

// Copyright (c) 2008 Autodesk, Inc.

// All rights reserved.


// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license

// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which

// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.




// CREATED: October 2008


#include "FileEventHandler.h"

// This line provides some information about the plugin to Mudbox. This can be used to

// specify a function which will be called once all the plugins are loaded.

MB_PLUGIN( "FileEventHandler", "Sample file event handler", "Autodesk", "", FileEventHandler::Initializer );

// There will be one global instance of our class, which supposed to catch all the file events.

FileEventHandler g_cHandler;

// One time initialization. This function will simply connect the attribute in the FileEventHandler class to the original attribute in the Kernel.

// So if the kernel attribute changes it's value (i.e. a file event happened) the one in our class will also change its value, and we can catch the event.

void FileEventHandler::Initializer( void )


    g_cHandler.m_pEvent.Connect( Kernel()->FileEvent );


// This function will be called when an event occurs.

void FileEventHandler::OnNodeEvent( const Attribute &cAttribute, NodeEventType eType )


    // Once the plug-in is installed, this method will get called for every file event

    // that occurs.  The different file events are defined in Kernel.h (FileEvent class)


    // There are many different event types (see NodeEventType in node.h), but here we're

    // interested in the event being 'triggered'. (This is the same as a value change in

    // this case)


    // We also check cAttribute to make sure it's the right event we're getting a message from

    // (and that the event is not NULL)

    if ( cAttribute == m_pEvent && eType == etEventTriggered && m_pEvent )


        // A file event happened.


        // Take appropriate action, depending on the event type.  For example, you

        // could log every single event the log file like this next line:

        Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("FILEEVENT - type: %1, name: %2\n").arg(m_pEvent->m_eType).arg(m_pEvent->m_sFileName) );

        // Chech the type of the file event.

        switch ( m_pEvent->m_eType )


        case FileEventNotifier::typeBrowseForRead:

            // This is called after the user chooses file>open, but before the file browswer opens.

            // The variable m_pEvent->m_sFileName contains the path that the browswer will open

            // to.  You can change that string to make the browser open elsewhere, as shown here:

            m_pEvent->m_sFileName = "c:\\";


        case FileEventNotifier::typeBrowseForWrite:

            // This is called after the user chooses file>save as, but before the file browswer opens.


        case FileEventNotifier::typePreRead:

            // This is call just before the file is read in.  The file name is in m_pEvent->m_sFileName.


        case FileEventNotifier::typePostWrite:

            // This is call just before after the file is written out.  The file name is in m_pEvent->m_sFileName.



