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FBSystem Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Your First Python Program, Object Model, FBSystem - The System Class, FBScene - The Scene Class.

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Detailed Description

Provides access to the underlying system, and the MotionBuilder scene.

Use this class to access system properties such as the computer name, the system time, and the MotionBuilder application version.

It is also used to get access to the scene (FBScene) and the current take (FBTake), as in the following Python snippet:

    myScene = FBSystem().Scene
    for take in myScene.Takes:
    print take.Name

The Python sample shows how to register a callback to FBSystem.

Definition at line 144 of file fbsystem.h.

#include <fbsystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBSystem:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBSystem ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool  LibraryLoad (char *pPath)
  Load a library (DLL) into memory.
static void *  LibraryGetProcAddress (char *pPath, char *pFunctionName)
  Get the the address of a function in a specified library.
static bool  LibraryFree (char *pPath)
  Free a library (DLL) from memory.
static FBSystem TheOne ()
  Get the global FBSystem object.

Public Attributes

FBPropertyString  ApplicationPath
  Read Only Property: Location where the application is installed.
FBPropertyEventUIIdle  OnUIIdle
  Event: User-interface idle.
FBPropertyEventConnectionNotify  OnConnectionNotify
  Event: A connection event occured between objects in the system.
FBPropertyEventConnectionDataNotify  OnConnectionDataNotify
  Event: A data event occured between objects in the system.
FBPropertyEventConnectionStateNotify  OnConnectionStateNotify
  Event: A state change event occured between objects in the system.
FBPropertyString  ComputerName
  Read Only Property: Computer name.
FBPropertyDouble  Version
  Read Only Property: Application version.
FBPropertyString  BuildId
  Read Only Property: Unique build Id String.
FBPropertyTime  SystemTime
  Read Only Property: System time.
FBPropertyTime  LocalTime
  Read Only Property: Local time in take.
FBPropertyTake  CurrentTake
  Read Write Property: Current take.
FBPropertyScene  Scene
  Read Only Property: Scene.
FBPropertyModel  SceneRootModel
  Read Only Property: Scene root model.
FBPropertyModel  RootModel
  Read Only Property: Root model.
FBPropertyString  PathImages
  Read Only Property: Path to images.
FBPropertyString  PathMeshs
  Read Only Property: Path to meshes
FBPropertyListAudioIn  AudioInputs
  List: Available audio inputs.
FBPropertyListAudioOut  AudioOutputs
  List: Available audio outputs.
FBPropertyListVideoIn  VideoInputs
  List: Available video inputs.
FBPropertyListVideoOut  VideoOutputs
  List: Available video outputs.
FBPropertyListCommPort  CommPorts
  List: Comm Ports available.
FBPropertyRenderer  Renderer
  Read Only Property: Default renderer.
FBPropertyDouble  FrameRate
  Read Only Property: The frame rate of the viewer.
FBPropertyDouble  ProcessMemory
  Read Only Property: The size (MB) of process's working set memory.
FBPropertyDouble  ProcessMemoryPeak
  Read Only Property: The size (MB) of process's peak memory.
FBPropertyVector2d  DesktopSize
  Read Only Property: The width and height of the desktop.
FBPropertyBool  FullScreenViewer
  Read Write Property: Indicates that the viewer is in full screen mode.
FBPropertyAssetMng  AssetManager
  Read Only Property: Current asset manager.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBSystem ( )


Member Function Documentation

static bool LibraryLoad ( char *  pPath ) [static]

Load a library (DLL) into memory.

pPath Library path.
true if successful.
static void* LibraryGetProcAddress ( char *  pPath,
char *  pFunctionName 
) [static]

Get the the address of a function in a specified library.

pPath Library path.
pFunctionName Function name.
true if successful.
static bool LibraryFree ( char *  pPath ) [static]

Free a library (DLL) from memory.

pPath Library path.
true if successful.
static FBSystem& TheOne ( ) [static]

Get the global FBSystem object.

the global object.

Member Data Documentation

Read Only Property: Location where the application is installed.

Definition at line 151 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: User-interface idle.

Definition at line 152 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A connection event occured between objects in the system.

Definition at line 153 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A data event occured between objects in the system.

Definition at line 154 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A state change event occured between objects in the system.

Definition at line 155 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: Computer name.

Definition at line 157 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: Application version.

Definition at line 158 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: Unique build Id String.

Definition at line 159 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: System time.

Definition at line 162 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: Local time in take.

Definition at line 163 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyTake CurrentTake

Read Write Property: Current take.

Definition at line 164 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyScene Scene

Read Only Property: Scene.

Definition at line 166 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyModel SceneRootModel

Read Only Property: Scene root model.

Definition at line 168 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyModel RootModel

Read Only Property: Root model.

Definition at line 169 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: Path to images.

Definition at line 170 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: Path to meshes

Definition at line 171 of file fbsystem.h.

List: Available audio inputs.

Definition at line 174 of file fbsystem.h.

List: Available audio outputs.

Definition at line 175 of file fbsystem.h.

List: Available video inputs.

Definition at line 179 of file fbsystem.h.

List: Available video outputs.

Definition at line 180 of file fbsystem.h.

List: Comm Ports available.

Definition at line 183 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyRenderer Renderer

Read Only Property: Default renderer.

Definition at line 184 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: The frame rate of the viewer.

Definition at line 186 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: The size (MB) of process's working set memory.

Definition at line 187 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: The size (MB) of process's peak memory.

Definition at line 188 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Only Property: The width and height of the desktop.

Definition at line 189 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Indicates that the viewer is in full screen mode.

Definition at line 190 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyAssetMng AssetManager

Read Only Property: Current asset manager.

Definition at line 193 of file fbsystem.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem
FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem FBSystem