Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- u
: AffineParts
, TessApprox
, ExtrudeData
- u_iso
: TessApprox
- uAxis
: UserCoord
- uBasis
: TangentBasis
- udp_port
: ClientInfo
- udprequests
: NetworkStatus
- uflip
: UVWMapper
- ugen_count
: ValueMetaClass
- ui
: JointDlgData
- UIName
: TextureData
- ULimited()
: Link
- ulimits
: RootLink
- umax
: JPLimitsRestore
- umin
: JPLimitsRestore
- uminus_expr()
: Parser
- UnApply()
: SplineShapeVertexDelta
- UnattendedPriority
: WeekSchedule
- UnbindKnot()
: BezierShape
- UnblockEval()
: ReferenceMaker
- UnCheckout()
- UnConvert()
: ParamDimensionBase
- Uncrossable()
: MNEdge
- Underlined
: BezFontMetrics
- underlined
: EditorStyleDef
- Undisplay()
: IMenu
- UnDisplay()
: Bitmap
, IMaxBitmapViewer
- UndoAccept()
: ViewExp10
- UndoBegin()
: ViewExp10
- UndoCheckout()
: IATSProvider
- undonotify
: ImageFilter
- UndoNotify()
: UndoNotify
- UndoStringID()
: TransformModBox
, MoveModBox
, RotateModBox
, ScaleModBox
, SelectModBox
, TransformCtrlApparatus
, MoveCtrlApparatus
, RotateCtrlApparatus
, ScaleCtrlApparatus
, SelectCtrlApparatus
- UnFlush()
: ITreeView
- UnFlushAllSchematicViewWindows()
: Interface7
- UnFlushAllTrackViewWindows()
: Interface7
- UnFlushMtlDlg()
: Interface7
- UnfreezeObjectAndLayer()
: INode
- unget_char()
: Parser
, Pipe
- ungetch_count
: Parser
, Pipe
- UngroupNodes()
: Interface
- Unhide()
: SplineKnotAssy
, SplineKnot
- UnhideObjectAndLayer()
: INode
- UnhideSegs()
: BezierShape
- UniformParams()
: Spline3D
- uniformScale
: ObjLightDesc
- Unify()
: Point2
, Point3
, Point4
- UnifyMotion()
: IBipMaster
- UnifyNormals()
: Mesh
, MeshDelta
, MeshNormalSpec
, MNNormalSpec
, PatchMesh
- Uninit()
: BezFontManager
- Uninitialize()
: IATSProvider
- unique_clone()
: MSCustAttribDef
: IDxMaterial2
- UnknownSystemException()
: UnknownSystemException
- UnLink()
: ISplineIKControl
- Unload()
: DllDesc
- UnloadAllDlls()
: DllDir
- UnloadContainer()
: IContainerObject
- UnloadDLLs()
: IParserLoader
- UnloadPackage()
: IMSZipMgr
- unloadPackage
: IMSZipMgr
- UnlockChannels()
: Object
- UnlockObject()
: Object
- unmark_in_use()
: Collectable
- UnProjectPoint()
: Spline3D
- UnReadyInterpParameterBlock()
: SimpleSpline
- UnRegister()
: EventRouter
- Unregister()
: RightClickMenuManager
, PluginClassDefPLCB1
, CustAttribClassDefPLCB1
- UnRegisterAccelTable()
: Interface
- UnregisterActionItemOverride()
: IActionItemOverrideManager
- UnRegisterATSNotification()
: ATSNotification
- UnRegisterAxisChangeCallback()
: Interface
- UnRegisterButton()
: IViewportButtonManager
- UnregisterCallback()
: VertexNormalsControl
- UnRegisterCallback()
: ISceneEventManager
- UnRegisterChangeCallback()
: imrPreferences
- UnRegisterCommandModeChangedCallback()
: Interface
- UnRegisterContext()
: IBrushPresetMgr
- UnRegisterDeleteUser()
: Interface
- UnRegisterDisplayFilterCallback()
: Interface
- UnRegisterDlgWnd()
: IMtlParams
, Interface
- Unregistered()
: IMtlBrowserFilter
- UnRegisterExitMAXCallback()
: Interface
, Interface8
- UnRegisterFilter()
: ITrackBarFilterManager
- UnRegisterGeometryChecker()
: IGeometryCheckerManager
- UnRegisterGripChangedCallback()
: IGripManager
- unRegisterMenu
: IMenuManager
- UnRegisterMenu()
: IMenuManager
- UnRegisterModelessRenderWindow()
: Interface8
- UnRegisterNodeDisplayCallback()
: INodeDisplayControl
- UnRegisterNotification()
: IDialogMonitor
, IPFActionListPool
, IPFSystemPool
- UnRegisterNotifyCallback()
: BaseInterface
, FPMixinInterface
- unRegisterQuadMenu
: IMenuManager
- UnRegisterRCMenuItem()
: IRollupWindow
- UnRegisterRedrawViewsCallback()
: Interface
- UnRegisterRollupCallback()
: IRollupWindow
- UnRegisterSelectFilterCallback()
: Interface
- UnRegisterSetKeyModeCallback()
: SetKeyModeInterface
- UnRegisterTab()
: ITabDialogManager
- UnRegisterTimeChangeCallback()
: IMtlParams
, Interface
, IRendParams
- UnRegisterToneOperatorChangeNotification()
: ToneOperatorInterface
- UnRegisterTVNodeNotify()
: ITrackViewNode
, Wrangler
- UnRegisterViewChange()
: SimpleManipulator
- UnRegisterViewportDisplayCallback()
: Interface
- UnRegisterViewWindow()
: Interface
- unrelaxedMeshValid
: PatchMesh
- UnselectHiddenSegs()
: BezierShape
- UnselectHiddenSplines()
: BezierShape
- UnselectHiddenVerts()
: BezierShape
- Update()
: ICurveCtl
, MtlBase
, ParamMapUserDlgProc
, ParamMap2UserDlgProc
, LinearShape
, MaxNetCallBack
, ObjLightDesc
, OsnapHit
, PolyObject
, MaxRenderElement
, SpecialFX
, ShadowGenerator
, SimpleParticle
, ToneOperator
, TriObject
, IScriptCtrl
, MSPluginTexmap
, MSTexmapXtnd
, MSPluginMtl
, MSMtlXtnd
, MSPluginSpecialFX< TYPE >
, MSSpecialFXXtnd< TYPE, MS_SUPER >
, IParticleGroup
, IObjXRefRecord
- update_refs()
: IBaseScriptControl
- update_sel()
: MeshSelection
- UpdateActionSet()
: IParticleGroup
- UpdateActiveStatus()
: IParticleGroup
- UpdateAlignParameters()
: EPolyMod
- UpdateAllRecords()
: IObjXRefManager8
- UpdateApproxUI()
: MeshDeltaUser
- updateArrowValue()
: IPFTest
- updateArrowValueInTestFrom()
: IPFArrow
- UpdateAssetSection()
: IPathConfigMgr
, Interface7
- UpdateBackfacing()
: MNMesh
- UpdateBindList()
: BezierShape
- UpdateCache()
: EPolyMod
- UpdateCachedHierarchy()
: PolyShape
- UpdateCat()
: ICatRegistry
- UpdateChangedXRefs()
: INode
- UpdateChannelMinMax()
: GBuffer
- UpdateClipboardData()
: IMXSDebugger
- UpdateColors()
: GPort
, Interface7
- UpdateContainer()
: IContainerObject
- UpdateCreatorHandle()
: IParticleChannel
- UpdateCursorPosition()
: IMenuGlobalContext
- UpdateDialog()
: ShaderParamDlg
- UpdateDisplacementParams()
: EPoly
- UpdateDisplay()
: IIRenderMgr
, BaseObject
, ShapeObject
, PatchObject
, PolyObject
, SimpleObject
, TriObject
, MixerManager
, IMixer
, IObjectDisplay
, IPFViewportExtention
- UpdateDisplayVertexColors()
: MNMesh
- UpdateDotIniFile()
: IFileResolutionManager
- UpdateEdgeDists()
: PatchMesh
, PatchObject
, BezierShape
, SplineShape
- UpdateEditTrackUI()
: IBipFootStep
- UpdateEnableState()
: ICustomControl
- UpdateFilter()
