
// Copyright (c) 2008 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// CREATED: October 2008

#pragma warning( disable : 4311 4312 )

#include "displacer.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtGui/QDialog>
#include <QtGui/QDialogButtonBox>

IMPLEMENT_CLASS( DisplaceOperation, TreeNode, "Displace" );

// Register this plugin, use the DisplaceOperation::Initializer function as the initialized, this will be called when the plugin got loaded.
MB_PLUGIN( "MeshDisplacer", "Displacement operation for meshes", "Autodesk", "", DisplaceOperation::Initializer );

DisplaceOperation::DisplaceOperation( void ) : 
    Node( "Displacement" ), 
    m_aTiles( "displaceoperation tilelist" ),
//  m_aTiles( "displaceoperation tilelist" ), 
    m_pObject( this, "Target Mesh" ),
    m_iSubdivisionLevel( this, tr("Displace To Level") ),
    m_iMaskChannel( this, tr("Use Mask Channel") ),
    m_iUDim( this, tr("URange") ),
    m_iFirstTileIndex( this, tr("Initial Tile Number") ),
    m_sTileRange( this, tr("Use Tile Range") ),
    m_sDisplacementFileMask( this, tr("Map") ),
    m_sMaskFileMask( this, tr("Mask Map") ),
    m_iFinalFaceCount( this, tr("Final Face Count") ),
    m_eExecute( this, tr("Go") ),
    m_eDelete( this, tr("Delete this operation") ),
//  m_sName( "Node Name" ),
    m_iDisplacementChannel( this, tr("Use Displacement Channel") ),
    m_bSmoothTC( this, tr("Smooth Texture Coors") ),
    m_sNextCommand( this, tr("Next Command") ),
    m_eMapSpace( this, tr("Map Space") ),
    m_fMidvalue( this, tr("Mid value") ),
    m_fMultiplier( this, tr("Multiplier") )
    m_eMapSpace.AddItem( tr("Normal (regular displacement map)") );
    m_eMapSpace.AddItem( tr("Relative Tangent") );
    m_eMapSpace.AddItem( tr("Absolute Tangent") );
    m_eMapSpace.AddItem( tr("Object") );
    m_eMapSpace.AddItem( tr("World") );
    m_eMapSpace.SetCategory( "#top" );
    m_eMapSpace = 0;
    m_eMapSpace.SetVisible( true );

    // Assign a unique name to this node.
    unsigned int i = 1;
    QString sName;
    bool b;
        b = false;
        sName = QString(tr("Operation #%1")).arg(i); 
        for ( Node *p = First(); p; p = p->Next() )
            if ( p->IsKindOf( StaticClass() ) )
                if ( sName == dynamic_cast<DisplaceOperation *>( p )->Name() )
                    b = true;
    } while ( b );
    SetName( sName );
    m_bFloatMap = false;
    m_iBaseU = 0;
    m_iBaseV = 0;

    m_pObject.m_sNullString = tr("- Select a Mesh -");


    m_fMidvalue.SetVisible( true );
    m_fMultiplier.SetVisible( true );
    m_sMaskFileMask.SetVisible( true );

    m_sNextCommand.SetVisible( false );
    m_sNextCommand.Connect( Kernel()->NextCommand );

bool NonPTEXValidator( const Geometry *pTarget )
    if ( pTarget && pTarget->LowestLevel()->AttributeValue( NTRQ("isptexuvlayout") ) == "true" )
        return false;
        return true;

QWidget* DisplaceOperation::CreatePropertiesWindow( QWidget *pParent )
    m_pObject.SetValidator( NonPTEXValidator );
    QString sName = Name();
    QWidget* pW = TreeNode::CreatePropertiesWindow(pParent);

    QHBoxLayout* pButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
    pButtonsLayout->setContentsMargins(10, 0, 10, 10);
    HelpButton* pHelpButton = new HelpButton( pW, NTRQ("SculptUsingDisplacementHelp") );
    pHelpButton->setFixedWidth( 120 );

    QPushButton *pDoneButton = new QPushButton( tr("Done") );

    pButtonsLayout->addWidget(pHelpButton, Qt::AlignLeft);
    QWidget *pTmpW = new QWidget;
    MB_VERIFY( pW->connect( pDoneButton, SIGNAL(released()), pW, SLOT(reject()) ) );

    pW->setWindowTitle(QString(tr("Sculpt using Map - %1").arg(sName)) );
    pW->resize( pW->size().width(), pW->size().height() + 40 );
    return pW;

void DisplaceOperation::Serialize( Stream &s )
    s == m_pObject == m_iSubdivisionLevel == m_iFinalFaceCount == m_iUDim == m_iFirstTileIndex == m_sTileRange == m_sDisplacementFileMask == m_sMaskFileMask == m_iMaskChannel;
    if( s.IsOlderThan( 300 ) )
        QString s1;
        s == s1;
        SetName( s1 );
    if ( !s.IsOlderThan( 155+1 ) )
        s == m_bSmoothTC;

    // TODO after merge
/*  QString sFN = m_sDisplacementFileMask;
        m_bFloatMap = false;
        QFileInfo f( sFN );
        if ( f.suffix() == "tif" )
            TIFF *t = TIFFOpen( sFN, "r" );
            if ( t )
                unsigned short int iBitsPerSample;
                VERIFY( TIFFGetField( t, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &iBitsPerSample ) );
                if ( iBitsPerSample == 32 )
                    m_bFloatMap = true;
                TIFFClose( t );
        if ( m_bFloatMap )
            m_fDisplacementMax.SetConst( true );
            m_fDisplacementMin.SetConst( true );
            m_fDisplacementMax.SetConst( false );
            m_fDisplacementMin.SetConst( false );
    if ( s.IsNewerThan( 340 ) )
        TreeNode::Serialize( s );

void DisplaceOperation::OnNodeEvent( const Attribute &a, NodeEventType eType )
    if ( a == m_pObject && eType == etValueChanged )
        // Disable subdivision if the object already has more than one subdivision levels.
        //if ( m_pObject != 0 && m_pObject->LevelCount() > 1 )
        //  m_iSubdivisionLevel.SetConst( true );
        //  m_bSmoothTC.SetConst( true );
        //  m_iSubdivisionLevel = m_pObject->ActiveLevel()->Index();
        //  m_iSubdivisionLevel.SetConst( m_pObject == 0 );
        //  m_bSmoothTC.SetConst( m_pObject == 0 );
        if ( m_pObject )
            m_iSubdivisionLevel = m_pObject->LevelCount()-1;
    // Recalculate the face count if the object or level is changed.
    if ( (a == m_iSubdivisionLevel || a == m_pObject) && eType == etValueChanged )
        if ( m_pObject.Value() && m_iSubdivisionLevel < int(m_pObject->LevelCount()-1) )
            Kernel()->MessageBox( Kernel::msgError, tr("Error"), tr("Subdivision level cannot be less than %1").arg( m_pObject->LevelCount()-1 ) );
            m_iSubdivisionLevel = m_pObject->LevelCount()-1;
        if ( m_pObject != 0 && m_iSubdivisionLevel != -1)
            m_iFinalFaceCount = int(m_pObject->LowestLevel()->TotalFaceCount()*pow(float(4),m_iSubdivisionLevel));
            m_iFinalFaceCount = 0;

    if ( eType == etValueChanged && a == m_sNextCommand )
        QString sOp = m_sNextCommand.Value().section( ' ', 0, 0 );
        if ( sOp == "meshdisplacement" )
            QString sName = m_sNextCommand.Value().section( '"', 1, 1 );
            if ( sName == Name() )

    // Displacement filename is changed
    if ( a == m_sDisplacementFileMask && eType == etValueChanged )
        QString sFN = m_sDisplacementFileMask.Value();
        m_sDisplacementFileMask = FilterFileName( sFN );
    // Mask filename is changed, replace 0001 with %i since it is possibly the tile index.
    if ( a == m_sMaskFileMask && eType == etValueChanged )
        QString sFN = m_sMaskFileMask.Value();
        m_sMaskFileMask = FilterFileName( sFN );
    // Start operation was pressed
    if ( a == m_eExecute && eType == etEventTriggered )
        Kernel()->RecordCommand( NTRQ("meshdisplacement \"%1\"").arg(Name()) );
    // Delete pressed, delete the operation.
    if ( a == m_eDelete && eType == etEventTriggered )
        // Seems unsafe to delete this here.  I have no idea who may have
        // references to 'this'.  Adding the RemoveChild to at least remove
        // the node from the graph.  Otherwise children will have invalid
        // sibling ptrs.

