BrushMask Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This class can be used for masking out areas from the brush effect.

Definition at line 21 of file brushmask.h.

#include <brushmask.h>

Inheritance diagram for BrushMask:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  BrushMask (void)
  ~BrushMask (void)
void  SetState (bool b)
  Sets the enabled state.
bool  State (void)
  Returns the state.
float  Factor (void)
  Sets the effect multiplier factor.
void  SetFactor (float f)
  Returns the effect multiplier factor.
virtual void  SetTransformation (const Matrix &mTransformation)
  Sets the transformation matrix.
Matrix  Transformation (void)
  Returns the transformation matrix.
virtual class Image Image (void)
  Returns the mask image.
void  SetImage (class Image *pImage)
  Changes the mask image.
void  Clear (void)
  Clear the mask.
void  SetFileName (const QString &sFileName)
  Sets the filename and attemts to load from the file to an Image returns true if the image was loaded, false if it was already loaded.
virtual void  CreateTextures (void)
  Creates Texture objects from the in-memory Image.
QString  GetFileName () const

Public Attributes


Protected Attributes

Matrix  m_mTransformation
float  m_fAspectRatio
class Image m_pImage
Texture m_pLuminanceTexture
abool  m_bState
afloatr  m_fFactor
astring  m_sFileName

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BrushMask ( void  )


~BrushMask ( void  )


Member Function Documentation

void SetState ( bool  b )

Sets the enabled state.

bool State ( void  )

Returns the state.

float Factor ( void  )

Sets the effect multiplier factor.

void SetFactor ( float  f )

Returns the effect multiplier factor.

virtual void SetTransformation ( const Matrix mTransformation ) [virtual]

Sets the transformation matrix.

Reimplemented in BrushStencil.

Matrix Transformation ( void  )

Returns the transformation matrix.

virtual class Image* Image ( void  ) [virtual]

Returns the mask image.

void SetImage ( class Image pImage )

Changes the mask image.

void Clear ( void  )

Clear the mask.

void SetFileName ( const QString &  sFileName )

Sets the filename and attemts to load from the file to an Image returns true if the image was loaded, false if it was already loaded.

(usually because the filename did not change)

virtual void CreateTextures ( void  ) [virtual]

Creates Texture objects from the in-memory Image.

Reimplemented in BrushStencil.

QString GetFileName ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file brushmask.h.

{ return m_sFileName; }

Member Data Documentation

Reimplemented from TreeNode.

Reimplemented in BrushStamp, and BrushStencil.

Definition at line 24 of file brushmask.h.

Definition at line 63 of file brushmask.h.

float m_fAspectRatio [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file brushmask.h.

class Image* m_pImage [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file brushmask.h.

Definition at line 67 of file brushmask.h.

abool m_bState [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file brushmask.h.

afloatr m_fFactor [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file brushmask.h.

astring m_sFileName [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file brushmask.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: