Edit Multiple Delegates Dialog
Command entry: Create panel (Helpers) Object Type rollout Crowd Setup rollout (Multiple Delegate Editing)
Command entry:Select a Crowd object. Modify panel Setup rollout (Multiple Delegate Editing)

The Edit Multiple Delegates dialog lets you define groups of delegates and set parameters for them. You can create and store up to 10 different configurations or settings combinations; each consists of one or more delegates and settings for the delegates.

The parameters are mostly the same as those found in the delegate object's Motion Parameters rollout, with the following exceptions and additions:

TipTo reset a parameter to a specific value for all delegates in a group after it's been set to a random value within a range, turn off Random and turn on SET for the parameter, then set Value1 to the desired value, and then click OK.


To edit multiple delegates:

  1. Select the Crowd object and go to the Modify panel.
  2. On the Setup rollout, click (Multiple Delegate Editing).

    This opens the Edit Multiple Delegates dialog.

  3. Optionally, in the dialog (bottom-left corner), choose a stored dialog setting to use from the 10 available settings.
  4. If necessary, use the Delegates To Edit group box controls to add delegates to or remove them from the current setting.
  5. Modify the remaining parameters as necessary. Be sure to turn on the SET check box for any parameters that are to change.
  6. Click the Apply Edit button to make the changes and exit the dialog.


Delegates to Edit group

This group shows delegates belonging to the current settings combination in a list box and lets you add and delete members.


Click this button, and then choose delegates to add from the Select dialog.


To remove delegates from the list, first choose the names of those to delete in the list box (drag to choose two or more contiguous names, or use Ctrl-click to choose non-contiguous names), and then click Remove.

Set Parameters from Animation group

Use this function to obtain motion parameters from an animated object and apply them to all specified delegates. It affects only Average Speed, Max Accel, and the Turning parameters.

Because this one animation will set most of the parameters of the delegate, it should be representative of a whole range of motion of the delegate. For example, the object should turn and accelerate. The animation should be somewhat lengthy so that averages are calculated correctly.

Animated Object

Specifies an animated object. Click this button, and then choose the object from the list in the Select dialog.


After specifying the animated object, click this button to apply its parameters to the delegate settings. Also turns on the SET check box for any affected parameters.

General group

Rather than numeric values, the settings in this group are on-off switches, except for the first, Velocity Color. To change Velocity Color, click the color swatch, use the Color Selector dialog to pick a new color, and then turn on the Velocity Color SET check box. To change any other setting in the General group, click the check box to the right of the setting, and then turn on the setting's SET check box.

These settings are the same as those found in the delegate object's Motion Parameters rollout.

Speed group

These parameters are the same as those found in the delegate object's Motion Parameters rollout. For an explanation of the Random and SET check boxes, see the introduction to this topic.

Turning group

These parameters are the same as those found in the delegate object's Motion Parameters rollout. For an explanation of the Random and SET check boxes, see the introduction to this topic.

Banking group

These parameters are the same as those found in the delegate object's Motion Parameters rollout. For an explanation of the Random and SET check boxes, see the introduction to this topic.

Biped group

These parameters are the same as those found in the delegate object's Motion Parameters rollout. For an explanation of the Random and SET check boxes, see the introduction to this topic.

Stored Dialog Settings

Use this list to specify up to 10 different combinations of delegates and settings. To store a combination, choose a name from the list, and then specify the delegates and settings. To recall a combination, choose its name from the list. To rename a combination, choose its name from the list, and then highlight the name and edit it using the keyboard.

Check All Sets

Click this button to turn on all SET check boxes. This ensures that any changes you make in the dialog take effect when you click the Apply Edit button.

Apply Edit

Click Apply Edit to implement all changed settings and exit the dialog.


Click Close to remember, but not implement, all changed settings and exit the dialog.


Click Cancel to forget all changed settings and exit the dialog.