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FBApplication Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Running Python Programs, Your First Python Program, Object Model, FBSystem - The System Class, FBApplication - File I/O and Application Utilities, File Input and Output, Saving to a File, Loading from a File, File Options, File Events, FBScene - The Scene Class, FBPose - Poses.

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Detailed Description

FBApplication is used mainly to manage files.

It provides functionality like that in the MotionBuilder file menu, for example, open file, save file.

Note that event registration is instanced-based. When an FBApplication object is destroyed, all the event callbacks are unregistered. If you want to have a tool to be notified of events, it needs to have a FBApplication data member.

From MotionBuilder 2011 the following functions are deprecated:

Definition at line 431 of file fbsystem.h.

#include <fbsystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBApplication:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBApplication (HIObject pObject=NULL)
bool  Minimize (bool pBlocking=true)
  Minimize window.
bool  Maximize ()
  Maximize window (minimized).
bool  FileNew ()
  Command FILE->NEW in the menus.
bool  FileOpen (char *pFilename, bool pShowOptions=false, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
  Open a file, replacing the current scene.
bool  FileOpen (void *pBuffer, kULong pBufferLength)
bool  GetMaxFrameCount (void *pMemAddr, kULong pSize, kLong *pFrameCount, int pTimeScale)
bool  FileMerge (char *pFilename, bool pShowOptions=false, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
  Merge a file with the current scene.
bool  FileAppend (char *pFilename, bool pShowOptions=false, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
  Append a file to the current scene.
bool  FileSave (char *pFilename=NULL, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
  Save the file under another name.
void  FileExit (bool pSave=false)
  Quit application.
bool  FileImport (FBString pFilename, bool pMatchModels=false)
  Import a motion file.
bool  FileExport (FBString pFilename)
  Export a motion file.
FBBatchStatus  FileBatch (HFBBatchOptions pBatchOptions, HFBPlotOptions pPlotOptions=NULL)
  Start a batch.
bool  FileImportBatch (char *pName, HFBBatchOptions pBatchOptions, HFBModel pReference)
  Import a motion file using batch options.
bool  FileExportBatch (char *pName, HFBTake pTake, HFBBatchOptions pBatchOptions, FBModelList &pExportModels)
  Export a motion file using batch options.
bool  SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation (char *pFileName, HFBCharacter pCharacter, HFBFbxOptions pFbxOptions)
  Save the rig and its animation in a file.
bool  LoadAnimationOnCharacter (char *pFileName, HFBCharacter pCharacter, HFBFbxOptions pFbxOptions, HFBPlotOptions pPlotOptions)
  Load a rig and its animation from a file.
bool  IsValidBatchFile (char *pFilename)
  Verify motion file readability.
void  FileRender (HFBVideoGrabOptions pRenderOptions=NULL)
  Render current scene to media file.
bool  ExecuteScript (FBString pFilename)
  Execute a python script file.
void  SwitchViewerCamera (FBCamera &pCamera)
  Switch the current viewer's camera.
K_DEPRECATED bool  FBXFileOpen (char *pFilename, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
K_DEPRECATED bool  FBXFileMerge (char *pFilename, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
K_DEPRECATED bool  FBXFileAppend (char *pFilename, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)
K_DEPRECATED bool  FBXFileSave (char *pFilename=NULL, FBFbxOptions *pOptions=NULL)

Static Public Member Functions

static FBApplication TheOne ()
  Get the global object for this class.

Public Attributes

FBPropertyEvent  OnFileNewCompleted
  Event: A File New has been completed.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileNew
  Event: A File New has been requested, nothing has been destroyed yet.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileOpenCompleted
  Event: A File Open has been completed.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileOpen
  Event: A File Open has been requested, nothing has been loaded yet.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileMerge
  Event: A File Merge has been requested, nothing has been loaded yet.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileSaveCompleted
  Event: A File Save has been completed.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileSave
  Event: A File Save has been requested, nothing has been saved yet.
FBPropertyEvent  OnFileExit
  Event: A File Exit as been requested, nothing has been destroyed yet.
FBPropertyString  FBXFileName
  Read Write Property: Current scene filename.
FBPropertyActor  CurrentActor
  Read Write Property: Indicate the current actor, as used by the character tool.
FBPropertyCharacter  CurrentCharacter
  Read Write Property: Indicate the current character, as used by the character tool.
FBPropertyListManipulator  Manipulators
  List: of manipulators.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBApplication ( HIObject  pObject = NULL )


pObject Internal parent object(default=NULL).

Member Function Documentation

bool Minimize ( bool  pBlocking = true )

Minimize window.

pBlocking Is the minimization blocking operation (default = true).
Operation was successful (true or false).
bool Maximize ( )

Maximize window (minimized).

Operation was successful (true or false).
bool FileNew ( )

Command FILE->NEW in the menus.

true if successful.
bool FileOpen ( char *  pFilename,
bool  pShowOptions = false,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 

Open a file, replacing the current scene.

Command File->Open in the menus.

pFilename File to open.
pShowOptions true if options dialog is showed (default=false).
pImportingNamespace namespace added to all objects in the loaded scene (default=NULL)
true if successful.
bool FileOpen ( void *  pBuffer,
kULong  pBufferLength 
bool GetMaxFrameCount ( void *  pMemAddr,
kULong  pSize,
kLong pFrameCount,
int  pTimeScale 
bool FileMerge ( char *  pFilename,
bool  pShowOptions = false,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 

Merge a file with the current scene.

Command File->Merge in the menus.

pFilename File to merge.
pShowOptions true if options dialog is showed (default=false).
pImportingNamespace namespace added to all objects in the loaded scene (default=NULL)
true if successful.
bool FileAppend ( char *  pFilename,
bool  pShowOptions = false,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 

Append a file to the current scene.

Same as File->Merge in the menus with all options set to append. In earlier versions of MotionBuilder, a namespace could be specified with a parameter in this function. This is now done with FBFbxOptions::CustomImportNamespace.

pFilename File to merge.
pShowOptions true if options dialog is showed (default=false).
pImportingNamespace namespace added to all objects in the loaded scene (default=NULL)
true if successful.
bool FileSave ( char *  pFilename = NULL,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 

Save the file under another name.

Command File->SaveAs in the menus.

pFilename Save file as pFilename. A value of NULL will use the current file name.
true if successful.
void FileExit ( bool  pSave = false )

Quit application.

Command FILE->EXIT in the menus.

pSave true if file is saved on exit(default=false).
bool FileImport ( FBString  pFilename,
bool  pMatchModels = false 

Import a motion file.

Command FILE->IMPORT in the menus.

pFilename The file to import. To import two files at the same time (ex: .amc & .asf), separate the two files path with a comma ("Path1,Path2").
pMatchModels If there is already a model in the scene with the same name, the model will not be created and we replace the animation of the given model. If there are models selected in the scene, only these models will be checked for a potential name match. If only one model is selected (ex: hips), this models and its hierarchy will be used. Every unmatched models will be created.
True if the import succeeded.
The data will be imported in the current take.
The last parameter are only used for motion files.
For now, you cannot import custom file types.
Currently, only the default import options are used.
The signature of this function might change in the future to support import options.
bool FileExport ( FBString  pFilename )

Export a motion file.

Command FILE->EXPORT in the menus.

pFilename The file to create. To create two files at the same time (ex: .amc & .asf), separate the two files path with a comma ("Path1,Path2").
True if the export succeeded.
If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
current take is use.
The last parameter is only used for motion files.
For now, you cannot export custom file types.
Currently, only the default export options are used.
The signature of this function might change in the future to support export options.
FBBatchStatus FileBatch ( HFBBatchOptions  pBatchOptions,
HFBPlotOptions  pPlotOptions = NULL 

Start a batch.

Command FILE->BATCH in the menus.

pBatchOptions The options for the batch process (same as in the batch UI).
pPlotOptions The options for plotting (same as in the plot UI)(default=NULL).
The status of the operation.
bool FileImportBatch ( char *  pName,
HFBBatchOptions  pBatchOptions,
HFBModel  pReference 

Import a motion file using batch options.

Import used for loading files in batch process.

pName The name of the file without extension. Extension and path will be taken from batch options.
pBatchOptions The options for the import.
pReference Reference model for the import.
True if the import succeeded.
Not all options have to be set, only those that belong to process.
bool FileExportBatch ( char *  pName,
HFBTake  pTake,
HFBBatchOptions  pBatchOptions,
FBModelList pExportModels 

Export a motion file using batch options.

