
Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: Camera











The Camera object represents a Softimage camera within a scene. The Camera object is always created with its interest located at the origin of the scene's 3D world. Camera can be created with X3DObject.AddCamera or X3DObject.AddCameraRig.

It is possible to find all cameras in a scene using the X3DObject.FindChildren method, as demonstrated in the first example below.

Most important attributes of a Camera object, including the Field of View Angle (fov) and Projection Type (proj) are exposed as Parameter objects on the Primitive returned by calling X3DObject.ActivePrimitive.


Add2DChain Add3DChain AddAnnotation AddCamera
AddCameraRig AddChild AddControl AddCustomOp
AddCustomProperty AddFxTree AddGeometry AddICEAttribute
AddLattice AddLight AddLightRig AddMaterial
AddModel AddNull AddNurbsCurve AddNurbsCurveList
AddNurbsCurveList2 AddNurbsSurface AddNurbsSurfaceMesh AddNurbsSurfaceMesh2
AddPolygonMesh AddPrimitive AddProperty AddScriptedOp
AddScriptedOpFromFile AnimatedParameters2 ApplyEnvelope BelongsTo operator
EvaluateAt FindChild FindChild2 FindChildren
FindChildren2 FindShaders GetActivePrimitive2 GetActivePrimitive3
GetAllShaders GetBoundingBox GetICEAttributeFromName GetLocalPropertyFromName
GetLocalPropertyFromName2 GetModels2 GetPropertyFromName GetPropertyFromName2
GetShaderInputType GetStaticKinematicState operator HasStaticKinematicState operator IsA
IsAnimated2 IsClassOf operator IsEqualTo operator IsKindOf
IsLocked operator IsNodeAnimated IsSelected operator LockOwners
NodeAnimatedParameters RemoveChild RemoveFromParent RemoveICEAttribute
SetAsSelected operator SetCapabilityFlag operator SetLock SetMaterial
ShapeAnimatedClusters TaggedParameters UnSetLock  


ActivePrimitive AllImageClips Application BranchFlag operator
Capabilities operator Categories Children Envelopes
EvaluationID Families operator FullName operator Help
HierarchicalEvaluationID ICEAttributes Interest Kinematics
LocalProperties LocalRotation LocalScaling LocalTranslation
LockLevel operator LockMasters operator LockType operator Material
Materials Model Models Name operator
NestedObjects ObjectID Origin OriginPath
Owners PPGLayout operator Parameters operator Parent
Parent3DObject Primitives Properties Selected operator
Shaders Type operator    


1. VBScript Example

'vbscript example demonstrating how to access all Cameras in the
'Create a sample scene with different cameras
NewScene ,false
GetPrimCamera "Telephoto.Preset", "Telephoto"
GetPrimCamera "Orthographic.Preset", "Ortho"
'Put the orthographic camera inside a model
GetPrimCamera "Wide_Angle.Preset", "WideAngle"
'Hide one of the cameras underneath a cone
GetPrim "Cone"
CopyPaste "WideAngle_Root", ,"cone", 1
GetPrimCamera "Wide_Angle.Preset", "WideAngle"
'Perform a recursive search for all the cameras in the scene
set oCamerasCollection = ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren( ,siCameraFilter )
'Print out some information about the Cameras in the scene 
logmessage "The scene contains " & oCamerasCollection.count & " cameras"
for i = 0 to oCamerasCollection.count - 1
	set oCamera = oCamerasCollection.Item( i )
	PrintCameraInfo oCamera		
sub PrintCameraInfo( in_obj )
	dim oCamera
	set oCamera = in_obj
	logmessage "-----------------------Camera " & i & "------------------------"
	logmessage "Camera Name: " & oCamera.Name
	logmessage "Camera Root: " & oCamera.Parent
	logmessage "Camera Primitive: " & oCamera.ActivePrimitive
	'The Interest a "sibling" of the Camera so
	'we find it via the parent
	set oChildrenOfParent = oCamera.Parent.Children
	dim oInterest
	for each o in oChildrenOfParent
		if ( o.type = "CameraInterest" ) then
			set oInterest = o
			exit for
		end if
	logmessage "Camera Interest: " & oInterest	
	'Many aspects of the camera can be manipulated by reading and
	'writing the parameters on these various objects
	if ( oCamera.ActivePrimitive.Parameters("proj").Value = 1 ) then
		logmessage "Projection: Perspective"
		logmessage "Projection: Orthographic"
	end if
	logmessage "Field of View: " & oCamera.ActivePrimitive.Parameters("fov").Value
	'Although these parameters actual belong to the local kinematic property,
	'these shortforms are available to vbscript to make it even more convenient
	logmessage "Interest Pos(local): (" & oInterest.posx.Value & _
						"," & oInterest.posy.Value & _
						"," & oInterest.posz.Value & ")"
	set oGlobalKine = oInterest.Kinematics.Global
	logmessage "Interest Pos(global): (" & oGlobalKine.Parameters("posx").Value & _
						"," & oGlobalKine.Parameters("posy").Value & _
						"," & oGlobalKine.Parameters("posz").Value & ")"
end sub
'This is part of the output from running this example:
'INFO : "-----------------------Camera 2------------------------"
'INFO : "Camera Name: Telephoto"
'INFO : "Camera Root: Telephoto_Root"
'INFO : "Camera Primitive:"
'INFO : "Camera Interest: Telephoto_Interest"
'INFO : "Projection: Perspective"
'INFO : "Field of View: 6.662"
'INFO : "Interest Pos(local): (0,-2,-20)"
'INFO : "Interest Pos(global): (0,0,0)"
'INFO : "-----------------------Camera 3------------------------"
'INFO : "Camera Name: Ortho"
'INFO : "Camera Root: Model.Ortho_Root"
'INFO : "Camera Primitive:"
'INFO : "Camera Interest: Model.Ortho_Interest"
'INFO : "Projection: Orthographic"
'INFO : "Field of View: 53.638"
'INFO : "Interest Pos(local): (0,-2,-20)"
'INFO : "Interest Pos(global): (0,0,0)"

