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Bitmap Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Principal Bitmap Classes, Creating Bitmaps, Loading Bitmaps, Saving Bitmaps, Multi-frame Files, Resolution / Palettes / Pixel Storage Topics, Dithering and Filtering, Aspect Ratio, Gamma Preferences, Bitmap Gamma Overview.

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Detailed Description

See also:
Class BitmapManager, Class BitmapInfo, Class BitmapStorage, Class GBuffer, Working with Bitmaps.

The Bitmap class is the bitmap itself. All image access is done through this class. The Bitmap class has methods to retrieve properties of the bitmap such as image width, height, whether it is dithered, has an alpha channel, etc. There are methods to retrieve and store pixels from the image. Additional methods allow a developer to copy bitmaps. This class also has methods to open outputs and write multi-frame files. All methods of this class are implemented by the system.
Data Members:

float gamma;

The gamma setting for the bitmap.

Bitmap *map;

The bitmap using this output handler.

BitmapStorage *storage;

The storage used by this INPUT handler

int openMode;

The mode the bitmap is open in.

BitmapIO *prevIO;

BitmapIO *nextIO;

Linked list pointers for multiple output of a single bitmap.
Method Groups:
See Method Groups for Class Bitmap.

#include <bitmap.h>

Inheritance diagram for Bitmap:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

BitmapManager Manager ()
BMMExport int  Create (BitmapInfo *bi)
BMMExport BOOL  FixDeviceName (BitmapInfo *bi)
int  MapReady ()
BMMExport void  AddOutput (BitmapIO *out)
BMMExport void  RemoveOutput (BitmapIO *out, BOOL deleteOutput=TRUE)
BMMExport BitmapIO FindOutput (BitmapInfo *bi)
BMMExport PAVIFILE  GetPaviFile (BitmapInfo *bi)
void *  GetVFBData ()
void  SetVFBData (void *vfb)
BMMExport void  DeleteThis ()
DWORD  Flags ()
void  SetFlag (DWORD flag)
void  ToggleFlag (DWORD flag)
void  ClearFlag (DWORD flag)
int  Width ()
int  Height ()
float  Aspect ()
float  Gamma ()
int  Paletted ()
int  IsDithered ()
int  PreMultipliedAlpha ()
int  HasAlpha ()
int  IsHighDynamicRange ()
int  MaxRGBLevel ()
int  MaxAlphaLevel ()
void  UseScaleColors (int on)
int  ScaleColors ()
void  ClampScaleColor (BMM_Color_64 &out, const BMM_Color_fl &in)
void  ClampScaleColorA (BMM_Color_64 &out, const BMM_Color_fl &in)
int  Put16Gray (int x, int y, int pixels, WORD *ptr)
int  Put16Gray (int x, int y, int pixels, float *ptr)
void *  GetStoragePtr (int *type)
void *  GetAlphaPtr (int *type)
int  Get16Gray (int x, int y, int pixels, WORD *ptr)
int  Get16Gray (int x, int y, int pixels, float *ptr)
int  GetPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BMM_Color_64 *ptr)
int  GetPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BMM_Color_fl *ptr)
BMMExport int  PutPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BMM_Color_64 *ptr)
BMMExport int  PutPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BMM_Color_fl *ptr)
int  GetLinearPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BMM_Color_64 *ptr)
int  GetLinearPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BMM_Color_fl *ptr)
int  GetIndexPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BYTE *ptr)
int  PutIndexPixels (int x, int y, int pixels, BYTE *ptr)
int  CropImage (int width, int height, BMM_Color_64 fillcolor)
int  CropImage (int width, int height, BMM_Color_fl fillcolor)
int  CropImage (int width, int height, int fillindex)
int  ResizeImage (int width, int height, int newpalette)
int  CopyImage (Bitmap *from, int operation, BMM_Color_64 fillcolor, BitmapInfo *bi=NULL)
int  CopyImage (Bitmap *from, int operation, BMM_Color_fl fillcolor, BitmapInfo *bi=NULL)
int  CopyImage (Bitmap *from, int operation, int fillindex)
int  GetPalette (int start, int count, BMM_Color_48 *ptr)
int  SetPalette (int start, int count, BMM_Color_48 *ptr)
BMMExport void  FilmGrain (float grain, BOOL mask, PBITMAP_FX_CALLBACK callback=NULL, void *param=NULL)
void *  GetChannel (ULONG channelID, ULONG &chanType)
GBuffer GetGBuffer ()
ULONG  CreateChannels (ULONG channelIDs)
void  DeleteChannels (ULONG channelIDs)
ULONG  ChannelsPresent ()
RenderInfo GetRenderInfo ()
RenderInfo AllocRenderInfo ()
BMMExport BOOL  PrepareGChannels (BitmapInfo *bi)
BMMExport BOOL  PrepareGChannels (DWORD channels)
BMMExport int  GetFiltered (float u, float v, float du, float dv, BMM_Color_64 *ptr)
BMMExport int  GetFiltered (float u, float v, float du, float dv, BMM_Color_fl *ptr)
BMMExport int  SetDither (UINT ditherType)
BMMExport int  SetFilter (UINT filterType)
int  HasFilter ()
BitmapFilter Filter ()
BMMExport int  SetStorage (BitmapStorage *storage)
BitmapStorage Storage ()
void  NullStorage ()
BMMExport PBITMAPINFO  ToDib (int depth=24, UWORD *gam=NULL, BOOL dither=FALSE, BOOL displayGamma=FALSE)
BMMExport BOOL  FromDib (PBITMAPINFO pbmi)
BMMExport BMMRES  OpenOutput (BitmapInfo *bi)
BMMExport BMMRES  Write (BitmapInfo *bi, int frame=BMM_SINGLEFRAME)
BMMExport BMMRES  WriteAll (int frame=BMM_SINGLEFRAME)
BMMExport int  Close (BitmapInfo *bi, int flag=BMM_CLOSE_COMPLETE)
BMMExport int  CloseAll (int flag=BMM_CLOSE_COMPLETE)
BMMExport int  Display (MCHAR *title=NULL, int position=BMM_CN, BOOL autonomous=FALSE, BOOL savebutton=TRUE, CropCallback *crop=NULL, Bitmap *cloneMyVFB=NULL)
BMMExport int  UnDisplay ()
BMMExport HWND  GetWindow ()
BMMExport void  RefreshWindow (RECT *rect=NULL)
BMMExport void  SetWindowTitle (MCHAR *title)
BMMExport void  SetCroppingValues (float u, float v, float w, float h, BOOL placeImage)
BMMExport BMMRES  GoTo (BitmapInfo *bi)
BMMExport int  Fill (int r, int g, int b, int alpha)
BMMExport int  Fill (const BMM_Color_fl &fillColor)
BMMExport int  Fill (const BMM_Color_64 &fillColor)
BMMExport void  SetNotify (BitmapNotify *bmnot=NULL)
BitmapNotify GetNotify ()
BMMExport BOOL  IsAutonomousVFB ()
BMMExport INT_PTR  Execute (int cmd, ULONG_PTR arg1=0, ULONG_PTR arg2=0, ULONG_PTR arg3=0)
DWORD  GetModifyID ()
void  SetModifyID (DWORD m)
BMMExport void  IncrModifyID ()
BMMExport void  Print (bool silent=false)
BMMExport void  ShowProgressLine (int y)

Static Public Member Functions

static void  ClampColor (BMM_Color_64 &out, const BMM_Color_fl &in)
static void  ClampColorA (BMM_Color_64 &out, const BMM_Color_fl &in)
static void  ScaleColor (BMM_Color_64 &out, const BMM_Color_fl &in)
static void  ScaleColorA (BMM_Color_64 &out, const BMM_Color_fl &in)


class  BitmapManagerImp
LRESULT CALLBACK  InputWndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

Member Function Documentation

BitmapManager* Manager ( ) [inline]
Returns a pointer to the bitmap manager being used.
{ return manager; };
BMMExport int Create ( BitmapInfo bi )
BMMExport BOOL FixDeviceName ( BitmapInfo bi )
int MapReady ( ) [inline]
{ if (storage) return storage->MapReady(); return 0; };
BMMExport void AddOutput ( BitmapIO out )
BMMExport void RemoveOutput ( BitmapIO out,
BOOL  deleteOutput = TRUE 
BMMExport BitmapIO* FindOutput ( BitmapInfo bi )
BMMExport PAVIFILE GetPaviFile ( BitmapInfo bi )
void* GetVFBData ( ) [inline]
{ return vfbData; }
void SetVFBData ( void *  vfb ) [inline]
{ vfbData = vfb; }
BMMExport void DeleteThis ( )
This method should be called to free the Bitmap. Note that you should not invoke ~Bitmap() directly by calling delete on the Bitmap as was done in 3ds Max1.x. An assert will be raised if you call delete on a Bitmap directly. Instead use this method.
DWORD Flags ( ) [inline]
Returns the state of the bitmap flags. These flags describe properties of the bitmap such as if the bitmap is flipped horizontally or inverted vertically, is paletted, is dithered, etc. See Bitmap Flags.
{ return flags; };
void SetFlag ( DWORD  flag ) [inline]
Sets the specified flag bit(s).
DWORD flag

The flag(s) to set. See Bitmap Flags.
{ flags |= flag; };
void ToggleFlag ( DWORD  flag ) [inline]
Toggles the specified flag bit(s) on/off.
DWORD flag

The flag(s) to toggle. See Bitmap Flags.
{ flags ^= flag; };
void ClearFlag ( DWORD  flag ) [inline]
Clears the specified flag bit(s) (sets them to zero).
DWORD flag

The flag(s) to clear. See Bitmap Flags.
{ flags &= (~flag); };
int Width ( ) [inline]
Returns the width of the bitmap (the horizontal dimension).
If storage has been allocated the width of the bitmap; otherwise 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->Width();              return 0; };
int Height ( ) [inline]
Returns the height (vertical dimension) of the bitmap.
If storage has been allocated the height of the bitmap; otherwise 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->Height();             return 0; };
float Aspect ( ) [inline]
Returns the aspect ratio of the bitmap.
If storage has been allocated the aspect ratio of the bitmap; otherwise 0.0f.
{ if (storage) return storage->Aspect();             return (float)0.0; };
float Gamma ( ) [inline]
Returns the gamma value for the bitmap.
If storage has been allocated the gamma of the bitmap; otherwise 0.0f.
{ if (storage) return storage->Gamma();              return (float)0.0; };
int Paletted ( ) [inline]
Returns whether the bitmap uses a palette (is not true color).
If storage has been allocated returns nonzero if the bitmap uses a palette (returns the number of palette slots used); otherwise 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->Paletted();           return 0; };
int IsDithered ( ) [inline]
Returns whether the bitmap is dithered or not.
If storage has been allocated returns nonzero if the bitmap is dithered; otherwise 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->IsDithered();         return 0; };
int PreMultipliedAlpha ( ) [inline]
Returns whether the bitmap uses pre-multiplied alpha.
If storage has been allocated returns nonzero if the bitmap uses pre-multiplied alpha; otherwise 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->PreMultipliedAlpha(); return 0; };
int HasAlpha ( ) [inline]
Returns whether the bitmap has an alpha channel.
If storage has been allocated returns nonzero if the bitmap has an alpha channel; otherwise 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->HasAlpha();           return 0; };
int IsHighDynamicRange ( ) [inline]
Returns nonzero if this is a bitmap that supports high dynamic range data; zero if it doesn't.
{ if (storage) return storage->IsHighDynamicRange(); return 0; };
int MaxRGBLevel ( ) [inline]
This method returns the number of bits per pixel for each color component. For example a 24-bit TARGA has a MaxRGBLevel() of 8.
{ if (storage) return storage->MaxRGBLevel();        return 0; };
int MaxAlphaLevel ( ) [inline]
Implemented by the System.

Returns the number of bits per pixel in the alpha channel.
If storage has not been allocated returns 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->MaxAlphaLevel();      return 0; };
void UseScaleColors ( int  on ) [inline]
Implemented by the System.

Set whether colors are scaled (on) or clamped (off) when converting from BMM_Color_fl to BMM_Color_64. If storage is not allocated, does nothing.
{ if (storage) storage->UseScaleColors(on); };
int ScaleColors ( ) [inline]
Implemented by the System.

Returns the last value set by UseScaleColors. If storage is not allocated, returns 0.
{ if (storage) return storage->ScaleColors();        return 0; };
static void ClampColor ( BMM_Color_64 out,
const BMM_Color_fl in 
) [inline, static]
Implemented by the System.

Converts in to out clamping the RGB components to 0 to 65535. The alpha component is not copied.
BMM_Color_64& out

The result of the conversion.

BMM_Color_fl& in

The value to convert.
static void ClampColorA ( BMM_Color_64 out,
const BMM_Color_fl in 
) [inline, static]
Implemented by the System.

Converts in to out clamping the RGB components to 0 to 65535.
BMM_Color_64& out

The result of the conversion.

BMM_Color_fl& in

The value to convert.
static void ScaleColor ( BMM_Color_64 out,
const BMM_Color_fl in 
) [inline, static]
Implemented by the System.

Converts in to out clamping the RGB components to 0 to 65535. The alpha component is not copied.
BMM_Color_64& out

The result of the conversion.

BMM_Color_fl& in

The value to convert.
static void ScaleColorA ( BMM_Color_64 out,
const BMM_Color_fl in 
) [inline, static]
Implemented by the System.

Converts in to out clamping the RGB components to 0 to 65535.
BMM_Color_64& out

The result of the conversion.

BMM_Color_fl& in

The value to convert.
void ClampScaleColor ( BMM_Color_64 out,
const BMM_Color_fl in 
) [inline]
Implemented by the System.

Converts in to out, using the value of ScaleColors() to determine the clamping or scaling. The alpha component is not copied. If the storage is not allocated, the clamping is performed.
BMM_Color_64& out

The result of the conversion.

BMM_Color_fl& in

The value to convert.
{ if (storage) storage->ClampScaleColor(out, in); else ClampColor(out, in); }
void ClampScaleColorA ( BMM_Color_64 out,
const BMM_Color_fl in 
) [inline]
Implemented by the System.

Converts in to out, using the value of ScaleColors() to determine the clamping or scaling. If the storage is not allocated, the clamping is performed.
BMM_Color_64& out

The result of the conversion.

BMM_Color_fl& in

The value to convert.
{ if (storage) storage->ClampScaleColorA(out, in); else ClampColorA(out, in); }
int Put16Gray ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
WORD *  ptr 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->Put16Gray(x,y,pixels,ptr); return 0; };
int Put16Gray ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
float *  ptr 
) [inline]
Stores the specified 16-bit pixel values into the bitmap. The pixel value pointer you pass to this method may be freed or reused as soon as the function returns. Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Destination x location.

int y

Destination y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to store.

float *ptr

Pixel values to store.
Returns nonzero if pixels were stored; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->Put16Gray(x,y,pixels,ptr); return 0; };
void* GetStoragePtr ( int *  type ) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetStoragePtr(type);       return NULL; };
void* GetAlphaPtr ( int *  type ) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetAlphaPtr(type);         return NULL; };
int Get16Gray ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
WORD *  ptr 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->Get16Gray(x,y,pixels,ptr);         return 0; };
int Get16Gray ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
float *  ptr 
) [inline]
Retrieves the specified 16-bit pixel values from the bitmap. Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Source x location.

int y

Source y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to retrieve.

float *ptr

Pointer to storage for the retrieved pixel values.
Returns nonzero if pixels were retrieved; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->Get16Gray(x,y,pixels,ptr);         return 0; };
int GetPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BMM_Color_64 ptr 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetPixels(x,y,pixels,ptr);         return 0; };
int GetPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BMM_Color_fl ptr 
) [inline]
Retrieves the specified 64-bit pixel values from the bitmap. Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Source x location.

int y

Source y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to retrieve.

BMM_Color_fl *ptr

Pointer to storage for the retrieved pixel values. See Structure BMM_Color_fl.
Returns nonzero if pixels were retrieved; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetPixels(x,y,pixels,ptr);         return 0; };
BMMExport int PutPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BMM_Color_64 ptr 
BMMExport int PutPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BMM_Color_fl ptr 
Stores the specified 64-bit pixel values into the bitmap's own local storage. The pointer you pass to this method may be freed or reused as soon as the function returns. Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Destination x location.

int y

Destination y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to store.

BMM_Color_fl *ptr

Pixel values to store. See Structure BMM_Color_fl.
Returns nonzero if pixels were stored; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.
int GetLinearPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BMM_Color_64 ptr 
) [inline]
Retrieves the specified 64-bit pixel values from the bitmap. These pixels are NOT gamma corrected (i.e. they have linear gamma
  • 1.0). Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Source x location.

int y

Source y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to retrieve.

BMM_Color_64 *ptr

Pointer to storage for the retrieved pixel values. See Structure BMM_Color_64.
Returns nonzero if pixels were retrieved; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetLinearPixels(x,y,pixels,ptr);     return 0; };
int GetLinearPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BMM_Color_fl ptr 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetLinearPixels(x,y,pixels,ptr);     return 0; };
int GetIndexPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BYTE *  ptr 
) [inline]
Retrieves the specified pixels from the paletted bitmap. The palette for the image may be accessed using GetPalette(). Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Source x location.

int y

Source y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to retrieve.

BYTE *ptr

Pointer to storage for the pixel values.
Returns nonzero if pixels were retrieved; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetIndexPixels(x,y,pixels,ptr);      return 0; };
int PutIndexPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  pixels,
BYTE *  ptr 
) [inline]
Stores the pixels into the specified location of the paletted bitmap. The pixel value pointer you pass to this method may be freed or reused as soon as the function returns. Note: This method provides access to pixel data one scanline at a time.
int x

Destination x location.

int y

Destination y location.

int pixels

Number of pixels to store.

BYTE *ptr

Pixels to store.
Returns nonzero if pixels were stored; otherwise 0. If storage has not been allocated 0 is returned.

