This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Lesson 2: The Scene Graph and Nodes, Lesson 3: the reference system, Overview: Scene Graph and Nodes, General Best Practices, Parameter Types, Parameter UI Control Types, Scene Objects, Scene Graph, Nodes, Nodes and References, Node Parent / Child Relationships, Responding to Node Deletion, Getting the Nodes that Reference an Object, Node Grouping, XRef Scenes and Objects, Named Selection Sets, Recovering an ILayer or ILayerProperties from an INode, Containers, Container Manager and Container Objects, Custom User Properties, Node Monitors, Reference Object Lifetime Management, How Objects are Drawn in the Viewport, Geometry Pipeline System, Pipeline Overview, Viewport Rendering and the Pipeline, Object Space and World Space, Cache System, World Space Modifiers and Object Transformations, Extracting the Mesh from a Node, Matrix Fundamentals, A Matrix3 as an Axis System, Node Transformations, Node Transformation Matrix, Object Transformation Matrix, Local Transformation Matrix, Object Offset Transformation, Transforming Linked Nodes, Retrieving the Material from a Node, Transform Controllers and Nodes, Keyframe Data Access Classes and Methods, Hit Lists, Node Level Hit Testing, Foreground / Background Planes, Supported Types, Extracting Wrapped Objects, Biped Hierarchy, Main Physique Export API Elements, Finding a Physique Modifier, 3DXI Initialization, 3DXI Node, IK Concepts, IIKChainControl, Writing Exporter Plug-ins.
#include <inode.h>
Public Types |
enum | { getPosTaskWeight, getRotTaskWeight, setPosTaskWeight, setRotTaskWeight, setBoneNodeOnOff, setBoneNodeOnOffM, setBoneAutoAlign, setBoneFreezeLen, setBoneScaleType, getBoneNodeOnOff, getBoneAutoAlign, getBoneFreezeLen, getBoneScaleType, realignBoneToChild, resetBoneStretch, getStretchTM, getBoneAxis, getBoneAxisFlip, setBoneAxis, setBoneAxisFlip, setPrimaryVisibility, getPrimaryVisibility, setSecondaryVisibility, getSecondaryVisibility, setApplyAtmospherics, getApplyAtmospherics, getVertexColorType, setVertexColorType, getCVertMode, setCVertMode, getShadeCVerts, setShadeCVerts, getNodeHandle, getVertexColorMapChannel, setVertexColorMapChannel, kLastFPFuncID } |
enum | { boneScaleTypeEnum, boneAxisEnum, vertexColorTypeEnum } |
Public Member Functions |
virtual void | DisposeTemporary () |
virtual INode * | GetActualINode () |
virtual MCHAR * | GetName ()=0 |
virtual void | SetName (MCHAR *s)=0 |
virtual Matrix3 | GetNodeTM (TimeValue t, Interval *valid=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | SetNodeTM (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &tm)=0 |
virtual void | InvalidateTreeTM ()=0 |
virtual void | InvalidateTM ()=0 |
virtual void | InvalidateWS ()=0 |
virtual void | InvalidateRect (TimeValue t, bool oldRect=false)=0 |
virtual Matrix3 | GetObjectTM (TimeValue time, Interval *valid=NULL)=0 |
virtual Matrix3 | GetObjTMBeforeWSM (TimeValue time, Interval *valid=NULL)=0 |
virtual Matrix3 | GetObjTMAfterWSM (TimeValue time, Interval *valid=NULL)=0 |
virtual const ObjectState & | EvalWorldState (TimeValue time, BOOL evalHidden=TRUE)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetParentNode ()=0 |
virtual void | AttachChild (INode *node, int keepTM=1)=0 |
virtual void | Detach (TimeValue t, int keepTM=1)=0 |
virtual int | NumberOfChildren ()=0 |
virtual INode * | GetChildNode (int i)=0 |
virtual void | Delete (TimeValue t, int keepChildPosition) |
virtual void | Hide (BOOL onOff)=0 |
Controls the hidden state of the node in the
scene. |
virtual void | UnhideObjectAndLayer (bool dolayer=true) |
Makes the node, and optionally the layer,
visible in the scene. |
virtual int | IsObjectHidden () |
Returns the hidden state of this node in the
scene. |
virtual int | IsHidden (DWORD hflags=0, BOOL forRenderer=FALSE) |
Determines if the node is hidden in the
scene. |
virtual int | IsNodeHidden (BOOL forRenderer=FALSE) |
Returns nonzero if the node is hidden in any
way. |
virtual void | Freeze (BOOL onOff)=0 |
Controls the frozen state of the node in the
scene. |
virtual void | UnfreezeObjectAndLayer (bool dolayer=true) |
Unfreeze the node, and optionally its layer.
virtual int | IsObjectFrozen () |
Test the frozen property of this node.
virtual int | IsFrozen ()=0 |
Determines if the node is frozen in any way
in the scene. |
virtual void | SetShowFrozenWithMtl (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | ShowFrozenWithMtl ()=0 |
virtual void | XRayMtl (BOOL onOff)=0 |
Set the X-Ray node property |
virtual int | HasObjectXRayMtl () |
Get the X-Ray node property. |
virtual int | HasXRayMtl ()=0 |
Returns nonzero if the X-Ray Material display property is on for
the node; otherwise zero. |
virtual void | IgnoreExtents (BOOL onOff)=0 |
Ignore this node during zoom extents.
virtual int | GetIgnoreExtents ()=0 |
Is this node ignored during zoom extents.
virtual void | BoxMode (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetBoxMode ()=0 |
virtual void | AllEdges (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetAllEdges ()=0 |
virtual void | VertTicks (int onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetVertTicks ()=0 |
virtual void | BackCull (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetBackCull ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCastShadows (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | CastShadows ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRcvShadows (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | RcvShadows ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGenerateCaustics (BOOL onOff) |
virtual int | GenerateCaustics () |
virtual void | SetRcvCaustics (BOOL onOff) |
virtual int | RcvCaustics () |
virtual void | SetApplyAtmospherics (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | ApplyAtmospherics ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGenerateGlobalIllum (BOOL onOff) |
virtual int | GenerateGlobalIllum () |
virtual void | SetRcvGlobalIllum (BOOL onOff) |
virtual int | RcvGlobalIllum () |
virtual void | SetMotBlur (int kind)=0 |
virtual int | MotBlur ()=0 |
virtual float | GetImageBlurMultiplier (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetImageBlurMultiplier (TimeValue t, float m) |
virtual void | SetImageBlurMultController (Control *cont) |
virtual Control * | GetImageBlurMultController () |
virtual BOOL | GetMotBlurOnOff (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetMotBlurOnOff (TimeValue t, BOOL m) |
virtual Control * | GetMotBlurOnOffController () |
virtual void | SetMotBlurOnOffController (Control *cont) |
virtual void | SetRenderable (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | Renderable ()=0 |
virtual void | SetPrimaryVisibility (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetPrimaryVisibility ()=0 |
virtual void | SetSecondaryVisibility (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetSecondaryVisibility ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCVertMode (int onOff) |
virtual int | GetCVertMode () |
virtual void | SetShadeCVerts (int onOff) |
virtual int | GetShadeCVerts () |
virtual int | GetVertexColorType () |
virtual void | SetVertexColorType (int nvct) |
virtual int | GetVertexColorMapChannel () |
get the map channel to be displayed as
vertex color. |
virtual void | SetVertexColorMapChannel (int vcmc) |
set the map channel to be displayed as
vertex color. |
virtual int | GetTrajectoryON () |
virtual void | SetTrajectoryON (BOOL onOff) |
virtual void | ShowBone (int boneVis)=0 |
virtual void | BoneAsLine (int onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsBoneShowing ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsBoneOnly () |
virtual void | SetTargetNodePair (int onOff) |
virtual int | GetTargetNodePair () |
virtual DWORD | GetWireColor ()=0 |
virtual void | SetWireColor (DWORD newcol)=0 |
virtual int | IsRootNode ()=0 |
virtual int | Selected ()=0 |
virtual int | Dependent ()=0 |
virtual int | IsTarget ()=0 |
virtual void | SetIsTarget (BOOL b)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetTransformLock (int type, int axis)=0 |
virtual void | SetTransformLock (int type, int axis, BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetTarget ()=0 |
virtual INode * | GetLookatNode ()=0 |
virtual Matrix3 | GetParentTM (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual int | GetTargetTM (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &m)=0 |
virtual Object * | GetObjectRef ()=0 |
virtual void | SetObjectRef (Object *o)=0 |
virtual Object * | GetObjOrWSMRef ()=0 |
virtual Control * | GetTMController ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | SetTMController (Control *m3cont)=0 |
virtual Control * | GetVisController ()=0 |
virtual void | SetVisController (Control *cont)=0 |
virtual float | GetVisibility (TimeValue t, Interval *valid=NULL)=0 |
virtual float | GetVisibility (TimeValue t, View &view, Interval *valid=NULL) |
virtual void | SetVisibility (TimeValue t, float vis)=0 |
virtual float | GetLocalVisibility (TimeValue t, Interval *valid=NULL)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetInheritVisibility ()=0 |
virtual void | SetInheritVisibility (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual void | SetRenderOccluded (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetRenderOccluded ()=0 |
virtual Mtl * | GetMtl ()=0 |
virtual void | SetMtl (Mtl *matl)=0 |
virtual Material * | Mtls ()=0 |
virtual int | NumMtls ()=0 |
virtual void | SetObjOffsetPos (Point3 p)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetObjOffsetPos ()=0 |
virtual void | SetObjOffsetRot (Quat q)=0 |
virtual Quat | GetObjOffsetRot ()=0 |
virtual void | SetObjOffsetScale (ScaleValue sv)=0 |
virtual ScaleValue | GetObjOffsetScale ()=0 |
virtual void | CenterPivot (TimeValue t, BOOL moveObject)=0 |
virtual void | AlignPivot (TimeValue t, BOOL moveObject)=0 |
virtual void | WorldAlignPivot (TimeValue t, BOOL moveObject)=0 |
virtual void | AlignToParent (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual void | AlignToWorld (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual void | ResetTransform (TimeValue t, BOOL scaleOnly)=0 |
virtual void | ResetPivot (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual bool | MayResetTransform ()=0 |
virtual void | FlagForeground (TimeValue t, BOOL notify=TRUE)=0 |
virtual int | IsActiveGrid ()=0 |
virtual void | SetNodeLong (LONG_PTR l)=0 |
virtual LONG_PTR | GetNodeLong ()=0 |
virtual RenderData * | GetRenderData ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRenderData (RenderData *rd)=0 |
virtual void | GetUserPropBuffer (MSTR &buf)=0 |
virtual void | SetUserPropBuffer (const MSTR &buf)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUserPropString (const MSTR &key, MSTR &string)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUserPropInt (const MSTR &key, int &val)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUserPropFloat (const MSTR &key, float &val)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetUserPropBool (const MSTR &key, BOOL &b)=0 |
virtual void | SetUserPropString (const MSTR &key, const MSTR &string)=0 |
virtual void | SetUserPropInt (const MSTR &key, int val)=0 |
virtual void | SetUserPropFloat (const MSTR &key, float val)=0 |
virtual void | SetUserPropBool (const MSTR &key, BOOL b)=0 |
virtual BOOL | UserPropExists (const MSTR &key)=0 |
virtual ULONG | GetGBufID ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGBufID (ULONG id)=0 |
virtual UWORD | GetRenderID () |
virtual void | SetRenderID (UWORD id) |
virtual ULONG | GetHandle () |
virtual void | Move (TimeValue t, const Matrix3 &tmAxis, const Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE, BOOL affectKids=TRUE, int pivMode=PIV_NONE, BOOL ignoreLocks=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | Rotate (TimeValue t, const Matrix3 &tmAxis, const AngAxis &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE, BOOL affectKids=TRUE, int pivMode=PIV_NONE, BOOL ignoreLocks=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | Rotate (TimeValue t, const Matrix3 &tmAxis, const Quat &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE, BOOL affectKids=TRUE, int pivMode=PIV_NONE, BOOL ignoreLocks=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | Scale (TimeValue t, const Matrix3 &tmAxis, const Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE, BOOL affectKids=TRUE, int pivMode=PIV_NONE, BOOL ignoreLocks=FALSE)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsGroupMember ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsGroupHead ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsOpenGroupMember () |
virtual BOOL | IsOpenGroupHead () |
virtual void | SetGroupMember (BOOL b) |
virtual void | SetGroupHead (BOOL b) |
virtual void | SetGroupMemberOpen (BOOL b) |
virtual void | SetGroupHeadOpen (BOOL b) |
virtual float | GetPosTaskWeight () |
virtual float | GetRotTaskWeight () |
virtual void | SetPosTaskWeight (float w) |
virtual void | SetRotTaskWeight (float w) |
virtual BOOL | GetTaskAxisState (int which, int axis) |
virtual void | SetTaskAxisState (int which, int axis, BOOL onOff) |
virtual DWORD | GetTaskAxisStateBits () |
virtual void | CreateWSMDerivedObject () |
virtual IDerivedObject * | GetWSMDerivedObject () |
CoreExport MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser |
GetXRefFile (int i) |
virtual void | SetXRefFile (int i, const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &file, BOOL reload) |
virtual int | GetXRefFileCount () |
virtual BOOL | AddNewXRefFile (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &file, BOOL loadNow=TRUE, BOOL hideInManagerUI=FALSE) |
virtual BOOL | DeleteXRefFile (int i) |
virtual BOOL | BindXRefFile (int i) |
virtual void | DeleteAllXRefs () |
virtual BOOL | ReloadXRef (int i) |
virtual void | FlagXrefChanged (int i) |
virtual BOOL | UpdateChangedXRefs (BOOL redraw=TRUE) |
virtual INode * | GetXRefTree (int i) |
virtual INode * | GetXRefParent (int i) |
virtual void | SetXRefParent (int i, INode *par, BOOL autoOffset=TRUE) |
virtual BOOL | FindUnresolvedXRefs (Tab< MSTR * > &fnames) |
virtual void | AttemptToResolveUnresolvedXRefs () |
virtual DWORD | GetXRefFlags (int i) |
virtual void | SetXRefFlags (int i, DWORD flag, BOOL onOff) |
virtual void | SetBoneNodeOnOff (BOOL onOff, TimeValue t) |
virtual void | SetBoneAutoAlign (BOOL onOff) |
virtual void | SetBoneFreezeLen (BOOL onOff) |
virtual void | SetBoneScaleType (int which) |
virtual void | SetBoneAxis (int which) |
virtual void | SetBoneAxisFlip (BOOL onOff) |
virtual BOOL | GetBoneNodeOnOff () |
virtual BOOL | GetBoneNodeOnOff_T (TimeValue t) |
virtual BOOL | GetBoneAutoAlign () |
virtual BOOL | GetBoneFreezeLen () |
virtual int | GetBoneScaleType () |
virtual int | GetBoneAxis () |
virtual BOOL | GetBoneAxisFlip () |
virtual void | RealignBoneToChild (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | ResetBoneStretch (TimeValue t) |
virtual Matrix3 | GetStretchTM (TimeValue t, Interval *valid=NULL) |
BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc () |
BEGIN_FUNCTION_MAP | PROP_FNS (getPosTaskWeight, GetPosTaskWeight, setPosTaskWeight, SetPosTaskWeight, TYPE_FLOAT) |
PROP_FNS (getRotTaskWeight, GetRotTaskWeight, setRotTaskWeight, SetRotTaskWeight, TYPE_FLOAT) | |
PROP_FNS (getBoneAutoAlign, GetBoneAutoAlign, setBoneAutoAlign, SetBoneAutoAlign, TYPE_BOOL) | |
PROP_FNS (getBoneFreezeLen, GetBoneFreezeLen, setBoneFreezeLen, SetBoneFreezeLen, TYPE_BOOL) | |
PROP_FNS (getBoneScaleType, GetBoneScaleType, setBoneScaleType, SetBoneScaleType, TYPE_ENUM) | |
PROP_FNS (getBoneAxis, GetBoneAxis, setBoneAxis, SetBoneAxis, TYPE_ENUM) | |
PROP_FNS (getBoneAxisFlip, GetBoneAxisFlip, setBoneAxisFlip, SetBoneAxisFlip, TYPE_BOOL) | |
RO_PROP_TFN (getStretchTM, GetStretchTM, TYPE_MATRIX3_BV) | |
PROP_TFNS (getBoneNodeOnOff, GetBoneNodeOnOff_T, setBoneNodeOnOff, SetBoneNodeOnOff, TYPE_BOOL) | |
VFNT_1 (setBoneNodeOnOffM, SetBoneNodeOnOff, TYPE_BOOL) | |
VFNT_0 (realignBoneToChild, RealignBoneToChild) | |
VFNT_0 (resetBoneStretch, ResetBoneStretch) | |
PROP_FNS (getPrimaryVisibility, GetPrimaryVisibility, setPrimaryVisibility, SetPrimaryVisibility, TYPE_BOOL) | |
PROP_FNS (getSecondaryVisibility, GetSecondaryVisibility, setSecondaryVisibility, SetSecondaryVisibility, TYPE_BOOL) | |
PROP_FNS (getApplyAtmospherics, ApplyAtmospherics, setApplyAtmospherics, SetApplyAtmospherics, TYPE_BOOL) | |
PROP_FNS (getCVertMode, GetCVertMode, setCVertMode, SetCVertMode, TYPE_INT) | |
PROP_FNS (getShadeCVerts, GetShadeCVerts, setShadeCVerts, SetShadeCVerts, TYPE_INT) | |
PROP_FNS (getVertexColorType, GetVertexColorType, setVertexColorType, SetVertexColorType, TYPE_ENUM) | |
PROP_FNS (getVertexColorMapChannel, GetVertexColorMapChannel, setVertexColorMapChannel, SetVertexColorMapChannel, TYPE_INT) | |
RO_PROP_FN (getNodeHandle, GetHandle, TYPE_DWORD) | |
END_FUNCTION_MAP CoreExport void | CopyProperties (INode *from) |
Static Public Attributes |
static const ULONG | kNullHandle = 0 |
This represents the value of an invalid node
handle. |
anonymous enum |
{ getPosTaskWeight, getRotTaskWeight, setPosTaskWeight, setRotTaskWeight, // new bones setBoneNodeOnOff, setBoneNodeOnOffM, setBoneAutoAlign, setBoneFreezeLen, setBoneScaleType, getBoneNodeOnOff, getBoneAutoAlign, getBoneFreezeLen, getBoneScaleType, realignBoneToChild, resetBoneStretch, getStretchTM, getBoneAxis, getBoneAxisFlip, setBoneAxis, setBoneAxisFlip, // rendering flag access setPrimaryVisibility, getPrimaryVisibility, setSecondaryVisibility, getSecondaryVisibility, setApplyAtmospherics, getApplyAtmospherics, // vertex color access getVertexColorType, setVertexColorType, getCVertMode, setCVertMode, getShadeCVerts, setShadeCVerts, getNodeHandle, // get/set map channel to be displayed as vertex color. getVertexColorMapChannel, setVertexColorMapChannel, // new Func IDs >>>> >>> MUST << <<<< be inserted before kLastFPFuncID // !!!!! that means that this MUST be the last enum value !!!!! kLastFPFuncID };
anonymous enum |
virtual void DisposeTemporary | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual INode* GetActualINode | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{return this;}
virtual MCHAR* GetName | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
virtual void SetName | ( | MCHAR * | s | ) | [pure virtual] |
s | The name of the node. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
t | Specifies the time to retrieve the TM. |
valid | Points to storage for the validity interval of the transformation matrix. The interval, if passed, is intersected with the validity interval of the NodeTM. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetNodeTM | ( | TimeValue | t, |
Matrix3 & | tm | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
t | Specifies the time to set the transformation matrix. |
tm | The node's world space transformation matrix. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void InvalidateTreeTM | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void InvalidateTM | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void InvalidateWS | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void InvalidateRect | ( | TimeValue | t, |
bool | oldRect =
false |
) | [pure virtual] |
t | - The time to invalidate the node's rectangle |
oldRect | - If true, the cached viewport rectangles of the node are invalidated. This would be the case when a node property that doesn't affect the size or position of the node's viewport rectangles, such as wireframe color, is changed. Otherwise, the node's current rectangle in each viewport is invalidated. If the node's world space cache is not valid, the node's world state at time t will be evaluated, from which its current viewport rectangles are calculated. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
time | Specifies the time to retrieve the object's transform matrix. |
valid | Points to storage for the validity interval of the transformation matrix. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
time | Specifies the time to retrieve the transform matrix. |
valid | Points to storage for the validity interval of the transformation matrix. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
time | Specifies the time to retrieve the object's transform matrix. |
valid | Points to storage for the validity interval of the transformation matrix. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual const ObjectState& EvalWorldState | ( | TimeValue | time, |
BOOL | evalHidden =
) | [pure virtual] |
time | Specifies the time to retrieve the object state. |
evalHidden | If FALSE and the node is hidden, the pipeline will not actually be evaluated (however the TM will). |
// Get the object from the node ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(ip->GetTime()); if (os.obj->SuperClassID()==GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID) { obj = (GeomObject*)os.obj; //... }
// Retrieve the TriObject from the node int deleteIt; TriObject *triObject = GetTriObjectFromNode(ip->GetSelNode(0), deleteIt); // Use the TriObject if available if (!triObject) return; // ... // Delete it when done... if (deleteIt) triObject->DeleteMe(); // Return a pointer to a TriObject given an INode or return NULL // if the node cannot be converted to a TriObject TriObject *Utility::GetTriObjectFromNode(INode *node, int &deleteIt) { deleteIt = FALSE; Object *obj = node->EvalWorldState(ip->GetTime()).obj; if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) { TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(ip->GetTime(), Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); // Note that the TriObject should only be deleted // if the pointer to it is not equal to the object // pointer that called ConvertToType() if (obj != tri) deleteIt = TRUE; return tri; } else { return NULL; } }
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual INode* GetParentNode | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void AttachChild | ( | INode * | node, |
int | keepTM = 1 |
) | [pure virtual] |
node | Specifies the node to attach. |
keepTM | If nonzero, the world transform matrix of the specified (child) node is unchanged after the attach operation, i.e. INode::GetNodeTM returns the same matrix both before and after the attach operation. Otherwise, the world transform of the specified (child) node is affected by the parent node's transform. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void Detach | ( | TimeValue | t, |
int | keepTM = 1 |
) | [pure virtual] |
t | Specifies the time at which to detach the node. |
keepTM | If nonzero, the world transform matrix of the detached node is unchanged, i.e. INode::GetNodeTM returns the same matrix both before and after the detach operation. Otherwise, the world transform of the detached node may change as a result of the detach operation since the node stops inheriting its parent node's transform. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int NumberOfChildren | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual INode* GetChildNode | ( | int | i | ) | [pure virtual] |
i | Specifies the child node to retrieve. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void Delete | ( | TimeValue | t, |
int | keepChildPosition | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time for the deletion. |
keepChildPosition | If TRUE the position of any children of this node are kept the same; otherwise linked children may move due to the deletion. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void Hide | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
Controls the hidden state of the node in the scene.
onOff | Pass TRUE to hide the node in the scene; pass FALSE to make the node visible. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void UnhideObjectAndLayer | ( | bool | dolayer = true |
) | [inline, virtual] |
Makes the node, and optionally the layer, visible in the scene.
doLayer | Pass TRUE to unhide the node in the scene; pass FALSE to make the node visible. |
virtual int IsObjectHidden | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Returns the hidden state of this node in the scene.
{return 0;}
virtual int IsHidden | ( | DWORD | hflags = 0 , |
BOOL | forRenderer =
) | [inline, virtual] |
Determines if the node is hidden in the scene.
hflags | If you pass 0, you will get the hidden state of the node. If
you pass one or more of the flags shown below, the method checks
the Class_ID of the
node to see if it's hidden by the specified category. You may
specify one or more of the following values: HIDE_OBJECTS HIDE_SHAPES HIDE_LIGHTS HIDE_CAMERAS HIDE_HELPERS HIDE_WSMS HIDE_SYSTEMS HIDE_PARTICLES HIDE_ALL HIDE_NONE See the method Interface::GetHideByCategoryFlags() for how to retrieve the currently set values to use as the flags for this method. |
forRenderer | If true, test to see if the node is hidden for the render, else if it is hidden in the viewport |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{return 0;}
virtual int IsNodeHidden | ( | BOOL | forRenderer =
) | [inline, virtual] |
Returns nonzero if the node is hidden in any way.
This method takes into account both the node hidden attribute and the 'Hide By Category' flags.
forRenderer | If true, test to see if the node is hidden for the render, else if it is hidden in the viewport returns zero. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{return 0;}
virtual void Freeze | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
Controls the frozen state of the node in the scene.
A frozen node is visible but cannot be picked.
onOff | TRUE if the node should be frozen; FALSE if the node should not be frozen. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void UnfreezeObjectAndLayer | ( | bool | dolayer = true |
) | [inline, virtual] |
Unfreeze the node, and optionally its layer.
doLayer | if true, unfreeze the layer |
virtual int IsObjectFrozen | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Test the frozen property of this node.
{return 0;};
virtual int IsFrozen | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Determines if the node is frozen in any way in the scene.
A node can have the frozen property set, or be frozen by 'ghosting'
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetShowFrozenWithMtl | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to set the flag; FALSE to disable. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int ShowFrozenWithMtl | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void XRayMtl | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
Set the X-Ray node property
The X-Ray Material display property allows you to quickly make objects transparent. This method toggles it on or off for this node.
onOff | TRUE to use; FALSE to not use. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int HasObjectXRayMtl | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Get the X-Ray node property.
The X-Ray Material display property allows you to quickly make objects transparent.
{return 0;};
virtual int HasXRayMtl | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Returns nonzero if the X-Ray Material display property is on for the node; otherwise zero.
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void IgnoreExtents | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
Ignore this node during zoom extents.
onOff | If true, Set this node to be ignored during zoom extents. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetIgnoreExtents | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Is this node ignored during zoom extents.
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void BoxMode | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to display the node as its bounding box; FALSE for normal display. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetBoxMode | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void AllEdges | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to display all the node's edges; FALSE to not display "hidden" edges. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetAllEdges | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void VertTicks | ( | int | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to enable; FALSE to disable. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetVertTicks | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void BackCull | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE if the node should be drawn using back-face culling; FALSE if all faces should be drawn. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetBackCull | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetCastShadows | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to turn shadow casting on; FALSE to turn it off. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int CastShadows | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetRcvShadows | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to turn shadow receiving on; FALSE to turn it off. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int RcvShadows | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetGenerateCaustics | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual int GenerateCaustics | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetRcvCaustics | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual int RcvCaustics | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetApplyAtmospherics | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to enable the flag, FALSE to disable. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int ApplyAtmospherics | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetGenerateGlobalIllum | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual int GenerateGlobalIllum | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetRcvGlobalIllum | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual int RcvGlobalIllum | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetMotBlur | ( | int | kind | ) | [pure virtual] |
kind | The kind of motion blur. One of the following values: 0: None. 1: Object Motion Blur. 2: Image Motion Blur. |
virtual int MotBlur | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual float GetImageBlurMultiplier | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time to retrieve the value. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ return 1.0f;}
virtual void SetImageBlurMultiplier | ( | TimeValue | t, |
float | m | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time to set the value. |
m | The value to set. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetImageBlurMultController | ( | Control * | cont | ) | [inline, virtual] |
cont | Points for the controller to use. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Control* GetImageBlurMultController | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{return NULL; }
virtual BOOL GetMotBlurOnOff | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time to check. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ return 1; }
virtual void SetMotBlurOnOff | ( | TimeValue | t, |
BOOL | m | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time to set the value. |
m | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ }
virtual Control* GetMotBlurOnOffController | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ return NULL;}
virtual void SetMotBlurOnOffController | ( | Control * | cont | ) | [inline, virtual] |
cont | Points to the controller to set. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ }
virtual void SetRenderable | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int Renderable | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetPrimaryVisibility | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to enable the flag, FALSE to disable. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetPrimaryVisibility | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetSecondaryVisibility | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE to enable the flag, FALSE to disable. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetSecondaryVisibility | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetCVertMode | ( | int | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | Nonzero for on; zero for off. |
virtual int GetCVertMode | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 0;}
virtual void SetShadeCVerts | ( | int | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | Nonzero of on; zero of off. |
virtual int GetShadeCVerts | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 0;}
virtual int GetVertexColorType | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{ return 0; }
virtual void SetVertexColorType | ( | int | nvct | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{ }
virtual int GetVertexColorMapChannel | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetVertexColorMapChannel | ( | int | vcmc | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual int GetTrajectoryON | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 0;}
virtual void SetTrajectoryON | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
virtual void ShowBone | ( | int | boneVis | ) | [pure virtual] |
boneVis | Specifies the display state: 0: Bones are not drawn. 1: Bones are drawn. 2: Only bones are shown. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void BoneAsLine | ( | int | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | Nonzero if bones should be shown as lines only; 0 for normal display. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL IsBoneShowing | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL IsBoneOnly | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ return 0; }
virtual void SetTargetNodePair | ( | int | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
virtual int GetTargetNodePair | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{ return 0; }
virtual DWORD GetWireColor | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetWireColor | ( | DWORD | newcol | ) | [pure virtual] |
newcol | Specifies the new wire-frame color for the node. It may be specified using the RGB macro, for example: RGB(0,0,255); |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int IsRootNode | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int Selected | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int Dependent | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int IsTarget | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetIsTarget | ( | BOOL | b | ) | [pure virtual] |
b | TRUE for set; FALSE for off. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL GetTransformLock | ( | int | type, |
int | axis | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
type | See transformLockTypes. |
axis | See Transform Lock Axis. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetTransformLock | ( | int | type, |
int | axis, | ||
BOOL | onOff | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
type | See Transform Lock Types. |
axis | See Transform Lock Axis. |
onOff | TRUE sets the lock on; FALSE sets the lock off. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual INode* GetTarget | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual INode* GetLookatNode | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Matrix3 GetParentTM | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [pure virtual] |
t | Specifies the time to retrieve the transformation matrix. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int GetTargetTM | ( | TimeValue | t, |
Matrix3 & | m | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
t | Specifies the time to retrieve the transformation matrix. |
m | The result is stored here. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Object* GetObjectRef | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetObjectRef | ( | Object * | o | ) | [pure virtual] |
o | The object this node will reference. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Object* GetObjOrWSMRef | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Control* GetTMController | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Control *c; c = node->GetTMController()->GetPositionController(); IKeyControl *ikeys = GetKeyControlInterface(c);
int num = ikeys->GetNumKeys();
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL SetTMController | ( | Control * | m3cont | ) | [pure virtual] |
m3cont | The Matrix3 transform controller to use. This controller must return a SuperClassID of CTRL_MATRIX3_CLASS_ID |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Control* GetVisController | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetVisController | ( | Control * | cont | ) | [pure virtual] |
cont | The controller to use for visibility control. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual float GetVisibility | ( | TimeValue | t, |
Interval * | valid = NULL |
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to get the visibility value. |
valid | The validity interval to update based on the validity of the visibility. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
t | The time to get the visibility value. |
view | This is the view to calculate the view-dependent LOD visibility from. |
valid | The validity interval to update based on the validity of the visibility. |
{return GetVisibility(t,valid);}
virtual void SetVisibility | ( | TimeValue | t, |
float | vis | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to set the visibility value. |
vis | The visibility of the node to set. This is treated like a boolean value where < 0 means off and > 0 means on. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual float GetLocalVisibility | ( | TimeValue | t, |
Interval * | valid = NULL |
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to get the local visibility value. |
valid | The validity interval to update based on the validity of the local visibility controller. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL GetInheritVisibility | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetInheritVisibility | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | Pass TRUE to have the node inherit its visibility from its parent; otherwise pass FALSE and the node's visibility will be determine by the node itself (not its parent). |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetRenderOccluded | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [pure virtual] |
onOff | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL GetRenderOccluded | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Mtl* GetMtl | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetMtl | ( | Mtl * | matl | ) | [pure virtual] |
matl | The materials used to render the node. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Material* Mtls | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int NumMtls | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetObjOffsetPos | ( | Point3 | p | ) | [pure virtual] |
p | Specifies the position portion of the object-offset. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Point3 GetObjOffsetPos | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetObjOffsetRot | ( | Quat | q | ) | [pure virtual] |
q | The rotation offset. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual Quat GetObjOffsetRot | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetObjOffsetScale | ( | ScaleValue | sv | ) | [pure virtual] |
sv | The scale portion of the offset. See Class ScaleValue. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual ScaleValue GetObjOffsetScale | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void CenterPivot | ( | TimeValue | t, |
BOOL | moveObject | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
[in] | moveObject | - If true, the object is moved to be centered on the pivot. If false, the pivot is centered on the object |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void AlignPivot | ( | TimeValue | t, |
BOOL | moveObject | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
[in] | moveObject | - If true, the object is rotated to be aligned with the pivot. If false, the pivot rotation is reset to be realigned with the object |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void WorldAlignPivot | ( | TimeValue | t, |
BOOL | moveObject | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
[in] | moveObject | - If true, the object is rotated to be aligned with the world. If false, the pivot rotation is set to be aligned with the world |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void AlignToParent | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void AlignToWorld | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void ResetTransform | ( | TimeValue | t, |
BOOL | scaleOnly | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
[in] | scaleOnly | - If true, reset only the offset scale. Else reset the rotation and scale parts |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void ResetPivot | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [pure virtual] |
[in] | t | - not used |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual bool MayResetTransform | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void FlagForeground | ( | TimeValue | t, |
BOOL | notify =
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to put the node in the foreground. |
notify | If TRUE, the reference message REFMSG_FLAGDEPENDENTS with PART_PUT_IN_FG is sent. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual int IsActiveGrid | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetNodeLong | ( | LONG_PTR | l | ) | [pure virtual] |
l | The data to store with the node. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual LONG_PTR GetNodeLong | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual RenderData* GetRenderData | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetRenderData | ( | RenderData * | rd | ) | [pure virtual] |
rd | The render data to set. For additional overview information on these methods, see Custom node properties and application data. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void GetUserPropBuffer | ( | MSTR & | buf | ) | [pure virtual] |
buf | The buffer to hold the user defined property text. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetUserPropBuffer | ( | const MSTR & | buf | ) | [pure virtual] |
