

このエンベロープに対するデフォーマとして動作する各 X3DObject オブジェクトを含む X3DObjectCollection を戻します。


// get accessor

X3DObjectCollection rtn = Envelope.Deformers;

VBScript の例

' Create the Skeleton

Dim oRoot, aRootPos, aEffPos1, aEffPos2, oChain1, oChain2

Set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root

aRootPos = Array(0.254, 3.998, 0.045)

aEffPos1 = Array(-0.01, -0.056, -2.972)

aEffPos2 = Array(0.183, -3.999, 0.115)

Set oChain1 = oRoot.Add2DChain( aRootPos, aEffPos1, , siViewTop )

Set oChain2 = oChain1.AddBone( aEffPos2 )

' Create the Envelope

Dim oSphere, oGeometry

Set oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface")

Set oGeometry = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry

' Apply the Envelope to the Skeleton

Dim oEnvelope, oDeformers, i

Set oEnvelope = oSphere.ApplyEnvelope( oChain1, siBranch, siBranch )

' Retrieve names of the Skeleton's deformers

Set oDeformers = oEnvelope.Deformers

For i = 0 to oDeformers.Count - 1

	LogMessage "Deformer #" & i + 1 & ": " & oDeformers.Item(i)