        delete this;

void DisplaceOperation::Do( void )
    if ( m_pObject == 0 )
        throw new Error( tr("You must select a mesh in the scene first") );

    // Calculate UV bounds, and align m_iUDim if it is not yet set to a proper value.
    AxisAlignedBoundingBox b;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_pObject->LowestLevel()->TCCount(); i++ )
        b.Extend( Vector( m_pObject->LowestLevel()->m_pTCs[i].m_fU, m_pObject->LowestLevel()->m_pTCs[i].m_fV ) );
    if ( float(m_iUDim) < ceilf(b.m_vEnd.x) )
        m_iUDim = int(ceilf(b.m_vEnd.x));

    m_iBaseU = int(floorf(b.m_vStart.x));
    m_iBaseV = int(floorf(b.m_vStart.y));

    // Calculate the tile list based on m_sTileRange.
    QString sTileRange = m_sTileRange.Value();
    if ( sTileRange.size() )
        int p = 0, i[2] = { 0, 0 }, k = 0;
        while ( p < sTileRange.size() )
            if ( p == sTileRange.size() || sTileRange[p] == ',' )
                i[1] = Max( i[1], i[0] );
                for ( int h = i[0]; h <= i[1]; h++ )
                    Tile t;
                    t.m_iIndex = h;
                    t.m_bZero = false;
                    m_aTiles.Add( t );
                i[0] = i[1] = 0;
                k = 0;
            QChar c = sTileRange[p];
            if ( c.isDigit() )
                i[k] = i[k]*10+(c.toAscii()-'0');
            else if ( sTileRange[p] == '-' )
                k = 1;
        i[1] = Max( i[1], i[0] );
        for ( int h = i[0]; h <= i[1]; h++ )
            Tile t;
            t.m_iIndex = h;
            t.m_bZero = false;
            m_aTiles.Add( t );

        // now we put those tiles into the array which the user want to skip with zero factor. the reason for this is that at the edge of tiles
        // (if the edge vertex has different UV one in each tile) we want to result an average value of the zero and user selected tile. this
        // way if the user applies the displacement operation to a multiple tile mesh separately for each tile, the result will be the same as
        // applying the tiles in one operation.
        int iWidth = int(ceilf(b.m_vEnd.x)-floorf(b.m_vStart.x));
        int iHeight = int(ceilf(b.m_vEnd.y)-floorf(b.m_vStart.y));
        int iStart = m_iFirstTileIndex;
        if ( iWidth > m_iUDim )
            m_iUDim = iWidth;
        int iEnd = m_iFirstTileIndex+m_iUDim*iHeight;
        for ( int i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++ )
            unsigned int j = 0;
            while ( j < m_aTiles.ItemCount() && m_aTiles[j].m_iIndex != i )
            if ( j < m_aTiles.ItemCount() )
            Tile t;
            t.m_iIndex = i;
            t.m_bZero = true;
            m_aTiles.Add( t );
        MB_ASSERT( m_aTiles.ItemCount() == iEnd-iStart );
        int iWidth = int(ceilf(b.m_vEnd.x)-floorf(b.m_vStart.x));
        int iHeight = int(ceilf(b.m_vEnd.y)-floorf(b.m_vStart.y));
        int iStart = m_iFirstTileIndex;
        if ( iWidth > m_iUDim )
            m_iUDim = iWidth;
        int iEnd = m_iFirstTileIndex+m_iUDim*iHeight;
        for ( int i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++ )
            Tile t;
            t.m_iIndex = i;
            t.m_bZero = false;
            m_aTiles.Add( t );

    // Execute the operation.

    // Redraw the scene.

