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FBRigidBody Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Rigid body class.

Definition at line 496 of file fboptical.h.

#include <fboptical.h>

Inheritance diagram for FBRigidBody:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBRigidBody (HFBModelOptical pOptical=NULL)
  FBRigidBody (const FBRigidBody &pRigidBody)
bool  operator== (const FBRigidBody &pValue) const
  Overloaded == operator.
FBRigidBody operator= (const FBRigidBody &pValue)
  Overloaded = operator.
virtual void  Snap ()
  Snap the rigid body.
virtual void  ComputeAnimation ()
  Compute the rigid body animation.
virtual bool  IsValid ()
  Check if valid (if item exists).

Public Attributes

FBPropertyListRigidBodyMarkers  Markers
  Property: List of markers composing the rigid body.
FBPropertyModel  Model
  Property: Rigid body model.
FBPropertyAnimationNode  QualityData
  Property: Quality of rigid body.
FBPropertyBool  Done
  Property: Done?
FBPropertyRigidBodyMode  Mode
  Property: Rigid body mode.
FBPropertyInt  SmoothWidth
  Property: Smoothing width.


class  FBPropertyListRigidBody

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FBRigidBody ( HFBModelOptical  pOptical = NULL )


pOptical Optical model(default=NULL).
FBRigidBody ( const FBRigidBody pRigidBody )


pRigidBody Rigid body to copy information from.

Member Function Documentation

bool operator== ( const FBRigidBody pValue ) const

Overloaded == operator.

pValue Segment to compare with.
true if equal.
FBRigidBody& operator= ( const FBRigidBody pValue )

Overloaded = operator.

pValue Segment to copy.
Copied segment.
virtual void Snap ( ) [virtual]

Snap the rigid body.

virtual void ComputeAnimation ( ) [virtual]

Compute the rigid body animation.

virtual bool IsValid ( ) [virtual]

Check if valid (if item exists).

true if segment is valid.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class FBPropertyListRigidBody [friend]

Definition at line 542 of file fboptical.h.

Member Data Documentation

Property: List of markers composing the rigid body.

Definition at line 535 of file fboptical.h.

FBPropertyModel Model

Property: Rigid body model.

Definition at line 536 of file fboptical.h.

FBPropertyAnimationNode QualityData

Property: Quality of rigid body.

Definition at line 537 of file fboptical.h.

Property: Done?

Definition at line 538 of file fboptical.h.

FBPropertyRigidBodyMode Mode

Property: Rigid body mode.

Definition at line 539 of file fboptical.h.

Property: Smoothing width.

Definition at line 540 of file fboptical.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody
FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody FBRigidBody