Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
HWMatrixThis class represents a four by four matrix stored in the SSE registers
HWVectorThis class represents a four dimensional vector stored in the SSE registers
ActionThis class represents an action which can be triggered by the user
AdjacentVertexEnumeratorAdjacentVertexEnumerator is a base class for operations that must be
Array< type >An internal helper class, representing an array. Use the Store class instead
AttributeThis is an abstract base structure for all attributes
AttributeBoolCollectionThis attribute is a collection of bools
AttributeCheckboxA widget which is used to display and alter the value for a bool attribute
AttributeCheckboxCollectionA widget used to display and alter the value for a bool collection attribute
AttributeComboboxA widget used to display and alter the value for an enum attribute
AttributeEnumerationThis attribute is very similar to the aint type but on the user interface it will be displayed as a combobox, and the user will be able to choose its value from a list
AttributeFilenameSimilar to AttributeInstance<String> but it provides a button on the interface where the user can browse for a filename
AttributeFilenameboxA widget used to display and alter the value for a filename attribute
AttributeFloatRangeThis attribute represents a float value which has a minimum and a maximum value. These values will be used in the user interface only, but the user will be able to assign values out of the range to the attribute
AttributeImageboxA widget used to display and alter the value for an image attribute
AttributeInstance< type >This is a generic attribute which can be used instead of the standard built in types
AttributeMirrorConfigurationWidgetAn attribute widget for setting the brush mirror mode
AttributeNumberAn attribute that can hold a number and uses the specified number of digits when displaying on the UI
AttributePointer< type >This class can be used instead of standard pointers, when the pointer target class is derived from the Node class
AttributePointerboxA widget used to display and alter the value for a pointer attribute
AttributeSliderArrayWithCheckboxA widget which is used to display and alter some values for a bool attribute
AttributeSliderboxA widget which used to display and alter the value for a float range attribute
AttributeSliderWithCheckboxA widget which is used to display and alter the value for a bool attribute
AttributeTextureFilenameRepresents a special file name attribute that accepts texture files as value. Provides a create new and a browse interface
AttributeTextureFilenameboxA widget which is used to display and alter the value for a texture attribu
AttributeVector4boxA widget used to display and alter the value for a four dimensional vector attribute
AttributeVoidUsed to insert expanded category item
AttributeWatchA fake attribute used to watch an attribute in your class which is not a member
AxisAlignedBoundingBoxRepresents a bounding box whose axes are aligned with the coordinate system
BaseRepresents a local coordinate basis comprising three axes that define a coordinate system
BlockAn internal helper class, representing a block of memory. Use the Store class instead
BrushConfigurationThis class can be used to define configurations for different brush behaviours of the same class
BrushMaskThis class can be used for masking out areas from the brush effect
BrushOperationBase class for brush functionality
BrushStampA masking image aligned to a mesh surface
BrushStencilA masking image attached to a camera
CameraRepresents a camera (point of view) in a Mudbox scene
CheckableFloatA container class that holds a boolean and a float value
ClassDescThis structure represents and describes a class
ColorRepresents a color with four components: red, green, blue, alpha
DblVectorRepresents a 3D vector or point with S56E11 floating point elements
DeleteGeometryOperationThis Operation deletes geometries
DualQuaternionUsed to represent rigid transformations in most cases
ErrorHolds information about an error
EventGateThis class represents an event receiver/triggerer point
ExporterThis class is the base class for plugins that export mesh geometry from Mudbox
FaceEnumeratorFaceEnumerator is a base class for operations that must be applied
FileEventNotifierHolds information about the a recent or in-progress file event
FileExtensionThis class encapsulates the file extension information for importers & exporeters
float16ChannelThe data type for a 16 bit float image channel
GeometryRepresents a 3d object in the scene
GroupNodeThis is the base class for all nodes that are transformable objects in the Mudbox scene
half_Half precision (16 bit) float class
HelpButtonA widget for accessing the context sensitive help
ImageThis is the base image type defining the interface to images
ImageAccessor< ChannelType, nch >
ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 1 >
ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 2 >
ImageAccessor< ChannelType, 3 >
ImageAccessorBase< ChannelType, nch >The ImageAccessorBase class gives you very fast access to pixels when the data type and channel count of an image are known at compile time (and this is very often the case.)
ImageDescriptorDescribe an image, specifically how to interpret pixel data
ImageFilterThis is the base image filter type defining the interface to image filters (blur, sharpen, dodge, burn, etc)
ImgLockPageIteratorIterate over a specified region of an image in optimal order, and locking it in CPU memory
ImgPageIteratorIterates over a specified region of an image in optimal order
ImgTileRepresents a rectangle. Used to specify rectangular regions of an image
ImgTile_AoutB_IterIterates over a the region of tile A that is outside tile B
ImporterThis class is the base class for plugins that import geometry into Mudbox
Instance< c >This is a helper class to manage class instances implemented in plugins, provided for convenience
KernelThe main API access point to Mudbox, contains the most basic functions and data
LayerThis is the base class for anything which is an element of a list with a fixed order
LayerContainerThis class contains and manages a list of Layers
LayerMeshDataThis class represents a Sculpt Layer
LightRepresents a light source in the scene
LineRepresents a line segment in 3d space
MaterialDescribes a material of a geometry including its surface colors, transparency and texture information
MatrixThis class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix
MeshA Mesh is a collection of vertices organized into faces, and optional
MeshChangeThis class represents a change to a mesh, and is used when an operation
MeshChange::VertexChangeThis struct holds the change information about a single vertex
MeshFreezerGeneric base interface for classes implementing a freeze function
MeshGridInterface for dividing the surface of a mesh
MeshRendererThis is the base class for a renderer implementation, which transforms a mesh into the opengl pipeline
MeshSelectorGeneric base interface for classes implementing a face based selection
MeshUnlockerThis object is used to manage the lock on a mesh
MirrorComboBoxMirrorComboBox is a QComboBox that emits a signal when it loses keyboard focus
MirrorConfigurationThe structure contains information about mirroring of the operation
NodeThis is the base class for most classes in the Mudbox SDK
NormalNormal vector with 16 bit components
OperationThe base class of all operations
PaintLayerExporterThis class is the base class for exporting paint layers
PaintLayerImporterThis class is the base class for paint layer importers
PickerPicker objects are used as part of the map extraction process, to find
PixelDescriptorDescribe an image pixel; how to interpret a piece of pixel data
PixelType< ChanType, NumChans >A templated pixel type class, where the channel type and number of channels are arguments
PluginThis class holds all the information Mudbox needs about a plugin
PreferencesHolds Mudbox application preferences
Preferences::BoolThis class is a simple boolean preference, appears as a checkbox. See Preferences::Integer for details
Preferences::ColorThis class represents a color item in the preferences. See Preferences::Integer for mode details
Preferences::EnumThis class represents a enum item, appears as a combo box. See Preferences::Enum for mode details
Preferences::FloatThis class represents a float value, appears as an editbox and a slider. See Preferences::Integer for mode details
Preferences::IntegerThis class holds a simple integer preference
Preferences::StringThis class represents a string preference value. See Preferences::Integer for mode details
Preferences::VectorThis class represents a 3d vector item. See Preferences::Integer for mode details
QuaternionUsed to represent rotations in most cases
RenderTargetRenderTarget is an abstraction of an OpenGL renderbuffer object
ReplaceGeometryOperationThis Operation replaces one geometry with another
SceneContainer object for all the data in a Mudbox scene
Scene::LoadDataData structure to hold file import/load options, and diagnostic data
ScreenSpacePickerScreenSpacePicker objects are used to translate the user action of
SelectionSetThis class represents a collection of faces among one or more
SelectionSet::MeshInfoThis structure holds the collection of faces for
SelectorThis base class represents any shape in 3d space
StampConfigurationContainer class for stamp related properties and functions
StatisticsHolds useful information about the current session of Mudbox
Store< type >Simple array class
StreamStreams are used to read information from a file, or to write it to a file
SubdivisionLevelRepresents one level of subdivision details in a geometry
SubSpaceThis class will be removed from the SDK
SurfacePointDescribes a location somewhere on the surface of a Mesh
SurfaceSmootherThis is an interface for a SurfaceSmoother object, which is responsible
TangentGeneratorTangentGenerator is a class that defines the tangent space used by
TCRepresents Texture Coordinates (UVs) in the mesh
TextureRepresents a texture tile inside a texture pool
TextureMixerRepresents a texture mixer
TexturePoolThis is a container class for simple textures
TextureTileArrayThis class describes a 2D array of texture tiles
TextureUnprojectorThis class will extract the unprojected current diffuse texture layer from the current camera position -- the texture will be resident on the GPU when this is complete
TimerHelps finding performance issues. See the MB_TIMER macro for more details
TopologyRepresents the topology data of a mesh, providing information about the structure of a surface, e.g. how faces are layed down
TransferDetailOperationThis Operation transfers the sculpting detail from one mesh
TransformationA Transformation is a node in the Mudbox scene that controls the size
TransformationPaletteThis object provides additional transformations for a mesh (skinning)
TrayAccessorTrayAccessor allows plugins to access the trays in the GUI
TreeNodeThis class is the base of all node types that can be structured in a hierarchy
uInt16ChannelThe data type for a 16 bit image channel. 0-65535 maps to 0.0 to 1.0
uInt8ChannelThe data type for a 8 bit image channel
UnitTestBase class for unit test objects
VectorRepresents a 3D vector or point with S23E8 floating point elements
Vector4A four dimensionsional vector (X, Y, Z, and W)
VertexRepresents a vertex point on a Mesh with its associated data
VertexDataProviderThis interface can be used to provide additional vertex data for the rendering
VertexDataProvider::ComponentDescriptionThis structure carries information about a component
VertexDataProvider::DirtyVertexThis structure describes a dirty vertex
VertexEnumeratorbase class for operations that must be applied across mesh vertices
ViewPortRepresents the 3D viewport where Mudbox renders the scene
ViewPortFilterViewPortFilters are post-processes that are applied to the rendered scene before display
ViewPortStateHolds all the information about the current viewport state, used by ViewPortFilter objects
WebBrowserPluginWebBrowserPlugin is a base class to implement the web browser based plugins
WindowPluginWindowPlugin is an interface to implement window based plugins
XRefXRef provides functionality to resolve relative paths to external