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mudbox Namespace Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Application-Level Functionality, Mudbox Scenes, Attributes, Node Events, Instantiating Classes and Plug-ins.

Class: ConvolutionKernel. More...


class   Block
  An internal helper class, representing a block of memory. Use the Store class instead. More...
class   Array
  An internal helper class, representing an array. Use the Store class instead. More...
class   Store
  Simple array class. More...
class   BrushConfiguration
  This class can be used to define configurations for different brush behaviours of the same class. More...
struct   MirrorConfiguration
  The structure contains information about mirroring of the operation. More...
struct   StampConfiguration
  Container class for stamp related properties and functions. More...
class   BrushOperation
  The BrushOperation class is the base class for brush functionality. More...
struct   BrushMask
  This class can be used for masking out areas from the brush effect. More...
struct   BrushStamp
  A masking image aligned to a mesh surface. More...
struct   BrushStencil
  A masking image attached to a camera. More...
class   Camera
  Represents a camera (point of view) in a Mudbox scene. More...
class   ConvolutionKernel
class   Error
  Holds information about an error. More...
class   Geometry
  Represents a 3d object in the scene. More...
class   half_
  Half precision (16 bit) float class. More...
class   uInt8Channel
  The data type for a 8 bit image channel. More...
class   uInt16Channel
  The data type for a 16 bit image channel. 0-65535 maps to 0.0 to 1.0. More...
class   float32Channel
class   float16Channel
  The data type for a 16 bit float image channel. More...
class   PixelType
  A templated pixel type class, where the channel type and number of channels are arguments. More...
class   ImgTile
  Represents a rectangle. Used to specify rectangular regions of an image. More...
class   ImgTile_AoutB_Iter
  Iterates over a the region of tile A that is outside tile B. More...
class   ImgTileUnion
class   ImgPageIterator
  Iterates over a specified region of an image in optimal order. More...
class   ImgLockPageIterator
  Iterate over a specified region of an image in optimal order, and locking it in CPU memory. More...
class   PixelDescriptor
  Describe an image pixel; how to interpret a piece of pixel data. More...
class   ImageDescriptor
  Describe an image, specifically how to interpret pixel data. More...
class   Image
  This is the base image type defining the interface to images. More...
class   EnvironmentMap
class   ImageAccessorBase
  The ImageAccessorBase class gives you very fast access to pixels when the data type and channel count of an image are known at compile time (and this is very often the case.) More...
class   ImageAccessor
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 3 >
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 2 >
class   ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 1 >
class   ImageFilter
  This is the base image filter type defining the interface to image filters (blur, sharpen, dodge, burn, etc). More...
class   ImagePlaneInterface
class   FileExtension
  This class encapsulates the file extension information for importers & exporeters. More...
class   Importer
  This class is the base class for plugins that import geometry into Mudbox. More...
class   Exporter
  This class is the base class for plugins that export mesh geometry from Mudbox. More...
class   PaintLayerImporter
  This class is the base class for paint layer importers. More...
class   PaintLayerExporter
  This class is the base class for exporting paint layers. More...
class   Interface
class   Action
  This class represents an action which can be triggered by the user. More...
class   FileEventNotifier
  Holds information about the a recent or in-progress file event. More...
class   KeyboardEventNotifier
class   TextureUnprojector
  This class will extract the unprojected current diffuse texture layer from the current camera position -- the texture will be resident on the GPU when this is complete. More...
class   Kernel
  The main API access point to Mudbox, contains the most basic functions and data. More...
class   Timer
  Helps finding performance issues. See the MB_TIMER macro for more details. More...
class   Statistics
  Holds useful information about the current session of Mudbox. More...
class   Instance
  This is a helper class to manage class instances implemented in plugins, provided for convenience. More...
class   Layer
  This is the base class for anything which is an element of a list with a fixed order. More...
class   LayerContainer
  This class contains and manages a list of Layers. More...
class   LayerMeshData
  This class represents a Sculpt Layer. More...
class   Light
