Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: ICENode








The ICENode class represents a built-in or custom effect node in the Softimage ICE graph. ICENodes can be assembled in sub-graphs called compound nodes, which are represented as ICECompoundNode objects.

The ICENode class API is convenient for accessing the different components of an effect node such as ports, port groups and port group instances. The node ports are organized in groups similar to the Softimage operator Ports, where groups are logical groupings of multiple port connections. Other ICENode objects can connect to an ICENode object via its ports represented as ICENodeInputPort and ICENodeOutputPort.


AddCustomOp AddICEAttribute AddScriptedOp AddScriptedOpFromFile
AnimatedParameters2 BelongsTo operator EvaluateAt GetGroupInstanceCount
GetICEAttributeFromName GetPortCount GetPortFromIndex GetPortFromIndex2
GetPortFromName GetPortFromName2 IsA IsAnimated2
IsClassOf operator IsEqualTo operator IsKindOf IsLocked operator
IsSelected operator LockOwners RemoveICEAttribute SetAsSelected operator
SetCapabilityFlag operator SetLock TaggedParameters UnSetLock


Application BranchFlag operator Capabilities operator Categories
EvaluationID Families operator FullName operator Help
HierarchicalEvaluationID ICEAttributes InputPorts IsConnected
LockLevel operator LockMasters operator LockType operator Model
Name operator NestedObjects ObjectID Origin
OriginPath OutputPorts Owners PPGLayout operator
Parameters operator Parent Parent3DObject PortGroupCount
RootNodeContainer Selected operator Type operator  


Python Example

# Sample code to show how to access the ICENode elements.
import win32com.client
from win32com.client import constants
xsi = Application
# Recursive function for traversing a node graph
def TraverseNodeGraph( node, level ):
	indent = level * '.'
	# Log info on the visited node 
	xsi.LogMessage( "* * *" )
	# Node info
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node: " + node.FullName );
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node type: " + node.Type );
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node proxy class: " + xsi.ClassName(node) );
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node connected: " + str(node.IsConnected) );
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node parent: " + str(node.Parent.Name) )
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node root: " + str(node.RootNodeContainer.Name) )
	# Node port group info
	portGroupCount = node.PortGroupCount
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "number of groups: " + str(portGroupCount) )
	for iGroup in range(portGroupCount):
		nPortsInGroup = node.GetPortCount(iGroup)
		xsi.LogMessage( indent + "number of ports in group " + str(iGroup) + ": " + str(nPortsInGroup) )
		nGroupInst = node.GetGroupInstanceCount(iGroup)
		xsi.LogMessage( indent + "number of instances of group " + str(iGroup) + ": " + str(nGroupInst) )
		for iInst in range( nGroupInst ):	
			for iPort in range( nPortsInGroup ):
				xsi.LogMessage( indent + "port " + str(iPort) + "," + str(iGroup) + "," + str(iInst) )			
				p = node.GetPortFromIndex(iPort,iGroup,iInst)
				xsi.LogMessage( indent + "port name: " + p.Name )
				xsi.LogMessage( indent + "output port: " + str(p.IsOutput) )
	# Node input port info
	inPorts = node.InputPorts
	inputPortCount = inPorts.Count
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node input ports: " + str(inputPortCount) )
	# Node output port info
	outPorts = node.OutputPorts
	outputPortCount = outPorts.Count
	xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node output ports: " + str(outputPortCount) )
	nodeCount = 0
	nodes = ()
	if node.IsClassOf( constants.siICENodeContainerID ):	
		# The input node might be a ICETree or ICECompoundNode, let's get their ICENodes
		nodes = node.Nodes
		nodeCount = nodes.Count
	# Recursively traverse the graph
	for i in range(nodeCount):
		TraverseNodeGraph( nodes[i], level+2 )
# Create a sample twist deformer graph first
xsi.CreatePrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 15 )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 14 )
xsi.ApplyOp( "ICETree", "cube", None, None, None, 0 )
xsi.AddICENode( "GetDataNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.Reference", "cube.polymsh.PointPosition" )
xsi.AddICENode( "RotateVectorNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.AddICENode( "3DVectorToScalarNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.AddICENode( "SetData", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData.PredefinedAttributeName", "PointPosition" )
xsi.AddAttributeToSetDataICENode( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData", "PointPosition", constants.siComponentDataTypeVector3, constants.siComponentDataContextComponent0D, constants.siComponentDataStructureSingle )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.port1", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData.set" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.RotateVectorNode.vector", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.value" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData.pointposition", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.RotateVectorNode.result" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.3DVectorToScalarNode.vector", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.value" )
xsi.AddICENode( "MultiplyNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode.value1", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.3DVectorToScalarNode.y" )
xsi.AddICENode( "ScalarToRotationNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.angle", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode.result" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.RotateVectorNode.rotation", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.rotation" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.y", 1 )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.x", 0 )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode.value2", 20 )
xsi.CreateICECompoundNode("cube.polymsh.ICETree.3DVectorToScalarNode,cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode,cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode", "")
# Get the ICETree off the cube primitive and start navigating the graph
cube = xsi.Selection(0)
cubeICETree = cube.ActivePrimitive.ICETrees[0]
level = 0
TraverseNodeGraph( cubeICETree, level )

See Also

ICENodeInputPort ICENodeOutputPort ICENodeContainer ICETree ICECompoundNode