buf | The buffer containing the user defined property text. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
key | The key (or name) of the user defined property text. |
string | Storage for the string to retrieve. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL GetUserPropInt | ( | const MSTR & | key, |
int & | val | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key (or name) of the data to retrieve. |
val | Storage for the integer value. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL GetUserPropFloat | ( | const MSTR & | key, |
float & | val | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key (or name) of the data to retrieve. |
val | Storage for the float value. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL GetUserPropBool | ( | const MSTR & | key, |
BOOL & | b | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key (or name) of the data to retrieve. |
b | Storage for the boolean value. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
key | The key (or name) of the data to store. |
string | The string to store. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetUserPropInt | ( | const MSTR & | key, |
int | val | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key (or name) of the data to store. |
val | The value to store. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetUserPropFloat | ( | const MSTR & | key, |
float | val | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key (or name) of the data to store. |
val | The value to store. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetUserPropBool | ( | const MSTR & | key, |
BOOL | b | ||
) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key (or name) of the data to store. |
b | The value to store. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL UserPropExists | ( | const MSTR & | key | ) | [pure virtual] |
key | The key string to search for. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual ULONG GetGBufID | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetGBufID | ( | ULONG | id | ) | [pure virtual] |
id | The G-Buffer ID. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual UWORD GetRenderID | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{ return 0xffff; }
virtual void SetRenderID | ( | UWORD | id | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual ULONG GetHandle | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{ return kNullHandle; }
virtual void Move | ( | TimeValue | t, |
const Matrix3 & | tmAxis, | ||
const Point3 & | val, | ||
BOOL | localOrigin =
BOOL | affectKids = TRUE , |
int | pivMode =
BOOL | ignoreLocks =
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to transform the node. |
tmAxis | The axis system about which the node is transformed. |
val | The amount of the transformation relative to the axis system. |
localOrigin | If TRUE the transformation takes place about the nodes local origin; otherwise about the world origin. |
affectKids | TRUE If TRUE any child nodes are transformed along with the parent node. If FALSE any children of the node are counter transformed so they don't move. |
pivMode | One of the following values: PIV_NONE Move both the pivot point and the geometry of the object. PIV_PIVOT_ONLY Move the pivot point only. PIV_OBJECT_ONLY Move the geometry of the object only. |
ignoreLocks | If TRUE any transform locks associated with the node are ignored; otherwise the locks govern the application of the transformation. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void Rotate | ( | TimeValue | t, |
const Matrix3 & | tmAxis, | ||
const AngAxis & | val, | ||
BOOL | localOrigin =
BOOL | affectKids = TRUE , |
int | pivMode =
BOOL | ignoreLocks =
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to transform the node. |
tmAxis | The axis system about which the node is transformed. |
val | The amount of the transformation. |
localOrigin | If TRUE the transformation takes place about the nodes local origin; otherwise about the world origin. |
affectKids | If TRUE any child nodes are transformed along with the parent node. If FALSE any children of the node are counter transformed so they don't rotate. |
pivMode | One of the following values: PIV_NONE Move both the pivot point and the geometry of the object. PIV_PIVOT_ONLY Move the pivot point only. PIV_OBJECT_ONLY Move the geometry of the object only. |
ignoreLocks | If TRUE any transform locks associated with the node are ignored; otherwise the locks govern the application of the transformation. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void Rotate | ( | TimeValue | t, |
const Matrix3 & | tmAxis, | ||
const Quat & | val, | ||
BOOL | localOrigin =
BOOL | affectKids = TRUE , |
int | pivMode =
BOOL | ignoreLocks =
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to transform the node. |
tmAxis | The axis system about which the node is transformed. |
val | The amount of the transformation. |
localOrigin | If TRUE the transformation takes place about the nodes local origin; otherwise about the world origin. |
affectKids | If TRUE any child nodes are transformed along with the parent node. If FALSE any children of the node are counter transformed so they don't rotate. |
pivMode | One of the following values: PIV_NONE Move both the pivot point and the geometry of the object. PIV_PIVOT_ONLY Move the pivot point only. PIV_OBJECT_ONLY Move the geometry of the object only. |
ignoreLocks | If TRUE any transform locks associated with the node are ignored; otherwise the locks govern the application of the transformation. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void Scale | ( | TimeValue | t, |
const Matrix3 & | tmAxis, | ||
const Point3 & | val, | ||
BOOL | localOrigin =
BOOL | affectKids = TRUE , |
int | pivMode =
BOOL | ignoreLocks =
) | [pure virtual] |
t | The time to transform the node. |
tmAxis | The axis system about which the node is transformed. |
val | The amount of the transformation. |
localOrigin | If TRUE the transformation takes place about the nodes local origin; otherwise about the world origin. |
affectKids | If TRUE any child nodes are transformed along with the parent node. If FALSE any children of the node are counter transformed so they don't scale. |
pivMode | One of the following values: PIV_NONE Move both the pivot point and the geometry of the object. PIV_PIVOT_ONLY Move the pivot point only. PIV_OBJECT_ONLY Move the geometry of the object only. |
ignoreLocks | If TRUE any transform locks associated with the node are ignored; otherwise the locks govern the application of the transformation. |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL IsGroupMember | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL IsGroupHead | ( | ) | [pure virtual] |
Implemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual BOOL IsOpenGroupMember | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{return 0; }
virtual BOOL IsOpenGroupHead | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
{return 0; }
virtual void SetGroupMember | ( | BOOL | b | ) | [inline, virtual] |
b | TRUE to mark the node as a group member; FALSE to indicate it's not in a group. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetGroupHead | ( | BOOL | b | ) | [inline, virtual] |
b | TRUE to mark the node as a group head; FALSE to indicate it's not a group head. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetGroupMemberOpen | ( | BOOL | b | ) | [inline, virtual] |
b | TRUE to mark the node as a open; FALSE to indicate it's not open. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual void SetGroupHeadOpen | ( | BOOL | b | ) | [inline, virtual] |
b | TRUE to mark the node as an open group head; FALSE to indicate it's not an open group head. |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
virtual float GetPosTaskWeight | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 1.0f;}
virtual float GetRotTaskWeight | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 1.0f;}
virtual void SetPosTaskWeight | ( | float | w | ) | [inline, virtual] |
w | The position weight for the node. This value is >= 0.0. |
virtual void SetRotTaskWeight | ( | float | w | ) | [inline, virtual] |
w | The rotation weight for the node. This value is >= 0.0. |
virtual BOOL GetTaskAxisState | ( | int | which, |
int | axis | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
which | Indicates if the method returns the position state or the
rotation state: 0: specifies position; 1: specifies rotation. |
axis | The axis to check. Values are as follows: 0: specifies X 1: specifies Y 2: specifies Z. |
{return TRUE;}
