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FBEditProperty Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Property editor widget.

This widget allows users to edit the values of a property without having to manually customize the GUI depending on the type of the property being edited.

SDK objects can have three types of properties:

Another limitation of this widget is that it can only display non hidden internal properties. To get around this issue, the property flag can be changed to unhide it. Doing so will also cause the property to be visible via the property tool.

       // In a tool header file...
       FBEditProperty mEditProperty;

       // In a tool source file...
       HFBModel lModel = FBFindModelByName( "ModelName" );
       if( lModel )
           HFBProperty lProperty = lModel->PropertyList.Find( "RotationOrder" );
           if( lProperty &&
               lProperty->IsInternal() &&
               !lProperty->GetPropertyFlag( kFBPropertyFlagHideProperty ))
               mEditProperty.Property = lProperty;

Definition at line 2187 of file fbcontrols.h.

#include <fbcontrols.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBEditProperty:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBEditProperty ()

Public Attributes

FBPropertyReference  Property
  Read Write Property: Property to edit.
FBPropertyDouble  SliderMin
  Read Write Property: Should the property be editable using a slider, set the minimum value atainable with the slider.
FBPropertyDouble  SliderMax
  Read Write Property: Should the property be editable using a slider, set the maximum value atainable with the slider.
FBPropertyDouble  SmallInc
  Read Write Property: Indicate the small increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually right-click-dragging)
FBPropertyDouble  LargeInc
  Read Write Property: Indicate the large increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually left-click-dragging)
FBPropertyDouble  Precision
  Read Write Property: Used to specify the width and precision of the value shown.
FBPropertyInt  CaptionSize
  Read Write Property: Indicate how much width should the Property Editor reserve for displaying the property name.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Member Data Documentation

Read Write Property: Property to edit.

Set to NULL to disable.

Definition at line 2193 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Should the property be editable using a slider, set the minimum value atainable with the slider.

Definition at line 2195 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Should the property be editable using a slider, set the maximum value atainable with the slider.

Definition at line 2196 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Indicate the small increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually right-click-dragging)

Definition at line 2197 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Indicate the large increment applied when click-draging on the property value (usually left-click-dragging)

Definition at line 2198 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Used to specify the width and precision of the value shown.

A value of 7.2 indicates to show at minimum 7 numbers, with 2 decimals.

Definition at line 2199 of file fbcontrols.h.

Read Write Property: Indicate how much width should the Property Editor reserve for displaying the property name.

Definition at line 2200 of file fbcontrols.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty
FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty FBEditProperty