
Inheritance diagram for KFbxCameraManipulator:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class can be used to provide basic camera manipulation in any program using this library.

Definition at line60of filekfbxmanipulators.h.

Public Member Functions

void SetCamera(constKFbxCamera&pCamera, bool pValidateLookAtPos)
 Set the camera used for the manipulation.
void SetUpVector(constKFbxVector4&pUpVector)
 Set the manipulator up vector relative to the scene.
void FrameAll(constKFbxScene&pScene)
 Change camera position and look at to frame all objects.
void FrameSelected(constKFbxScene&pScene)
 Change camera position and look at to frame all selected objects.
bool OrbitBegin(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Begin orbit manipulation around camera's look at.
bool OrbitNotify(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Notify orbit manipulation of latest input.
void OrbitEnd()
 End orbit manipulation.
bool DollyBegin(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Begin dolly manipulation.
bool DollyNotify(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Notify dolly manipulation of latest input.
void DollyEnd()
 End dolly manipulation.
bool PanBegin(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Begin pan manipulation.
bool PanNotify(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Notify pan manipulation of latest input.
void PanEnd()
 End pan manipulation.

Member Function Documentation

void SetCamera(constKFbxCamerapCamera,
bool pValidateLookAtPos 

Set the camera used for the manipulation.

pCamera Camera that will be used for the manipulation.
pValidateLookAtPos If TRUE, LookAt position will be aligned with the camera orientation.

void SetUpVector(constKFbxVector4pUpVector ) 

Set the manipulator up vector relative to the scene.

pUpVector Vector defining the up direction of the scene.

void FrameAll(constKFbxScenepScene ) 

Change camera position and look at to frame all objects.

pScene The scene containing the elements to frame.

void FrameSelected(constKFbxScenepScene ) 

Change camera position and look at to frame all selected objects.

pScene The scene containing the elements to frame.

bool OrbitBegin(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Begin orbit manipulation around camera's look at.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
If TRUE, orbit manipulation successfully initialized.

bool OrbitNotify(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Notify orbit manipulation of latest input.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
TRUE if orbit manipulation was previously initialized successfully.

void OrbitEnd( ) 

End orbit manipulation.

bool DollyBegin(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Begin dolly manipulation.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
If TRUE, dolly manipulation successfully initialized.

bool DollyNotify(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Notify dolly manipulation of latest input.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
TRUE if dolly manipulation was previously initialized successfully.

void DollyEnd( ) 

End dolly manipulation.

bool PanBegin(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Begin pan manipulation.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
If TRUE, pan manipulation successfully initialized.

bool PanNotify(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Notify pan manipulation of latest input.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
TRUE if pan manipulation was previously initialized successfully.

void PanEnd( ) 

End pan manipulation.