2. VBScript Example

'VBScript example : display the properties of a camera
Option Explicit
sub CreateCamera()
	dim oCam
	set oCam = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.AddCameraRig( "Camera" ).camera
	LogMessage "camera interest"
	LogMessage & " " &
	LogMessage "camera parameters"
	oCam.near.value = oCam.near.value * 2
	oCam.far.value = oCam.far.value * 2
	oCam.orthoheight.value = oCam.orthoheight.value * 2
	oCam.fov.value = oCam.fov.value * 2
	LogMessage oCam & ".near: " & oCam.near.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".far: " & oCam.far.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".orthoheight: " & oCam.orthoheight.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".fov: " & oCam.fov.value
	LogMessage "camera marking"
	oCam.near.marked = true
	oCam.far.marked = true
	oCam.orthoheight.marked = true
	oCam.fov.marked = true
	LogMessage oCam & ".near.marked: " & oCam.near.marked
	LogMessage oCam & ".far.marked: " & oCam.far.marked
	LogMessage oCam & ".orthoheight.marked: " & oCam.orthoheight.marked
	LogMessage oCam & ".fov.marked: " & oCam.fov.marked
	LogMessage "camera capabilities"
	LogMessage oCam & ".near.capabilities: " & oCam.near.capabilities
	LogMessage oCam & ".far.capabilities: " & oCam.far.capabilities
	LogMessage oCam & ".orthoheight.capabilities: " & oCam.orthoheight.capabilities
	LogMessage oCam & ".fov.capabilities: " & oCam.fov.capabilities
	LogMessage "camera kinematics position"
	oCam.posx.value = oCam.posx.value * 2
	oCam.posy.value = oCam.posy.value * 2
	oCam.posz.value = oCam.posz.value * 2
	LogMessage oCam & ".posx: " & oCam.posx.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".posy: " & oCam.posy.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".posz: " & oCam.posz.value
	LogMessage "camera kinematics rotation"
	oCam.rotx.value = oCam.rotx.value * 2
	oCam.roty.value = oCam.roty.value * 2
	oCam.rotz.value = oCam.rotz.value * 2
	LogMessage oCam & ".rotx: " & oCam.rotx.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".roty: " & oCam.roty.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".rotz: " & oCam.rotz.value
	LogMessage "camera kinematics scaling"
	oCam.sclx.value = oCam.sclx.value * 2
	oCam.scly.value = oCam.scly.value * 2
	oCam.sclz.value = oCam.sclz.value * 2
	LogMessage oCam & ".sclx: " & oCam.sclx.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".scly: " & oCam.scly.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".sclz: " & oCam.sclz.value
	LogMessage "camera kinematics constrained transfo"
	oCam.cnsscl.value = false
	oCam.cnsori.value = false
	oCam.cnspos.value = false
	LogMessage oCam & ".cnsscl: " & oCam.cnsscl.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".cnsori: " & oCam.cnsori.value
	LogMessage oCam & ".cnspos: " & oCam.cnspos.value
end sub

See Also

CameraRig DirectedObject.Interest GetPrimCamera