Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccumulatorEntryThis class defines one entry object held by theKFbxUserNotificationclass
fbxBlobFBX SDK blob class
fbxDateTimeFBX SDK date&time class
fbxDistanceFBX SDK distance class
ImageConverterBufferImage converter buffer
KCharPtrSetThis class contains the data structure support for char pointer set
KErrorError class
KFbxAxisSystemThis class represents the coordinate system of the scene, and can convert scenes from its coordinate system to other coordinate systems
KFbxBindingTableA binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to destinations which can be of similar types
KFbxBindingTableBaseA binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to destinations which can be of similar types
KFbxBindingTableEntryA binding table entry stores a binding between a source and a destination
KFbxBoundaryKFbxBoundaryDescribes a trimming boundary for a trimmed nurbs object
KFbxCacheThis object contains methods for accessing point animation in a cache file
KFbxCameraThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera
KFbxCameraManipulatorThis class can be used to provide basic camera manipulation in any program using this library
KFbxCameraSwitcherThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera switcher
KFbxCharacterThis class contains all methods to setup an exported character or query information on an imported character
KFbxCharacterLinkThis class represents a link between a given character's node and the associated node in the hierarchy
KFbxCharacterPoseA character pose is a character and an associated hierarchy of nodes
kFbxClassIdBase To define the ClassId of an object
KFbxCloneManagerThe clone manager is a utility for cloning entire networks of KFbxObjects
KFbxCloneManager::CloneSetElementThis represents an element in a set of objects to be cloned
KFbxCloneManager::KFbxObjectCompareFunctor to compare object pointers
KFbxClusterFBX SDK cluster class
KFbxCollectionThis class contains objects
KFbxColorSimple class to hold RGBA values
KFbxConnectEventClass the handles Connection events
KFbxConnectionPointFilterClass to manage ConnectFilter
KFbxConstraintBase class for constraints
KFbxConstraintAimThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of an aim constraint
KFbxConstraintParentThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a parent constraint
KFbxConstraintPositionThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a position constraint
KFbxConstraintRotationThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a rotation constraint
KFbxConstraintScaleThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a scale constraint
KFbxConstraintSingleChainIKThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a single chain IK constraint
KFbxConstraintUtilsUtility class for constraints
KFbxControlSetThis class contains all methods to either set-up an exported control rig or query information on an imported control rig
KFbxControlSetLinkThis class represents a link between a given character's FK node and the associated node in the hierarchy
KFbxControlSetPlugPlug class for control set
KFbxDataTypeFBX SDK data type class
KFbxDefaultMemoryAllocatorDefault implementation of memory allocator
KFbxDeformerFBX SDK deformer class
KFbxDocumentThis class contains objects
KFbxDocumentInfoContains scene thumbnail and user-defined summary data
KFbxEffectorThis class represents a link between a given character's effector and the associated node in the hierarchy
KFbxEmitterBase class for types that can emit events
KFbxEvaluationInfoThis class contains evaluation info
KFbxEventBaseFBX SDK event base class
KFbxEventPopulateSystemLibraryLibrary events are triggered when an application requires specific library content
KFbxEventPostExportEvent that is emitted to plugins after a file is exported to the FBX format
KFbxEventPostImportEvent that is emitted to plugins after a FBX file has been imported
KFbxEventPreExportEvent that is emitted to plugins before a file is exported to the FBX format
KFbxEventPreImportEvent that is emitted to plugins before a FBX file has been imported
KFbxEventUpdateSystemLibraryThis library event is triggered when an application requires an update to a specific library
KFbxEventWriteLocalizationThis library event is used by the asset building system to request that a library provides its localization information
KFbxExporterClass to export SDK objects into an FBX file
KFbxGenericNodeEmpty node containing properties
KFbxGeometryContains common properties for mesh, nurb, and patch node attributes
KFbxGeometryBaseThis class is the base class for managing control points
KFbxGeometryConverterThis class provides functions to triangulate and convert geometry node attributes
KFbxGeometryWeightedMapThis class provides the structure to build a correspondance between 2 geometries
KFbxGlobalCameraSettingsThis class contains the global camera settings
KFbxGlobalLightSettingsThis class contains functions for accessing global light settings
KFbxGlobalSettingsThis class contains functions for accessing global settings
KFbxGlobalTimeSettingsThis class contains functions for accessing global time settings
KFbxImageConverterProvides a placeholder of functions to convert from a file format to "raw" data and vice et versa
KFbxImporterClass to import an FBX file into SDK objects
KFbxIOBase class for FBX file import and export
KFbxIOPluginRegistryThis class serves as the registrar for file formats
KFbxIOSettingsKFbxIOSettingsClass used as container for IO settings
KFbxKFCurveFilterConstantKeyReducerKey reducing filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterMatrixConverterMatrix conversion filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterResampleResampling filter
KFbxKFCurveFiltersBase class forKFCurveNodeandKFCurvefiltering
KFbxKFCurveFilterUnrollUnroll filter
KFbxLayerKFbxLayerclass provides the base for the layering mechanism
KFbxLayerContainerKFbxLayerContaineris the base class for managing Layers
KFbxLayeredTextureFBX SDK layered texture class
KFbxLayerElementKFbxLayerElementis the base class for Layer Elements
KFbxLayerElementArrayFBX SDK layer element array class
KFbxLayerElementMaterialLayer to map Materials on a geometry
KFbxLayerElementNormalLayer to map Normals on a geometry
KFbxLayerElementPolygonGroupLayer to group related polygons together
KFbxLayerElementSmoothingLayer to indicate smoothness of components of a geometry
KFbxLayerElementTemplateThis class complements theKFbxLayerElementclass
KFbxLayerElementTextureLayer to map Textures on a geometry
KFbxLayerElementUserDataLayer element UserData class
KFbxLayerElementUVLayer to map UVs on a geometry
KFbxLayerElementVertexColorLayer to map Vertex Colors on a geometry
KFbxLayerElementVisibilityTo indicate if specified components are shown/hidden
KFbxLibraryThis object represents a shading node library
KFbxLightThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a light
KFbxLimitsKFbxLimitsdefines a 3 component min, max limit
KFbxListenerFBX SDK listener class
KFbxMapKStringCompareThis class compares strings
KFbxMarkerThis node attribute contains the properties of a marker
KFbxMatrixFBX SDK matrix class
KFbxMemoryAllocatorThis class provides services for memory management
KFbxMeshA mesh is a geometry made of polygons
KFbxMesh::KDuplicateVertexInternal structure used to keep the duplicate vertex information
KFbxMesh::KVertexNormalInfoInternal structure used to compute the normals on a mesh
KFbxMutexProvides simple mutex lock functionality
KFbxMutexHelperSimple class that unlocks the mutex when it goes out of scope
KFbxNameFilterThis class represents a name filter on an object
KFbxNodeThis class provides the structure to build a node hierarchy
KFbxNodeAttributeThis class is the base class to all types of node attributes
KFbxNodeIteratorThis class and iterator type accesses the FbxNode hierarchy
KFbxNodeLimitsTheKFbxNodeLimitsdefines limits for transforms
KFbxNullThis node attribute contains the properties of a null node
KFbxNurbA Nurbs surface is a type of parametric geometry
KFbxNurbsCurveA Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (Nurbs) curve is a type of parametric geometry
KFbxNurbsSurfaceA Nurbs surface is a type of parametric geometry
KFbxObjectBasic class for object type identification and instance naming
KFbxObjectFilterThis object represents a filter criteria on an object
KFbxObjectMapThis class maps types to objects
KFbxObjectMetaDataThis class is used to hold meta-data information on nodes
KFbxObjectStringMapThis class maps string names to objects
KFbxOpticalReferenceThis node attribute contains the properties of an optical reference
KFbxPatchA patch is a type of parametric geometry node attribute
KFbxPeripheralFBX SDK peripheral class
KFbxPlugBase class to handle plug connections
KFbxPluginBaseFBX SDK plugin base class
KFbxPluginImportBaseFBX SDK plugin import base class
KFbxPoseThis class contains the description of a Pose manager
KFbxPoseInfoThis structure contains the description of a named pose
KFbxProceduralGeometryFBX SDK procedural geometry class
KFbxProductInfoFBX SDK product information class
KFbxProductInfoBuilderFBX SDK product information builder class
KFbxPropertyClass to hold user properties
KFbxPropertyHandleClass to manage property handle
KFbxPropertyMapThis class maps types to properties
KFbxPropertyStringMapThis class maps strings to properties


KFbxQuaternionFBX SDK quaternion class
KFbxQueryClass to manage query
KFbxQueryClassIdClass to manage query class Id
KFbxQueryConnectionTypeClass to manage query connection type
KFbxQueryIsAClass to manage query property
KFbxQueryOperatorClass to manage query operator
KFbxQueryPropertyClass to manage query property
KFbxRenamingStrategyThis class contains the description of the FBX renaming strategy
KFbxRootNodeUtilityThis class collects static functions for manipulating Fbx_Root nodes
KFbxSceneThis class contains the description of a complete 3D scene
KFbxSceneRenamerThis class contains the description of the FBX scene renamer
KFbxSdkManagerSDK object manager
KFbxShadingNodeFBX SDK shading node class
KFbxShadingObjectThis class is a object for take nodes which contain shading data
KFbxShapeA shape describes the deformation on a set of control points
KFbxSkeletonThis node attribute contains the properties of a skeleton segment
KFbxSkinFBX SDK skin class
KFbxStreamGeneric base class for streamable data
KFbxStreamOptionsThis class provides the structure to build a KFbx Stream Option
KFbxStreamOptions3dsReaderThis class is used for accessing the Import options of 3ds files
KFbxStreamOptions3dsWriterThis class is used for accessing the Export options of 3ds files
KFbxStreamOptionsColladaReaderThis class is used for accessing the Import options of Collada files
KFbxStreamOptionsColladaWriterThis class is used for accessing the Export options of Collada files
KFbxStreamOptionsDxfReaderThis class is used for accessing the Import options of Dxf files
KFbxStreamOptionsDxfWriterThis class is used for accessing the Export options of Dxf files
KFbxStreamOptionsFbxReaderThis class is used for accessing the Import options of Fbx files
KFbxStreamOptionsFbxWriterThis class is used for accessing the Export options of Fbx files
KFbxStreamOptionsObjReaderThis class is used for accessing the Import options of Obj files
KFbxStreamOptionsObjWriterThis class is used for accessing the Export options of Obj files
KFbxSubDeformerFBX SDK subdeformer class
KFbxSurfaceLambertMaterial settings
KFbxSurfaceMaterialMaterial settings
KFbxSurfacePhongMaterial settings
KFbxSystemUnitThis class is used to describe the units of measurement used within a particular scene
KFbxSystemUnit::KFbxUnitConversionOptionsDefines various options that can be set for converting the units of a scene
KFbxTakeInfoContains take information prefetched from an imported file and exported to an output file
KFbxTakeNodeA take node contains channels of animation
KFbxTakeNodeContainerThis class is a container for take nodes which contain animation data
KFbxTextureA texture is the description of the mapping of an image over a geometry
KFbxThumbnailSimple class to hold RGBA values of a thumbnail image
KFbxTrimNurbsSurfaceKFbxTrimNurbsSurfaceDescribes a nurbs surface with regions trimmed or cut away with trimming boundaries
KFbxUnaryQueryOperatorClass to manage unary query operator
KFbxUserNotificationThis class accumulates user notifications and sends them to any device opened by the derived classes
KFbxUserNotificationFilteredIteratorThis class iterates through the accumulated messages depending on the configuration flags (filter)
KFbxVector2FBX SDK 2-elements vector class
KFbxVector4FBX SDK 4-elements vector class
KFbxVertexCacheDeformerThis class deforms control points of a geometry using control point positions stored in the associated cache object
KFbxVideoFBX SDK video class
KFbxWeightedMappingFBX SDK weighted mapping class
KFbxXMatrixFBX SDK affine matrix class
KFbxXRefManagerThis class manages external references to files
KFCurveFunction curve class
KFCurveKeyDefines a key within a function curve
KFCurveNodeThis class provides the structure to build a curve node hierarchy
KFCurveTangeantInfoDefines a tangent derivative and weight
KFCurveUtilsCurve utilities
KNameName class
KNumberRenamingStrategyUsual renaming numbering renaming strategy
KRedBlackTree::RecordTypeThis class represents a node in the tree
KRenamingStrategyRenaming strategy mechanism
KSetClass to manipulate set
KStringUtility class to manipulate strings
KStringCompareFunctor class suitable for use in KMap
KTimeClass to encapsulate time units
KTimeSpanClass to encapsulate time intervals
LockAccessStatusIdentify what error occured when manipulating the data arrays