Preferences Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Application-Level Functionality.

Detailed Description

Holds Mudbox application preferences.

Most of the data members will be removed from the SDK in future releases. For more information about adding an item to preferences see Preferences::Integer.

Definition at line 70 of file preferences.h.

#include <preferences.h>

Inheritance diagram for Preferences:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


class   Bool
  This class is a simple boolean preference, appears as a checkbox. See Preferences::Integer for details. More...
class   Color
  This class represents a color item in the preferences. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...
class   Enum
  This class represents a enum item, appears as a combo box. See Preferences::Enum for mode details. More...
class   Float
  This class represents a float value, appears as an editbox and a slider. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...
class   Integer
  This class holds a simple integer preference. More...
class   String
  This class represents a string preference value. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...
class   Vector
  This class represents a 3d vector item. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...

Public Member Functions

  Preferences (void)
  ~Preferences (void)
void  Serialize (Stream &)
  Serializes the node.
void  ProcessLine (QString &sSrc, QString &sName, QString &sValue)
void  SavePaths (void)
bool  LoadPaths (void)
QString  FindSettings (QString &sDir)
QString  DefaultDataPath () const
Attribute RegisterVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
afloatr RegisterFloatVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, float fDefaultValue)
abool RegisterBoolVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, bool bDefaultValue)
astring RegisterStringVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, const QString &sDefaultValue)
acolor RegisterColorVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, const mudbox::Color &cDefaultValue)
aint RegisterIntegerVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, int iDefaultValue)
avector RegisterVectorVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, const mudbox::Vector &vDefaultValue)
aenum RegisterEnumVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, int iDefaultValue)
void  OnNodeEvent (const Attribute &, NodeEventType)
  This function is called if an event occurs with any of the attributes of the node.

Public Attributes

abool  m_bCheckFrustum
abool  m_bMultiThreadRender
abool  m_bHighlightBrushArea
aint  m_iFastBrushLevel
abool  m_bFocusWhenEmpty
abool  m_bFocusWhenNotEmpty
abool  m_bZoomWhileFocus
abool  m_bPickBothSide
abool  m_bUseVideoMemory
abool  m_bRemoveLevels
abool  m_bRemoveOctree
abool  m_bCreateUVs
abool  m_bSmoothUV
abool  m_bSmoothPos
aenum  m_eDefaultMaterial
abool  m_bDisableLODChange
abool  m_bNoPaintUndo
aenum  m_eSoloLayerVisibility
aint  m_fMinPenPressure
aint  m_fMaxPenPressure
aint  m_iGridSize
aint  m_iGridSteps
aint  m_iDoubleClickTime
abool  m_bWireOnShaded
abool  m_bShowPickedFace
aint  m_iWireLevel
aenum  m_eImportAutofocus
bool  m_bFlatLighting
bool  m_bFacetedShading
bool  m_bLighting
afloatr  m_fCameraDollySensitivity
afloatr  m_fCameraTrackSensitivity
afloatr  m_fCameraRotateSensitivity
abool  m_bOptimizeMeshes
abool  m_bShowLayerMask
abool  m_bUseDraftRender
abool  m_bShowFrozenVertices
aint  m_iPointRenderRarity
aint  m_iDraftRenderMinFaceCount
abool  m_bHUDProjectedSubdiv
abool  m_bHUDSelected
abool  m_bHUDVisible
abool  m_bHUDFPS
abool  m_bHUDRendered
aint  m_iHUDProjectedXSubdivisionLevel
aint  m_iMinutesToAlarm
aint  m_iBuildUpRate
afloatr  m_fPressureTreshold
afloatr  m_fStencilRotateSensitivity
abool  m_bForceVidmemRender
abool  m_bUseLocalYForCameraRotation
aenum  m_iCameraControlMode
afloatr  m_fRollArea
abool  m_bSaveIndicator
abool  m_bSelectPicked
abool  m_bLocalFocus
aint  m_iMirrorPlanes
Store< mudbox::Vector m_aMirrorPlaneNormals
Store< mudbox::Vector m_aMirrorPlanePositions
abool  m_bMirrorLocal
abool  m_bUseQtFileDialog
afloatr  m_fSmartFocus
acolor  m_cViewportCenter
acolor  m_cViewportTop
acolor  m_cViewportBottom
acolor  m_cViewportFlat
acolor  m_cGrid
acolor  m_cGridAxis
acolor  m_cLocked
acolor  m_cSelection
acolor  m_cMask
acolor  m_cActiveLayer
acolor  m_cInactiveLayer
acolor  m_cLayerMask
acolor  m_cSceneInfoBg
acolor  m_cFalloffCurve
acolor  m_cFalloffHull
acolor  m_cFalloffFill
aenum  m_eUnitLinear
aenum  m_eFaceSelectionMode
aenum  m_eObjectSelectionMode
float  m_aLinearUnitRates [4]
astring  m_sDefaultObjDir
astring  m_sDefaultMudDir
astring  m_sDefaultStampDir
astring  m_sDefaultStencilDir
astring  m_sDefaultIconDir
astring  m_sDefaultImagePlaneDir
astring  m_sDefaultTextureLayerDir
astring  m_sDefaultPSDDir
astring  m_sDefaultSaveScreenDir
astring  m_sLogPath
astring  m_sTempPath
astring  m_sSettingsPath
astring  m_sDataPath
astring  m_sTexturePath
astring  m_sMayaInstallPath
abool  m_bPathsChanged
abool  m_bExpertHidesSouth
abool  m_bExpertHidesEast
abool  m_bExpertHidesMenu
abool  m_bExpertHidesStatus
aint  m_iDragBoxSize
abool  m_bShowLearningMovies
abool  m_bShowWelcomeDialog
abool  m_bHUDInfoMessage
abool  m_bHUDHelpMessage
aenum  m_iHelpType
astring  m_sHelpLocation
abool  m_bCompressFiles
abool  m_bOBJThumbnail
abool  m_bMUDContainsView
abool  m_bMUDContainsBrush
abool  m_bCull
abool  m_bCreateBackup
abool  m_bShowTileInfo
aint  m_iMapWidth
aint  m_iMapHeight
astring  m_sOutputDir
abool  m_bExtractNormal
abool  m_bExtractDisplacement
abool  m_bSmoothNormals
aint  m_iSmoothLevel
aint  m_iNormalSpace
afloat  m_fRayTravel
aint  m_eRayCenter
abool  m_bPickBothSides
aint  m_iEdgeBleed
aint  m_iNormalFormat
aint  m_iDisplacementFormat
aint  m_iSubdivLow
astring  m_sNormalFileName
astring  m_sDisplacementFileName
abool  m_bSkipEmptyMaps
aint  m_iExtUDim
aint  m_iUStart
abool  m_bSelectedFacesOnly
astring  m_sLowObjectName
astring  m_sHighObjectName
abool  m_bInvertTangent
abool  m_bInvertBinormal
afloat  m_fAreaTreshold
astring  m_sTileRange
afloat  m_fMiddleValue
aint  m_iFirstTileIndex
aint  m_iDispUDim
aint  m_iMaskChannel
aint  m_iNegativeDisplacementChannel
aint  m_iPositiveDisplacementChannel
aint  m_iXSubdivisionLevel
astring  m_sObjectName
astring  m_sDisplacementFileMask
astring  m_sMaskFileMask
aenum  m_eTextureRatio
afloat  m_fTextureRatio
aenum  m_eTiffCompression
avoid  m_lExpertModeLabel
abool  m_bMultisampling
astring  m_sNextCommand
Store< Attribute * >  m_aPluginAttributes
afloatr  m_fPaintBleedDistance
  Specifies a distance how far the edge bleeding should go over UV edges during painting.
afloatr  m_fPaintBrushOffset
abool  m_bFastDryBrush
astring  m_sExportFilter
abool  m_bHideEULANag
aint  m_movieWidth
  movie-recording preferences
aint  m_movieHeight
aint  m_movieRecordFps
aint  m_moviePlaybackFps
abool  m_moviePauseWhenIdle
abool  m_movieUses3dView
astring  m_sPaintLayerFormat
  Paint layer dialog preferences.
aint  m_iPaintLayerSize
AttributeLocale  m_langui
AttributeLocale  m_langhelp
AttributeLocale  m_locale
bool  m_bLoadingPaths

