Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: Model
The Model object represents any Softimage model node, including referenced models, and even the
Scene Root. Softimage Models act as a container for objects (usually hierarchies of objects) and
many of their properties. are a type of X3DObject and as such can be
positioned in space. A model can contains objects, Groups, or other models.
The Scene Root can be accessed using the XSIApplication.ActiveSceneRoot. In
addition, any ProjectItem or Parameter item can return
a reference to the model in which it lives via the ProjectItem.Model and
Parameter.Model properties.
You can also get a collection of all models under a given model by using the
X3DObject.Models property (a Model is a specialized kind of X3DObject).
Therefore, if you use the the Models property on the Scene Root recursively, it will return
all models in the active scene.
To create a new model, use the X3DObject.AddModel method, which also
returns a Model object. There are also a few scripting commands which create model nodes as
well: CreateModel, SICreateModel, etc.
You can also import or export models (including referenced models) with a series of commands:
ImportModel, ExportModel, ImportRefModels,
etc. When a referenced model is instantiated in the scene, changes to that model are tracked
by the Delta system as of v6.0.