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FBBatchOptions Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Option parameters for the batch process.

Definition at line 325 of file fbsystem.h.

#include <fbsystem.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  FBBatchOptions ()

Public Attributes

FBBatchFileFormat  mInputFileFormat
  File format of the input files.
FBBatchFileFormat  mOutputFileFormat
  File format of the output files.
FBBatchProcessType  mProcessType
  What process should be done? Load, Save or Both.
FBString  mInputDirectory
  The directory containning the input files.
FBString  mOutputDirectory
  The directory containning the output files.
FBString  mSkeletonFile
  The Skeleton file (for Acclaim AMC files).
HFBCharacter  mCharacter
  The character to receive the animation.
bool  mStartAnimationAtZero
  Set the time of all loaded files to 0.
bool  mFrameAnimation
  Set timeline start and end time to corespond with the start and end of animation.
bool  mOverwriteScaling
  Set the scaling to a default setting of 1.0.
bool  mKeepDummyBones
  To keep dummy bones.
bool  mWriteRate
  Write frame rate in Acclaim AMC files.
bool  mWriteTranslation
  Write translation animation data included with Acclaim AMC files.
bool  mPlotToCharacter
  To plot the animation on the character.
bool  mPlotToControlSet
  To plot the animation on the control set.
bool  mUseSingleTake
  Use only one take to convert all files.
bool  mUseBatchSuffix
  Add a batch suffix to the name of the files.
bool  mKeepCharacterConstraint
  To keep the character constaint when saving.
FBBatchOnTakeExist  mOnTakeExistAction
  Action to perform when a take already exist while in a batch process.
FBBatchOnContainsBatchTakes  mOnContainsBatchTakesAction
  Action to perform when a scene already contains batch takes while in a batch process.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Member Data Documentation

File format of the input files.

Definition at line 333 of file fbsystem.h.

File format of the output files.

Definition at line 334 of file fbsystem.h.

What process should be done? Load, Save or Both.

Definition at line 336 of file fbsystem.h.

The directory containning the input files.

Definition at line 338 of file fbsystem.h.

The directory containning the output files.

Definition at line 339 of file fbsystem.h.

The Skeleton file (for Acclaim AMC files).

Definition at line 340 of file fbsystem.h.

HFBCharacter mCharacter

The character to receive the animation.

Definition at line 343 of file fbsystem.h.

Set the time of all loaded files to 0.

Definition at line 346 of file fbsystem.h.

Set timeline start and end time to corespond with the start and end of animation.

Definition at line 347 of file fbsystem.h.

Set the scaling to a default setting of 1.0.

Definition at line 348 of file fbsystem.h.

To keep dummy bones.

Definition at line 349 of file fbsystem.h.

bool mWriteRate

Write frame rate in Acclaim AMC files.

Definition at line 350 of file fbsystem.h.

Write translation animation data included with Acclaim AMC files.

Definition at line 351 of file fbsystem.h.

To plot the animation on the character.

Definition at line 352 of file fbsystem.h.

To plot the animation on the control set.

Definition at line 353 of file fbsystem.h.

Use only one take to convert all files.

Definition at line 354 of file fbsystem.h.

Add a batch suffix to the name of the files.

Definition at line 355 of file fbsystem.h.

To keep the character constaint when saving.

Definition at line 356 of file fbsystem.h.

Action to perform when a take already exist while in a batch process.

Definition at line 358 of file fbsystem.h.

Action to perform when a scene already contains batch takes while in a batch process.

Definition at line 359 of file fbsystem.h.

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FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions
FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions FBBatchOptions