MDagPath Class Reference
[OpenMaya - API module for common classes]

#include <MDagPath.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

DAG Path.

Provides methods for obtaining one or all Paths to a specified DAG Node, determining if a Path is valid and if two Paths are equivalent, obtaining the length, transform, and inclusive and exclusive matrices of a Path, as well as performing Path to Path assignment.

DAG Paths may be used as parameters to some methods in the DAG Node Function Set (MFnDagNode).

It is often useful to combine DAG Paths into DAG Path arrays (MDagPathArray).

Use this DAG Path Class to obtain and query Paths to DAG Nodes. A DAG path is a path from the world node to a particular object in the DAG.

If a DAG object is instanced, then an MDagPath is required to identify a particular instance. DAG paths are also required when doing world space transformations.

Use this class in conjunction with the DAG Iterator (MItDag), DAG Node Function Set (MFnDagNode) and DAG Path Array class (MDagPathArray) to query and edit the DAG.


animExportUtil.cpp, animExportUtil.h, animInfoCmd.cpp, apiMeshShape.cpp, apiMeshShapeUI.cpp, apiSimpleShapeUI.cpp, cgfxEffectDef.cpp, cgfxEffectDef.h, cgfxShaderCmd.cpp, cgfxShaderNode.cpp, cgfxShaderNode.h, cleanPerFaceAssignmentCmd.cpp, closestPointCmd.cpp, closestPointOnCurveCmd.cpp, closestPointOnCurveNode.cpp, closestPointOnNurbsSurfaceCmd.cpp, closestTangentUAndDistance.cpp, closestTangentUAndDistance.h, clusterWeightFunction.cpp, componentScaleManip.cpp, convertEdgesToFacesCmd.cpp, convertVerticesToEdgesCmd.cpp, convertVerticesToFacesCmd.cpp, curvedArrowsNode.cpp, customAttrManip.cpp, cvColorNode.cpp, cvExpandCmd.cpp, cvPosCmd.cpp, D3DGeometryItem.cpp, D3DGeometryItem.h, D3DResourceManager.cpp, D3DResourceManager.h, D3DViewportRenderer.cpp, D3DViewportRenderer.h, dagMessageCmd.cpp, exportJointClusterDataCmd.cpp, exportSkinClusterDataCmd.cpp, findTexturesPerPolygonCmd.cpp, footPrintManip.cpp, footPrintNode.cpp, getPointAndNormal.cpp, getPointAndNormal.h, GLSLShaderNode.cpp, GLSLShaderNode.h, hairCollisionSolver.cpp, helix2Cmd.cpp, helixTool.cpp, hlslShader.cpp, hwAnisotropicShader_NV20.cpp, hwColorPerVertexShader.cpp, hwDecalBumpShader_NV20.cpp, hwManagedTextureShader.cpp, hwPhongShader.cpp, hwPhongShader.h, hwReflectBumpShader_NV20.cpp, hwRefractReflectShader_NV20.cpp, hwToonShader_NV20.cpp, hwUnlitShader.h, instanceCallbackCmd.cpp, instancerListCmd.cpp, intersectCmd.cpp, intersectOnNurbsSurfaceCmd.cpp, lassoTool.cpp, lineManip.cpp, lineManip.h, lineManipContainer.cpp, lineManipContainer.h, listLightLinksCmd.cpp, listPolyHolesCmd.cpp, lockEvent.cpp, maTranslator.cpp, meshMapUtils.cpp, meshMapUtils.h, meshOpCmd.cpp, meshRemapCmd.cpp, meshRemapCmd.h, meshRemapTool.cpp, meshReorderCmd.cpp, meshReorderCmd.h, meshReorderTool.cpp, motionPathCmd.cpp, moveCurveCVsCmd.cpp, moveManip.cpp, moveNumericTool.cpp, moveTool.cpp, narrowPolyViewer.cpp, narrowPolyViewer.h, narrowPolyViewerCmd.cpp, narrowPolyViewerCmd.h, objExport.cpp, OpenGLViewportRenderer.cpp, OpenGLViewportRenderer.h, peltOverlapCmd.cpp, pnTrianglesNode.cpp, pointOnMeshCmd.cpp, pointOnMeshInfoNode.cpp, polyExporter.cpp, polyExporter.h, polyMessageCmd.cpp, polyModifierCmd.cpp, polyModifierCmd.h, polyRawExporter.cpp, polyRawExporter.h, polyRawWriter.cpp, polyRawWriter.h, polyWriter.cpp, polyWriter.h, polyX3DExporter.cpp, polyX3DExporter.h, polyX3DWriter.cpp, polyX3DWriter.h, quadricShape.cpp, renderViewRenderCmd.cpp, renderViewRenderRegionCmd.cpp, rotateManip.cpp, sampleCmd.cpp, sampleParticles.cpp, scanDagCmd.cpp, scanDagSyntax.cpp, ShapeMonitor.cpp, simpleEmitter.cpp, simpleEmitter.h, simpleSolverNode.cpp, spiralAnimCurveCmd.cpp, splitUVCmd.cpp, squareScaleManip.cpp, squareScaleManip.h, squareScaleManipContext.cpp, squareScaleManipContext.h, surfaceBumpManip.cpp, surfaceTwist.cpp, surfaceTwistCmd.cpp, swissArmyManip.cpp, torusField.cpp, torusField.h, translateCmd.cpp, and zoomCameraCmd.cpp.

Public Member Functions

 MDagPath ()
 MDagPath (const MDagPath &src)
virtual ~MDagPath ()
bool hasFn (MFn::Type type, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MFn::Type apiType (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
bool isValid (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MObject node (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MObject transform (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
unsigned int length (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MStatus extendToShape ()
MStatus extendToShapeDirectlyBelow (unsigned int)
MStatus numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow (unsigned int &) const
MStatus push (const MObject &child)
MStatus pop (unsigned int num=1)
unsigned int childCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MObject child (unsigned int i, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MMatrix inclusiveMatrix (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MMatrix exclusiveMatrix (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MMatrix inclusiveMatrixInverse (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MMatrix exclusiveMatrixInverse (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MDagPathoperator= (const MDagPath &src)
bool operator== (const MDagPath &src) const
MStatus set (const MDagPath &src)
unsigned int pathCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MStatus getPath (MDagPath &path, unsigned int i=0) const
MString fullPathName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MString partialPathName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
bool isInstanced (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
unsigned int instanceNumber (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const

Static Public Member Functions

static MStatus getAllPathsTo (const MObject &entity, MDagPathArray &pathArray)
static MStatus getAPathTo (const MObject &entity, MDagPath &path)
static MDagPath getAPathTo (const MObject &entity, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MDagPath::MDagPath (  ) 

Class Constructor.

Creates a DAG Path

MDagPath::MDagPath ( const MDagPath src  ) 

Copy constructor. Duplicate the given path.

[in] src the path to be copied

MDagPath::~MDagPath (  )  [virtual]

Class Destructor

No additional action.

Member Function Documentation

MStatus MDagPath::getAllPathsTo ( const MObject object,
MDagPathArray pathArray 
) [static]

Determines all Paths to the specified DAG Node.

[in] object DAG Node for which Paths are determined
[out] pathArray Array containing all DAG Paths to the specified Node (implicit return)
Status Code
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::getAPathTo ( const MObject object,
MDagPath path 
) [static]

Determines the Path to the specified DAG Node. The Path returned is rooted at the World. If the object is instanced and has multiple paths, then the first one that is found is returned.

[in] object DAG Node for which Paths are determined
[out] path reference to the path of the specified DAG Node
Status Code
Status Codes:

bool MDagPath::hasFn ( MFn::Type  type,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Returns true if the object at the end of this DAG path supports the given function set.

If the object at the end of this DAG path is a transform node and has a child that is a shape, then that node will be checked as well. All function sets that take an MDagPath

[in] type function set type to check
[out] ReturnStatus status code
Boolean value indicating whether the function set is supported
Status Codes:

MFn::Type MDagPath::apiType ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Returns the type of the object at the end of the path.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
Type of the object
Status Codes:

bool MDagPath::isValid ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Determines if Path is valid.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
True if valid
Status Codes:

MObject MDagPath::node ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

MObject MDagPath::transform ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Retrieves the lowest Transform in the DAG Path.

