LayerContainer Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Scene Graph, Sampling Texture Values, Layers and Viewport Filters, Layer Containers, Viewports.

Detailed Description

This class contains and manages a list of Layers.

Definition at line 93 of file layer.h.

#include <layer.h>

Inheritance diagram for LayerContainer:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual unsigned int  LayerCount (void) const
  Returns the number of layers in the container.
virtual class Layer Layer (unsigned int iLayerIndex) const
  Returns a pointer to a contained layer, based on its index in the list.
virtual unsigned int  LayerIndex (const class Layer *pLayer) const
  Returns the index of the specified layer in the container. If the layer in not in the container, either -1 or a value equal to LayerCount() will be returned.
virtual void  UnlinkLayer (class Layer *pLayer)
  Removes a layer from the container. The layer is not deleted.
virtual void  AddLayer (class Layer *pLayer)
  Adds a new layer to the container.
virtual class Layer CreateLayer (void)
  Creates a new layer and returns a pointer to it.
virtual class Layer ActiveLayer (void) const
  Returns a pointer to the current (active) layer.
virtual void  SetActiveLayer (class Layer *pLayer)
  Sets the current (active) layer.
virtual void  MoveLayer (class Layer *pLayer, class Layer *pWhere, bool bBefore)
  Moves the layer before or after the specified one in the list.
virtual void  ReparentLayer (class Layer *pLayer, class Layer *pParent)
  Makes this layer as a child of another one.
virtual class Layer BaseLayer (void) const
  Returns the base layer.
virtual void  Serialize (Stream &s)
  Reads/writes this object to/from a data stream.

Member Function Documentation

virtual unsigned int LayerCount ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns the number of layers in the container.

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual class Layer* Layer ( unsigned int  iLayerIndex ) const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to a contained layer, based on its index in the list.

[in] iLayerIndex index of the layer to return (0-based)

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual unsigned int LayerIndex ( const class Layer pLayer ) const [virtual]

Returns the index of the specified layer in the container. If the layer in not in the container, either -1 or a value equal to LayerCount() will be returned.

[in] pLayer A pointer to the layer whose index you want.
virtual void UnlinkLayer ( class Layer pLayer ) [virtual]

Removes a layer from the container. The layer is not deleted.

[in] pLayer A pointer to the layer to be removed

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual void AddLayer ( class Layer pLayer ) [virtual]

Adds a new layer to the container.

[in] pLayer A pointer to the layer to be added

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual class Layer* CreateLayer ( void  ) [virtual]

Creates a new layer and returns a pointer to it.

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual class Layer* ActiveLayer ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to the current (active) layer.

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual void SetActiveLayer ( class Layer pLayer ) [virtual]

Sets the current (active) layer.

[in] pLayer A pointer to the layer to be made current

Reimplemented in ViewPort.

virtual void MoveLayer ( class Layer pLayer,
class Layer pWhere,
bool  bBefore 
) [virtual]

Moves the layer before or after the specified one in the list.

[in] pLayer A pointer to the layer to be moved
[in] pWhere A pointer to the destination
[in] bBefore If true, the layer is moved to immediately before the destination. If false, it is moved to immediately after.
virtual void ReparentLayer ( class Layer pLayer,
class Layer pParent 
) [virtual]

Makes this layer as a child of another one.

[in] pLayer The layer to move
[in] pParent Its new parent
virtual class Layer* BaseLayer ( void  ) const [virtual]

Returns the base layer.

virtual void Serialize ( Stream s ) [virtual]

Reads/writes this object to/from a data stream.

[in] s the data stream

Reimplemented from TreeNode.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer
LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer LayerContainer