                                                           { if (storage) return storage->PutIndexPixels(x,y,pixels,ptr);      return 0; };
int CropImage ( int  width,
int  height,
BMM_Color_64  fillcolor 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->CropImage(width,height,fillcolor);   return 0; };
int CropImage ( int  width,
int  height,
BMM_Color_fl  fillcolor 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->CropImage(width,height,fillcolor);   return 0; };
int CropImage ( int  width,
int  height,
int  fillindex 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->CropImage(width,height,fillindex);   return 0; };
int ResizeImage ( int  width,
int  height,
int  newpalette 
) [inline]
This method is not currently implemented.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->ResizeImage(width,height,newpalette);return 0; };
int CopyImage ( Bitmap from,
int  operation,
BMM_Color_64  fillcolor,
BitmapInfo bi = NULL 
) [inline]
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->CopyImage(from,operation,fillcolor,bi); return 0; };
int CopyImage ( Bitmap from,
int  operation,
BMM_Color_fl  fillcolor,
BitmapInfo bi = NULL 
) [inline]
Copies the specified bitmap to this bitmap.
Bitmap *from

The source bitmap.

int operation

The type of copy to perform:


Copy image to current map size using cropping if necessary.


Resize the source image to the destination map size (draft quality).


Resize source image to the destination map size (final quality).


Resize based on the Image Input Options (BitmapInfo *).

BMM_Color_fl fillcolor

Vacant areas of the bitmap are filled with fillcolor pixels if the operation specified is COPY_IMAGE_CROP and one of the source bitmap dimensions is less than the size of this bitmap. See Structure BMM_Color_fl.

BitmapInfo *bi = NULL

When using custom options (resize to fit, positioning, etc.) this is how the flags are passed down to the Bitmap Manager. This is an optional argument -- for simple copy operations, *bi can default to NULL. If present, the code checks the option flags and acts accordingly.
Nonzero if the copy was performed; otherwise 0.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->CopyImage(from,operation,fillcolor,bi); return 0; };
int CopyImage ( Bitmap from,
int  operation,
int  fillindex 
) [inline]
Copies the specified bitmap to this bitmap.
Bitmap *from

The source bitmap.

int operation

The type of copy to perform. See Copy Image Operations.

int fillindex

Vacant areas of the bitmap are filled with fillindex pixels if the operation specified is COPY_IMAGE_CROP and one of the source bitmap dimensions is less than the size of this bitmap.
Nonzero if the copy was performed; otherwise 0.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->CopyImage(from,operation,fillindex); return 0; };
int GetPalette ( int  start,
int  count,
BMM_Color_48 ptr 
) [inline]
Retrieves a portion of the palette from the bitmap.
int start

The index into the palette of where to begin retrieving palette entries.

int count

The number of palette entries to retrieve.

BMM_Color_48 *ptr

Storage for the palette entries. See Structure BMM_Color_48.
Nonzero if the palette entries were retrieved; otherwise 0.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->GetPalette(start,count,ptr);         return 0; };
int SetPalette ( int  start,
int  count,
BMM_Color_48 ptr 
) [inline]
Sets the specified portion of the palette of this bitmap.
int start

The index into the palette of where to begin storing palette entries.

int count

The number of palette entries to store.

BMM_Color_48 *ptr

The palette entries to store. See Structure BMM_Color_48.
Nonzero if the palette entries were stored; otherwise 0.
                                                           { if (storage) return storage->SetPalette(start,count,ptr);         return 0; };
BMMExport void FilmGrain ( float  grain,
BOOL  mask,
void *  param = NULL 
void* GetChannel ( ULONG  channelID,
ULONG &  chanType 
) [inline]
Returns a pointer to the specified channel of the bitmap, and determines its type in terms of bits per pixel.
ULONG channelID

The channel to return a pointer to. See Image (G-Buffer) Channels.

ULONG& chanType

The type of the returned channel. One of the following values:


Channel not of a known type.


1 byte per pixel


1 word per pixel


2 words per pixel


3 words per pixel


4 words per pixel


6 words per pixel
                                       { if (storage) return storage->GetChannel(channelID, chanType); return NULL; }   
GBuffer* GetGBuffer ( ) [inline]
Returns a pointer to the GBuffer for the bitmap (or NULL if none).
{ return storage? storage->GetGBuffer(): NULL; } 
ULONG CreateChannels ( ULONG  channelIDs ) [inline]
This method creates the specified channels. After creation, these may be accessed using void *GetChannel().
ULONG channelIDs

Specifies the channels to create. See Image (G-Buffer) Channels.
The channels that are present.
                                             { if (storage) return storage->CreateChannels(channelIDs); return 0; }   
void DeleteChannels ( ULONG  channelIDs ) [inline]
Delete the specified channels.
ULONG channelIDs

Specifies the channels to delete. See Image (G-Buffer) Channels.
                                             { if (storage) storage->DeleteChannels(channelIDs); }     
ULONG ChannelsPresent ( ) [inline]
Returns the channels that are present. See Image (G-Buffer) Channels.
                                             { if (storage) return storage->ChannelsPresent();  return 0; }   
RenderInfo* GetRenderInfo ( ) [inline]
This is used internally. It returns a pointer to the RenderInfo associated with the storage if available; otherwise NULL. See Class RenderInfo.
{ if (storage) return storage->GetRenderInfo(); return NULL; }
RenderInfo* AllocRenderInfo ( ) [inline]
This is used internally. It returns a pointer to the RenderInfo instance allocated by the storage. If this could not be allocated NULL is returned. See Class RenderInfo.
{ if (storage) return storage->AllocRenderInfo(); return NULL; }
BMMExport BOOL PrepareGChannels ( BitmapInfo bi )
This method is used internally. This method will check with the plug-in (file or device) defined in the given BitmapInfo and prepare (create) the proper channels. If a given channel already exists, no new channel will be created. After creating a bitmap, use this function to define the optional channels that may be required by the given handler.
BitmapInfo *bi

Points to an instance of BitmapInfo that defines the properties of the image.
TRUE if the channels were created; otherwise FALSE.
BMMExport BOOL PrepareGChannels ( DWORD  channels )
BMMExport int GetFiltered ( float  u,
float  v,
float  du,
float  dv,
BMM_Color_64 ptr 
BMMExport int GetFiltered ( float  u,
float  v,
float  du,
float  dv,
BMM_Color_fl ptr 
This method uses summed area table or pyramidal filtering to compute an averaged color over the specified area. You must have a filter plugged in for this to work. See SetFilter() below.
float u, float v

The location in the bitmap to filter. These values go from 0.0 to 1.0 across the size of the bitmap.

float du, float dv

The size of the rectangle to sample. These values go from 0.0 to 1.0 across the size of the bitmap.

BMM_Color_fl *ptr

The result is returned here -- the average over the specified area. See Structure BMM_Color_fl.
This method uses summed area table or pyramidal filtering to compute an averaged color over the specified area. You must have a filter plugged in for this to work. See SetFilter() below.
float u, float v

The location in the bitmap to filter. These values go from 0.0 to 1.0 across the size of the bitmap.

float du, float dv

The size of the rectangle to sample. These values go from 0.0 to 1.0 across the size of the bitmap.

BMM_Color_fl *ptr

The result is returned here -- the average over the specified area.
BMMExport int SetDither ( UINT  ditherType )
Sets the type of dithering used on the bitmap.
UINT ditherType

The type of dither to perform.


Specifies no dithering is to be performed.


Specifies the Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm.
Nonzero if the bitmap dithering was set; otherwise 0.
BMMExport int SetFilter ( UINT  filterType )
Establishes a filtering algorithm to be used by the bitmap.
UINT filterType

See Bitmap Filter Types.
Nonzero if the bitmap filtering was set; otherwise 0.
int HasFilter ( ) [inline]
Determines if the bitmap has a filter.
Returns nonzero if the bitmap has a filter; otherwise 0.
{ return (filter) ? 1:0; };
BitmapFilter* Filter ( ) [inline]
This method is used internally. It returns a pointer to the bitmap filter used by the bitmap.
{ return filter; }; 
BMMExport int SetStorage ( BitmapStorage storage )
Establishes a bitmap storage to manage this bitmap.
BitmapStorage *storage

The storage to manage the bitmap.
Nonzero if the storage was assigned; otherwise 0.
BitmapStorage* Storage ( ) [inline]
Returns the storage that is managing this bitmap.
A pointer to the storage.
{ return storage; };
void NullStorage ( ) [inline]
Sets the storage pointer to NULL.
{ storage = NULL; };
BMMExport PBITMAPINFO ToDib ( int  depth = 24,
UWORD *  gam = NULL,
BOOL  dither = FALSE,
BOOL  displayGamma = FALSE 
Creates a new Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) and returns a pointer to it. The DIB bitmap is created from this Bitmap. The DIB is allocated using LocalAlloc(). The pseudo-code below show how one may be created and freed. Note that the DIB is never used or accessed inside 3ds Max (the call to ToDib() is the first and last time that 3ds Max sees this pointer):

      pDib = bitmap-\>ToDib();
When you are done using the DIB call:

int depth = 24

The bitmap depth; either 24 (BGR) or 32 (BGRO). If not specified the default is 24.


Specifies a pointer to an optional gamma table that is used to apply gamma correction to the color components as part of the conversion to a DIB. The table has RCOLN entries.


Specifies if a random dither is applied when reducing the color components from 16 bits per channel to 8 bits per channel (to reduce banding effects). BOOL displayGamma=FALSE

Specifies whether the output should be color corrected for screen display. If so, the gamma table parameter is ignored, and the DIB is color corrected using display gamma or LUT, as necessary.
BMMExport BOOL FromDib ( PBITMAPINFO  pbmi )
Converts the DIB to this bitmap's storage type. This bitmap's storage must already be allocated or the call will fail. The source must be 16, 24 or 32 bit. You cannot use an 8 bit DIB.

The source bitmap.
TRUE if the conversion was performed; otherwise FALSE.
BMMExport BMMRES OpenOutput ( BitmapInfo bi )
This method will open the image for output. This allows the image to be written to. Note that you can pass a BitmapInfo to this method where you simply set the name 'by hand' (bi->SetName()). This will work and the correct driver wil be selected based on the filename extension. However you won't be able to set any driver specific settings (such as compression settings for JPEGs). The alternative way is to use the BitmapManger methods.
BitmapInfo *bi

Contains the name of the image or device to open for output.

Indicates success.


Indicates that 3ds Max could not find a device to handle the image.


Indicates the IO module handling the image could not be opened for writing.
BMMExport BMMRES Write ( BitmapInfo bi,
int  frame = BMM_SINGLEFRAME 
Write the image from the BitmapStorage to disk. Note that you must pass the same BitmapInfo used when the file was first "Opened for Output". The main reason is that any device specific settings are kept in the BitmapInfo object. Also, the custom options such as gamma value, optional channels, etc (if any) are kept in this BitmapInfo instance. These are assigned when the bitmap is first opened (for either read or write).
BitmapInfo *bi

Contains the name of the file or device to write to.


Specifies the frame number to write. If this is a single image, allow frame to default to single frame. This argument determines if the file will have the frame number appended to it. If you want the file to have a normal name (no frame number attached to it), you must set the frame argument to BMM_SINGLEFRAME. Any other value is considered to be a frame number and it will be appended to the given filename.

Indicates success.


Indicates that 3ds Max could not find a device to handle the image.


Indicates the IO module handling the image could not be opened for writing.
BMMExport BMMRES WriteAll ( int  frame = BMM_SINGLEFRAME )
Write the image to all the open outputs.

Specifies the frame number to write. If this is a single image, allow frame to default to single frame.

Indicates success.


Indicates that 3ds Max could not find a device to handle the image.


Indicates the IO module handling the image could not be opened for writing.
BMMExport int Close ( BitmapInfo bi,
Close the bitmap. This means the bitmap is no longer open for writing.
BitmapInfo *bi

Identifies the bitmap to close.


See Bitmap Close Types.
Nonzero if the image output was closed without error; otherwise 0.
BMMExport int CloseAll ( int  flag = BMM_CLOSE_COMPLETE )
Closes all the open outputs.

See Bitmap Close Types.
Nonzero if the image outputs were closed without error; otherwise 0.
BMMExport int Display ( MCHAR *  title = NULL,
int  position = BMM_CN,
BOOL  autonomous = FALSE,
BOOL  savebutton = TRUE,
CropCallback crop = NULL,
Bitmap cloneMyVFB = NULL 
This method creates a window for the display of this bitmap and displays it.
MCHAR *title = NULL

The title to display in the title bar of the window.

int position = BMM_CN

Specifies how the bitmap should be positioned. One of the following values:

BMM_UL - Upper Left

BMM_LL - Lower Left

BMM_UR - Upper Right

BMM_LR - Lower Right

BMM_CN - Center

BMM_RND - Used internally. Renderer location.

BMM_VPP - Used internally. Video Post Primary location.

BMM_VPS - Used internally. Video Post Secondary location.

BOOL autonomous = FALSE

This is reserved for internal use, always let it default to FALSE.

BOOL savebutton = TRUE

This is reserved for internal use, always let it default to TRUE.

CropCallback *crop=NULL

This parameter is available in release 2.0 and later only.

When non-NULL this will cause the VFB to display, instead of its normal toolbar, a set of sliders for adjusting cropping and also will allow interactive adjustment of the cropping rectangle in the image window. See Class CropCallback.

Bitmap *cloneMyVFB = NULL

This parameter is available in release 4.0 and later only.

A pointer to a bitmap to clone the VFB to.
Nonzero if the bitmap was displayed; otherwise 0.
BMMExport int UnDisplay ( )
Close the display window associated with this bitmap (if any).
Always returns nonzero.
BMMExport HWND GetWindow ( )
Get the window handle for the displayed bitmap.
Returns the window handle, or NULL if it's not displayed in a window.
BMMExport void RefreshWindow ( RECT *  rect = NULL )
Refreshes the interior of the display window with the bitmap contents. In release 3.0 and later this method respects the Bitmap::ShowProgressLine() setting. See that method for more details.
RECT *rect = NULL

The region of the display window to refresh (specified in image coordinates). If the pointer is NULL the entire window is refreshed.
BMMExport void SetWindowTitle ( MCHAR *  title )
Sets the title displayed in the display window's title bar.
MCHAR *title

The title to display.
BMMExport void SetCroppingValues ( float  u,
float  v,
float  w,
float  h,
BOOL  placeImage 
This method is used when the VFB is being displayed and you want to change the cropping rectangle from your plug-in. An example of this is available in /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/MATERIALS/BMTEX.CPP.
float u

The U value to set.

float v

The U value to set.

float w

The U value to set.

float h

The U value to set.

BOOL placeImage

TRUE for place mode; FALSE for crop.
BMMExport BMMRES GoTo ( BitmapInfo bi )
This method is used with multi-frame bitmaps (FLI's, AVI's, DDR devices, etc.). It is used to load a frame to replace a previously saved image. To define the desired frame, use:

BitmapInfo *bi

A pointer to the BitmapInfo. The frame number information is passed here.
If used with single frame drivers or if the driver doesn't support this function, it returns BMMRES_SINGLEFRAME. If the return value is BMMRES_SUCCESS, a new frame has been loaded into the given bitmap.
BMMExport int Fill ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  alpha 
Sets every pixel of the bitmap to the specified color and alpha value.
int r

Specifies the red value to fill with.

int g

Specifies the green value to fill with.

int b

Specifies the blue value to fill with.

int alpha

Specifies the alpha value to fill with.
Nonzero if the operation succeeded; otherwise FALSE.
BMMExport int Fill ( const BMM_Color_fl fillColor )
Used by Maxscript.

BMMExport int Fill ( const BMM_Color_64 fillColor )
Used by Maxscript.
BMMExport void SetNotify ( BitmapNotify bmnot = NULL )
This method is used to set a callback to allow the developer to get notified if the storage for the Bitmap has changed.
BitmapNotify *bmnot=NULL

The pointer to the callback object implemented by the developer used to provide notification when the Bitmap's storage changes. See Class BitmapNotify.
BitmapNotify* GetNotify ( ) [inline]
Returns a pointer to the callback used to notify a developer when the Bitmap's storage changes.
Default Implementation:
{ return bmNotify; };
{ return bmNotify; }
BMMExport BOOL IsAutonomousVFB ( )
Returns TRUE if the virtual frame buffer (VFB) is autoomous; otherwise FALSE. For instance, Video Post has an associated VFB. When Video Post is closed so is its VFB since it belongs to it. In that case the VFB is not autonomous. If the user does a View File command, that VFB is autonomous.
BMMExport INT_PTR Execute ( int  cmd,
ULONG_PTR  arg1 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg2 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg3 = 0 
This is a general purpose function that allows the API to be extended in the future. The 3ds Max development team can assign new cmd numbers and continue to add functionality to this class without having to 'break' the API.
int cmd

The index of the command to execute.

ULONG arg1=0

Optional argument 1. See the documentation where the cmd option is discussed for more details on these parameters.

ULONG arg2=0

Optional argument 2.

ULONG arg3=0

Optional argument 3.
An integer return value. See the documentation where the cmd option is discussed for more details on the meaning of this value.
DWORD GetModifyID ( ) [inline]
{ return modifyID; }
void SetModifyID ( DWORD  m ) [inline]
{ modifyID = m; }
BMMExport void IncrModifyID ( )
BMMExport void Print ( bool  silent = false )
This method is only supported in 3D Studio VIZ.
BMMExport void ShowProgressLine ( int  y )
This method is used for showing a moving scanline in a virtual frame buffer displaying this bitmap. Here's how it works. If you call ShowProgressLine(y), it clears any previously set white line, and sets an internal counter: you have to call Bitmap::RefreshWindow() to get the new white line to show up. From then that line will be displayed as white. To Clear it call ShowProgressLine(-1).
int y

The scanline to display as white (the count begins at zero). Use a value of -1 to hide the line.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class BitmapManagerImp [friend]
UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [friend]

Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap
Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap