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FBStoryTrack Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Story Track class.

Tracks are containers for clips (medias), have a specific type which offer different functions.

Definition at line 445 of file fbstory.h.

#include <fbstory.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBStoryTrack:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBStoryTrack (FBStoryTrackType pTrackType, HFBStoryFolder pFolder=NULL, HIObject pObject=NULL)
  FBStoryTrack (HFBComponent pSource, HFBStoryFolder pFolder=NULL, HIObject pObject=NULL)
virtual void  FBDelete ()
  Virtual FBDelete function.
void  ChangeDetailsBegin ()
void  ChangeDetailsEnd ()
FBStoryClip CopyTakeIntoTrack (FBTimeSpan &pTimeSpan, FBTake *pTake, FBTime pOutputOffset=0, bool pMakeUndoable=false)
  CopyTakeIntoTrack Copy animation from the specified take for affected objects of the track.
void  EnableBodyPart (FBStoryTrackBodyPart pPart, bool pEnable)
bool  IsBodyPartEnabled (FBStoryTrackBodyPart pPart)
void  AddClip (HFBComponent pClip, FBTime pTime)
  AddClip Add the clip to the track.

Public Attributes

FBPropertyStoryTrackType  Type
  Read Only Property: Type of the track
FBPropertyString  Label
  Read Write Property: Label to display for this story track.
FBPropertyBool  Mute
  Read Write Property: If true, this track wont' play.
FBPropertyBool  Solo
  Read Write Property: If true, this track will be the only one to play.
FBPropertyStoryFolder  ParentFolder
  Read Only Property: Parent folder.
FBPropertyStoryTrack  ParentTrack
  Read Only Property: Parent track, if the track is of Character or Animation type.
FBPropertyListStorySubTrack  SubTracks
  List: Only Character and Animation tracks can have sub-tracks.
FBPropertyListStoryClip  Clips
  List: Clips contained in this track.
FBPropertyListStoryDetails  Details
  List: All objects associated to this track for processing.
FBPropertyAnimatableDouble  Weight
  Read Write Property: Control the blend amount.
FBPropertyBool  Ghost
  Read Write Property: Show ghosts
FBPropertyBool  GhostModel
  Read Write Property: Show ghost of models
FBPropertyBool  GhostTravelling
  Read Write Property: Show ghost of clip vector or traveling node
FBPropertyBool  GhostPivot
  Read Write Property: Show ghost of match object
FBPropertyBool  AcceptKey
  Read Write Property: Allow track to accept keys
FBPropertyStoryTrackRefMode  ReferenceMode
  Read Write Property: Track composition mode, kFBStoryTrackOverride or kFBStoryTrackAdditive
FBPropertyBool  OffsetEnable
  Read Write Property: When enabled, allow clip to be offset
FBPropertyBool  PassThrough
  Read Write Property: Enable passthrough of animation if there is no clip on track animation is taken from other tracks of take
FBPropertyCharacter  Character
  Read Write Property: Character to use.
FBPropertyInt  CharacterIndex
  Read Write Property: Character's index to use.
FBPropertyBool  ShowBackplate
  Read Write Property: If true, the backplate will be shown.
FBPropertyBool  ShowFrontplate
  Read Write Property: If true, the frontplate will be shown.
FBPropertyInt  AudioOutIndex
  Read Write Property: Audio Output's index to use.
FBPropertyVideo  TrackVideo
  Read Only Property: This FBVideo can be used as a texture.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBStoryTrack ( FBStoryTrackType  pTrackType,
HFBStoryFolder  pFolder = NULL,
HIObject  pObject = NULL 


pTrackType Type of the track to be created.
pFolder If NULL, parent will be the global root folder.
pObject For internal use only.
FBStoryTrack ( HFBComponent  pSource,
HFBStoryFolder  pFolder = NULL,
HIObject  pObject = NULL 


pSource Source of the track to be created based on media component type.
pFolder If NULL, parent will be the global root folder.
pObject For internal use only.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void FBDelete ( ) [virtual]

Virtual FBDelete function.

Reimplemented from FBComponent.

void ChangeDetailsBegin ( )


You must call this function before adding/removing any object to the Details list or it won't work.

void ChangeDetailsEnd ( )


You must call this function after adding/removing any object to the Details list or it won't work.

FBStoryClip* CopyTakeIntoTrack ( FBTimeSpan pTimeSpan,
FBTake pTake,
FBTime  pOutputOffset = 0,
bool  pMakeUndoable = false 

CopyTakeIntoTrack Copy animation from the specified take for affected objects of the track.

pTimeSpan Time span for the clip to create.
pTake Take to get the animation from.
pOutputOffset Time offset for the clip if necessary.
pMakeUndoable If the operation should be undoable.
Created story clip if the operation succeeded otherwize NULL.
void EnableBodyPart ( FBStoryTrackBodyPart  pPart,
bool  pEnable 


pPart Which part to enable/disable.
pEnable If True, this will enable the body part solving while false will disable it. Enable a specific body part for character solving.
bool IsBodyPartEnabled ( FBStoryTrackBodyPart  pPart )


Is a specific body part is enabled.

void AddClip ( HFBComponent  pClip,
FBTime  pTime 

AddClip Add the clip to the track.

Member Data Documentation

FBPropertyStoryTrackType Type

Read Only Property: Type of the track

Definition at line 509 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Label to display for this story track.

Definition at line 510 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: If true, this track wont' play.

Definition at line 511 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: If true, this track will be the only one to play.

Definition at line 512 of file fbstory.h.

FBPropertyStoryFolder ParentFolder

Read Only Property: Parent folder.

Definition at line 513 of file fbstory.h.

FBPropertyStoryTrack ParentTrack

Read Only Property: Parent track, if the track is of Character or Animation type.

Definition at line 514 of file fbstory.h.

List: Only Character and Animation tracks can have sub-tracks.

Definition at line 515 of file fbstory.h.

List: Clips contained in this track.

Definition at line 516 of file fbstory.h.

List: All objects associated to this track for processing.

Definition at line 517 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Control the blend amount.

Reimplemented from FBConstraint.

Definition at line 520 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Show ghosts

Definition at line 523 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Show ghost of models

Definition at line 524 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Show ghost of clip vector or traveling node

Definition at line 525 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Show ghost of match object

Definition at line 526 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Allow track to accept keys

Definition at line 527 of file fbstory.h.

FBPropertyStoryTrackRefMode ReferenceMode

Read Write Property: Track composition mode, kFBStoryTrackOverride or kFBStoryTrackAdditive

Definition at line 528 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: When enabled, allow clip to be offset

Definition at line 529 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Enable passthrough of animation if there is no clip on track animation is taken from other tracks of take

Definition at line 530 of file fbstory.h.

FBPropertyCharacter Character

Read Write Property: Character to use.

Definition at line 533 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Character's index to use.

Definition at line 534 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: If true, the backplate will be shown.

Definition at line 537 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: If true, the frontplate will be shown.

Definition at line 538 of file fbstory.h.

Read Write Property: Audio Output's index to use.

Definition at line 541 of file fbstory.h.

FBPropertyVideo TrackVideo

Read Only Property: This FBVideo can be used as a texture.

Definition at line 544 of file fbstory.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack
FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack FBStoryTrack