Preferences::Bool Class Reference

Detailed Description

This class is a simple boolean preference, appears as a checkbox. See Preferences::Integer for details.

Definition at line 279 of file preferences.h.

#include <preferences.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  Bool (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, bool bDefaultValue)
  operator bool (void) const

Public Attributes

abool m_pAttribute

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Bool ( const QString &  sName,
const QString &  sCategory,
const QString &  sNameTr,
const QString &  sCategoryTr,
bool  bDefaultValue 

Member Function Documentation

operator bool ( void  ) const

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool
Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool Preferences::Bool