
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#ifndef HLSL_VERSION  
#define HLSL_VERSION  "1.0"
#define ERROR_LIMIT 20

// Now, because we're rendering from system memory, DirectX can start to get
// suspicious that the graphics driver has hung if we try and render too much
// stuff in a single call. So, we'll take stability over performance and
// split up the draw. Given we only do this for large amounts of geometry, the
// hit shouldn't be too bad. Commenting this #define out will cause the plugin
// to try and render everything in a single render call, no matter how large 
// it is (which seems to work on some graphics cards, but not others)

#include "hlslShader.h"

#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryData.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryPrimitive.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryList.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryManager.h>
#include <maya/MVaryingParameterList.h>
#include <maya/MUniformParameter.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnStringData.h>
#include <maya/MFnStringArrayData.h>
#include <maya/MSceneMessage.h>
#include <maya/MFileIO.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>

#include <maya/MD3D9Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MHwrCallback.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <new.h> // for fancy pants re-initialisation of existing memory version

// For swatch rendering
#include <maya/MHardwareRenderer.h>
#include <maya/MHWShaderSwatchGenerator.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryRequirements.h>
#include <maya/MHwTextureManager.h>
#include <maya/MImageFileInfo.h>

// Debugging

template <class T> class ObjArray
        inline          ObjArray() : fLength( 0), fCapacity( 0), fData( NULL) {}
        inline          ~ObjArray() { if( fData) { destroy( 0, fLength); delete[] ((char*)fData); } } // Don't call the destructors here, destroy did it!
        inline int      length() const { return fLength; }
        inline void     length( int l) { if( l > fLength) { if( l > fCapacity) resize( l); create( fLength, l); } else if( l < fLength) destroy( l, fLength); fLength = l; }
        inline const T& operator[]( int i) const { return fData[ i]; }
        inline T&       operator[]( int i) { return fData[ i]; }
        inline void create( int s, int e) { for( ; s < e; s++) new ((void*)(fData + s)) T; }
        inline void destroy( int s, int e) { for( ; s < e; s++) (fData + s)->T::~T(); }
                MIN_ARRAY_SIZE = 4
        inline void resize( int l) 
                if( l < MIN_ARRAY_SIZE) l = MIN_ARRAY_SIZE; 
                else if( l < fCapacity * 2) l = fCapacity * 2; 
                T* newData = (T*)new char[ l * sizeof( T)]; 
                if( fData) 
                        memcpy( newData, fData, fCapacity * sizeof( T)); 
                        delete[] ((char*)fData); 
                fData = newData; 
                fCapacity = l; 
        int                     fLength;
        int                     fCapacity;
        T*                      fData;

// setup device callbacks as needed
// currently this class defined in hlslShader.h
void hlslDeviceManager::deviceNew()
        fState = kValid;
        //printf("calling setShader with name: %s\n", fShader.fShader.asChar() );       
        fShader.setShader( fShader.fShader);

void hlslDeviceManager::deviceLost()
        fState = kInvalid;
        //printf("devLost: releasing %s handles\n", fShader.fShader.asChar() );
void hlslDeviceManager::deviceDeleted()
        fState = kInvalid;
        //printf("devDeleted: releasing %s handles\n", fShader.fShader.asChar() );

void hlslDeviceManager::deviceReset()
        fState = kReset;
        //printf("devRest: releasing %s handles\n", fShader.fShader.asChar() );

void hlslDeviceManager::resetShader()
        fState = kValid;
        fShader.setShader( fShader.fShader);
        //printf("resetShader: releasing %s handles\n", fShader.fShader.asChar() );

// Lookup tables for the (default) names and internal semantics
// that map to D3D's usage types
struct SemanticInfo
        const char* Name;
        MVaryingParameter::MVaryingParameterSemantic Type;
        int                     MinElements;
        int                     MaxElements;
        BYTE            D3DType;

SemanticInfo gSemanticInfo[] = 
        "Position",                             MVaryingParameter::kPosition,           2, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3,     
        "BlendWeight",                  MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4,
        "BlendIndices",                 MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4, 
        "Normal",                               MVaryingParameter::kNormal,                     3, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, 
        "PointSize",                    MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, 
        "UV",                                   MVaryingParameter::kTexCoord,           2, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2,
        "Tangent",                              MVaryingParameter::kTangent,            3, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, 
        "BiNormal",                             MVaryingParameter::kBinormal,           3, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, 
        "TesselateFactor",              MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4, 
        "PositionTransformed",  MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4, 
        "Color",                                MVaryingParameter::kColor,                      3, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4, 
        "Fog",                                  MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4, 
        "Depth",                                MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4, 
        "Sample",                               MVaryingParameter::kNoSemantic,         1, 4,           D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4,

// A wee state manager used to flip from DX to GL culling handed-ness
class HLSLStateManager : public ID3DXEffectStateManager
        static HLSLStateManager sInstance;
        inline HLSLStateManager() : fShapeCullMode( MGeometryList::kCullCW), fShaderCullMode( D3DCULL_CCW) {}
        // Set the cull mode Maya needs
        inline void shapeCullMode( MGeometryList::MCullMode cullMode, bool ignoreShaderCullMode = false) 
                fShapeCullMode = cullMode; 
                if( ignoreShaderCullMode) fShaderSetCullMode = false;

        // Reverse the cull direction if we need "normal" OpenGL culling as DirectX
        // has the opposite "handedness" to GL
        STDMETHOD(SetRenderState)(THIS_ D3DRENDERSTATETYPE d3dRenderState, DWORD dwValue ) 
                if( d3dRenderState == D3DRS_CULLMODE)
                        fShaderCullMode = dwValue;
                        fShaderSetCullMode = true;
                        return D3D_OK;
                return fD3DDevice->SetRenderState( d3dRenderState, dwValue ); 

        // Helper to setup a pass tracking whether cull direction was explicitly set, and reversing it if it was
        inline void BeginPass( LPD3DXEFFECT effect, int pass) 
                fShaderSetCullMode = false;
                effect->BeginPass( pass); 

        // Default implementations
        STDMETHOD(SetSamplerState)(THIS_ DWORD dwStage, D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE d3dSamplerState, DWORD dwValue ) { return fD3DDevice->SetSamplerState( dwStage, d3dSamplerState, dwValue ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetTextureStageState)(THIS_ DWORD dwStage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE d3dTextureStageState, DWORD dwValue ) { return fD3DDevice->SetTextureStageState( dwStage, d3dTextureStageState, dwValue ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetTexture)(THIS_ DWORD dwStage, LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE9 pTexture ) { return fD3DDevice->SetTexture( dwStage, pTexture ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetVertexShader)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DVERTEXSHADER9 pShader ) { return fD3DDevice->SetVertexShader( pShader ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetPixelShader)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DPIXELSHADER9 pShader ) { return fD3DDevice->SetPixelShader( pShader ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetFVF)(THIS_ DWORD dwFVF ) { return fD3DDevice->SetFVF( dwFVF ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetTransform)(THIS_ D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, CONST D3DMATRIX *pMatrix ) { return fD3DDevice->SetTransform( State, pMatrix ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetMaterial)(THIS_ CONST D3DMATERIAL9 *pMaterial ) { return fD3DDevice->SetMaterial( pMaterial ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetLight)(THIS_ DWORD Index, CONST D3DLIGHT9 *pLight ) { return fD3DDevice->SetLight( Index, pLight ); }
        STDMETHOD(LightEnable)(THIS_ DWORD Index, BOOL Enable ) { return fD3DDevice->LightEnable( Index, Enable ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetNPatchMode)(THIS_ FLOAT NumSegments ) { return fD3DDevice->SetNPatchMode( NumSegments ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetVertexShaderConstantF)(THIS_ UINT RegisterIndex, CONST FLOAT *pConstantData, UINT RegisterCount ) { return fD3DDevice->SetVertexShaderConstantF( RegisterIndex, pConstantData, RegisterCount ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetVertexShaderConstantI)(THIS_ UINT RegisterIndex, CONST INT *pConstantData, UINT RegisterCount ) { return fD3DDevice->SetVertexShaderConstantI( RegisterIndex, pConstantData, RegisterCount ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetVertexShaderConstantB)(THIS_ UINT RegisterIndex, CONST BOOL *pConstantData, UINT RegisterCount ) { return fD3DDevice->SetVertexShaderConstantB( RegisterIndex, pConstantData, RegisterCount ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetPixelShaderConstantF)(THIS_ UINT RegisterIndex, CONST FLOAT *pConstantData, UINT RegisterCount ) { return fD3DDevice->SetPixelShaderConstantF( RegisterIndex, pConstantData, RegisterCount ); }
        STDMETHOD(SetPixelShaderConstantI)(THIS_ UINT RegisterIndex, CONST INT *pConstantData, UINT RegisterCount ) { return fD3DDevice->SetPixelShaderConstantI( RegisterIndex, pConstantData, RegisterCount ); }
    STDMETHOD(SetPixelShaderConstantB)(THIS_ UINT RegisterIndex, CONST BOOL *pConstantData, UINT RegisterCount ) { return fD3DDevice->SetPixelShaderConstantB( RegisterIndex, pConstantData, RegisterCount ); }
        STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_ID3DXEffectStateManager) { *ppv = static_cast<ID3DXEffectStateManager*>(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(this)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
        STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) { /*return (ULONG)InterlockedIncrement( &m_lRef ); */ return 1L; }
        STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) { /*if( 0L == InterlockedDecrement( &m_lRef ) ) { delete this; return 0L; } return m_lRef; */ return 1L; }
        LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 fD3DDevice;

        // Helper to work out the render cull setting for the current shape/shader cull modes
        // This code assumes that a pass render state selecting a cull direction OVERRIDES any
        // double-sidedness on the shape (given there's really no point in rendering a back or
        // front of the object when every point is part of the front and the back). You can
        // easily modify this code to preserve double sidedness in these cases by adding a
        // check for fShapeCullMode == kCullNone in the second two fShaderCullMode cases and
        // leave d3dCullMode as NONE to get the other behaviour.
        inline void setupCulling()
                DWORD d3dCullMode = D3DCULL_NONE;
                if( !fShaderSetCullMode)
                        if( fShapeCullMode == MGeometryList::kCullCW)
                                d3dCullMode = D3DCULL_CW; 
                        else if( fShapeCullMode == MGeometryList::kCullCCW)
                                d3dCullMode = D3DCULL_CCW; 
                else if( fShaderCullMode == D3DCULL_CCW)
                        d3dCullMode = (fShapeCullMode == MGeometryList::kCullCCW) ? D3DCULL_CCW : D3DCULL_CW; 
                else if( fShaderCullMode == D3DCULL_CW)
                        d3dCullMode = (fShapeCullMode == MGeometryList::kCullCCW) ? D3DCULL_CW : D3DCULL_CCW; 
                fD3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, d3dCullMode); 

        MGeometryList::MCullMode fShapeCullMode;
        DWORD           fShaderCullMode;
        bool            fShaderSetCullMode;
HLSLStateManager HLSLStateManager::sInstance;

// A wee texture cache for our HLSL shaders
class HLSLTextureManager : public MHwrCallback
        static HLSLTextureManager sInstance;

                addCallback( this); 
                sceneCallbackIds[0] = MSceneMessage::addCallback( MSceneMessage::kBeforeNew, HLSLTextureManager::newSceneCallback, (void*)this); 
                sceneCallbackIds[1] = MSceneMessage::addCallback( MSceneMessage::kBeforeOpen, HLSLTextureManager::newSceneCallback, (void*)this); 
        virtual ~HLSLTextureManager() { removeCallback( this); release(); for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++) MSceneMessage::removeCallback( sceneCallbackIds[ i]); }

        void bind( const MString& name, MUniformParameter& uniform, LPD3DXEFFECT d3dEffect, D3DXHANDLE d3dParameter)
                // Try and find an existing entry for this parameter
                User* user = NULL;
                for( int i = users.length(); i--; )
                        if( users[ i].parameter == d3dParameter && users[ i].effect == d3dEffect)
                                user = &users[ i];

                // If there's no existing entry and we have a texture, create a new one
                if( !user && name.length() > 0)
                        int idx = users.length();
                        users.length( idx + 1);
                        user = &users[ idx];
                        DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Registering user %s at %d\n", uniform.name().asChar(), (int)((long long)user)); )
                        user->parameter = d3dParameter;
                        user->effect = d3dEffect;
                        user->uniform = uniform;

                // If there is already an entry for this parameter ...
                if( user && user->texture)
                        // ... is it using the right texture?
                        Texture* texture = user->texture;
                        if( texture->name == name)
                                // Same texture means reload!
                                DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Reloading %s\n", name.asChar()); )
                                if( texture->texture)
                                        texture->texture = NULL;

                                        // Now, we're going to be a little nasty here. If we have multiple shaders attached
                                        // to this texture, they're all going to be trying to reload this texture, and given
                                        // we don't pay attention to which frame the reload was performed in, we'll reload
                                        // the texture once for every user. To avoid this, the easiest solution is simply to
                                        // mark all the other users dirty (to make sure they pick up the new texture, and 
                                        // then delete their usage entries in our cache, so we see them as new users requesting
                                        // the texture and don't reload the texture multiple times.
                                        for( int i = users.length(); i--; )
                                                if( &users[ i] != user && users[ i].texture == texture)
                                                        DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Breaking texture reference for shared entry %s to avoid duplicate reloads\n", users[ i].uniform.name().asChar()); )
                                                        users[ i].uniform.setDirty();
                                                        users[ i].texture = NULL;
                                decUsage( texture);

                                // Now forget our texture so the code below will search for the new one
                                user->texture = NULL;

                // If we don't have a texture try and find an existing entry we can reuse
                if( user && !user->texture && name.length() > 0)
                        for( int i = textures.length(); i--; )
                                if( textures[ i].name == name && textures[ i].type == uniform.type())
                                        DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Sharing %s\n", textures[ i].name.asChar()); )
                                        user->texture = &textures[ i];

                // If we still don't have a texture, create a new entry
                if( user && !user->texture && name.length() > 0)
                        // Remember the current memory offset in case the array gets reallocated
                        Texture* oldMem = &textures[ 0];

                        // Create a new texture entry
                        DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Creating %s\n", name.asChar()); )
                        int idx = textures.length();
                        textures.length( idx + 1);

                        // Repair our texture pointers if the memory got reallocated
                        Texture* newMem = &textures[ 0];
                        if( oldMem != newMem)
                                for( int i = users.length(); i--; )
                                        if( users[ i].texture)
                                                users[ i].texture = (Texture*)((char*)users[ i].texture + ((char*)newMem - (char*)oldMem));

                        // Now setup our new entry
                        Texture* texture = &textures[ idx];
                        texture->name = name;
                        texture->type = uniform.type();
                        texture->numUsers = 1;
                        user->texture = texture;

                // If our texture entry doesn't have a d3d texture, load one in!
                if( user && user->texture && !user->texture->texture)
                        // Create a new texture for this parameter
                        MD3D9Renderer *pRenderer = MD3D9Renderer::theRenderer();
                        if (pRenderer != NULL) {
                                IDirect3DDevice9* d3dDevice = pRenderer->getD3D9Device();
                                if(d3dDevice != NULL)
                                        DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Loading %s\n", name.asChar()); )
                                                if( uniform.type() == MUniformParameter::kTypeCubeTexture)
                                                        LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 d3dTexture;
                                                        if( D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFile(d3dDevice, name.asChar(), &d3dTexture) == D3D_OK)
                                                                user->texture->texture = d3dTexture;
                                                //else if( uniform.type() == MUniformParameter::kType3DTexture)
                                                //      LPDIRECT3DVOLUMETEXTURE9 d3dTexture;
                                                //      if( D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFile( d3dDevice, name.asChar(), &d3dTexture) == D3D_OK)
                                                //              user->texture->texture = d3dTexture;
                                                        LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 d3dTexture;
                                                        if( D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(d3dDevice, name.asChar(), &d3dTexture) == D3D_OK)
                                                                user->texture->texture = d3dTexture;

                // Finally, bind our texture to the parameter
                d3dEffect->SetTexture( d3dParameter, (user && user->texture) ? user->texture->texture : NULL);

        // Drop all the textures being used by the specified effect
        void release( LPD3DXEFFECT effect)
                for( int i = users.length(); i--; )
                        if( users[ i].effect == effect)
                                DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Releasing effect usage %s\n", users[ i].uniform.name().asChar()); )
                                if( users[ i].texture) decUsage( users[ i].texture);
                                int newLength = users.length() - 1;
                                if( i != newLength)
                                        users[ i] = users[ newLength];
                                users.length( newLength);

        virtual void deviceNew() {}
        virtual void deviceLost() { release(); }
        virtual void deviceDeleted() { release(); }
        static void newSceneCallback( void* ptr) { ((HLSLTextureManager*)ptr)->release(); }

        struct Texture
                inline                  Texture() : numUsers( 0), texture( NULL) {}
                MString                 name;
                MUniformParameter::DataType type;
                LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE9 texture;
                int                             numUsers;
        struct User
                inline                  User() : parameter( NULL), effect( NULL), texture( NULL) {}
                D3DXHANDLE              parameter;
                LPD3DXEFFECT    effect;
                MUniformParameter uniform;
                Texture*                texture;