  Represents a light source in the scene. More...
class   Material
  Describes a material of a geometry including its surface colors, transparency and texture information. More...
class   TextureMixer
  Represents a texture mixer. More...
class   TextureTileArray
  This class describes a 2D array of texture tiles. More...
class   TexturePool
  This is a container class for simple textures. More...
class   Texture
  Represents a texture tile inside a texture pool. More...
class   RenderTarget
  RenderTarget is an abstraction of an OpenGL renderbuffer object. More...
class   Vector
  Represents a 3D vector or point with S23E8 floating point elements. More...
class   DblVector
  Represents a 3D vector or point with S56E11 floating point elements. More...
class   Vector4
  A four dimensionsional vector (X, Y, Z, and W) More...
class   Color
  Represents a color with four components: red, green, blue, alpha. More...
class   AxisAlignedBoundingBox
  Represents a bounding box whose axes are aligned with the coordinate system. More...
class   Base
  Represents a local coordinate basis comprising three axes that define a coordinate system. More...
class   SubSpace
  This class will be removed from the SDK. More...
class   Matrix
  This class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix. More...
class   Quaternion
  The Quaternion class is used to represent rotations in most cases. More...
class   DualQuaternion
  The DualQuaternion class is used to represent rigid transformations in most cases. More...
class   Line
  Represents a line segment in 3d space. More...
class   Selector
  This base class represents any shape in 3d space. More...
class   CheckableFloat
  A container class that holds a boolean and a float value. More...
class   AttributeCheckableFloat
struct   CheckableFloatArray
class   AttributeCheckableFloatArray
struct   Vertex
  Represents a vertex point on a Mesh with its associated data. More...
struct   TC
  Represents Texture Coordinates (UVs) in the mesh. More...
class   FaceEnumerator
  FaceEnumerator is a base class for operations that must be applied. More...
class   VertexEnumerator
  base class for operations that must be applied across mesh vertices. More...
class   AdjacentVertexEnumerator
  AdjacentVertexEnumerator is a base class for operations that must be. More...
class   Mesh
  A Mesh is a collection of vertices organized into faces, and optional. More...
class   MeshFreezer
  Generic base interface for classes implementing a freeze function. More...
class   MeshSelector
  Generic base interface for classes implementing a face based selection. More...
class   TangentGenerator
  TangentGenerator is a class that defines the tangent space used by. More...
struct   SurfacePoint
  Describes a location somewhere on the surface of a Mesh. More...
class   Picker
  Picker objects are used as part of the map extraction process, to find. More...
class   ScreenSpacePicker
  ScreenSpacePicker objects are used to translate the user action of. More...
class   MeshGrid
  The MeshGrid class is an interface for dividing the surface of a mesh. More...
class   SurfaceSmoother
  This is an interface for a SurfaceSmoother object, which is responsible. More...
class   MeshChange
  This class represents a change to a mesh, and is used when an operation. More...
class   MeshUnlocker
  This object is used to manage the lock on a mesh. More...
class   ClassDesc
  This structure represents and describes a class. More...
struct   Attribute
  This is an abstract base structure for all attributes. More...
class   AttributeVoid
  Used to insert expanded category item. More...
struct   AttributeInstance
  This is a generic attribute which can be used instead of the standard built in types. More...
class   AttributePointer
  This class can be used instead of standard pointers, when the pointer target class is derived from the Node class. More...
class   AttributeThisPointer
class   Node
  This is the base class for most classes in the Mudbox SDK. More...
class   EventGate
  This class represents an event receiver/triggerer point. More...
class   AttributeFloatRange
  This attribute represents a float value which has a minimum and a maximum value. These values will be used in the user interface only, but the user will be able to assign values out of the range to the attribute. More...
class   AttributeNumber
  An attribute that can hold a number and uses the specified number of digits when displaying on the UI. More...
class   AttributeEnumeration
  This attribute is very similar to the aint type but on the user interface it will be displayed as a combobox, and the user will be able to choose its value from a list. More...
class   AttributeFilename
  Similar to AttributeInstance<String> but it provides a button on the interface where the user can browse for a filename. More...
class   AttributeTextureFilename
