These procedures appear elsewhere in this help, in their associated topics. Here they are organized by feature.
To save animation you have created or imported to a BIP file:
To load biped motion from an existing BIP file:
To preview biped motion using the Biped playback stick figure:
To preview biped motion using the full biped model, do one of the following:
Animating the Biped with Footsteps
To create footsteps automatically:
To create footsteps beginning at the current frame:
To make the biped walk up or down stairs:
To make the biped walk in place:
To make the biped walk backward:
To prepare for manual footstep creation:
To create footsteps manually, beginning at the current frame:
To append footsteps onto the existing footsteps:
To create footsteps using AutoGrid:
To move selected footsteps in time:
To change the duration of a footstep:
To prevent keys from changing when active footsteps are edited:
To turn off Scale Stride mode:
To display footstep keys in Track View:
To change the display of numbers of footstep keys:
To convert an airborne period to freeform mode:
To convert between footsteps and freeform animation:
To create a purely freeform animation:
To create a freefrom animation from a footstep animation:
To use In Place mode to adjust keyframes:
To set the IK Blend value of a key:
To locate vertical center of mass keys:
To change TCB for a biped arm:
To select and rotate multiple links:
To rotate all links in the spine, neck, or tail:
To change Dynamics Blend for multiple Body Vertical keys:
To edit keys on the Center of Mass trajectory:
To import a motion-capture file:
To use Fit To Existing to import a motion-capture file:
To create clips in the Motion Flow Graph:
To create multiple clips in the Motion Flow Graph:
To create transitions using the From > To or To < From method:
To create transitions using Create All Transitions:
To optimize transitions in the Motion Flow Graph:
To create a Motion Flow script:
To save Motion Flow Editor files:
To load Motion Flow Editor files:
To append Motion Flow Editor files:
To manually customize transitions between two clips:
To automatically customize transitions between two clips:
To create a random script for one biped:
To customize transition “weighting” and setting a start clip:
Example: To create a unified motion:
Example: To share a random motion flow among multiple bipeds:
To apply a shared motion flow to a different group of bipeds:
To link a mechanical character to the biped (without Physique):
To fit biped legs to the skin:
To fit the spine to the skin torso:
To fit both arms using copy/paste:
To pose both arms simultaneously:
To create a symmetrical pose by copying one side of the biped to the other:
To copy a track from one biped to another:
To attach a mesh to a biped using Physique:
To adjust the default envelope shape:
To adjust envelopes around the biped’s pelvis:
To add a bone after you've already used Attach To Node:
To troubleshoot bulges and tendons:
To select and edit cross sections:
To copy an envelope and its settings to a mirrored link (for example, from one thigh to the other):
To copy all Bulge angles from one link to its opposite:
To use Select Nearest Bulge Angle:
To remove a link's influence on vertices:
To remove deformable vertices from a link's influence:
To override vertex assignments manually:
To have a spline influence a mesh:
To apply Physique to an FFD to animate the entire mesh:
To use an FFD to complement the effects of Physique on a portion of a character mesh:
To make compressible bones (bones with end effectors):
To add a bone after Physique is applied using Reinitialize:
To add a bone after Physique is applied using Add (Add Bone):
To create a new bulge angle using the Bulge Editor:
To create a new bulge angle on a selected link:
To change the shape of a cross section:
To make a cross section the active cross section:
To choose a specific bulge angle for editing:
To change a bulge angle value:
To select multiple cross sections:
To move cross sections along the link:
To copy and paste cross sections:
To adjust joint intersection parameters:
To create and attach a tendon:
To adjust the biped center of mass with Rubber Band:
To rubber band an arm or leg link:
To scale a biped and character mesh together:
To increment all keys using layers (global offset):
To increment an interval of keys with an envelope (blended offset):
To increment an interval of keys without an envelope (nonblended offset):
To use layers to reposition a biped with freeform animation:
Example: To animate a biped swinging a prop with one hand:
Example: To animate the biped switching the prop to the other hand:
To load a file created with different system units:
To hide the finger, toe, and head dummy objects:
To reposition a freeform animation (with no IK attachment) or a footstep animation:
To reposition a biped with limbs attached to an Object Space object (IK attachment):
To reposition a biped with limbs attached to world space (IK attachment):
To reposition a biped animated with a motion flow script:
To scale a biped that has a mesh attached to it by using Physique:
To isolate lip vertices from influence by inappropriate links:
To create a Crowd helper object:
To create a Delegate helper object:
To clone and scatter delegates:
To create a new behavior assignment:
Example: To use assign behaviors to delegates:
To modify an existing behavior assignment or assignments:
To use the Orientation behavior:
To use the Path Follow behavior:
To add a Vector Field space warp:
To use a Vector Field space warp with delegates:
To use the Speed Vary behavior:
To use the Surface Arrive behavior:
To use the Surface Follow behavior:
To use the Wall Repel behavior:
To access the Motion Mixer from the Motion panel:
To display the Motion Mixer in a viewport:
To remove the Motion Mixer from a viewport:
To add a biped to the Motion Mixer:
To add a non-biped object to the Motion Mixer:
To see the motions in the Motion Mixer on the biped in the scene:
To import BIP clips from a file:
To import clips from the Reservoir:
To import clips from a motion flow script:
To replace one clip with another:
To move a clip in time within a track:
To move all clips horizontally on one track:
To move a clip to another track:
To change the length of a clip without changing its speed:
To change the speed of an entire clip:
To add a new trackgroup for the biped:
To filter and name a trackgroup:
To create a transition between two clips:
To change the focus on a foot-based transition with Biped animation: