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FBMultiLangManager Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Language manager.

The class FBMultiLangManager indicates the supported languages and allows to query and change the current language.

The support for localization is done using conversion tables from internal names to language specific names, so that they can be used in the GUI and other human readable contexts.

At this time, changing the current language will not affect the GUI. Only calls to functions 'FBGetMultiLangText()' will be affected.

The following sample code lists the names of the supported languages:

Python sample code:

    from pyfbsdk import *

    lManager = FBMultiLangManager()
    print 'Current localization language: ', lManager.GetCurrentLanguage()
    print 'Supported languages:'
    for lLanguage in lManager.Languages:
        print '  ', lLanguage

C++ sample code:

    FBMultiLangManager lManager;
    FBTrace( "Current localization language: %s\n", lManager.GetCurrentLanguage());
    FBTrace( "Supported languages:\n" );

    int lIdx = 0;
    while( lIdx < lManager.Languages.GetCount())
        FBTrace( "  %s\n", lManager.Languages[lIdx++] );

Definition at line 232 of file fbmultilang.h.

#include <fbmultilang.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBMultiLangManager ()
  ~FBMultiLangManager ()
const char *  GetCurrentLanguage () const
  Obtain the current language.
bool  SetCurrentLanguage (const char *pLanguage)
  Set the current language.

Public Attributes

FBStringList  Languages
  List of available languages.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Function Documentation

const char* GetCurrentLanguage ( ) const

Obtain the current language.

Query the current language used for the GUI.

Will return the string associated with the current language used.
bool SetCurrentLanguage ( const char *  pLanguage )

Set the current language.

Change the current language to another available language.

pLanguage The string corresponding to the desired language, as defined in property Languages.
Indicate if the change of language was successful.
Setting the current language will affect the lookup done with the functions FBGetMultiLangText, but will not have any effect on the GUI.

Member Data Documentation

List of available languages.

This list should not be modified. Changes to its value will not affect the languages supported.

Definition at line 274 of file fbmultilang.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager
FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager FBMultiLangManager