: FilterManager
- UpdateFootSteps()
: IBipFootStep
- UpdateGammaTable()
: BitmapStorage
- UpdateGizmoList()
: ISkin
- UpdateGlobalLightLevel()
: ObjLightDesc
- UpdateHooks()
: PatchMesh
- UpdateLabel()
: ViewExp13
- UpdateLayers()
: IBipMaster
- UpdateLayout()
: IRollupWindow
- updateLinkActiveValue()
: IPFTest
- updateLinkActiveValueInTestFrom()
: IPFArrow
- UpdateList()
: ITreeViewOps
- UpdateLockCheckObjectCounts()
: Interface7
- UpdateLUTs()
: MeshDelta
- UpdateMapButtons()
: ShaderParamDlg
- UpdateMaterial()
: IPFActionList
- UpdateMaxLengthValue()
: IParticleChannelPoint3W
- UpdateMenuBar()
: IMenuManager
- updateMenuBar
: IMenuManager
- UpdateMesh()
: SimpleObject
, SimpleWSMObject
, SimpleParticle
- UpdateMeshes()
: IPainterInterface_V5
- UpdateMeshesByObjState()
: IPainterInterface_V7
- UpdateMtlEditorBrackets()
: IMtlEditInterface
, Interface
- updateNextActionListValue()
: IPFTest
- updateNextActionListValueInTestFrom()
: IPFArrow
- updatenow
: PodObj
- UpdateOnHold()
: IPViewManager
- UpdateOnLoad()
: IContainerPreferences
- UpdateOnReload()
: IContainerPreferences
- UpdateOpacity()
: ShaderParamDlg
- UpdateParticleAmountShown()
: IPViewManager
- UpdateParticles()
: IParticleObjectExt
, SimpleParticle
- UpdateParticleState()
: SpringSys
- UpdateParticleViews()
: IPViewManager
- UpdatePatchMesh()
: PatchObject
- UpdatePod()
: PodObj
- UpdateProjectionTypeList()
: IProjectionMod
- UpdatePViewUI()
: PFSimpleAction
- UpdateRenderDialogParameters()
: Interface7
- UpdateRollup()
: MCDeviceBinding
- updateRVerts()
: MNMesh
- UpdateSceneXRefState()
: Interface7
- updateScreen()
: GraphicsWindow
- UpdateScreen()
: IHardwareRenderer
- UpdateSelectDisplay()
: SplineShape
- UpdateSelectionSet()
: ILayer
- UpdateSels()
: PolyShape
, BezierShape
- UpdateSetKeyButton()
: SetKeyModeInterface
- UpdateShadowParam()
: IShadowLightData
- UpdateShape()
: SimpleShape
, SimpleSpline
- updateShapes
: ISimpleManipulator
- UpdateShapes()
: ISimpleManipulator
, SimpleManipulator
, MSPluginSimpleManipulator
, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd
- UpdateSoftSel()
: ObjectWrapper
- UpdateTargDistance()
: MSCameraXtnd
, LightscapeLight
, CameraObject
, LightObject
, MSPluginLight
, MSLightXtnd
, MSPluginCamera
- UpdateTextureMapInfo()
: DisplayTextureHelper
- UpdateUI()
: IParamMap2
, Transition
, IMoFlow
, Snippet
- UpdateValidity()
: Object
- UpdateValidityToken()
: IMenuSettings
- UpdateVertexBuffer()
: IHWSubMesh
, HWTupleMesh
, HWTupleMeshContainer
, IHWDrawMesh
- UpdateVertexDists()
: PatchMesh
, PatchObject
, BezierShape
, SplineShape
- UpdateVertexWeights()
: PatchObject
, BezierShape
, SplineShape
, PatchMesh
- UpdateViewDepParams()
: ShadowGenerator
, ObjLightDesc
- UpdateWindowsMenu()
: IMenuBarContext
- UpdateWrangler()
: PodObj
: IMenuElement
: IMenuElement
- upperEdge
: HookPoint
- upperHookVec
: HookPoint
- upperPatch
: HookPoint
- upperPoint
: HookPoint
- upperVec
: HookPoint
- uprop_count
: ValueMetaClass
- URLTab()