[out] ReturnStatus Status Code
Lowest Transform for this DAG Path
Status Codes:

unsigned int MDagPath::length ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Determines the number of DAG Nodes in the Path not including the root.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
Number of DAG Nodes not including the root
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::extendToShape (  ) 

If the object at the end of this path is a transform and there is a shape node directly beneath it in the hierarchy, then the path is extended to that geometry node.

NOTE: This method will fail if there multiple shapes below the transform.

Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::extendToShapeDirectlyBelow ( unsigned int  index  ) 

This method is used if the end of the path is a transform and there are shapes directly below the transform. The shape to extend to is set by passing in an appropriate index parameter.

Use the numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow() method to determine how many shapes are below

[in] index contains the index of the shape to extend the path to
Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow ( unsigned int &  num  )  const

If the object at the end of this path is a transform, this method will return the number of shapes directly below the transform.

[in] num on success, this parameter will be set to the number of shapes directly underneath the transform
Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::push ( const MObject child  ) 

Push an object onto the end of the path. The object must be a child of the object that is currently at the end of the path.

[in] child child object to push onto the path
Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::pop ( unsigned int  num = 1  ) 

Pop the given number of objects off of the end of the path.

[in] num number of objects to pop off of the path
Status code
Status Codes:

unsigned int MDagPath::childCount ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Return the number of children that the object at the end of the path has.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The number of children
Status Codes:

MObject MDagPath::child ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Return the child object at the given index, where the parent is the object at the end of the path.

[in] index child's index
[out] ReturnStatus status code
A handle to the child
Status Codes:

MMatrix MDagPath::inclusiveMatrix ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Determines the inclusive matrix of the Path.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The matrix for all Transforms in the Path including the the end Node in the Path if it is a Transform
Status Codes:

MMatrix MDagPath::exclusiveMatrix ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Determines the exclusive matrix of the Path.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The matrix for all transforms in the Path excluding the end Node in the Path if it is Transform
Status Codes:

MMatrix MDagPath::inclusiveMatrixInverse ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Determines the inverse inclusive matrix of the Path.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The inverse of the matrix for all Transforms in the Path including the end Node in the Path if it is a Transform
Status Codes:

MMatrix MDagPath::exclusiveMatrixInverse ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Determines the inverse exclusive matrix of the Path.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The inverse of the matrix for all transforms in the Path excluding the end Node in the Path if it is Transform
Status Codes:

MDagPath & MDagPath::operator= ( const MDagPath src  ) 

Assigns the DAG Path on the RHS of the operator to the DAG Path on the LHS.

[in] src the path to be copied
A bitwise copy of the the DAG Path on the LHS

bool MDagPath::operator== ( const MDagPath src  )  const

Determines if the DAG Path on the LHS of the operator is equal to the DAG Path on the RHS.

True is the objects are equal

MStatus MDagPath::set ( const MDagPath src  ) 

Sets this DAG Path equal to the specified DAG Path.

[in] src DAG Path to be copied.
Status code
Status Codes:

unsigned int MDagPath::pathCount ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Return the number of paths which make up this path.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The path count
Status Codes:

MStatus MDagPath::getPath ( MDagPath path,
unsigned int  i = 0 
) const

Return the i'th path. The zero'th path is the top-most path and must be rooted by the world. Additional paths are paths in the underworld of the object at the end of the previous path (path i-1).

[out] path reference to the destination path
[in] i the index of the path to retrieve
Status code
Status Codes:

MString MDagPath::fullPathName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

MString MDagPath::partialPathName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Return a string representing the partial path from the root of the dag to this object.

The partial path is the minimum path that is still unique. This string may contain wildcards.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The partial path name
Status Codes:

bool MDagPath::isInstanced ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Returns true if the object at the end of the DAG path is instanced. It is instanced if there is more than one path to the node from the top of the DAG. Each instance of the node will be drawn separately in the view, but the geometry will be shared.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
True if the DAG node at the end of the path is instanced
Status Codes:

unsigned int MDagPath::instanceNumber ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

For an instanced object, this returns the instance number that this path represents in the DAG. The instance number can be used to determine which element of the world space array attributes of a DAG node to connect to get information regarding this instance.

[out] ReturnStatus status code
The instance number represented by this path
Status Codes:

MDagPath MDagPath::getAPathTo ( const MObject entity,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) [static]


This method is obsolete.

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