  Represents a special file name attribute that accepts texture files as value. Provides a create new and a browse interface. More...
class   AttributeWatch
  A fake attribute used to watch an attribute in your class which is not a member. More...
class   AttributeBoolCollection
  This attribute is a collection of bools. More...
class   NURBSCurve
class   NURBSCurveEditor
class   AttributeCurvePointer
class   Operation
  The base class of all operations. More...
class   DeleteGeometryOperation
  This Operation deletes geometries. More...
class   ReplaceGeometryOperation
  This Operation replaces one geometry with another. More...
class   TransferDetailOperation
  This Operation transfers the sculpting detail from one mesh. More...
struct   Plugin
  This class holds all the information Mudbox needs about a plugin. More...
class   WindowPlugin
  WindowPlugin is an interface to implement window based plugins. More...
class   WebBrowserPlugin
  WebBrowserPlugin is a base class to implement the web browser based plugins. More...
class   AttributeLocale
class   Preferences
  Holds Mudbox application preferences. More...
class   MeshRenderer
  This is the base class for a renderer implementation, which transforms a mesh into the opengl pipeline. More...
class   VertexDataProvider
  This interface can be used to provide additional vertex data for the rendering. More...
class   Scene
  The Scene class is the container object for all the data in a Mudbox scene. More...
class   SelectionSet
  This class represents a collection of faces among one or more. More...
class   Stream
  Streams are used to read information from a file, or to write it to a file. More...
class   SubdivisionLevel
  Represents one level of subdivision details in a geometry. More...
struct   Normal
  Normal vector with 16 bit components. More...
class   Topology
  Represents the topology data of a mesh, providing information about the structure of a surface, e.g. how faces are layed down. More...
class   GroupNode
  This is the base class for all nodes that are transformable objects in the Mudbox scene. More...
class   Transformation
  A Transformation is a node in the Mudbox scene that controls the size. More...
class   TransformationPalette
  This object provides additional transformations for a mesh (skinning) More...
class   TrayAccessor
  TrayAccessor allows plugins to access the trays in the GUI. More...
class   TreeNode
  This class is the base of all node types that can be structured in a hierarchy. More...
class   UnitTest
  Base class for unit test objects. More...
struct   ViewPortState
  Holds all the information about the current viewport state, used by ViewPortFilter objects. More...
class   ViewPortFilter
  ViewPortFilters are post-processes that are applied to the rendered scene before display. More...
class   ViewPort
  Represents the 3D viewport where Mudbox renders the scene. More...
class   AttributeSign
class   AttributeWidget
class   AttributeVectorbox
class   AttributeVector4box
  A widget used to display and alter the value for a four dimensional vector attribute. More...
class   AttributeEditbox
class   AttributeImagebox
  A widget used to display and alter the value for an image attribute. More...
class   AttributeCheckbox
  A widget which is used to display and alter the value for a bool attribute. More...
class   AttributeColorbox
class   AttributeSliderbox
  A widget which used to display and alter the value for a float range attribute. More...
class   AttributeSpinbox
class   AttributeCombobox
  A widget used to display and alter the value for an enum attribute. More...
class   AttributeComboboxMap
class   AttributeFilenamebox
  A widget used to display and alter the value for a filename attribute. More...
class   AttributeTextureFilenamebox
  A widget which is used to display and alter the value for a texture attribu. More...
class   AttributeEventbox
class   AttributePointerbox
  A widget used to display and alter the value for a pointer attribute. More...
class   AttributeCheckboxCollection
  A widget used to display and alter the value for a bool collection attribute. More...
class   AttributeSliderWithCheckbox
  A widget which is used to display and alter the value for a bool attribute. More...
class   AttributeSliderArrayWithCheckbox
  A widget which is used to display and alter some values for a bool attribute. More...
class   CPBox
class   CurveEditor
class   AttributeCurveEditor
class   AttributeStampConfigurationWidget
class   MirrorComboBox
  MirrorComboBox is a QComboBox that emits a signal when it loses keyboard focus. More...
class   AttributeMirrorConfigurationWidget
  An attribute widget for setting the brush mirror mode. More...
class   HelpButton
  A widget for accessing the context sensitive help. More...
class   XRef
  XRef provides functionality to resolve relative paths to external. More...


typedef AttributeInstance
< MirrorConfiguration
typedef AttributeInstance
< StampConfiguration
typedef unsigned char  uInt8
typedef unsigned short  uInt16
typedef AttributeInstance< Vector avector
typedef AttributeInstance
< Vector4
typedef AttributeInstance< Color acolor
typedef AttributeInstance< Matrix amatrix
  This attribute class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix.
typedef AttributeCheckableFloat  acheckablefloat
typedef long long  int64
typedef unsigned long long  uint64
typedef AttributeVoid  avoid
typedef AttributeInstance< int >  aint
  This type has to be used instead of the general int type.
typedef AttributeInstance< float >  afloat
  This type has to be used instead of the general float type.
typedef AttributeInstance< bool >  abool
  This type has to be used instead of the general bool type.
typedef AttributeInstance
< QString > 
  This type has to be used instead of the String type.
typedef EventGate  aevent
typedef AttributeFloatRange  afloatr
typedef AttributeNumber  anumber
typedef AttributeEnumeration  aenum
typedef AttributeFilename  afilename
typedef AttributeTextureFilename  atexturefilename
typedef AttributeBoolCollection  aboolc
typedef AttributeCurvePointer  acurveptr
typedef Node NodePointer
typedef short int  tnormal
  Type of one component in a normal vector.
typedef unsigned long long  tnormalv
  Type of the whole normal vector.


enum   MirrorMode {
  eMirrorNone, eMirrorX, eMirrorY, eMirrorZ,
  eMirrorLocalX, eMirrorLocalY, eMirrorLocalZ, eMirrorTangent

Possible values for the brush mirror attribute.

enum   NodeEventType {
  etValueChanged, etSourceChanged, etTargetChanged, etPointerContentChanged,
  etPointerTargetDestroyed, etStatusChanged, etPointerTargetUIChanged, etDeferred,
  etRefreshDialogUI, etEventTriggered = etValueChanged

Possible event types when Node::OnNodeEvent is called.

enum   TiffCompression { eTiffNoCompression = 0, eTiffLZWCompression = 1, eTiffDeflateCompression = 2 }
enum   LinearUnits { eMillimeter, eCentimeter, eMeter, eInch }
enum   SelectionMode { ePaint = 0, eRectangle, eLasso }
enum   InactiveLevelDisplay { eNone, eHide, eShade }


void MBDLL_DECL  QuickSort (void *pBase, unsigned int iNum, unsigned int iSize, int(*fComparator)(const void *, const void *))
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewMirrorConfigurationWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, amirrorcfg *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewStampConfigurationWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, astampcfg *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewImageWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, AttributePointer< Image > *pImage)
static void  SnapOutTile (ImgTile &t)
  Snaps a tile out to 128 pixel aligned boundaries.
MBDLL_DECL Kernel Kernel (void)
  Returns a pointer to the mudbox kernel object.
template<typename c >
c *  CreateInstance (void)
  This function provides an easy way to create objects based on interfaces.
MBDLL_DECL Vector  operator* (float f, const Vector &v) throw ()
  Multiplies a float scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.
MBDLL_DECL Vector  operator* (int i, const Vector &v) throw ()
  Multiplies an integer scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.
MBDLL_DECL DblVector  operator* (double f, const DblVector &v) throw ()
  Multiplies a float scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.
MBDLL_DECL DblVector  operator* (int i, const DblVector &v) throw ()
  Multiplies an integer scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewVectorWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, avector *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewVector4Widget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, avector4 *pAttribute)
Color  operator* (float f, const Color &c)
  Multiplies a scalar float value by a Color.
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewColorWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, acolor *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL Vector  operator* (const Vector &v, const Matrix &m)
MBDLL_DECL Vector  operator* (const Matrix &m, const Vector &v)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewCheckableFloatWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, class AttributeCheckableFloat *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewCheckableFloatArrayWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, class AttributeCheckableFloatArray *pAttribute)
static bool  FloatEqual (float A, float B, const int max_ulps=4)
  compares floats for equality with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision.
static bool  FloatGreaterOrEqual (float A, float B, const int max_ulps=4)
  compares floats for >= with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision.
static bool  FloatLessOrEqual (float A, float B, const int max_ulps=4)
  compares floats for <= with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision.
template<typename type >
type  Min (type a, type b)
template<typename type >
type  Max (type a, type b)
bool MBDLL_DECL  AssertFailed (const char *sSourceFile, int iSourceLine, const char *sCondition, const char *sMessage)
float MBDLL_DECL  Modf (float value)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewPtrWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, Attribute *pAttribute, const ClassDesc *pType)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewBoolWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, abool *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewIntWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, aint *pAttribute)
template<typename type >
bool  operator== (const Attribute &cA, const AttributeInstance< type > &cB)
  This operator compares the two attributes and NOT their values. Returns true only if the two attribute instances are the same (See Node::OnNodeEvent).
template<typename type >
Stream operator== (Stream &s, AttributeInstance< type > &c)
template<typename type >
Stream operator== (Stream &cStream, AttributePointer< type > &cPointer)
AttributeWidget CreateNewEventWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, EventGate *pAttribute)
  Creates an event widget.
MBDLL_DECL Stream operator== (Stream &s, afloatr &a)
MBDLL_DECL Stream operator== (Stream &s, aenum &a)
MBDLL_DECL Stream operator== (Stream &s, afilename &a)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget CreateNewCurveWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, Attribute *pAttribute, bool bAddSnapAndStoreTo=true)
template<typename type >
Stream operator== (Stream &s, type &v)
  Serializes any data type to/from the stream.
template<typename type >
Stream operator== (Stream &s, const type &v)

Detailed Description

Class: ConvolutionKernel.

This class can implement a general square convolution kernel, or can generate one procedurally.

The procedural Kernel generator implements a 2D gaussian shaped image sharpening (or blurring kernel). The type of sharpening performed is typically called unsharp masking. The filter weights are detemined by the formula:

2 2 2 2 -( ( dx + dy ) / (2 * sigma * radius ) ) e where: dx = x distance from center of kernel dy = y distance from center of kernel

This creates a circularly symmetric, Gaussian shapped kernel. The filter weights are then normalized so their sum = 1.0 and to produce an output that computes:

(1+sharpness)*I - sharpness*G

where I is the original image G is the orignal image with the gausing kernel applied.

Here are some example kernels with the default sharpness factor, 0.5, for various radii:

-0.00002 -0.0006 -0.0020 -0.0006 -0.00002 -0.00006 -0.0053 -0.00006 -0.0006 -0.0189 -0.0581 -0.0189 -0.0006 -0.0053 1.0215 -0.0053 -0.0020 -0.0581 1.3210 -0.0581 -0.0020 -0.00006 -0.0053 -0.00006 -0.0006 -0.0189 -0.0581 -0.0189 -0.0006 -0.00002 -0.0013 -0.0020 -0.0013 -0.00002

Radius = 1 Radius = 2

The default kernel is:

-0.0057 -0.0419 -0.0057 -0.0419 1.1903 -0.0419 -0.0057 -0.0419 -0.0057

The sharpness typically ranges from -1 for maximum blur (makeing a standard gaussian blur), to 0 for no effect, to positive values up to about 10 for various degrees of sharpening. Values greater than 1 create a very pronounced sharpening effect. The radius can be any non-negative value. A radius of zero will perform no filtering, while successively larger values will filter lower and lower frequencies. The actual kernel size is determined by the formula:

width,height = 1 + 2*(int)radius

Thus, a radius of 1.5 (the default) will create a 3x3 kernel.

Typically the parameters you would use for:

Low Sharpen -- Sharpness = 5.0, Radius = 1.5 Medium Sharpen -- Sharpness = 7.5, Radius = 1.75 High Sharpen -- Sharpness = 10.0, Radius = 2.0

For a Sharpen tool, the typical ranges would be 0.0 to 10.0 for Sharpness, and 1.0 to 4.0 for Radius

Blur values would be as follows:

Low Blur -- Sharpness = -1.0, Radius = 3.0 Medium Blur -- Sharpness = -1.0, Radius = 8.0 High Blur -- Sharpness = -1.0, Radius = 32.0

For a blur tool, the Sharpness value would be fixed at -1.0, and the typical range for the user to select radius would be 1.0 to 32.0. The blur kernels generated by this class are seperable.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 157 of file brush.h.

Definition at line 202 of file brush.h.

typedef unsigned char uInt8

Definition at line 87 of file image.h.

typedef unsigned short uInt16

Definition at line 88 of file image.h.

Definition at line 576 of file math.h.

Definition at line 630 of file math.h.

Definition at line 784 of file math.h.

This attribute class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix.

Definition at line 1231 of file math.h.

Definition at line 1632 of file math.h.

typedef long long int64

Definition at line 167 of file mudbox.h.

typedef unsigned long long uint64

Definition at line 171 of file mudbox.h.

Definition at line 372 of file node.h.

typedef AttributeInstance<int> aint

This type has to be used instead of the general int type.

Definition at line 487 of file node.h.

typedef AttributeInstance<float> afloat

This type has to be used instead of the general float type.

Definition at line 489 of file node.h.

typedef AttributeInstance<bool> abool

This type has to be used instead of the general bool type.

Definition at line 491 of file node.h.

typedef AttributeInstance<QString> astring

This type has to be used instead of the String type.

Definition at line 493 of file node.h.

typedef EventGate aevent

Definition at line 911 of file node.h.

Definition at line 948 of file node.h.

Definition at line 962 of file node.h.

Definition at line 1013 of file node.h.

Definition at line 1033 of file node.h.

Definition at line 1043 of file node.h.

Definition at line 1080 of file node.h.

Definition at line 189 of file nurbs.h.

typedef Node* NodePointer

Definition at line 17 of file stream.h.

typedef short int tnormal

Type of one component in a normal vector.

Definition at line 20 of file topology.h.

typedef unsigned long long tnormalv

Type of the whole normal vector.

Definition at line 22 of file topology.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum MirrorMode

Possible values for the brush mirror attribute.

See also:

No mirror.


Mirror on global X axis.


Mirror on global Y axis.


Mirror on global Z axis.


Mirror on local X axis.


Mirror on local Y axis.


Mirror on local Z axis.


Mirror using topology symmmetry.

Definition at line 73 of file brush.h.

Possible event types when Node::OnNodeEvent is called.


Value of an attribute is changed.


The attribute is relinked to another attribute, so source is changed.


A new attribute is linked to this one, or a link is removed.


This is valid only for pointer type attributes (See AttributePointer). This is posted when the target node of the pointer is changed (See Node::ContentChanged())


This is valid only for pointer type attributes (See AttributePointer). The target node of the pointer is about to destroyed.


Status of the attribute is changed (See SetConst()).


UI data in attributes are changed.


Previously requested deferred event.


Causes entire dialog to refresh its UI.

Should be used at the end of a batch job.


An event triggered.

