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FBConstraintRelation Class Reference

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Detailed Description

ConstraintRelation class.

This class exposes the relation constraint and allows addition of new boxes and removal of existing ones.

Definition at line 453 of file fbconstraint.h.

#include <fbconstraint.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBConstraintRelation:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBConstraintRelation (char *pName, HIObject pObject=NULL)
  IObject_Declare (Implementation)
HFBBox  SetAsSource (HFBBox pSource)
  Create a sender box.
HFBBox  ConstrainObject (HFBBox pConstrainedObject)
  Create a receiver box.
HFBBox  CreateFunctionBox (char *pGroup, char *pName)
  Create a function box.
bool  GetBoxPosition (HFBBox pBox, int &pX, int &pY)
  Get a box position in the GUI.
bool  SetBoxPosition (HFBBox pBox, int pX, int pY)
  Set a box position in the GUI.

Public Attributes

FBPropertyListBox  Boxes
  List: Boxes used in this constraint.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBConstraintRelation ( char *  pName,
HIObject  pObject = NULL 


pName Name of constraint.
pObject For internal use only (default is NULL).

Member Function Documentation

IObject_Declare ( Implementation  )
HFBBox SetAsSource ( HFBBox  pSource )

Create a sender box.

Use an existing FBBox object to create a sender in the relation.

pSource Source box to insert in the constraint.
A place holder box for the object.
HFBBox ConstrainObject ( HFBBox  pConstrainedObject )

Create a receiver box.

Use an existing FBBox object to create a receiver in the relation.

pConstrainedObject Destination box to insert in the constraint.
A place holder box for the object.
HFBBox CreateFunctionBox ( char *  pGroup,
char *  pName 

Create a function box.

Ask the constraint to create new function box.

pGroup Name of the group under which the function is located in the Constraint Relation GUI (case-sensitive!).
pName Name of the function, as seen in the GUI (case-sensitive!).
The newly created function box, or NULL if the name/group combination was invalid.
bool GetBoxPosition ( HFBBox  pBox,
int &  pX,
int &  pY 

Get a box position in the GUI.

Get the position of a box within the constraint layout view.

pBox Box from which the information will be queryed.
pX X position.
pY Y position.
A boolean value indicating success (True) or failure (False).
Should the function return False, the X and Y values will not be set.
bool SetBoxPosition ( HFBBox  pBox,
int  pX,
int  pY 

Set a box position in the GUI.

Set the position of a box within the constraint layout view.

pBox Box which needs to be moved.
pX New X position.
pY New Y position.
A boolean value indicating success (True) or failure (False).

Member Data Documentation

List: Boxes used in this constraint.

Definition at line 505 of file fbconstraint.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation
FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation FBConstraintRelation