
// Copyright (c) 2010 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// DESCRIPTION: Texture Conveyor
// CREATED: April 2010

#pragma warning( disable : 4311 4312 )

#include "TextureConveyor.h"
#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include <QtCore/QDir>

// Register this plugin, use the TextureConveyor::Initializer function as the initialized, this will be called when the plugin got loaded.
MB_PLUGIN( "TextureConveyor", "Exports Texture Layers", "Autodesk", "http://www.mudbox3d.com", TextureConveyor::Initializer );

TextureConveyor::TextureConveyor( void )

void TextureConveyor::ExportTextureChannels( void )
    // Create the Qt dialog for selection directories.
    // Set file mode to Directory & only show directories.
    QFileDialog dialog(Kernel()->MainWindow(), "Texture Export...");
    dialog.setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, true);

    // Verify directory
    QDir directory = dialog.directory();
    if (!directory.exists())
        if (QMessageBox::question(Kernel()->MainWindow(), tr("Question..."), tr("Directory does not exist.  Do you want to create it?")) == QMessageBox::Yes)
            if (!directory.mkpath(directory.absolutePath()))
                QMessageBox::information(Kernel()->MainWindow(), tr("Information..."), tr("Failed to create directory %1.").arg(directory.absolutePath()));
            QMessageBox::information(Kernel()->MainWindow(), tr("Information..."), tr("No files have been written."));

    // Enable wait cursor

    // Iterate through all the materials in the scene
    for(Node *pNode = Node::First(); pNode; pNode = pNode->Next())
        // Check if this node is a material
        if(pNode->IsKindOf( Material::StaticClass()))
            Material *pMaterial = dynamic_cast<Material *>(pNode);

            if (!pMaterial)

            // Iterate through the textures used by this Material.  Textures
            // are stored as "channels", i.e. Diffuse, Specular, Bump, etc...
            for( int jj = 0; jj < pMaterial->TextureCount(); jj++ )
                // Get the texture 'pool' which contains all the textures
                // for this channel
                TexturePool *pTexturePool = pMaterial->Texture(jj);

                if (pTexturePool)
                    // Each texture pool can have a certain number of tiles - based on the geometry's UVs
                    int iNumTiles = pTexturePool->TileCount();

                    for (int ii = 0; ii < iNumTiles; ii++)
                        // Create filename
                        QString filename = QString("%1/%2.%3.tile%4.png").arg(directory.absolutePath()).arg(pMaterial->Name()).arg(pTexturePool->Name()).arg(ii+1);

                        Texture *pTexture = pTexturePool->Tile(ii);

                        if (pTexture && pTexture->Width() && pTexture->Height())
                            Image *pImage = CreateInstance<Image>();

                            delete pImage;

    // End wait cursor

// This function will be called then the plugin is loaded.
void TextureConveyor::Initializer( void )
    // Add a menu entry for the TextureConveyor class/
    Kernel()->AddCallbackMenuItem( Kernel::menuFile, QString::null, tr("Export Textures..."), ExportTextureChannels);