MeshUnlocker Class Reference

Detailed Description

This object is used to manage the lock on a mesh.

When a mesh is locked for exclusive write access, an instance of this class can be used as the guard for the mesh. When someone is trying to unlock the mesh, this class is used to determine if the mesh can be unlocked. The guard can deny the unlock, or can perform cleanup on the mesh before letting other code modify the mesh.

Definition at line 2367 of file mesh.h.

#include <mesh.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool  Unlock (Mesh *pMesh)
  This function is called when someone wants to remove a lock from a mesh.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool Unlock ( Mesh pMesh ) [virtual]

This function is called when someone wants to remove a lock from a mesh.

This function can allow or deny removing the lock from the mesh. It can also perform some operations on the mesh before passing it to another code to modify.

[in] pMesh Address of the mesh which is being unlocked.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker
MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker MeshUnlocker