Operation Class Reference

Detailed Description

The base class of all operations.

The main purpose of this class is that it makes it possible for plugins to execute undoable operations. When a plugin want undoable operations, it has to derive its own class from Operation, and implement the Serialize and ExecuteAndInvert functions. In this case, when one want to execute the operation, it not makes the changes directly, but creates an instance of the operation class, fills the necessary data members, and then calls Kernel::DoOperation(). That function will later call the ExecuteAndInvert function of the operation object, which will do the changes at that time. The Serialize function must properly store/restore the state of the operation object, otherwise the undo/redo will not work properly.

Definition at line 51 of file operation.h.

#include <operation.h>

Inheritance diagram for Operation:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation
Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation