
// Copyright (c) 2009 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// CREATED: August 2009

#include "FrameCounter.h"

// This macro provides some information about the plugin to Mudbox. It also
// specifies a function that will be called after all the plug-ins are loaded
MB_PLUGIN( "FrameCounter", "Sample plugin counts frames", "Autodesk", "", FrameCounter::Initializer );

CounterNode* FrameCounter::s_pCounter = NULL;

void FrameCounter::Initializer()
// This is called after the plug-ins are all loaded.
// Add two menu items, to the Mudbox interface.
    // Add two menu items and a sub-menu with three items to the Edit menu
    Kernel()->AddCallbackMenuItem(Kernel::menuPlugins, QString::null, tr("Start Counting Frames"), FrameCounter::StartCounting);
    Kernel()->AddCallbackMenuItem(Kernel::menuPlugins, QString::null, tr("Stop Counting Frames"),  FrameCounter::StopCounting);

void FrameCounter::StartCounting()
    if ( s_pCounter == NULL )

        // Create a new counter object.  This counter object will attach itself to to 
        // Mudbox's frame callback, so it will receive an event each time a frame is rendered.
        s_pCounter = new CounterNode;
        // Display a message on the HUD
        Kernel()->HUDMessageShow(tr("Frame count has started."), Kernel::HUDmsgFade );

void FrameCounter::StopCounting()
    if ( s_pCounter != NULL )
        // Tell the user how many frames have been displayed
        Kernel()->HUDMessageShow( tr("Number of frames rendered: %1").arg(s_pCounter->m_iNumberOfFrames), Kernel::HUDmsgFade );
        // delete the counter node, since it is no longer required.
        delete s_pCounter;
        s_pCounter = NULL;

CounterNode::CounterNode()      // constructor
:   m_iNumberOfFrames(0)        // set the counter to 0
,   m_eEachFrame(this)          // eventGate must be initialized with the 'owning' node
    // attach the event member of this class to Mudbox's 'frame' event.  That will
    // cause the 'OnEvent' method to get called each time mudbox renders a frame.
    m_eEachFrame.Connect( Kernel()->FrameEvent );

void CounterNode::OnEvent( const EventGate &cEvent )
// This method will be called each time an event member is triggered
    // if this is the frame event (there could be other event objects in this class)
    if ( cEvent == m_eEachFrame ) 
        m_iNumberOfFrames++;          // count the frame