AccumulatorEntry | This class defines one entry object held by theKFbxUserNotificationclass |
fbxBlob | FBX SDK blob class |
fbxDateTime | FBX SDK date&time class |
fbxDistance | FBX SDK distance class |
ImageConverterBuffer | Image converter buffer |
KCharPtrSet | This class contains the data structure support for char pointer set |
KError | Error class |
KFbxAxisSystem | This class represents the coordinate system of the scene, and can convert scenes from its coordinate system to other coordinate systems |
KFbxBindingTable | A binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to destinations which can be of similar types |
KFbxBindingTableBase | A binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to destinations which can be of similar types |
KFbxBindingTableEntry | A binding table entry stores a binding between a source and a destination |
KFbxBoundary | KFbxBoundaryDescribes a trimming boundary for a trimmed nurbs object |
KFbxCache | This object contains methods for accessing point animation in a cache file |
KFbxCamera | This node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera |
KFbxCameraManipulator | This class can be used to provide basic camera manipulation in any program using this library |
KFbxCameraSwitcher | This node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera switcher |
KFbxCharacter | This class contains all methods to setup an exported character or query information on an imported character |
KFbxCharacterLink | This class represents a link between a given character's node and the associated node in the hierarchy |
KFbxCharacterPose | A character pose is a character and an associated hierarchy of nodes |
kFbxClassId | Base To define the ClassId of an object |
KFbxCloneManager | The clone manager is a utility for cloning entire networks of KFbxObjects |
KFbxCloneManager::CloneSetElement | This represents an element in a set of objects to be cloned |
KFbxCloneManager::KFbxObjectCompare | Functor to compare object pointers |
KFbxCluster | FBX SDK cluster class |
KFbxCollection | This class contains objects |
KFbxColor | Simple class to hold RGBA values |
KFbxConnectEvent | Class the handles Connection events |
KFbxConnectionPointFilter | Class to manage ConnectFilter |
KFbxConstraint | Base class for constraints |
KFbxConstraintAim | This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of an aim constraint |
KFbxConstraintParent | This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a parent constraint |
KFbxConstraintPosition | This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a position constraint |
KFbxConstraintRotation | This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a rotation constraint |
KFbxConstraintScale | This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a scale constraint |
KFbxConstraintSingleChainIK | This constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a single chain IK constraint |
KFbxConstraintUtils | Utility class for constraints |
KFbxControlSet | This class contains all methods to either set-up an exported control rig or query information on an imported control rig |
KFbxControlSetLink | This class represents a link between a given character's FK node and the associated node in the hierarchy |
KFbxControlSetPlug | Plug class for control set |
KFbxDataType | FBX SDK data type class |
KFbxDefaultMemoryAllocator | Default implementation of memory allocator |
KFbxDeformer | FBX SDK deformer class |
KFbxDocument | This class contains objects |
KFbxDocumentInfo | Contains scene thumbnail and user-defined summary data |
KFbxEffector | This class represents a link between a given character's effector and the associated node in the hierarchy |
KFbxEmitter | Base class for types that can emit events |
KFbxEvaluationInfo | This class contains evaluation info |
KFbxEventBase | FBX SDK event base class |
KFbxEventPopulateSystemLibrary | Library events are triggered when an application requires specific library content |
KFbxEventPostExport | Event that is emitted to plugins after a file is exported to the FBX format |
KFbxEventPostImport | Event that is emitted to plugins after a FBX file has been imported |
KFbxEventPreExport | Event that is emitted to plugins before a file is exported to the FBX format |
KFbxEventPreImport | Event that is emitted to plugins before a FBX file has been imported |
KFbxEventUpdateSystemLibrary | This library event is triggered when an application requires an update to a specific library |
KFbxEventWriteLocalization | This library event is used by the asset building system to request that a library provides its localization information |
KFbxExporter | Class to export SDK objects into an FBX file |
KFbxGenericNode | Empty node containing properties |
KFbxGeometry | Contains common properties for mesh, nurb, and patch node attributes |
KFbxGeometryBase | This class is the base class for managing control points |
KFbxGeometryConverter | This class provides functions to triangulate and convert geometry node attributes |
KFbxGeometryWeightedMap | This class provides the structure to build a correspondance between 2 geometries |
KFbxGlobalCameraSettings | This class contains the global camera settings |
KFbxGlobalLightSettings | This class contains functions for accessing global light settings |
KFbxGlobalSettings | This class contains functions for accessing global settings |
KFbxGlobalTimeSettings | This class contains functions for accessing global time settings |
KFbxImageConverter | Provides a placeholder of functions to convert from a file format to "raw" data and vice et versa |
KFbxImporter | Class to import an FBX file into SDK objects |
KFbxIO | Base class for FBX file import and export |
KFbxIOPluginRegistry | This class serves as the registrar for file formats |
KFbxIOSettings | KFbxIOSettingsClass used as container for IO settings |
KFbxKFCurveFilterConstantKeyReducer | Key reducing filter |
KFbxKFCurveFilterMatrixConverter | Matrix conversion filter |
KFbxKFCurveFilterResample | Resampling filter |
KFbxKFCurveFilters | Base class forKFCurveNodeandKFCurvefiltering |
KFbxKFCurveFilterUnroll | Unroll filter |
KFbxLayer | KFbxLayerclass provides the base for the layering mechanism |
KFbxLayerContainer | KFbxLayerContaineris the base class for managing Layers |
KFbxLayeredTexture | FBX SDK layered texture class |
KFbxLayerElement | KFbxLayerElementis the base class for Layer Elements |
KFbxLayerElementArray | FBX SDK layer element array class |
KFbxLayerElementMaterial | Layer to map Materials on a geometry |
KFbxLayerElementNormal | Layer to map Normals on a geometry |
KFbxLayerElementPolygonGroup | Layer to group related polygons together |
KFbxLayerElementSmoothing | Layer to indicate smoothness of components of a geometry |
KFbxLayerElementTemplate | This class complements theKFbxLayerElementclass |
KFbxLayerElementTexture | Layer to map Textures on a geometry |
KFbxLayerElementUserData | Layer element UserData class |
KFbxLayerElementUV | Layer to map UVs on a geometry |
KFbxLayerElementVertexColor | Layer to map Vertex Colors on a geometry |
KFbxLayerElementVisibility | To indicate if specified components are shown/hidden |
KFbxLibrary | This object represents a shading node library |
KFbxLight | This node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a light |
KFbxLimits | KFbxLimitsdefines a 3 component min, max limit |
KFbxListener | FBX SDK listener class |
KFbxMapKStringCompare | This class compares strings |
KFbxMarker | This node attribute contains the properties of a marker |
KFbxMatrix | FBX SDK matrix class |
KFbxMemoryAllocator | This class provides services for memory management |
KFbxMesh | A mesh is a geometry made of polygons |
KFbxMesh::KDuplicateVertex | Internal structure used to keep the duplicate vertex information |
KFbxMesh::KVertexNormalInfo | Internal structure used to compute the normals on a mesh |
KFbxMutex | Provides simple mutex lock functionality |
KFbxMutexHelper | Simple class that unlocks the mutex when it goes out of scope |
KFbxNameFilter | This class represents a name filter on an object |
KFbxNode | This class provides the structure to build a node hierarchy |
KFbxNodeAttribute | This class is the base class to all types of node attributes |
KFbxNodeFinder | ClassKFbxNodeFinder |
KFbxNodeFinderDuplicateName | KFbxNodeFinderDuplicateName |
KFbxNodeIterator | This class and iterator type accesses the FbxNode hierarchy |
KFbxNodeLimits | TheKFbxNodeLimitsdefines limits for transforms |
KFbxNull | This node attribute contains the properties of a null node |
KFbxNurb | A Nurbs surface is a type of parametric geometry |
KFbxNurbsCurve | A Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (Nurbs) curve is a type of parametric geometry |
KFbxNurbsSurface | A Nurbs surface is a type of parametric geometry |
KFbxObject | Basic class for object type identification and instance naming |
KFbxObjectFilter | This object represents a filter criteria on an object |
KFbxObjectMap | This class maps types to objects |
KFbxObjectMetaData | This class is used to hold meta-data information on nodes |
KFbxObjectStringMap | This class maps string names to objects |
KFbxOpticalReference | This node attribute contains the properties of an optical reference |
KFbxPatch | A patch is a type of parametric geometry node attribute |
KFbxPath | ClassKFbxPath |
KFbxPeripheral | FBX SDK peripheral class |
KFbxPlug | Base class to handle plug connections |
KFbxPluginBase | FBX SDK plugin base class |
KFbxPluginImportBase | FBX SDK plugin import base class |
KFbxPose | This class contains the description of a Pose manager |
KFbxPoseInfo | This structure contains the description of a named pose |
KFbxProceduralGeometry | FBX SDK procedural geometry class |
KFbxProductInfo | FBX SDK product information class |
KFbxProductInfoBuilder | FBX SDK product information builder class |
KFbxProperty | Class to hold user properties |
KFbxPropertyHandle | Class to manage property handle |
KFbxPropertyMap | This class maps types to properties |
KFbxPropertyStringMap | This class maps strings to properties |
KFbxQuaternion | FBX SDK quaternion class |
KFbxQuery | Class to manage query |
KFbxQueryClassId | Class to manage query class Id |
KFbxQueryConnectionType | Class to manage query connection type |
KFbxQueryIsA | Class to manage query property |
KFbxQueryOperator | Class to manage query operator |
KFbxQueryProperty | Class to manage query property |
KFbxRenamingStrategy | This class contains the description of the FBX renaming strategy |
KFbxRootNodeUtility | This class collects static functions for manipulating Fbx_Root nodes |
KFbxScene | This class contains the description of a complete 3D scene |
KFbxSceneRenamer | This class contains the description of the FBX scene renamer |
KFbxSdkManager | SDK object manager |
KFbxShadingNode | FBX SDK shading node class |
KFbxShadingObject | This class is a object for take nodes which contain shading data |
KFbxShape | A shape describes the deformation on a set of control points |
KFbxSkeleton | This node attribute contains the properties of a skeleton segment |
KFbxSkin | FBX SDK skin class |
KFbxStream | Generic base class for streamable data |
KFbxStreamOptions | This class provides the structure to build a KFbx Stream Option |
KFbxStreamOptions3dsReader | This class is used for accessing the Import options of 3ds files |
KFbxStreamOptions3dsWriter | This class is used for accessing the Export options of 3ds files |
KFbxStreamOptionsColladaReader | This class is used for accessing the Import options of Collada files |
KFbxStreamOptionsColladaWriter | This class is used for accessing the Export options of Collada files |
KFbxStreamOptionsDxfReader | This class is used for accessing the Import options of Dxf files |
KFbxStreamOptionsDxfWriter | This class is used for accessing the Export options of Dxf files |
KFbxStreamOptionsFbxReader | This class is used for accessing the Import options of Fbx files |
KFbxStreamOptionsFbxWriter | This class is used for accessing the Export options of Fbx files |
KFbxStreamOptionsObjReader | This class is used for accessing the Import options of Obj files |
KFbxStreamOptionsObjWriter | This class is used for accessing the Export options of Obj files |
KFbxSubDeformer | FBX SDK subdeformer class |
KFbxSurfaceLambert | Material settings |
KFbxSurfaceMaterial | Material settings |
KFbxSurfacePhong | Material settings |
KFbxSystemUnit | This class is used to describe the units of measurement used within a particular scene |
KFbxSystemUnit::KFbxUnitConversionOptions | Defines various options that can be set for converting the units of a scene |
KFbxTakeInfo | Contains take information prefetched from an imported file and exported to an output file |
KFbxTakeNode | A take node contains channels of animation |
KFbxTakeNodeContainer | This class is a container for take nodes which contain animation data |
KFbxTexture | A texture is the description of the mapping of an image over a geometry |
KFbxThumbnail | Simple class to hold RGBA values of a thumbnail image |
KFbxTrimNurbsSurface | KFbxTrimNurbsSurfaceDescribes a nurbs surface with regions trimmed or cut away with trimming boundaries |
KFbxUnaryQueryOperator | Class to manage unary query operator |
KFbxUserNotification | This class accumulates user notifications and sends them to any device opened by the derived classes |
KFbxUserNotificationFilteredIterator | This class iterates through the accumulated messages depending on the configuration flags (filter) |
KFbxVector2 | FBX SDK 2-elements vector class |
KFbxVector4 | FBX SDK 4-elements vector class |
KFbxVertexCacheDeformer | This class deforms control points of a geometry using control point positions stored in the associated cache object |
KFbxVideo | FBX SDK video class |
KFbxWeightedMapping | FBX SDK weighted mapping class |
KFbxXMatrix | FBX SDK affine matrix class |
KFbxXRefManager | This class manages external references to files |
KFCurve | Function curve class |
KFCurveKey | Defines a key within a function curve |
KFCurveNode | This class provides the structure to build a curve node hierarchy |
KFCurveTangeantInfo | Defines a tangent derivative and weight |
KFCurveUtils | Curve utilities |
KName | Name class |
KNumberRenamingStrategy | Usual renaming numbering renaming strategy |
KRedBlackTree::RecordType | This class represents a node in the tree |
KRenamingStrategy | Renaming strategy mechanism |
KSet | Class to manipulate set |
KString | Utility class to manipulate strings |
KStringCompare | Functor class suitable for use in KMap |
KTime | Class to encapsulate time units |
KTimeSpan | Class to encapsulate time intervals |
LockAccessStatus | Identify what error occured when manipulating the data arrays |