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This node handles flipping of the edges of the quad of a polyMesh The node re-assigns the start and end Vertex Ids of the selected edge to the other two corners of the quad containing the edge.

This node is created when edges are selected and flipped through polyFlipEdge command
Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
polyFlipEdge polyModifier kPolyFlipEdge kBase

Related nodes

polyTweak, polyTweakUV, polyMapCut, polyMapDel, polyMapSew, polyNormal, polyMoveUV, polyMoveFacetUV, polySmoothFace, polySmooth, polyReduce, polyDelFacet, polyDelVertex, polyMergeFace, polySplit, polyAppendVertex, polySubdFace, polyCollapseF, polyCloseBorder, polyAppend, polyCollapseEdge, polyTriangulate, polyDelEdge, polyMergeEdge, polyColorPerVertex, polyNormalPerVertex, deleteUVSet, polySeparate

Attributes (1)


Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
edge (e) componentList NULL outputinputconnectablestorable
Edge List to be flipped in the geometry data flowing through the node