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Preferences ( void  )
~Preferences ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

void Serialize ( Stream s ) [virtual]

Serializes the node.

Override this function in your plug-in to save and load attributes and custom data with the Mudbox file.

Reimplemented from Node.

void ProcessLine ( QString &  sSrc,
QString &  sName,
QString &  sValue 
void SavePaths ( void  )
bool LoadPaths ( void  )
QString FindSettings ( QString &  sDir )
QString DefaultDataPath ( ) const
Attribute* RegisterVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
Attribute::AttributeType  eType,
const QString &  sDefaultValue 
afloatr* RegisterFloatVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
float  fDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 85 of file preferences.h.

{ return (afloatr *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeFloat, QString("%1").arg(fDefaultValue) ); };
abool* RegisterBoolVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
bool  bDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 86 of file preferences.h.

{ return (abool *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeBool, bDefaultValue ? "true" : "false" ); };
astring* RegisterStringVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
const QString &  sDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file preferences.h.

{ return (astring *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeString, sDefaultValue ); };
acolor* RegisterColorVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
const mudbox::Color cDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file preferences.h.

{ return (acolor *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeColor, QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(cDefaultValue.r).arg(cDefaultValue.g).arg(cDefaultValue.b).arg(cDefaultValue.a) ); };
aint* RegisterIntegerVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
int  iDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file preferences.h.

{ return (aint *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeInt, QString("%1").arg(iDefaultValue) ); };
avector* RegisterVectorVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
const mudbox::Vector vDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file preferences.h.

{ return (avector *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeVector, QString("%f %f %f").arg(vDefaultValue.x).arg(vDefaultValue.y).arg(vDefaultValue.z ) ); };
aenum* RegisterEnumVariable ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
int  iDefaultValue 
) [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file preferences.h.

{ return (aenum *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeEnum, QString("%1").arg(iDefaultValue) ); };
void OnNodeEvent ( const Attribute cAttribute,
NodeEventType  cType 
) [virtual]

This function is called if an event occurs with any of the attributes of the node.

All derived classes should override this function to be able to handle attribute events.

cAttribute The attribute which caused the event. The attribute has a special == operator to make it easier to implement this function. You can write the following:
        void MyClass::OnNodeEvent( const Attribute &cAttribute, NodeEventType cType )
            if ( cAttribute == myAttribute0 )
            else if ( cAttribute == myAttribute1 )

This comparison will check the address of the two attributes and NOT their values.

cType Type of the event occured.

Reimplemented from Node.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 114 of file preferences.h.

Definition at line 149 of file preferences.h.

Specifies a distance how far the edge bleeding should go over UV edges during painting.

Definition at line 230 of file preferences.h.

movie-recording preferences

Definition at line 238 of file preferences.h.

Paint layer dialog preferences.

Definition at line 246 of file preferences.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences
Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences Preferences