virtual void SetTaskAxisState | ( | int | which, |
int | axis, | ||
BOOL | onOff | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
which | Indicates if the method returns the position state or the
rotation state: 0: specifies position 1: specifies rotation. |
axis | The axis to check. Values are as follows: 0: specifies X 1 specifies Y 2 specifies Z |
onOff | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
virtual DWORD GetTaskAxisStateBits | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 127;}
virtual void CreateWSMDerivedObject | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual IDerivedObject* GetWSMDerivedObject | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return NULL;}
virtual CoreExport MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser GetXRefFile | ( | int | i | ) | [virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the scene xref (0 to GetXRefFileCount()-1). {return MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser();} |
virtual void SetXRefFile | ( | int | i, |
const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser & | file, | ||
BOOL | reload | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the scene xref (0 to GetXRefFileCount()-1). |
file | The file to set. |
reload | TRUE to reload; FALSE to not reload. |
virtual int GetXRefFileCount | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 0;}
virtual BOOL AddNewXRefFile | ( | const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser & | file, |
BOOL | loadNow = TRUE , |
BOOL | hideInManagerUI =
) | [inline, virtual] |
file | The file asset to load. |
loadNow | If TRUE the file is loaded immediately and the scene updated; if FALSE the scene is now updated until the user requests it. |
hideInManagerUI | If TRUE (default value is FALSE) the scene xref flag XREF_SCENE_HIDEINMANAGERUI will be set, so that the scene xref will not be listed in the scene XRef manager UI. |
{return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL DeleteXRefFile | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the Scene XRef to load. |
{return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL BindXRefFile | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef to bind. |
{return FALSE;}
virtual void DeleteAllXRefs | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual BOOL ReloadXRef | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef to reload. |
{return FALSE;}
virtual void FlagXrefChanged | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef to flag. |
virtual BOOL UpdateChangedXRefs | ( | BOOL | redraw = TRUE |
) | [inline, virtual] |
redraw | TRUE to redraw the scene; otherwise FALSE. |
{return FALSE;}
virtual INode* GetXRefTree | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef. |
{return NULL;}
virtual INode* GetXRefParent | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef. |
{return NULL;}
virtual void SetXRefParent | ( | int | i, |
INode * | par, | ||
BOOL | autoOffset =
) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef. |
par | The parent node to set. |
autoOffset | Automatically offset XRef so that it keeps its world TM. |
{return FALSE;}
virtual void AttemptToResolveUnresolvedXRefs | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual DWORD GetXRefFlags | ( | int | i | ) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef whose flags are returned. |
{return 0;}
virtual void SetXRefFlags | ( | int | i, |
DWORD | flag, | ||
BOOL | onOff | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
i | The zero based index of the XRef whose flags are set. |
flag | See XRef Flag Bits. |
onOff | TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
virtual void SetBoneNodeOnOff | ( | BOOL | onOff, |
TimeValue | t | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | Pass TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
t | The time at which to set the property. |
virtual void SetBoneAutoAlign | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | Pass TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
virtual void SetBoneFreezeLen | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetBoneScaleType | ( | int | which | ) | [inline, virtual] |
virtual void SetBoneAxis | ( | int | which | ) | [inline, virtual] |
which | One of the following values: BONE_AXIS_X BONE_AXIS_Y BONE_AXIS_Z |
virtual void SetBoneAxisFlip | ( | BOOL | onOff | ) | [inline, virtual] |
onOff | Pass TRUE for on; FALSE for off. |
virtual BOOL GetBoneNodeOnOff | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL GetBoneNodeOnOff_T | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{ return GetBoneNodeOnOff(); } // for write property access via MXS
virtual BOOL GetBoneAutoAlign | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL GetBoneFreezeLen | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return FALSE;}
virtual int GetBoneScaleType | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 0;}
virtual int GetBoneAxis | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return 0;}
virtual BOOL GetBoneAxisFlip | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
{return FALSE;}
virtual void RealignBoneToChild | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time at which to reset the initial child position. |
virtual void ResetBoneStretch | ( | TimeValue | t | ) | [inline, virtual] |
t | The time at which to reset the bone stretch. |
t | The time at which to obtain the strechtTM. |
valid | The interval. |
{return Matrix3(1);}
BaseInterface* GetInterface | ( | Interface_ID | id | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented from FPMixinInterface.
{ return (id == INODE_INTERFACE) ? this : FPMixinInterface::GetInterface(id); }
FPInterfaceDesc* GetDesc | ( | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Implements FPInterface.
{ return (FPInterfaceDesc*)GetCOREInterface(INODE_INTERFACE); }
BEGIN_FUNCTION_MAP PROP_FNS | ( | getPosTaskWeight | , |
GetPosTaskWeight | , | ||
setPosTaskWeight | , | ||
SetPosTaskWeight | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getRotTaskWeight | , |
GetRotTaskWeight | , | ||
setRotTaskWeight | , | ||
SetRotTaskWeight | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getBoneAutoAlign | , |
GetBoneAutoAlign | , | ||
setBoneAutoAlign | , | ||
SetBoneAutoAlign | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getBoneFreezeLen | , |
GetBoneFreezeLen | , | ||
setBoneFreezeLen | , | ||
SetBoneFreezeLen | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getBoneScaleType | , |
GetBoneScaleType | , | ||
setBoneScaleType | , | ||
SetBoneScaleType | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getBoneAxis | , |
GetBoneAxis | , | ||
setBoneAxis | , | ||
SetBoneAxis | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getBoneAxisFlip | , |
GetBoneAxisFlip | , | ||
setBoneAxisFlip | , | ||
SetBoneAxisFlip | , | ||
) |
RO_PROP_TFN | ( | getStretchTM | , |
GetStretchTM | , | ||
) |
PROP_TFNS | ( | getBoneNodeOnOff | , |
GetBoneNodeOnOff_T | , | ||
setBoneNodeOnOff | , | ||
SetBoneNodeOnOff | , | ||
) |
VFNT_1 | ( | setBoneNodeOnOffM | , |
SetBoneNodeOnOff | , | ||
) |
VFNT_0 | ( | realignBoneToChild | , |
RealignBoneToChild | |||
) |
VFNT_0 | ( | resetBoneStretch | , |
ResetBoneStretch | |||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getPrimaryVisibility | , |
GetPrimaryVisibility | , | ||
setPrimaryVisibility | , | ||
SetPrimaryVisibility | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getSecondaryVisibility | , |
GetSecondaryVisibility | , | ||
setSecondaryVisibility | , | ||
SetSecondaryVisibility | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getApplyAtmospherics | , |
ApplyAtmospherics | , | ||
setApplyAtmospherics | , | ||
SetApplyAtmospherics | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getCVertMode | , |
GetCVertMode | , | ||
setCVertMode | , | ||
SetCVertMode | , | ||
TYPE_INT | |||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getShadeCVerts | , |
GetShadeCVerts | , | ||
setShadeCVerts | , | ||
SetShadeCVerts | , | ||
TYPE_INT | |||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getVertexColorType | , |
GetVertexColorType | , | ||
setVertexColorType | , | ||
SetVertexColorType | , | ||
) |
PROP_FNS | ( | getVertexColorMapChannel | , |
GetVertexColorMapChannel | , | ||
setVertexColorMapChannel | , | ||
SetVertexColorMapChannel | , | ||
TYPE_INT | |||
) |
RO_PROP_FN | ( | getNodeHandle | , |
GetHandle | , | ||
) |
END_FUNCTION_MAP CoreExport void CopyProperties | ( | INode * | from | ) |
Reimplemented in INodeTransformed.
const ULONG kNullHandle
= 0 [static] |
This represents the value of an invalid node handle.