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FBFilterManager Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Filter manager.

This class provides list of all available filter types and a factory method in order to create an instance of the desired filter type.

This manager will list both built-in and plug-in filters.

See the class FBFilter for more details.

Filter type names are not localised, and are the same as presented in the GUI.

The following sample code shows how to use C++ or Python to create an instance of the orfilter_template filter and set one of its property. For the sample code to work, the plugin must have been compiled and copied in the plugins folder prior to the application startup.

Sample C++ code:

    // Create a filter of a known type. In this case the sample filter
    // provided with the samples: orfilter_template.

    FBFilterManager lFilterManager;

    HFBFilter lFilter = lFilterManager.CreateFilter( "OR - Filter Template" );

    // Set one of the filter property:
    FBPropertyDouble* lPropDouble = (FBPropertyDouble*)lFilter->PropertyList.Find( "Test Double" );
    if( lPropDouble )
        (*lPropDouble) = 2.0;

    // Now we can apply the filter on an FCurve.
    // ...

    // And when we are done, destroy it.
    lFilter = NULL;

Sample Python code:

    from pyfbsdk import *

    # Create a filter of a known type. In this case the sample filter
    # provided with the samples: orfilter_template.

    lFilterManager = FBFilterManager()

    lFilter = lFilterManager.CreateFilter( 'OR - Filter Template' );

    # Set one of the filter property:
    lPropDouble = lFilter.PropertyList.Find( 'Test Double' );
    if lPropDouble: lPropDouble.Data = 2.0

    # Now we can apply the filter on an FCurve.
    # ...

    # And when we are done, destroy it.

Definition at line 195 of file fbfilter.h.

#include <fbfilter.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBFilterManager ()
  ~FBFilterManager ()
HFBFilter  CreateFilter (const char *pFilterTypeName)
  Create a filter instance according to the filter type requested.

Public Attributes

FBStringList  FilterTypeNames
  List of available filters.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



The destructor is non-virtual, meaning that this class is not meant to be used as a base class.

Member Function Documentation

HFBFilter CreateFilter ( const char *  pFilterTypeName )

Create a filter instance according to the filter type requested.

pFilterTypeName String describing the type of the desired filter, as obtained from list FilterTypeNames.
A pointer to a filter instance, or a NULL if the type name was invalid.

Member Data Documentation

List of available filters.

This list does provide the complete list of available filters, both system defined and user defined.

This list should not be modified. Changes to its value will not affect the shaders supported.

Definition at line 235 of file fbfilter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager
FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager FBFilterManager