AttributeInstance< type > Struct Template Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Attributes.

Detailed Description

template<typename type>
struct mudbox::AttributeInstance< type >

This is a generic attribute which can be used instead of the standard built in types.

The difference between a standard type and this attribute is that this attribute can be viewed and its value can be changed by the user. Attributes can be linked together also so when the value of an attribute is changed, all target attributes value will be changed also. The owner node also can catch events regarding to the attrbibutes, for example when the user changes the value.

Definition at line 380 of file node.h.

#include <node.h>

Inheritance diagram for AttributeInstance< type >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  AttributeInstance (Node *pOwner, const QString &sID)
  Standard constructor. You have to specify the name of the attribute which will be used in the user interface.
  AttributeInstance (Node *pOwner, const QString &sID, const type &cValue)
  Using this constructor you can also specify the initial value of the attribute with its name.
const type &  Value (void) const
  Returns the value of the attribute.
virtual void  SetValue (type cValue, unsigned int options=0)
  Set the value of the attribute to cValue.
void  UpdateTargets (void)
void  Serialize (Stream &s)
  Serialize the value of the attribute into a stream.
void  AddTarget (Attribute &cTarget)
  Adds a new outgoing connection for this node to pTarget.
QString  AsString (unsigned int=asStringDefault) const
  Returns the value of the attribute as a string. See also SetFromString.
void  SetFromString (const QString &sValue, unsigned int options=asStringDefaultSet)
  Sets the value of the attribute as a string. See also AsString.
AttributeWidget CreateEditorWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth)
  This function creates and returns the address of a QWidget object.
Attribute::AttributeType  Type (void) const
  Returns the type of the attribute.
  OPERATORS (type)

Public Attributes

type  m_cValue

Protected Member Functions

  AttributeInstance (Node *pOwner, const QString &sName, bool bInstall)
  Protected constructor, do not use it. You have to specify the name of the attribute which will be used in the user interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AttributeInstance ( Node pOwner,
const QString &  sID 
) [inline]

Standard constructor. You have to specify the name of the attribute which will be used in the user interface.

Definition at line 383 of file node.h.

: Attribute( pOwner, sID ) { m_iSize = sizeof(type); };
AttributeInstance ( Node pOwner,
const QString &  sID,
const type &  cValue 
) [inline]

Using this constructor you can also specify the initial value of the attribute with its name.

Definition at line 385 of file node.h.

: Attribute( pOwner, sID ) { m_cValue = cValue; m_iSize = sizeof(type); };
AttributeInstance ( Node pOwner,
const QString &  sName,
bool  bInstall 
) [inline, protected]

Protected constructor, do not use it. You have to specify the name of the attribute which will be used in the user interface.

Definition at line 478 of file node.h.


Member Function Documentation

const type& Value ( void  ) const [inline]

Returns the value of the attribute.

Definition at line 389 of file node.h.

{ return m_cValue; };
virtual void SetValue ( type  cValue,
unsigned int  options = 0 
) [inline, virtual]

Set the value of the attribute to cValue.

bInternal if this is false the owner node will receive an event about the value change (See NodeEventType::etValueChanged).

Reimplemented in AttributePointer< type >, and AttributePointer< NURBSCurve >.

Definition at line 392 of file node.h.

        m_cValue = cValue;
        if ( !(options & Attribute::asStringInternal) )
            StartEvent( etValueChanged );
void UpdateTargets ( void  ) [inline, virtual]

Update the values of all the connected target attributes with the current value. Used internally only, do not call this directly.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Definition at line 399 of file node.h.

        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < TargetCount(); i++ )
            if ( Target(i)->Size() == Size() )
                ((AttributeInstance<type> *)Target(i))->SetValue( m_cValue );
                Target(i)->StartEvent( etValueChanged );
void Serialize ( Stream s ) [inline, virtual]

Serialize the value of the attribute into a stream.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Reimplemented in AttributePointer< type >, and AttributePointer< NURBSCurve >.

Definition at line 302 of file stream.h.

{ s == m_cValue; };
void AddTarget ( Attribute cTarget ) [inline, virtual]

Adds a new outgoing connection for this node to pTarget.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Reimplemented in AttributePointer< type >, and AttributePointer< NURBSCurve >.

Definition at line 412 of file node.h.

        Attribute::AddTarget( cTarget );
        if ( cTarget.Size() )
            AttributeInstance<type> *pT = (AttributeInstance<type> *)&cTarget;
            if ( pT->Value() != Value() )
                pT->SetValue( Value() );

        StartEvent( etTargetChanged );
        cTarget.StartEvent( etSourceChanged );
QString AsString ( unsigned  options = asStringDefault ) const [inline, virtual]

Returns the value of the attribute as a string. See also SetFromString.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Reimplemented in AttributeCheckableFloat, AttributePointer< type >, and AttributePointer< NURBSCurve >.

Definition at line 427 of file node.h.

        QString sValue;
        const unsigned char *tData = (const unsigned char *)(void *)(&m_cValue);
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_cValue); i++ )
            if ( i ) 
                sValue += " ";
            sValue += QString("%1").arg(int(tData[i]));
        return sValue;
void SetFromString ( const QString &  sValue,
unsigned int  options = asStringDefaultSet 
) [inline, virtual]

Sets the value of the attribute as a string. See also AsString.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Reimplemented in AttributeCheckableFloat, AttributePointer< type >, and AttributePointer< NURBSCurve >.

Definition at line 439 of file node.h.

        type cValue;
        unsigned char *tData = (unsigned char *)(void *)(&cValue);
        for ( int i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(cValue); i++ )
            tData[i] = sValue.section(' ', i, i).toInt();
        SetValue( cValue, options );
AttributeWidget * CreateEditorWidget ( QWidget *  pParent,
int  iWidth 
) [inline, virtual]

This function creates and returns the address of a QWidget object.

The object then can be used in the interface to give the user control over the attribute value. Mudbox calls this function for every attribute in a node when it displays a properties dialog box for it. You must override it if you implement a new kind of attribute and want a special interface.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Reimplemented in AttributeCheckableFloat, AttributeCheckableFloatArray, AttributeFloatRange, AttributeEnumeration, AttributeFilename, AttributeTextureFilename, and AttributeLocale.

Definition at line 447 of file node.h.

{ return Attribute::CreateEditorWidget( pParent, iWidth ); };
Attribute::AttributeType Type ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

Returns the type of the attribute.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Reimplemented in AttributeCheckableFloat, AttributeCheckableFloatArray, AttributePointer< type >, and AttributePointer< NURBSCurve >.

Definition at line 448 of file node.h.

{ return Attribute::AttributeType(); };

Member Data Documentation

type m_cValue

Definition at line 478 of file node.h.

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