Inherits FbxPropertyFlags.
Inherited by KFbxTypedProperty, KFbxTypedProperty<bool>, KFbxTypedProperty<double>, KFbxTypedProperty<ERotationOrder>, KFbxTypedProperty<ETransformInheritType>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxDateTime>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxReference *>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxReference *>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxReference>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxVectorTemplate2>, KFbxTypedProperty<fbxVectorTemplate3>, KFbxTypedProperty<int>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterAutoUser>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterContactBehaviour>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterFingerContactMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterFloorPivot>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterFootContactType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterHandContactType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterHipsTranslationMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterOffAutoUser>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterPosture>, KFbxTypedProperty<KCHARACTERDEF_NAMESPACE::kCharacterRollExtractionMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraAntialiasingMethod>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraApertureFormat>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraApertureMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraAspectRatioMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraFocusDistanceSource>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraFormat>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraGateFit>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraProjectionType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraSafeAreaStyle>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxCamera::ECameraSamplingType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxControlSet::EType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxLight::EDecayType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxLight::ELightType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxMarker::ELook>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxNull::ELook>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::EBlendMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::ETextureUse6>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::EUnifiedMappingType>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxTexture::EWrapMode>, KFbxTypedProperty<KFbxXMatrix>, and KFbxTypedProperty<KString>.
Class to hold user properties.
Constructor and Destructor. |
typedef FbxPropertyFlags::eFbxPropertyFlags | EFlags |
staticKFbxProperty | Create(KFbxPropertyconst&pCompoundProperty, char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType=KFbxDataType(), char const *pLabel="", bool pCheckForDuplicate=true, bool *pWasFound=NULL) |
| Create a property.
template<typename T> |
staticKFbxProperty | Create(KFbxPropertyconst&pParentProperty, char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType, T const&pValue, eFbxPropertyFlags pFlags=eNO_FLAG, bool pCheckForDuplicate=true, bool pForceSet=true) |
| Create a property.
staticKFbxProperty | Create(KFbxObject*pObject, char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType=KFbxDataType(), char const *pLabel="", bool pCheckForDuplicate=true, bool *pWasFound=NULL) |
| Create a dynamic property.
staticKFbxProperty | Create(KFbxObject*pObject,KFbxProperty&pFromProperty, bool pCheckForDuplicate=true) |
| Create a dynamic property from an other property.
staticKFbxProperty | Create(KFbxPropertyconst&pCompoundProperty,KFbxProperty&pFromProperty, bool pCheckForDuplicate=true) |
| Create a dynamic property from an other property.
void | Destroy(bool pRecursive=true, bool pDependents=false) |
| Destroy a dynamic property.
| KFbxProperty() |
| Static Property Constructors.
| KFbxProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
| Copy constructor for properties.
| KFbxProperty(KFbxPropertyHandleconst&pProperty) |
| Copy constructor for properties.
| ~KFbxProperty() |
| Static Property destructor.
Property Identification. |
KFbxDataType | GetPropertyDataType() const |
| Get the property data type definition.
KString | GetName() const |
| Get the property internal name.
KString | GetHierarchicalName() const |
| Get the property internal name.
KString | GetLabel(bool pReturnNameIfEmpty=true) |
| Get the property label.
void | SetLabel(KStringpLabel) |
| Set a label to the property.
KFbxObject* | GetFbxObject() const |
| Get the object that contains the property.
User data |
void | SetUserTag(int pTag) |
int | GetUserTag() |
void | SetUserDataPtr(void *pUserData) |
void * | GetUserDataPtr() |
Property Flags. |
void | ModifyFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag, bool pValue) |
| Change the attributes of the property.
bool | GetFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag) |
| Get the property attribute state.
KFbxInheritType | GetFlagInheritType(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag) const |
| Gets the inheritance type for the given flag.
bool | SetFlagInheritType(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag, KFbxInheritType pType) |
| Sets the inheritance type for the given flag.
bool | ModifiedFlag(eFbxPropertyFlags pFlag) const |
| Checks if the property's flag has been modified from its default value.
Assignment and comparison operators |
KFbxProperty& | operator=(KFbxPropertyconst&pKProperty) |
bool | operator==(KFbxPropertyconst&pKProperty) const |
bool | operator!=(KFbxPropertyconst&pKProperty) const |
bool | operator==(int pValue) const |
bool | operator!=(int pValue) const |
bool | CompareValue(KFbxPropertyconst&pProp) const |
Value management. |
bool | IsValid() const |
bool | Set(void const *pValue, EFbxType pValueType, bool pCheckForValueEquality) |
| set value function
bool | Set(void const *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) |
bool | Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const |
| get value function
bool | Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType,KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluateInfo) |
| get and evaluate pulls on a value
template<class T> |
bool | Set(T const&pValue) |
template<class T> |
T | Get(T const *pFBX_TYPE) const |
template<class T> |
T | Get(T const *pFBX_TYPE,KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluateInfo) |
template<class T> |
T | Get(KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluateInfo) |
bool | Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType,KFbxEvaluationInfo*pEvaluateInfo) const |
| get and evaluate pulls on a value
KFbxInheritType | GetValueInheritType() const |
| Query the inheritance type of the property.
bool | SetValueInheritType(KFbxInheritType pType) |
| Set the inheritance type of the property.
bool | Modified() const |
| Checks if the property's value has been modified from its default value.
Property Limits. |
Property limits are provided for convenience if some applications desire to bound the range of possible values for a given type property. Note that these limits are meaningless for the boolean type. It is the responsibility of the calling application to implement the necessary instructions to limit the property.
void | SetMinLimit(double pMin) |
| Set the minimum limit value of the property.
bool | HasMinLimit() const |
| Returns whether a limit exists; callingGetMinLimit()when this returns false will return in undefined behavior.
double | GetMinLimit() const |
| Get the minimum limit value of the property.
bool | HasMaxLimit() const |
| Returns whether a limit exists; callingGetMinLimit()when this returns false will return in undefined behavior.
void | SetMaxLimit(double pMax) |
| Set the maximum limit value of the property.
double | GetMaxLimit() const |
| Get the maximum limit value of the property.
void | SetLimits(double pMin, double pMax) |
| Set the minimum and maximum limit value of the property.
Enum and property list |
int | AddEnumValue(char const *pStringValue) |
| Add a string value at the end of the list.
void | InsertEnumValue(int pIndex, char const *pStringValue) |
| Insert a string value at the specified index.
int | GetEnumCount() |
| Get the number of elements in the list.
void | SetEnumValue(int pIndex, char const *pStringValue) |
| Set a string value for the specified index.
void | RemoveEnumValue(int pIndex) |
| Remove the string value at the specified index.
char * | GetEnumValue(int pIndex) |
| Get a string value for the specified index.
Hierarchical properties |
bool | IsRoot() const |
bool | IsChildOf(KFbxPropertyconst&pParent) const |
bool | IsDescendentOf(KFbxPropertyconst&pAncestor) const |
KFbxProperty | GetParent() const |
bool | SetParent(constKFbxProperty&pOther) |
KFbxProperty | GetChild() const |
KFbxProperty | GetSibling() const |
KFbxProperty | GetFirstDescendent() const |
| Get the first property that is a descendent to this property.
KFbxProperty | GetNextDescendent(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) const |
| Get the next property following pProperty that is a descendent to this property.
KFbxProperty | Find(char const *pName, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const |
| Find a property using its name and its data type.
KFbxProperty | Find(char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const |
KFbxProperty | FindHierarchical(char const *pName, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const |
| Fullname find.
KFbxProperty | FindHierarchical(char const *pName,KFbxDataTypeconst&pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive=true) const |
Optimizations |
void | BeginCreateOrFindProperty() |
void | EndCreateOrFindProperty() |
Array Management |
bool | SetArraySize(int pSize, bool pVariableArray) |
int | GetArraySize() const |
KFbxProperty | GetArrayItem(int pIndex) const |
KFbxProperty | operator[](int pIndex) const |
FCurve Management |
KFCurveNode* | CreateKFCurveNode(const char *pTakeName=NULL) |
| Create aKFCurveNodeon a take.
KFCurveNode* | GetKFCurveNode(bool pCreateAsNeeded=false, const char *pTakeName=NULL) |
| Get theKFCurveNodefrom a take.
KFCurve* | GetKFCurve(const char *pChannel=NULL) |
| Tries to get theKFCurveof the specified channel from the current take.
KFCurve* | GetKFCurve(const char *pChannel, const char *pTakeName) |
| Tries to get theKFCurveof the specified channel from the given take.
Evaluation management |
bool | Evaluate(KFbxEvaluationInfoconst *pEvaluationInfo) |
General Object Connection and Relationship Management |
bool | ConnectSrcObject(KFbxObject*pObject, kFbxConnectionType pType=eFbxConnectionNone) |
bool | IsConnectedSrcObject(constKFbxObject*pObject) const |
bool | DisconnectSrcObject(KFbxObject*pObject) |
bool | DisconnectAllSrcObject() |
bool | DisconnectAllSrcObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) |
bool | DisconnectAllSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId) |
bool | DisconnectAllSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) |
int | GetSrcObjectCount() const |
int | GetSrcObjectCount(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const |
int | GetSrcObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId) const |
int | GetSrcObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const |
KFbxObject* | GetSrcObject(int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | GetSrcObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | GetSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | GetSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindSrcObject(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindSrcObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindSrcObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
bool | DisconnectAllSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE) |
template<class T> |
bool | DisconnectAllSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) |
template<class T> |
int | GetSrcObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE) const |
template<class T> |
int | GetSrcObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const |
template<class T> |
T * | GetSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, int pIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
T * | GetSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
T * | FindSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
T * | FindSrcObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
bool | ConnectDstObject(KFbxObject*pObject, kFbxConnectionType pType=eFbxConnectionNone) |
bool | IsConnectedDstObject(constKFbxObject*pObject) const |
bool | DisconnectDstObject(KFbxObject*pObject) |
bool | DisconnectAllDstObject() |
bool | DisconnectAllDstObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) |
bool | DisconnectAllDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId) |
bool | DisconnectAllDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) |
int | GetDstObjectCount() const |
int | GetDstObjectCount(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const |
int | GetDstObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId) const |
int | GetDstObjectCount(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const |
KFbxObject* | GetDstObject(int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | GetDstObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | GetDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | GetDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindDstObject(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindDstObject(KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
KFbxObject* | FindDstObject(constkFbxClassId&pClassId, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
bool | DisconnectAllDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE) |
template<class T> |
bool | DisconnectAllDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) |
template<class T> |
int | GetDstObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE) const |
template<class T> |
int | GetDstObjectCount(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria) const |
template<class T> |
T * | GetDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, int pIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
T * | GetDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
T * | FindDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
template<class T> |
T * | FindDstObject(T const *pFBX_TYPE, KFbxCriteria const&pCriteria, const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
General Property Connection and Relationship Management |
bool | ConnectSrcProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
bool | IsConnectedSrcProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
bool | DisconnectSrcProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
int | GetSrcPropertyCount() const |
KFbxProperty | GetSrcProperty(int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxProperty | FindSrcProperty(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
bool | ConnectDstProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
bool | IsConnectedDstProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
bool | DisconnectDstProperty(KFbxPropertyconst&pProperty) |
int | GetDstPropertyCount() const |
KFbxProperty | GetDstProperty(int pIndex=0) const |
KFbxProperty | FindDstProperty(const char *pName, int pStartIndex=0) const |
void | ClearConnectCache() |
Public Member Functions |
bool | CopyValue(KFbxPropertyconst&pProp) |
| Copy value of a property.