the Luminosity option.

Definition at line 589 of file fbshader.h.

Read Write Property: Changes the brightness of the object when reflecting light.

Definition at line 590 of file fbshader.h.

Read Write Property: Activate the Specularity option.

Definition at line 592 of file fbshader.h.

Read Write Property: Changes an object's level of shininess when it reflects light by affecting the specular highlight.

Definition at line 593 of file fbshader.h.

FBPropertyAlphaSource Transparency

Read Write Property: Indicates the computation method of the transparency.

Definition at line 595 of file fbshader.h.

Read Write Property: Controls the actual effect of the shader on the object.

At 0.0 it does nothing, and at 1.0 it fully affects the object.

Definition at line 596 of file fbshader.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted
FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted FBShaderLighted