Export used for saving files in batch process.

pName The name of the file without extension. Extension and path will be taken from batch options.
pTake Animation take to the export.
pBatchOptions The options for the export.
pExportModels Models to the export.
True if the export succeeded.
Not all options have to be set, only those that belong to process.
bool SaveCharacterRigAndAnimation ( char *  pFileName,
HFBCharacter  pCharacter,
HFBFbxOptions  pFbxOptions 

Save the rig and its animation in a file.

pFileName File name.
pCharacter Character to save.
pFbxOptions The options for the character rig and animation export
After save, the current scene selection will be reset.
bool LoadAnimationOnCharacter ( char *  pFileName,
HFBCharacter  pCharacter,
HFBFbxOptions  pFbxOptions,
HFBPlotOptions  pPlotOptions 

Load a rig and its animation from a file.

pFileName File name.
pCharacter Target character.
pFbxOptions The options for the character rig and animation load
pPlotOptions If the animation should be plotted on the target rig, these plot options will be used. Set to NULL if animation will not be plotted.
true if successful.
bool IsValidBatchFile ( char *  pFilename )

Verify motion file readability.

pFilename The file to test.
True if file was opened successfully (file is closed at the end).
void FileRender ( HFBVideoGrabOptions  pRenderOptions = NULL )

Render current scene to media file.

Command FILE->RENDER in the menus.

pRenderOptions The options used when rendering the scene. If you don't specify them, current one are used.
Render options can be changed if they are not valid.
If the destination media file exist, it will be overwritten by default.
bool ExecuteScript ( FBString  pFilename )

Execute a python script file.

pFilename The script file to execute.
True if the script file was found and executed.
This function can only be used in the UI thread.
void SwitchViewerCamera ( FBCamera pCamera )

Switch the current viewer's camera.

pCamera Camera to switch current viewer to.
K_DEPRECATED bool FBXFileOpen ( char *  pFilename,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 
Use FBApplication::FileOpen() instead.

Opens a file, replacing the current scene.

pFilename File to open.
pImportingNamespace Namespace added to all objects in the loaded scene (default=NULL).
True if successful.
K_DEPRECATED bool FBXFileMerge ( char *  pFilename,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 
Use FBApplication::FileMerge() instead.

Merges a file with the current scene.

pFilename File to merge.
pImportingNamespace Namespace added to all objects in the loaded scene (default=NULL).
True if successful.
K_DEPRECATED bool FBXFileAppend ( char *  pFilename,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 
Use FBApplication::FileAppend() instead.

Appends a file to the current scene.

pFilename File to merge.
pImportingNamespace Namespace added to all objects in the loaded scene (default=NULL).
True if successful.
K_DEPRECATED bool FBXFileSave ( char *  pFilename = NULL,
FBFbxOptions pOptions = NULL 
Use FBApplication::FileSave() instead.

Saves the file under another name.

pFilename Saves file as pFilename. A value of NULL uses the current file name.
True if successful.
static FBApplication& TheOne ( ) [static]

Get the global object for this class.

the global object.

Member Data Documentation

Event: A File New has been completed.

Definition at line 440 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File New has been requested, nothing has been destroyed yet.

Definition at line 441 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File Open has been completed.

Definition at line 442 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File Open has been requested, nothing has been loaded yet.

Definition at line 443 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File Merge has been requested, nothing has been loaded yet.

Definition at line 444 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File Save has been completed.

Definition at line 445 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File Save has been requested, nothing has been saved yet.

Definition at line 446 of file fbsystem.h.

Event: A File Exit as been requested, nothing has been destroyed yet.

Definition at line 447 of file fbsystem.h.

Read Write Property: Current scene filename.

Definition at line 640 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyActor CurrentActor

Read Write Property: Indicate the current actor, as used by the character tool.

Can be NULL. If not null, CurrentCharacter must be null, as the character tool works on only one item at a time.

Definition at line 641 of file fbsystem.h.

FBPropertyCharacter CurrentCharacter

Read Write Property: Indicate the current character, as used by the character tool.

Can be NULL. If not null, CurrentActor must be null, as the character tool works on only one item at a time.

Definition at line 642 of file fbsystem.h.

List: of manipulators.

Definition at line 645 of file fbsystem.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication
FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication FBApplication