: URLTab
- UsageCount()
: BitmapStorage
- usageCount
: BitmapStorage
, BitmapFilter
- UsageDiffuse
: ISimpleMaterial
- UsageOpacity
: ISimpleMaterial
- uscale
: XFormModes
- UScaleCtrlApparatusCMode()
: UScaleCtrlApparatusCMode
- UScaleModBoxCMode()
: UScaleModBoxCMode
- uscaleMode
: PatchObject
, SimpleMod
- usDisp
: DispInfo
- use_generic()
: Value
, MeshSelection
, Value
, Integer
, Value
, InterfaceMethod
, StaticInterfaceMethod
, Value
, StaticInterfaceMethod
, Value
, Integer
, Integer64
, Value
, IntegerPtr
, Value
, IntegerPtr
, Value
- useAreaSelect
: SplineShape
- useAtten
: LightState
- UseCallbacks()
: OSnapDecorator
, Osnap
- UseClosestPowerOf2()
: TexHandleMaker
- useClosestTextureSize()
: GraphicsWindow
- UseContentBoundingBox()
: IContainerObject
- UseCount()
: ClassEntry
- Used()
: ILayer
- UseDefaultLight()
: IRadiosityEffectExtension
- useDisplacement
: RendParams
- UseDisplacementPreset()
: EPoly
- useEdgeDist
: GenSoftSelData
- UseEdgeDists()
: BezierShape
, PatchMesh
, PatchObject
, SplineShape
- useEnvironAlpha
: RendParams
- useFastNodeNameLookup
: MAXScriptPrefs
- useFilter()
: HitByNameDlgCallback
- UseHighDynamicRange()
: StdMirror
, StdCubic
- UseLight()
: RadiosityEffect
- useMaps
: IAssignVertexColors::Options
- useMultiThreadedUsedMacroscriptCompile
: MAXScriptPrefs
- useNearAtten
: LightState
- UseOtherPod()
: IOperatorInterface
- useProc()
: HitByNameDlgCallback
- user
: ConfigurationBlock
, ParamBlockDesc
, ParamBlockDescID
- user_gens
: ValueMetaClass
- user_props
: ValueMetaClass
- useRadiosity
: RendParams
, IAssignVertexColors::Options
- UserGeneric()
: UserGeneric
- UserIllumNameArray()
: BaseShader
- userIllumNames
: IlluminateComponents
, IllumParams
- userIllumOut
: IlluminateComponents
, IllumParams
- UserLabel()
: ImageFilterInfo
- UserProp()
: UserProp
- UserPropertiesChanged()
: INodeEventCallback
- UserPropExists()
: INodeTransformed
, INode
- UserThrownError()
: UserThrownError
- UsesAlphaMask()
: MaxIcon
, MaxBmpFileIcon
- UseScaleColors()
: Bitmap
, BitmapStorage
- UseSelectionBrackets()
: Object
, SimpleManipulator
- useSoftSel
: GenSoftSelData
- UseSoftSelect()
: ITreeViewOps
- UseSoftSelections()
: PatchMesh
, SplineShape
, BezierShape
, PatchObject
- UsesWireColor()
: MSPluginHelper
, MSLightXtnd
, MSCameraXtnd
, WSMObject
, HelperObject
, MSHelperXtnd
, CameraObject
, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd
, MSPluginSimpleManipulator
, MSPluginCamera
, Object
, MSPluginLight
- useTex
: TextureInfo
- UseVHTarget()
- usFrac
: DispInfo
- uSpin
: PatchObject
- uspring
: JPLimitsRestore
- UTangent()
: Patch
- utile
: UVWMapper
- utility_def()
: Parser
- UtilityStarted()
: MCInputDevice
- UtilityStopped()
: MCInputDevice
- uv
: GBufData
- uvec
: ExtrudeData
- UVTangent()
: Patch
- UVVertSet()
: UVVertSet
- uvw
: MeshFaceData
- UVW()
: ShadeContext
- uvw
: MeshData
- UVWMapper()
: UVWMapper
- UVWMapperDesc()
: UVWMapperDesc
- UVWNormal()
: ShadeContext
- uvwSource
: TextureInfo