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FBTree Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Tree list view.

Definition at line 1777 of file fbcontrols.h.

#include <fbcontrols.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBTree:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FBTree ()
HFBTreeNode GetRoot ()
 Get the root node.
void Clear ()
 Clear the tree (remove all nodes).
HFBTreeNode InsertLast (HFBTreeNode pNode, char *pName)
 Insert node at the end.

Public Attributes

FBPropertyEvent OnSelect
 Event: A node was selected.
FBPropertyEvent OnClick
 Event: Click on a node of the tree.
FBPropertyEvent OnClickCheck
 Event: Click on a node checkbox of the tree.
FBPropertyEvent OnDblClick
 Event: Double-Click on a node of the tree.
FBPropertyEvent OnDeselect
 Event: Deselection on a node of the tree.
FBPropertyEvent OnExpanded
 Event: Click on the "+" sign before a non-leaf node
FBPropertyEvent OnExpanding
 Event: Is fired before the node expand.
FBPropertyEvent OnCollapsed
 Event: Click on the "-" sign before a non-leaf node.
FBPropertyEvent OnCollapsing
 Event: Fired before the node collapse.
FBPropertyEvent OnChange
 Event: Change of the selection.
FBPropertyEvent OnDragAndDrop
 Event: Drag and drop of an element.
FBPropertyEvent OnEditNode
 Event: Called upon node edition.
FBPropertyInt SelectedCount
 Read Only Property: Count of selected items.
FBPropertyInt VisibleItemCount
 Read Only Property: Count of visible items.
FBPropertyBool AllowExpansion
 Read Write Property: When OnExpanding occurs, set this to true to allow expansion.
FBPropertyBool AllowCollapse
 Read Write Property: When OnCollapsing occurs, set this to true to allow collapse.
FBPropertyBool MultiDrag
 Read Write Property: Tells whether multiple drag/drop is allowed or not.
FBPropertyBool AutoScroll
 Read Write Property: If AutoScroll property is True then the tree window will be automatically scrolled when the user drags item(s) over the boundaries of the tree.
FBPropertyInt Indent
 Read Write Property: Use Indent to determine how far child nodes are indented from their parent nodes when the parent is expanded.
FBPropertyBool CheckBoxes
 Read Write Property: Draw check boxe for each node.
FBPropertyBool ShowLines
 Read Write Property: On node selection, will draw entire line selected
FBPropertyInt ItemHeight
 Read Write Property: Height of an item.
FBPropertyBool MultiSelect
 Read Write Property: Tells whether multiple selection is allowed or not.
FBPropertyBool EditNodeOn2Select
 Read Write Property: Set to true, to allow automatic node editing on second select.
FBPropertyInt TreeHeight
 Read Only Property: Height of the tree.
FBPropertyInt TreeWidth
 Read Only Property: Width of the tree.
FBPropertyBool SelectionActive
 Read Write Property: Tells whether selection is allowed or not.
FBPropertyBool DeselectOnCollapse
 Read Write Property: Tells whether node are deselected if parent node is collapsed.
FBPropertyBool NoSelectOnDrag
 Read Write Property: Tells whether node are selected if drag is start and node is not already selected.
FBPropertyBool NoSelectOnRightClick
 Read Write Property: Tells whether node are selected if right click on node.
FBPropertyBool HighlightOnRightClick
 Read Write Property: Hightlight node on right click.
FBPropertyBool AutoScrollOnExpand
 Read Write Property: Allow automatic scroll on expand, default is true.
FBPropertyBool AutoExpandOnDragOver
 Read Write Property: Allow automatic expand on drag over, default is false.
FBPropertyBool AutoExpandOnDblClick
 Read Write Property: Allow automatic expand on double click, default is false.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBTree ( )


Member Function Documentation

HFBTreeNode GetRoot ( )

Get the root node.

the root node of the tree.
void Clear ( )

Clear the tree (remove all nodes).

HFBTreeNode InsertLast ( HFBTreeNode  pNode,
char *  pName 

Insert node at the end.

pNodeNode under which the new node will appear.
pNameText to display for this node.
the newly created node.

Member Data Documentation

Event: A node was selected.

Use FBEventTreeSelect to cast event.

Definition at line 1800 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Click on a node of the tree.

Use OnSelect.

Definition at line 1802 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Click on a node checkbox of the tree.

Definition at line 1803 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Double-Click on a node of the tree.

Use FBEventTreeSelect to cast event.

Definition at line 1804 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Deselection on a node of the tree.

Definition at line 1805 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Click on the "+" sign before a non-leaf node

Definition at line 1806 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Is fired before the node expand.

To refuse expanding set AllowExpansion to false.

Definition at line 1807 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Click on the "-" sign before a non-leaf node.

Definition at line 1808 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Fired before the node collapse.

To refuse collapsing, set AllowCollapse to false.

Definition at line 1809 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Change of the selection.

Definition at line 1810 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Drag and drop of an element.

Definition at line 1811 of file fbcontrols.h.

Event: Called upon node edition.

Definition at line 1812 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Only Property: Count of selected items.

Definition at line 1814 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Only Property: Count of visible items.

Definition at line 1815 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: When OnExpanding occurs, set this to true to allow expansion.

Definition at line 1816 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: When OnCollapsing occurs, set this to true to allow collapse.

Definition at line 1817 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Tells whether multiple drag/drop is allowed or not.

Definition at line 1818 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: If AutoScroll property is True then the tree window will be automatically scrolled when the user drags item(s) over the boundaries of the tree.

Definition at line 1819 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Use Indent to determine how far child nodes are indented from their parent nodes when the parent is expanded.

Definition at line 1820 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Draw check boxe for each node.

Definition at line 1821 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: On node selection, will draw entire line selected

Definition at line 1822 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Height of an item.

Definition at line 1823 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Tells whether multiple selection is allowed or not.

Definition at line 1824 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Set to true, to allow automatic node editing on second select.

Definition at line 1825 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Only Property: Height of the tree.

Definition at line 1826 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Only Property: Width of the tree.

Definition at line 1827 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Tells whether selection is allowed or not.

Definition at line 1828 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Tells whether node are deselected if parent node is collapsed.

Definition at line 1829 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Tells whether node are selected if drag is start and node is not already selected.

Definition at line 1830 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Tells whether node are selected if right click on node.

Definition at line 1831 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Hightlight node on right click.

Definition at line 1832 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Allow automatic scroll on expand, default is true.

Definition at line 1833 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Allow automatic expand on drag over, default is false.

Definition at line 1834 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Allow automatic expand on double click, default is false.

Definition at line 1835 of file fbcontrols.h.

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FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree
FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree FBTree