
List of all members.

Detailed Description

FBX SDK peripheral class.

Definition at line54of filekfbxperipheral.h.

Constructor and Destructor

virtual ~KFbxPeripheral()

Public Member Functions

virtual void Reset()=0
 Reset the peripheral to its initial state.
virtual bool UnloadContentOf(KFbxObject*pObject)=0
 Unload the content of pObject.
virtual bool LoadContentOf(KFbxObject*pObject)=0
 Load the content of pObject.
virtual bool CanUnloadContentOf(KFbxObject*pObject)=0
 Check if this peripheral can unload the given object content.
virtual bool CanLoadContentOf(KFbxObject*pObject)=0
 Check if this peripheral can load the given object content.
virtual void InitializeConnectionsOf(KFbxObject*pObject)=0
 Initialize the connections of an object.
virtual void UninitializeConnectionsOf(KFbxObject*pObject)=0
 Uninitialize the connections of an object.

Constructor&Destructor Documentation


virtual ~KFbxPeripheral( ) [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual void Reset( ) [pure virtual]

Reset the peripheral to its initial state.

virtual bool UnloadContentOf(KFbxObjectpObject ) [pure virtual]

Unload the content of pObject.

pObject Object who's content is to be offloaded into the peripheral storage area.
trueif the object content has been successfully transferred.

virtual bool LoadContentOf(KFbxObjectpObject ) [pure virtual]

Load the content of pObject.

pObject Object who's content is to be loaded from the peripheral storage area.
trueif the object content has been successfully transferred.

virtual bool CanUnloadContentOf(KFbxObjectpObject ) [pure virtual]

Check if this peripheral can unload the given object content.

pObject Object who's content has to be transferred.
trueif the peripheral can handle this object content AND/OR has enough space in its storage area.

virtual bool CanLoadContentOf(KFbxObjectpObject ) [pure virtual]

Check if this peripheral can load the given object content.

pObject Object who's content has to be transferred.
trueif the peripheral can handle this object content

virtual void InitializeConnectionsOf(KFbxObjectpObject ) [pure virtual]

Initialize the connections of an object.

pObject Object on which the request for connection is done

virtual void UninitializeConnectionsOf(KFbxObjectpObject ) [pure virtual]

Uninitialize the connections of an object.

pObject Object on which the request for deconnection is done