Go to: Related nodes. Attributes.

Node to edit normals per vertex or per vertexFace of polygonal objects.

Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
polyNormalPerVertex polyModifier kPolyNormalPerVertex kBase

Related nodes

polyTweak, polyTweakUV, polyMapCut, polyMapDel, polyMapSew, polyNormal, polyMoveUV, polyMoveFacetUV, polyFlipEdge, polySmoothFace, polySmooth, polyReduce, polyDelFacet, polyDelVertex, polyMergeFace, polySplit, polyAppendVertex, polySubdFace, polyCollapseF, polyCloseBorder, polyAppend, polyCollapseEdge, polyTriangulate, polyDelEdge, polyMergeEdge, polyColorPerVertex, deleteUVSet, polySeparate

Attributes (13)

normalAdd, normalDeform, normalPerVertex, vertexFaceNormal, vertexFaceNormalX, vertexFaceNormalXYZ, vertexFaceNormalY, vertexFaceNormalZ, vertexNormal, vertexNormalX, vertexNormalXYZ, vertexNormalY, vertexNormalZ

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
normalPerVertex (npvx) compound n/a outputinputstorable
Attribute to specify the normal of a vertex, either on the entire vertex on a per face basis.
vertexNormal (vn) compound n/a arrayoutputinputstorable
A compound attribute that corresponds to the normal of the vertex. It is a multi attribute and the index of the multi identifies the vertex that the normal applies to.
vertexNormalXYZ (nxyz) float3 outputinputstorable
Vertex normal - XYZ.
vertexNormalX (vxnx) float -999 outputinputstorable
Vertex normal x value
vertexNormalY (vxny) float -999 outputinputstorable
Vertex normal y value
vertexNormalZ (vxnz) float -999 outputinputstorable
Vertex normal z value
vertexFaceNormal (vfnl) compound n/a arrayoutputinputstorable
A compound attribute that corresponds to the normal of the vertex attached to a particular face. It is a multi attribute and the index of the multi identifies the face that the normal applies to. The index of the parent attribute (aVertexNormal) already identifies the vertex that normal is being attached to.
vertexFaceNormalXYZ (fnxy) float3 outputinputstorable
VertexFace normal - XYZ.
vertexFaceNormalX (vfnx) float -999 outputinputstorable
Vertex face normal x value
vertexFaceNormalY (vfny) float -999 outputinputstorable
Vertex face normal y value
vertexFaceNormalZ (vfnz) float -999 outputinputstorable
Vertex face normal z value
normalDeform (npvd) bool true outputinputconnectablestorable
normalAdd (npva) bool false outputinputconnectablestorable
Attribute controls weither or not the normal to replace or add