
Inherits FbxPropertyFlags.

Inherited by KFbxTypedProperty, KFbxTypedProperty<bool>, KFbxTypedProperty<double>, KFbxTypedProperty<ERotationOrder>, KFbxTypedProperty<ETransformInheritType>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxDateTime>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxReference *>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxReference *>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxReference>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxVectorTemplate2>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxVectorTemplate3>, KFbxTypedProperty<int>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterAutoUser>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterContactBehaviour>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterFingerContactMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterFloorPivot>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterFootContactType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterHandContactType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterHipsTranslationMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterOffAutoUser>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterPosture>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterRollExtractionMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraAntialiasingMethod>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraApertureFormat>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraApertureMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraAspectRatioMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraFocusDistanceSource>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraFormat>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraGateFit>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraProjectionType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraSafeAreaStyle>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraSamplingType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxControlSet::EType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxLight::EDecayType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxLight::ELightType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxMarker::ELook>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxNull::ELook>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::EBlendMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::ETextureUse6>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::EUnifiedMappingType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::EWrapMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxXMatrix>, and KFbxTypedProperty<KString>.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class to hold user properties.

Definition at line66of filekfbxproperty.h.

Constructor and Destructor.

staticKFbxProperty Create(KFbxPropertyconst&pCompoundProperty, char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType=KFbxDataType(), char const *pLabel="", bool pCheckForDuplicate=true, bool *pWasFound=NULL)
 Create a property.
template<typename T>
staticKFbxProperty Create(KFbxPropertyconst&pParentProperty, char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType, T const&pValue, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG, bool pCheckForDuplicate=true, bool pForceSet=true)
 Create a property.
staticKFbxProperty Create(KFbxObject*pObject, char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType=KFbxDataType(), char const *pLabel="", bool pCheckForDuplicate=true, bool *pWasFound=NULL)
 Create a dynamic property.
staticKFbxProperty Create(KFbxObject*pObject,KFbxProperty&pFromProperty, bool pCheckForDuplicate=true)
 Create a dynamic property from an other property.
staticKFbxProperty Create(KFbxPropertyconst&pCompoundProperty,KFbxProperty&pFromProperty, bool pCheckForDuplicate=true)
 Create a dynamic property from an other property.
void Destroy(bool pRecursive=true, bool pDependents=false)
 Destroy a dynamic property.
 Static Property Constructors.
 Copy constructor for properties.
 Copy constructor for properties.
 Static Property destructor.

Property Identification.

KFbxDataType GetPropertyDataType() const
 Get the property data type definition.
KString GetName() const
 Get the property internal name.
KString GetHierarchicalName() const
 Get the property internal name.
KString GetLabel(bool pReturnNameIfEmpty=true)
 Get the property label.
void SetLabel(KStringpLabel)
 Set a label to the property.
KFbxObjectGetFbxObject() const
 Get the object that contains the property.

User data

void SetUserTag(int pTag)
int GetUserTag()
void SetUserDataPtr(void *pUserData)
void * GetUserDataPtr()

Property Flags.

void ModifyFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag, bool pValue)
 Change the attributes of the property.
bool GetFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag)
 Get the property attribute state.
KFbxInheritType GetFlagInheritType(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag) const
 Gets the inheritance type for the given flag.
bool SetFlagInheritType(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag, KFbxInheritType pType)
 Sets the inheritance type for the given flag.
bool ModifiedFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag) const
 Checks if the property's flag has been modified from its default value.

Assignment and comparison operators

bool operator==(KFbxPropertyconst&pKProperty) const
bool operator!=(KFbxPropertyconst&pKProperty) const
bool operator==(int pValue) const
bool operator!=(int pValue) const
bool CompareValue(KFbxPropertyconst&pProp) const

Value management.

bool IsValid() const
bool Set(void const *pValue, EFbxType pValueType, bool pCheckForValueEquality)
 set value function
bool Set(void const *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
bool Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 get value function
bool Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType,KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluateInfo)
 get and evaluate pulls on a value
template<class T>
bool Set(T const&pValue)
template<class T>
Get(T const *pFBX_TYPE) const
template<class T>
Get(T const *pFBX_TYPE,KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluateInfo)
template<class T>
Get(KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluateInfo)
bool Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType,KFbxEvaluationInfo*pEvaluateInfo) const
 get and evaluate pulls on a value
KFbxInheritType GetValueInheritType() const
 Query the inheritance type of the property.
bool SetValueInheritType(KFbxInheritType pType)
 Set the inheritance type of the property.
bool Modified() const
 Checks if the property's value has been modified from its default value.

Property Limits.

Property limits are provided for convenience if some applications desire to bound the range of possible values for a given type property.

Note that these limits are meaningless for the boolean type. It is the responsibility of the calling application to implement the necessary instructions to limit the property.

void SetMinLimit(double pMin)
 Set the minimum limit value of the property.
bool HasMinLimit() const
 Returns whether a limit exists; callingGetMinLimit()when this returns false will return in undefined behavior.
double GetMinLimit() const
 Get the minimum limit value of the property.
bool HasMaxLimit() const
 Returns whether a limit exists; callingGetMinLimit()when this returns false will return in undefined behavior.
void SetMaxLimit(double pMax)
 Set the maximum limit value of the property.
double GetMaxLimit() const
 Get the maximum limit value of the property.
void SetLimits(double pMin, double pMax)
 Set the minimum and maximum limit value of the property.

Enum and property list

int AddEnumValue(char const *pStringValue)
 Add a string value at the end of the list.
void InsertEnumValue(int pIndex, char const *pStringValue)
 Insert a string value at the specified index.
int GetEnumCount()
 Get the number of elements in the list.
void SetEnumValue(int pIndex, char const *pStringValue)
 Set a string value for the specified index.
void RemoveEnumValue(int pIndex)
 Remove the string value at the specified index.
char * GetEnumValue(int pIndex)
 Get a string value for the specified index.

Hierarchical properties

bool IsRoot() const
bool IsChildOf(KFbxPropertyconst&pParent) const
bool IsDescendentOf(KFbxPropertyconst&pAncestor) const
KFbxProperty GetParent() const
bool SetParent(constKFbxProperty&pOther)
KFbxProperty GetChild() const
KFbxProperty GetSibling() const
KFbxProperty GetFirstDescendent() const
 Get the first property that is a descendent to this property.
KFbxProperty GetNextDescendent(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) const
 Get the next property following pProperty that is a descendent to this property.
KFbxProperty Find(char const *pName, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const
 Find a property using its name and its data type.
KFbxProperty Find(char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const
KFbxProperty FindHierarchical(char const *pName, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const
 Fullname find.
KFbxProperty FindHierarchical(char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const


void BeginCreateOrFindProperty()
void EndCreateOrFindProperty()

Array Management

bool SetArraySize(int pSize, bool pVariableArray)
int GetArraySize() const
KFbxProperty GetArrayItem(int pIndex) const
KFbxProperty operator[](int pIndex) const

FCurve Management

KFCurveNodeCreateKFCurveNode(const char *pTakeName=NULL)
 Create aKFCurveNodeon a take.
KFCurveNodeGetKFCurveNode(bool pCreateAsNeeded=false, const char *pTakeName=NULL)
 Get theKFCurveNodefrom a take.
KFCurveGetKFCurve(const char *pChannel=NULL)
 Tries to get theKFCurveof the specified channel from the current take.
KFCurveGetKFCurve(const char *pChannel, const char *pTakeName)
 Tries to get theKFCurveof the specified channel from the given take.

Evaluation management

bool Evaluate(KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluationInfo)

General Object Connection and Relationship Management

bool ConnectSrcObject(KFbxObject*pObject, kFbxConnectionType pType=eFbxConnectionNone)
bool IsConnectedSrcObject(constKFbxObject*pObject) const
bool DisconnectSrcObject(KFbxObject*pObject)
bool DisconnectAllSrcObject()
bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria)
bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId)
bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria)
int GetSrcObjectCount() const
int GetSrcObjectCount(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const
int GetSrcObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId) const
int GetSrcObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const
KFbxObjectGetSrcObject(int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectGetSrcObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectGetSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectGetSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindSrcObject(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindSrcObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
template<class T>
bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE)
template<class T>
bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria)
template<class T>
int GetSrcObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE) const
template<class T>
int GetSrcObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const
template<class T>
T * GetSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, int pIndex=0) const
template<class T>
T * GetSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const
template<class T>
T * FindSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
template<class T>
T * FindSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
bool ConnectDstObject(KFbxObject*pObject, kFbxConnectionType pType=eFbxConnectionNone)
bool IsConnectedDstObject(constKFbxObject*pObject) const
bool DisconnectDstObject(KFbxObject*pObject)
bool DisconnectAllDstObject()
bool DisconnectAllDstObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria)
bool DisconnectAllDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId)
bool DisconnectAllDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria)
int GetDstObjectCount() const
int GetDstObjectCount(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const
int GetDstObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId) const
int GetDstObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const
KFbxObjectGetDstObject(int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectGetDstObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectGetDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectGetDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindDstObject(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindDstObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
KFbxObjectFindDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
template<class T>
bool DisconnectAllDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE)
template<class T>
bool DisconnectAllDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria)
template<class T>
int GetDstObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE) const
template<class T>
int GetDstObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const
template<class T>
T * GetDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, int pIndex=0) const
template<class T>
T * GetDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const
template<class T>
T * FindDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
template<class T>
T * FindDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const

General Property Connection and Relationship Management

bool ConnectSrcProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty)
bool IsConnectedSrcProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty)
bool DisconnectSrcProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty)
int GetSrcPropertyCount() const
KFbxProperty GetSrcProperty(int pIndex=0) const
KFbxProperty FindSrcProperty(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
bool ConnectDstProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty)
bool IsConnectedDstProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty)
bool DisconnectDstProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty)
int GetDstPropertyCount() const
KFbxProperty GetDstProperty(int pIndex=0) const
KFbxProperty FindDstProperty(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const
void ClearConnectCache()

Public Member Functions

bool CopyValue(KFbxPropertyconst&pProp)
 Copy value of a property.

Constructor&Destructor Documentation

Static Property Constructors.

KFbxProperty(KFbxPropertyconst& pProperty ) 

Copy constructor for properties.

KFbxProperty(KFbxPropertyHandleconst& pProperty ) 

Copy constructor for properties.

Static Property destructor.

Member Function Documentation

staticKFbxPropertyCreate(KFbxPropertyconst& pCompoundProperty,
char const * pName,
KFbxDataTypeconst& pDataType=KFbxDataType(),
char const * pLabel="",
bool pCheckForDuplicate=true,
bool * pWasFound=NULL 

Create a property.


staticKFbxPropertyCreate(KFbxPropertyconst& pParentProperty,
char const * pName,
KFbxDataTypeconst& pDataType,
T const& pValue,
eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG,
bool pCheckForDuplicate=true,
bool pForceSet=true 
)[inline, static]

Create a property.


Definition at line112of filekfbxproperty.h.

ReferencesFind(), IsValid(),ModifyFlag(), andSet().

char const * pName,
KFbxDataTypeconst& pDataType=KFbxDataType(),
char const * pLabel="",
bool pCheckForDuplicate=true,
bool * pWasFound=NULL 

Create a dynamic property.


bool pCheckForDuplicate=true 

Create a dynamic property from an other property.


staticKFbxPropertyCreate(KFbxPropertyconst& pCompoundProperty,
bool pCheckForDuplicate=true 

Create a dynamic property from an other property.


void Destroy(bool pRecursive=true,
bool pDependents=false 

Destroy a dynamic property.

KFbxDataTypeGetPropertyDataType( ) const

Get the property data type definition.

The propertiesKFbxDataType

Referenced byKFbxStreamOptions::SetOption().

KStringGetName( ) const

Get the property internal name.

Property internal name string.

KStringGetHierarchicalName( ) const

Get the property internal name.

Property internal name string.

KStringGetLabel(bool pReturnNameIfEmpty=true ) 

Get the property label.

pReturnNameIfEmpty Iftrue, allow this method to return the internal name.
The property label if set, or the property internal name if the pReturnNameIfEmpty flag is set totrueand the label has not been defined.
Some applications may choose to ignore the label field and work uniquely with the internal name. Therefore, it should not be taken for granted that a label exists. Also, remember that the label does not get saved in the FBX file. It only exist while the property object is in memory.

void SetLabel(KString pLabel ) 

Set a label to the property.

pLabel Label string.

KFbxObject* GetFbxObject( ) const

Get the object that contains the property.

the property object owner or null if the property is an orphan.

void ModifyFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag,
bool pValue 

Change the attributes of the property.

pFlag Property attribute identifier.
pValue New state.

Referenced byCreate().

bool GetFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag ) 

Get the property attribute state.

pFlag Property attribute identifier.
The currently set property attribute state.

KFbxInheritType GetFlagInheritType(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag ) const

Gets the inheritance type for the given flag.

Similar toGetValueInheritType().

pFlag The flag to query
The inheritance type of the given flag

bool SetFlagInheritType(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag,
KFbxInheritType pType 

Sets the inheritance type for the given flag.

Similar toSetValueInheritType().

pFlag The flag to set
pType The inheritance type to set
true on success, false otherwise.

bool ModifiedFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag ) const

Checks if the property's flag has been modified from its default value.

pFlag The flag to query
true if the value of this property has changed, false otherwise

bool CopyValue(KFbxPropertyconst& pProp ) 

Copy value of a property.

pProp Property to get value from.
true if value has been copied, false if not.

bool Set(void const * pValue,
EFbxType pValueType,
bool pCheckForValueEquality 

set value function

pValue Pointer to the new value
pValueType The data type of the new value
pCheckForValueEquality if true, the value is not set if it is equal to the default value.
true if it was succesfull and type were compatible.

Referenced byCreate(),KFbxStreamOptionsDxfReader::SetCreateRootNode(),KFbxStreamOptions::SetOption(), andKFbxStreamOptionsDxfReader::SetWeldVertices().

bool Get(void * pValue,
EFbxType pValueType 

get value function

true if it was succesfull and type were compatible.

bool Get(void * pValue,
EFbxType pValueType,
KFbxEvaluationInfoconst * pEvaluateInfo 

get and evaluate pulls on a value

true if it was succesfull and type were compatible.

bool Get(void * pValue,
EFbxType pValueType,

get and evaluate pulls on a value

true if it was succesfull and type were compatible.

KFbxInheritType GetValueInheritType( ) const

Query the inheritance type of the property.

Use this method to determine if this property's value is overriden from the default value, or from the referenced object, if this object is a clone.

The inheritance type of the property.

bool SetValueInheritType(KFbxInheritType pType ) 

Set the inheritance type of the property.

Use the method to explicitly override the default value of the property, or the referenced object's property value, if this object is a clone.

It can also be used to explicitly inherit the default value of the property, or the referenced object's property value, if this object is a clone.

pType The new inheritance type.
true on success, false otherwise.

bool Modified( ) const

Checks if the property's value has been modified from its default value.

true if the value of this property has changed, false otherwise

void SetMinLimit(double pMin ) 

Set the minimum limit value of the property.

pMin Minimum value allowed.

bool HasMinLimit( ) const

Returns whether a limit exists; callingGetMinLimit()when this returns false will return in undefined behavior.

Whether or not a minimum limit has been set.

double GetMinLimit( ) const

Get the minimum limit value of the property.

Currently set minimum limit value.

bool HasMaxLimit( ) const

Returns whether a limit exists; callingGetMinLimit()when this returns false will return in undefined behavior.

Whether or not a minimum limit has been set.

void SetMaxLimit(double pMax ) 

Set the maximum limit value of the property.

pMax Maximum value allowed.

double GetMaxLimit( ) const

Get the maximum limit value of the property.

Currently set maximum limit value.

void SetLimits(double pMin,
double pMax 

Set the minimum and maximum limit value of the property.

pMin Minimum value allowed.
pMax Maximum value allowed.

int AddEnumValue(char const * pStringValue ) 

Add a string value at the end of the list.

pStringValue Value of the string to be added.
The index in the list where the string was added.
This function is only valid when the property type is eENUM. Empty strings are not allowed.

void InsertEnumValue(int pIndex,
char const * pStringValue 

Insert a string value at the specified index.

pIndex Zero bound index.
pStringValue Value of the string for the specified index.
This function is only valid when the property type is eENUM. pIndex must be in the range [0, ListValueGetCount()]. Empty strings are not allowed.

int GetEnumCount( ) 

Get the number of elements in the list.

The number of elements in the list.
This function will return -1 if the property type is not eENUM.

void SetEnumValue(int pIndex,
char const * pStringValue 

Set a string value for the specified index.

pIndex Zero bound index.
pStringValue Value of the string for the specified index.
This function is only valid when the property type is eENUM. The function will assign the specified string to the specified index. A string value must exists at the specified index in order to be changed. Empty strings are not allowed.

void RemoveEnumValue(int pIndex ) 

Remove the string value at the specified index.

pIndex of the string value to be removed.

char* GetEnumValue(int pIndex ) 

Get a string value for the specified index.

pIndex Zero bound index.
This function is only valid when the property type is eENUM.

KFbxPropertyGetFirstDescendent( ) const[inline]

Get the first property that is a descendent to this property.

A validKFbxPropertyif the property was found, else an invalidKFbxProperty. See KFbxProperty::IsValid()

Definition at line469of filekfbxproperty.h.

KFbxPropertyGetNextDescendent(KFbxPropertyconst& pProperty ) const[inline]

Get the next property following pProperty that is a descendent to this property.

pProperty The last found descendent.
A validKFbxPropertyif the property was found, else an invalidKFbxProperty. See KFbxProperty::IsValid()

Definition at line475of filekfbxproperty.h.

KFbxPropertyFind(char const * pName,
bool pCaseSensitive=true 

Find a property using its name and its data type.

pName The name of the property as aNULLterminated string.
A validKFbxPropertyif the property was found, else an invalidKFbxProperty. See KFbxProperty::IsValid()

Definition at line483of filekfbxproperty.h.

Referenced byCreate().

KFbxPropertyFindHierarchical(char const * pName,
bool pCaseSensitive=true 

Fullname find.

pName The name of the property as aNULLterminated string.
A validKFbxPropertyif the property was found, else an invalidKFbxProperty. See KFbxProperty::IsValid()

Definition at line491of filekfbxproperty.h.

KFCurveNode* CreateKFCurveNode(const char * pTakeName=NULL ) 

Create aKFCurveNodeon a take.

pTakeName Name of the take to create theKFCurveNodeon

KFCurveNode* GetKFCurveNode(bool pCreateAsNeeded=false,
const char * pTakeName=NULL 

Get theKFCurveNodefrom a take.

pTakeName Name of the take to get theKFCurveNodefrom
pCreateAsNeeded Create theKFCurveNodeif not found.
Pointer to theKFCurveNodeof the proprety on the given take.

KFCurve* GetKFCurve(const char * pChannel=NULL ) 

Tries to get theKFCurveof the specified channel from the current take.

pChannel Name of the fcurve channel we are looking for.
Pointer to the FCurve if found, NULL in any other case.
This method will fail if theKFCurveNodedoes not exist.

If the pChannel is left NULL, this method retrieve the FCurve directly from theKFCurveNodeotherwise it will look recursively to find it.

KFCurve* GetKFCurve(const char * pChannel,
const char * pTakeName 

Tries to get theKFCurveof the specified channel from the given take.

pChannel Name of the fcurve channel we are looking for.
pTakeName Name of the take to get theKFCurvefrom.
Pointer to the FCurve if found, NULL in any other case.
This method will fail if theKFCurveNodedoes not exist.

If pTakeName is NULL, this function will look in the current take.

If the pChannel is left NULL, this method retrieve the FCurve directly from theKFCurveNodeotherwise it will look recursively to find it.