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FBPointCacheManager Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Point Cache Manager Interface to the point cache manager.

Definition at line 943 of file fbsystem.h.

#include <fbsystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBPointCacheManager:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static FBPointCacheManager TheOne ()
  Get the global object for this class.

Public Attributes

FBPropertyListObject  Models
  Read Write Property: Models to be recorded
FBPropertyBool  ApplyGlobalTransform
  Read Write Property: Include no-deformable models and the global transform to Vertex Cache when true.
FBPropertyAction  SetTransformReference
  Action Property: Set the model's current transformation as the reference.
FBPropertyBool  ApplyCacheOnNewModel
  Read Write Property: Duplicated the cached models, and assoicated the point cache to the new models.
FBPropertyModel  NewModelRoot
  Read Write Property: Valid only when ApplyCacheOnNewModel is on.
FBPropertyBool  AllowCacheResampling
  Read Write Property: Allow the resample models's existing point cache deformation when true.
FBPropertyBool  AlwaysAskForPath
  Read Write Property: Always ask for the point cache file save path when true.
FBPropertyString  DefaultPath
  Read Write Property: Default point cache file save path.
FBPropertyBool  CacheNormal
  Read Write Property: Cache normal when true.
FBPropertyBool  CacheAABBox
  Read Write Property: Cache AABBox (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) when true.
FBPropertyBool  CreateMultiChannelCache
  Read Write Property: Create a single multiple channel point cache file for all models when true.
FBPropertyBool  CreateFilePerFrameCache
  Read Write Property: Create the point cache file for each frame when true.
FBPropertyInt  SaveEveryFrame
  Read Write Property: Recording Frequency.

Member Function Documentation

static FBPointCacheManager& TheOne ( ) [static]

Get the global object for this class.

the global object.

Member Data Documentation

Read Write Property: Models to be recorded

Definition at line 954 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Include no-deformable models and the global transform to Vertex Cache when true.

Definition at line 956 of file fbsystem.h.

Action Property: Set the model's current transformation as the reference.

Definition at line 957 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Duplicated the cached models, and assoicated the point cache to the new models.

Definition at line 959 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyModel NewModelRoot

Read Write Property: Valid only when ApplyCacheOnNewModel is on.

Create New Models under NewModelRoot. otherwise, a NULL model will be created.

Definition at line 960 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Allow the resample models's existing point cache deformation when true.

Definition at line 962 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Always ask for the point cache file save path when true.

Definition at line 963 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Default point cache file save path.

Definition at line 964 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Cache normal when true.

Definition at line 965 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Cache AABBox (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) when true.

Definition at line 966 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Create a single multiple channel point cache file for all models when true.

Definition at line 967 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Create the point cache file for each frame when true.

Definition at line 968 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Recording Frequency.

Definition at line 969 of file fbsystem.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager
FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager FBPointCacheManager