FileEventHandler/FileEventHandler.cpp, FixedFunctionMaterial/FixedFunctionMaterial.cpp, ImmediateModeRenderer/ImmediateModeRenderer.cpp, MeshDisplace/displacer.cpp, and ToonMaterial/ToonMaterial.cpp.

Definition at line 135 of file node.h.


Definition at line 25 of file preferences.h.

Function Documentation

void MBDLL_DECL mudbox::QuickSort ( void *  pBase,
unsigned int  iNum,
unsigned int  iSize,
int(*)(const void *, const void *)  fComparator 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewMirrorConfigurationWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
amirrorcfg *  pAttribute 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewStampConfigurationWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
astampcfg *  pAttribute 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewImageWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
AttributePointer< Image > *  pImage 
static void mudbox::SnapOutTile ( ImgTile &  t ) [inline, static]

Snaps a tile out to 128 pixel aligned boundaries.

Definition at line 2652 of file image.h.

    static const int TILE_SNAP  = (128-1); // must be ((2^i)-1). 
    t.nx  += t.x - 1;    t.ny  += t.y - 1;
    t.x   &= ~TILE_SNAP; t.y   &= ~TILE_SNAP;
    t.nx  +=  TILE_SNAP; t.ny  +=  TILE_SNAP;
    t.nx  &= ~TILE_SNAP; t.ny  &= ~TILE_SNAP;
    t.nx  -= t.x;        t.ny  -= t.y;
MBDLL_DECL Kernel* mudbox::Kernel ( void  )
c* mudbox::CreateInstance ( void  )

This function provides an easy way to create objects based on interfaces.


 Image *pMyImage = CreateInstance<Image>();

See Kernel::PreferredDescendant() funtion for more details.

Definition at line 781 of file kernel.h.

{ return dynamic_cast<c *>( Kernel()->CreateClassInstance( c::StaticClass() ) ); };
MBDLL_DECL Vector mudbox::operator* ( float  f,
const Vector &  v 
) throw () [inline]

Multiplies a float scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.

PtexExtractor/ptex/PtexDict.h, PtexExtractor/ptex/PtexHashMap.h, PtexImporter/ptex/PtexDict.h, and PtexImporter/ptex/PtexHashMap.h.

Definition at line 563 of file math.h.

{ return v*f; };
MBDLL_DECL Vector mudbox::operator* ( int  i,
const Vector &  v 
) throw () [inline]

Multiplies an integer scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.

Definition at line 567 of file math.h.

{ return float(i)*v; };
MBDLL_DECL DblVector mudbox::operator* ( double  f,
const DblVector &  v 
) throw () [inline]

Multiplies a float scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.

Definition at line 571 of file math.h.

{ return v*f; };
MBDLL_DECL DblVector mudbox::operator* ( int  i,
const DblVector &  v 
) throw () [inline]

Multiplies an integer scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector.

Definition at line 575 of file math.h.

{ return double(i)*v; };
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewVectorWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
avector *  pAttribute 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewVector4Widget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
avector4 *  pAttribute 
Color mudbox::operator* ( float  f,
const Color &  c 
) [inline]

Multiplies a scalar float value by a Color.

Definition at line 783 of file math.h.

{ return Color( c.r*f, c.g*f, c.b*f, c.a*f ); };
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewColorWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
acolor *  pAttribute 
MBDLL_DECL Vector mudbox::operator* ( const Vector &  v,
const Matrix &  m 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1555 of file math.h.

MBDLL_DECL Vector mudbox::operator* ( const Matrix &  m,
const Vector &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1563 of file math.h.

    CheckableFloat( void ) { m_bState = true; m_fValue = 0.0f; };
    CheckableFloat( bool bState, float fValue ) { m_bState = bState; m_fValue = fValue; };
    void SetValue( float f ) { m_fValue = f; };
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewCheckableFloatWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
class AttributeCheckableFloat *  pAttribute 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewCheckableFloatArrayWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
class AttributeCheckableFloatArray *  pAttribute 
static bool mudbox::FloatEqual ( float  A,
float  B,
const int  max_ulps = 4 
) [inline, static]

compares floats for equality with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision.

