Saving and Loading FIG Files
Command entry:Select a biped. Motion panel Biped rollout Figure Mode Load File
Command entry:Select a biped. Motion panel Biped rollout Figure Mode Save File

Figure files save all information about a biped's anatomy: links, link positions, twist links, and Figure mode posture, and the scale of geometric elements. Figure (FIG) files have a .fig file name extension.

Figure files do not contain the actual biped skeleton, or any animation. They are used strictly for setting or saving a biped's pose in Figure mode.

Figure files are useful for quickly setting poses for similar or identical characters.

Clicking Load File brings the Open dialog, from which you can pick a FIG file and choose from the following twist poses options:


To save a biped's figure information to a file:

  1. Select the biped to save.
  2. On the Motion panel, turn on (Figure Mode).
  3. On the Motion panel Biped rollout, click (Save File).
  4. In the file dialog, enter a name for the figure file, and then click OK.
    TipWhile you work on creating a biped pose, save your work frequently in a figure file.

To load a biped figure:

  1. Select the biped to replace with a saved figure.
  2. On the Motion panel, turn on (Figure Mode).
  3. On the Motion panel Biped rollout, click (Load File).
  4. In the file dialog, choose the figure file to load.
  5. Choose one of the three loading options, depending on whether or not you want to load twist poses, or to load twist poses only.
  6. Click OK.
WarningLoading a figure file replaces the selected biped's pose and base parameters. If you have created a new pose or a new biped structure, save it in a figure file before you load a different biped figure.
See Also