// converts the internal filename into a real one by inserting tile data into it, and looking for the file in the directory
QString DisplaceOperation::GetFileName( const QString &sMask, unsigned int iTile, unsigned int iUPos, unsigned int iVPos ) const
    QString sFileName = sMask;

    // get the directory of the file
    QFileInfo i( sFileName );
    QDir d = i.absoluteDir();
    // insert the tile data after the filename, and the * mark before searching for the file
    QString g;
    if ( m_aTiles.ItemCount() == 1 )
        g = i.completeBaseName()+"*."+i.suffix();
        int iU = iUPos, iV = iVPos;
        if ( iU >= 0 )
        if ( iV >= 0 )
        g = i.completeBaseName()+QString("_u%1_v%2*.").arg(iU).arg(iV)+i.suffix();

    // set the mask for the files we are looking for
    QStringList f;
    f << g;
    d.setNameFilters( f );

    // lets see how many files we found
    if ( d.count() )
        if ( d.count() > 1 )
            Kernel()->MessageBox( Kernel::msgWarning, tr("Warning"), tr("More than one files beginning with the mask %1 is found. The result of the mesh displacement might be incorrect. Delete the unneeded ones to solve the problem.").arg(g) );
        QString f = d[0];
        QFileInfo k( f );

        // return the name of the file we found
        return QString(d.filePath( f ));

    // the file not found, return an empty string.
    return "";

// convert the filename from a real existing one to an internal one, by removing the _u, _v and _g parts from the end of the filename.
QString DisplaceOperation::FilterFileName( const QString &sFileName ) const
    m_fMultiplier = 1.0f;
    m_fMidvalue = 0.0f;
    QString s = sFileName;
    QString e;

    // search for the extension in the filename
    int k = sFileName.size();
    while ( k > 0 )
        if ( sFileName[k] == '/' || sFileName[k] == '\\' )
        if ( sFileName[k] == '.' )
            e = s.right( s.size()-k-1 );
            s = s.left( k );

    // start from the end of the filename, look for the character '_'. that indicates a section which must be removed. later this string will be added back before looking for the file.
    for ( int j = s.size()-1; j >= 0; j-- )
        // if its a '_' character, we skip everything beginning with it
        if ( s[j] == '_' )
            // in case of gain, we use the value as the default value for the multiplier
            if ( j < s.size()-1 && s[j+1] == 'g' )
                float fGain = s.right( s.size()-2-j ).toFloat();
                m_fMultiplier = fGain;
                m_fMidvalue = 0.5f;
            s = s.left( j );

        // if the character is not a valid addition character, then we already finished removing the added part, so finish the loop
        if ( s[j] !=    'u' && s[j] != 'v' && s[j] != 'g' && s[j] != 'e' && s[j] != '-' && s[j] != '+' && s[j] != '.' && (s[j] < '0' || s[j] > '9') )

    // return the naked filename with the original path and extension
    return s+"."+e;

void DisplaceOperation::Execute( void )
    Instance<Image> pDisplacement, pMask;

    // If no object specified, throw an error message.
    if ( !m_pObject )
        throw new Error( tr("No target specified") );

    // Subdivision
    SubdivisionLevel::SetUVCreation( true );
    SubdivisionLevel *pM = m_pObject->LowestLevel();

    // Check if the object has texture coordinates
    if ( pM->TCCount() == 0 )
        throw new Error(tr("Target mesh has no texture coordinates"));

    // If the object has less subdivision level as we want, subdivide it further
    while ( int(m_pObject->LevelCount()-1) < m_iSubdivisionLevel )
        if ( m_bSmoothTC )
            m_pObject->HighestLevel()->SmoothTextureCoordinates( 1.0f );

    pM = m_pObject->Level( m_iSubdivisionLevel );
    if ( pM == 0 )
        MB_ERROR( tr("Corrupt subdivision structure") );
    m_pObject->SetActiveLevel( pM );
    pM->AddFaceComponent( pM->fcTCIndex );

    // Initialize the subdivision level to be ready for global vertex index lookups
    Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("Displacement operation on %1\n").arg(pM->Name()) );

    Kernel()->ProgressStart( tr("applying maps..."), m_aTiles.ItemCount()*pM->FaceCount() );

    // This array will hold the collected information.
    Store<VertexInfo> aVertices( "displaceoperation vertex tmp" );

    TangentGenerator *pTG = NULL;
    if ( m_eMapSpace == spaceTangent || m_eMapSpace == spaceAbsoluteTangent )
        pTG = pM->ChildByClass<TangentGenerator>( true );

    // Enumerate the possible tiles.
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_aTiles.ItemCount(); i++ )
        unsigned int iTile = m_aTiles[i].m_iIndex;
        bool bZero = m_aTiles[i].m_bZero;
        int iUPos = (iTile-m_iFirstTileIndex)%m_iUDim+m_iBaseU, iVPos = (iTile-m_iFirstTileIndex)/m_iUDim+m_iBaseV;
        Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("Displacing tile %1\n").arg(iTile) );

        bool bMask = false;
        if ( !bZero )
            QString sFileName = GetFileName( m_sDisplacementFileMask.Value(), iTile, iUPos, iVPos );
            Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("\tLoading %1 for dislacement map").arg(sFileName) );
                if ( m_eMapSpace.Value() )
                    pDisplacement->Load( sFileName ); 
                    pDisplacement->LoadChannel( sFileName, m_iDisplacementChannel ); 
            catch ( Error *pError )
                Kernel()->Log( " - map not found, skipping\n" );
            Kernel()->Log( " - OK\n" );

            // Load the mask map.
            if ( m_sMaskFileMask == "" )
                bMask = false;
                QString sFileName = GetFileName( m_sMaskFileMask.Value(), iTile, iUPos, iVPos );
                Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("\tLoading %1 for mask map").arg(sFileName) );
                bMask = true;
                try { pMask->LoadChannel( sFileName, m_iMaskChannel ); }
                catch ( Error *pError ) { pError->Discard(); bMask = false; };
                if ( bMask )
                    Kernel()->Log( " - OK\n" );
                    Kernel()->Log( " - not found\n" );

        unsigned int iBefore = aVertices.ItemCount();

        // Use an array to store which vertex got processed yet.
        Store<int> aProcessedTC( pM->TCCount(), "displace - processedtc" );
        for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < pM->TCCount(); j++ )
            aProcessedTC[j] = -1;

        float fDisplacementMin = -m_fMidvalue*m_fMultiplier;
        float fDisplacementMax = (1-m_fMidvalue)*m_fMultiplier;
        Vector vMin( fDisplacementMin, fDisplacementMin, fDisplacementMin );
        Vector vMax( fDisplacementMax, fDisplacementMax, fDisplacementMax );

        // Enumerate all faces on the surface.
        for ( unsigned int v = 0; v < pM->FaceCount(); v++ )
            Kernel()->ProgressSet( i*pM->FaceCount()+v );

            // Enumerate all the corners of the face.
            for ( int c = 0; c < pM->SideCount(); c++ )
                // Get position and texture coordinate indices for the current vertex.
                unsigned int iVertexIndex, iTCIndex;
                if ( pM->Type() == Mesh::typeTriangular )
                    iVertexIndex = pM->TriangleIndex( v, c );
                    iTCIndex = pM->TriangleTCI( v, c );
                    iVertexIndex = pM->QuadIndex( v, c );
                    iTCIndex = pM->QuadTCI( v, c );

                MB_ONBUG( iTCIndex >= pM->TCCount() )

                // If this vertex was touched by us then skip it.
                if ( pM->VertexStrokeID( iVertexIndex ) == pM->CollectionID() )

                // Check if the texture coordinate 
                float fU = pM->VertexTC( iTCIndex ).m_fU-float(iUPos), fV = (pM->VertexTC( iTCIndex ).m_fV-float(iVPos));
                if ( fU < 0.0f || fU > 1.0f || fV < 0.0f || fV > 1.0f )

                // Set this vertex as touched.
                pM->SetVertexStrokeID( iVertexIndex, pM->CollectionID() );

                // Get the displacement map value for this vertex from the map.
                if ( bZero )
                    // this tile is not listed by the user, so we skip it, except when a vertex is affected by another processed tile.
                    // in that case we treat this tile as a black zero tile. this is important because the user may want to apply
                    // the tiles separately in different displacement operations and the result must be the same as with a single
                    // operation

                    if ( aProcessedTC[iTCIndex] != -1 )
                        aVertices[aProcessedTC[iTCIndex]].Refine( Vector(), 1 );

                float fMask = 1;
                Vector vDisp;
                vDisp.x = pDisplacement->ValueAt( fU, fV, 0 );
                if ( m_eMapSpace.Value() )
                    vDisp.y = pDisplacement->ValueAt( fU, fV, 1 );
                    vDisp.z = pDisplacement->ValueAt( fU, fV, 2 );

                // Transform the displacement map value into the [m_fDisplacementMin:m_fDisplacementMax] range. 8 and 16 bit maps can hold values only in the range of [0:1]
                vDisp = vMin+vDisp*(vMax-vMin);

                // If there is a mask texture, get the value from it also, otherwise use 1.
                if ( bMask )
                    fMask = pMask->ValueAt( fU, fV, 0 );

                // If the displacement value is not zero, store it for later processing
                if ( vDisp )
                    // Check if the current texture coordinate was processed before or not.
                    if ( aProcessedTC[iTCIndex] != -1 )
                        // Refine the previously stored data for this vertex.
                        aVertices[aProcessedTC[iTCIndex]].Refine( vDisp, fMask );
                        // Its a new vertex, add it to the aVertices array.
                        unsigned int iIndex;
                        iIndex = aVertices.Add( VertexInfo( iVertexIndex, iVertexIndex, vDisp, fMask, v, c ) );

                        // If the returned index is 0xffffffff, the Add operation was not successful.

                        if ( iIndex == 0xffffffff )
                            Kernel()->Log( "\tOut of memory\n" );
                            throw &Error::s_cBadAlloc;

                        // Store the index for later usage.
                        aProcessedTC[iTCIndex] = iIndex;
        Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("\tProcessed %1 vertices\n").arg( aVertices.ItemCount()-iBefore ) );

    // Increase the collection counter since we used the current one for some vertices.

    // Creating a new layer for the results.
    LayerMeshData *pL = pL = pM->AddLayer();
    if ( pL == 0 ) 
        throw Error( tr("Unable to create new layer") );
    pL->SetName( "Displacement" );

    // Fill the layer with the collected data
    pL->SetVertexCount( aVertices.ItemCount() );
    for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < aVertices.ItemCount(); k++ )
        Vector vDelta;
        if ( m_eMapSpace.Value() )
            vDelta = aVertices[k].m_vDisplacement;
            if ( m_eMapSpace == spaceTangent || m_eMapSpace == spaceAbsoluteTangent )
                MB_SAFELY( pTG )
                    Base b = pTG->LocalBase( aVertices[k].m_iFaceIndex, aVertices[k].m_iCornerIndex );

                    if ( m_eMapSpace == spaceTangent )
                        // for relative tangent, we are scaling the normal vector to have a length
                        // which is the geometrical average of the tangent and binormal
                        float al = b.a.Length();
                        float bl = b.b.Length();
                        float cl = b.c.Length();
                        b.b *= sqrtf(al*cl)/bl;
                    vDelta = b.TransformFrom( vDelta );
            if ( m_eMapSpace == spaceWorld )
                vDelta = pM->Geometry()->Transformation()->TransformToLocal( vDelta, 0 );
            vDelta = Vector(pM->VertexNormal(  aVertices[k].m_iVertexIndex  ))*aVertices[k].m_vDisplacement.x;
        pL->SetVertexData( k, aVertices[k].m_iGlobalVertexIndex, aVertices[k].m_fMask );
        pL->SetVertexDelta( k, aVertices[k].m_iVertexIndex, vDelta );

    // HACK recreate render buffers

    // Since vertex positions changed, recalculate normal vectors.


// This function will be called then the plugin got loaded.
void DisplaceOperation::Initializer( void )
    // Add a menu entry for the DisplaceOperation class/
    Kernel()->AddClassMenuItem( Kernel::menuMaps, tr("Sculpt using Map"), StaticClass(), tr("New Operation...") );