Public Member Functions

FBScriptWrapper Class Reference

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Detailed Description

This interface is used to bridge ORSDK and Python exposition.

It allows each FBObject to notify its wrapper about its destruction. It also allows a Python Exposition code to know if a particular FBObject is already wrapped.

Definition at line 69 of file fbscriptwrapper.h.

#include <fbscriptwrapper.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void  ContentDestroy ()=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual void ContentDestroy ( ) [pure virtual]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper
FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper FBScriptWrapper