

Returns True if the object is animated by a specific animation source type and False otherwise. This function can work on local, nested and optionally referenced parameters, see the Local argument for details. If no animated parameter is found on the object locally then it recursively visits the nested and referenced objects. The function stops as soon as it finds an animated parameter. If you don't want to check the children objects, use X3DObject.IsNodeAnimated instead.

Note: This method replaces the deprecated ProjectItem.IsAnimated2 method, which is supported for backwards compatibility only.

C# Syntax

Boolean ProjectItem.IsAnimated2( siSourceType, Boolean );

Scripting Syntax

ProjectItem.IsAnimated2( [sourceType], [Local] );


Parameter Type Description
sourceType siSourceType Animation source type. siShapeAnimationSource is only supported by X3DObject.

Default Value: siAnySource

Local Boolean Specifies whether the animation to check is local to the object or not. If true then all animated parameters that come from propagated properties or from intermediate nodes are ignored. Intermediate nodes are nested under the object but are not necessary owned by the object itself. For instance, the camera object nested under a Texture_Projection_Def property is not considered unless the target object is the projection property itself. When the flag is set to false (default), all parameters are considered.

Default Value: False


VBScript Example

set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oGrid = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Grid","MeshSurface" )
set oCluster = oGrid.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siPolygonCluster, "PolygonClusterOnGrid", array(59,60,61) )
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siFCurveSource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siFCurveSource)
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siExpressionSource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siExpressionSource )
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siMixerSource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siMixerSource )
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siConstraintSource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siConstraintSource )
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siScriptedOperatorSource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siScriptedOperatorSource )
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siShapeAnimationSource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siShapeAnimationSource )
Application.LogMessage "IsAnimated2( siAnySource )" & oCluster.IsAnimated2( siAnySource )
Application.LogMessage "Number of animated parameters : " & oCluster.AnimatedParameters2.Count

See Also

X3DObject.IsNodeAnimated X3DObject.NodeAnimatedParameters Parameter.IsAnimated Parameter.AnimatedParameters