Plugin Struct Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Writing Plug-ins.

Detailed Description

This class holds all the information Mudbox needs about a plugin.

Normally you do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, in your plug-in class you use the MB_PLUGIN macro like this:

  MB_PLUGIN( "<Plugin Name>", "<Brief Description>", "<Author's Name>", "<Related URL (if any)>", <pointer to initializer function> );  

The initializer function must be a static method that takes no arguments and returns void. If there is no initializer plugin for the class, this parameter can be NULL.

Definition at line 57 of file plugin.h.

#include <plugin.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef void  initializer (void)

Public Member Functions

  Plugin (void)
  Null constructor.
  Plugin (const QString &sName, const QString &sDescription, const QString &sAuthor, const QString &sURL, const QString &sCompileTime, initializer *fFunc=0)
  Constructor. Use MB_PLUGIN macro instead.

Static Public Member Functions

static void  SetVersion (const QString &sName, const QString &sVersion)
  This method sets the version number based on a plug-in name.

Public Attributes

QString  m_sName
  The name of the plug-in.
QString  m_sDescription
  A brief description of what it does.
QString  m_sAuthor
  The name of the plug-in's author.
QString  m_sURL
  A URL that contains information related to the plug-in (if any)
QString  m_sCompileTime
  The date and time that the plugin was loaded (generated automatically)
QString  m_sPluginFolder
  The path of the folder that the plug-in was loaded from (set at load time)
initializer m_pInitializer
  A pointer to the initializer funtion of the plug-in.
QString  m_sVersion
  The version of the plug-in.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void initializer(void)

Definition at line 61 of file plugin.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Plugin ( void  ) [inline]

Null constructor.

Definition at line 67 of file plugin.h.

Plugin ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sDescription,
const QString &  sAuthor,
const QString &  sURL,
const QString &  sCompileTime,
initializer fFunc = 0 

Constructor. Use MB_PLUGIN macro instead.

Member Function Documentation

static void SetVersion ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sVersion 
) [static]

This method sets the version number based on a plug-in name.

Member Data Documentation

QString m_sName

The name of the plug-in.

Definition at line 83 of file plugin.h.

QString m_sDescription

A brief description of what it does.

Definition at line 85 of file plugin.h.

QString m_sAuthor

The name of the plug-in's author.

Definition at line 87 of file plugin.h.

QString m_sURL

A URL that contains information related to the plug-in (if any)

Definition at line 89 of file plugin.h.

QString m_sCompileTime

The date and time that the plugin was loaded (generated automatically)

Definition at line 91 of file plugin.h.

QString m_sPluginFolder

The path of the folder that the plug-in was loaded from (set at load time)

Definition at line 93 of file plugin.h.

A pointer to the initializer funtion of the plug-in.

Definition at line 95 of file plugin.h.

QString m_sVersion

The version of the plug-in.

Definition at line 97 of file plugin.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: