
Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:Envelope







Envelope オブジェクトは、オブジェクトの Envelope Operator を表します。たとえば、エンベロープを使用して、ChainBone の位置の変更に応じてメッシュ サーフェイスをデフォームできます。

SceneItem.ApplyEnvelope を使用して、エンベロープ オペレータをポイント Cluster に追加できます。X3DObject で ApplyEnvelope を呼び出すことも可能です。この場合はコンプリートポイントクラスタが自動的に作成されます。

ClusterProperty を使用すると、それぞれのポイントに対する各デフォーマの影響を保存できます。このデータは、Envelope.Weights プロパティのオブジェクトモデルから読み取り、更新することができます。

オブジェクトの Envelope オペレータは、Primitive.ConstructionHistory プロパティからアクセスできます(X3DObject.ActivePrimitive を参照)。また、Cluster の SceneItem.Envelopes プロパティからエンベロープにアクセスすることも可能です。


AddCustomOp AddICEAttribute AddScriptedOp AddScriptedOpFromFile
AnimatedParameters2 BelongsToオペレータ Connect ConnectToGroup
Copy Disconnect DisconnectGroup EvaluateAt
GetDeformerColor GetDeformerWeights GetICEAttributeFromName GetInputValue
GetNumInstancesInGroupオペレータ GetNumPortGroupsオペレータ GetNumPortsInGroupオペレータ GetPort2オペレータ
GetPort3オペレータ GetPortAtオペレータ GetWeights2 IsA
IsAnimated2 IsClassOfオペレータ IsEqualToオペレータ IsKindOf
IsLockedオペレータ IsSelectedオペレータ LockOwners PortAtオペレータ
RemoveICEAttribute SetAsSelectedオペレータ SetCapabilityFlagオペレータ SetDeformerColor
SetDeformerWeights SetDeformerWeights2 SetLock SupportsBranchGroupオペレータ
TaggedParameters UnSetLock    


Application BranchFlagオペレータ Capabilitiesオペレータ Categories
Deformers Elements EvaluationID Familiesオペレータ
FullNameオペレータ Help HierarchicalEvaluationID ICEAttributes
InputPortsオペレータ IsConnectedオペレータ LockLevelオペレータ LockMastersオペレータ
LockTypeオペレータ Model Muteオペレータ Nameオペレータ
NestedObjects ObjectID Origin OriginPath
OutputPortsオペレータ Owners PPGLayoutオペレータ Parametersオペレータ
Parent Parent3DObject Portオペレータ PortGroupsオペレータ
Selectedオペレータ Typeオペレータ Weights  

1. VBScript の例

'vbscript example how to access and change the weights of an envelope

newscene , false

set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root

set oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface")

set oChainRoot = oRoot.Add3DChain

' apply envelope to geometry

set oEnvelope = oSphere.ApplyEnvelope( oChainRoot, siBranch )

' Here is another way to get this new envelope:

set oEnvelope = oSphere.Envelopes(0)

' get 2D array of element/deformer weights

aWeights = oEnvelope.Weights.Array

' change the weights so each deformer has equal influence

equalWeight = 100 / oEnvelope.Deformers.Count

for iElement=lbound(aWeights,2) to ubound(aWeights,2)

	for iDeformer=lbound(aWeights,1) to ubound(aWeights,1)

		aWeights(iDeformer,iElement) = equalWeight		



' after manipulating the weights set the updated

' weights back on the envelope

oEnvelope.Weights.Array = aWeights

2. JScript の例

//jscript example how to access and change the weights of an envelope

var dft 

newscene(dft, false ) ;

var oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root

var oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface") ;

var oChainRoot = oRoot.Add3DChain() ;

//apply envelope to geometry

var oEnvelope = oSphere.ApplyEnvelope( oChainRoot, siBranch ) ;

//Here is another way to get this new envelope:

var oEnvelope = oSphere.Envelopes(0) ;

//get 2D array of element/deformer weights

var aVBWeights = new VBArray( oEnvelope.Weights.Array ) ;

//convert to a jscript (1D) array object

var aWeights = aVBWeights.toArray() ;

//change the weights so each deformer has equal influence

equalWeight = 100 / oEnvelope.Deformers.Count ;

for ( iElement = 0 ; iElement < aWeights.length ; iElement++ )


	aWeights[iElement] = equalWeight ;


//after manipulating the weights set the updated

//weights back on the envelope

oEnvelope.Weights.Array = aWeights

3. VBScript の例

'vbscript example that demonstrates how to apply an envelope to

'a cluster.

'It demonstrates how the index in the weights array are based on the

'cluster index, but how this can easily be translated to the 

'true vertex index

newscene ,false

set oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

'Create a cluster that only contains some of the points.

'These are the only points that will be inflenced by the skeleton

set oCluster = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( _

				siVertexCluster, "MyFrontPoints", Array( 18,19,20,25,26,27) ) 

'Create the skeleton

set oChainRoot = ActiveSceneRoot.Add3DChain

set oEffPos = XSIMath.CreateVector3

oEffPos.Set 3,3,3

set oBone1 = oChainRoot.AddBone(oEffPos)

set oEnvelope = oCluster.ApplyEnvelope( oChainRoot, siBranch )

aWeights = oEnvelope.Weights.Array

for iElement=lbound(aWeights,2) to ubound(aWeights,2)

	'Build a string with all the deformer weights


	for iDeformer=lbound(aWeights,1) to ubound(aWeights,1)

		strElementWeights = strElementWeights & Round( aWeights(iDeformer,iElement), 2) & ","


	'Calculate the index of the point that corresponds to this

	'index in the cluster	

	iVertex = oEnvelope.Elements.Item( iElement ) 

	'an equivalent way to calculate this same result is as follows:

	'iVertex = oCluster.Elements.Item( iElement ) 	

	logmessage "Cluster element " & iElement & _ 

		     " (pnt " & iVertex & ") has weights " & strElementWeights	


'Output of this script is:

'INFO : "Cluster element 0 (pnt 18) has weights 0,50.26,49.74,0,"

'INFO : "Cluster element 1 (pnt 19) has weights 0,37.73,62.27,0,"

'INFO : "Cluster element 2 (pnt 20) has weights 0,21.99,78.01,0,"

'INFO : "Cluster element 3 (pnt 25) has weights 0,41.27,58.73,0,"

'INFO : "Cluster element 4 (pnt 26) has weights 0,14.34,85.66,0,"

'INFO : "Cluster element 5 (pnt 27) has weights 0,0.29,99.71,0,"


ChainRoot SceneItem.ApplyEnvelope Envelope.Weights Cluster ClusterProperty