Does not support Nan != Nan. max_ulps must be positive, and not too large.

Definition at line 1718 of file math.h.

    int a = *(int*)&A; // load the float bits into integers
    int b = *(int*)&B;
    // floats have a sign bit, convert to 2's compliment
    if (a < 0) a = 0x80000000 - a; // correctly handles 0 vs -0 and
    if (b < 0) b = 0x80000000 - b; // positive and negative denormals
    return (a - b) >= -max_ulps;

static bool mudbox::FloatGreaterOrEqual ( float  A,
float  B,
const int  max_ulps = 4 
) [inline, static]

compares floats for >= with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision.

Does not support Nan != Nan. max_ulps must be positive, and not too large.

Definition at line 1732 of file math.h.

    return FloatGreaterOrEqual(B, A, max_ulps);

}; // end of namespace mudbox

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
static bool mudbox::FloatLessOrEqual ( float  A,
float  B,
const int  max_ulps = 4 
) [inline, static]

compares floats for <= with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision.

Does not support Nan != Nan. max_ulps must be positive, and not too large.

Definition at line 1746 of file math.h.

type mudbox::Min ( type  a,
type  b 
) [inline]
PtexExtractor/PtexLayout.cpp, and PtexImporter/PtexImporter.cpp.

Definition at line 178 of file mudbox.h.

{ return a < b ? a : b; };
type mudbox::Max ( type  a,
type  b 
) [inline]
bool MBDLL_DECL mudbox::AssertFailed ( const char *  sSourceFile,
int  iSourceLine,
const char *  sCondition,
const char *  sMessage 
float MBDLL_DECL mudbox::Modf ( float  value )
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewPtrWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
Attribute *  pAttribute,
const ClassDesc *  pType 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewBoolWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
abool *  pAttribute 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewIntWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
aint *  pAttribute 
bool mudbox::operator== ( const Attribute &  cA,
const AttributeInstance< type > &  cB 
) [inline]

This operator compares the two attributes and NOT their values. Returns true only if the two attribute instances are the same (See Node::OnNodeEvent).

PtexExtractor/ptex/PtexDict.h, PtexExtractor/ptex/PtexHashMap.h, PtexExtractor/ptex/PtexReader.h, PtexExtractor/ptex/Ptexture.h, PtexImporter/ptex/PtexDict.h, PtexImporter/ptex/PtexHashMap.h, PtexImporter/ptex/PtexReader.h, and PtexImporter/ptex/Ptexture.h.

Definition at line 536 of file node.h.

                                                                        { return CreateNewIntWidget( pParent, iWidth, this ); };

template < typename type > inline
Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  s,
AttributeInstance< type > &  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 542 of file node.h.

Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  cStream,
AttributePointer< type > &  cPointer 
) [inline]

Definition at line 671 of file node.h.

{ cPointer.AttributePointer<type>::Serialize( cStream ); return cStream; };
AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewEventWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
EventGate *  pAttribute 

Creates an event widget.

MBDLL_DECL Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  s,
afloatr &  a 
MBDLL_DECL Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  s,
aenum &  a 
MBDLL_DECL Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  s,
afilename &  a 
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget* mudbox::CreateNewCurveWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth,
Attribute *  pAttribute,
bool  bAddSnapAndStoreTo = true 
Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  s,
type &  v 
) [inline]

Serializes any data type to/from the stream.

Definition at line 280 of file stream.h.

{ if ( s.IsStoring() ) s << v; else s >> v; return s; };
Stream& mudbox::operator== ( Stream &  s,
const type &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 283 of file stream.h.

{ if ( s.IsStoring() ) s << v; else s >> *((type*)&v); return s; };