        ObjArray<Texture>       textures;
        ObjArray<User>          users;
        MCallbackId                     sceneCallbackIds[ 2];

        void            release()
                DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Releasing cache with %d textures and %d users\n", textures.length(), users.length()); )
                for( int i = users.length(); i--; )
                        users[ i].uniform.setDirty();
                for( int i = textures.length(); i--; )
                        if( textures[ i].texture)
                                textures[ i].texture->Release();
                users.length( 0);
                textures.length( 0);

        void            decUsage( Texture* texture)
                // It's currently using a different texture
                if( --texture->numUsers == 0)
                        // Drat! We're the last user of this texture so we need to remove it
                        DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( printf( "Unloading %s\n", texture->name.asChar()); )
                        if( texture->texture)

                        // If this isn't the last texture in our list, we need to shuffle our
                        // textures around to fill the hole it leaves behind
                        Texture* lastTexture = &textures[ textures.length() - 1];
                        if( texture != lastTexture)
                                *texture = *lastTexture;
                                for( int i = users.length(); i--; )
                                        if( users[ i].texture == lastTexture)
                                                users[ i].texture = texture;

                        // Now remove the unused texture (which is now guaranteed to be at the
                        // end of the array) from our list
                        textures.length( textures.length() - 1);
                DEBUG_TEXTURE_CACHE( else printf( "Unsharing %s\n", texture->name.asChar()); )
HLSLTextureManager HLSLTextureManager::sInstance;

// Find an annotation
bool hlslShader::GetAnnotation( D3DXHANDLE parameter, const char* name, LPCSTR& value)
        D3DXHANDLE d3dSemantic = fD3DEffect->GetAnnotationByName( parameter, name);
        return d3dSemantic && fD3DEffect->GetString( d3dSemantic, &value) == D3D_OK && value != NULL;
bool hlslShader::GetAnnotation( D3DXHANDLE parameter, const char* name, BOOL& value)
        D3DXHANDLE d3dSemantic = fD3DEffect->GetAnnotationByName( parameter, name);
        return d3dSemantic && fD3DEffect->GetBool( d3dSemantic, &value) == D3D_OK;

// Convert a DX type into a Maya type
MUniformParameter::DataType hlslShader::ConvertType( D3DXHANDLE parameter, D3DXPARAMETER_DESC& description)
        MUniformParameter::DataType mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeUnknown;
        switch( description.Type)
                //case D3DXPT_VOID: break; 
                case D3DXPT_BOOL: mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeBool; break; 
                case D3DXPT_INT: mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeInt; break; 
                case D3DXPT_FLOAT: mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeFloat; break; 
                case D3DXPT_STRING: mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeString; break; 
                case D3DXPT_TEXTURE1D: mtype = MUniformParameter::kType1DTexture; break; 
                case D3DXPT_TEXTURE2D: mtype = MUniformParameter::kType2DTexture; break; 
                case D3DXPT_TEXTURE3D: mtype = MUniformParameter::kType3DTexture; break; 
                case D3DXPT_TEXTURECUBE: mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeCubeTexture; break; 
                case D3DXPT_TEXTURE: 
                        // The shader hasn't used a typed texture, so first see if there's an annotation
                        // that tells us which type to use.
                        LPCSTR textureType;
                        if( ( GetAnnotation( parameter, "TextureType", textureType) || GetAnnotation( parameter, "ResourceType", textureType)) && textureType)
                                // Grab the type off from the annotation
                                         if( !stricmp( textureType, "1D")) mtype = MUniformParameter::kType1DTexture;
                                else if( !stricmp( textureType, "2D")) mtype = MUniformParameter::kType2DTexture;
                                else if( !stricmp( textureType, "3D")) mtype = MUniformParameter::kType3DTexture;
                                else if( !stricmp( textureType, "Cube")) mtype = MUniformParameter::kTypeCubeTexture;
                                        fDiagnostics += "Unrecognised texture type semantic ";
                                        fDiagnostics += textureType;
                                        fDiagnostics += " on parameter ";
                                        fDiagnostics += description.Name;
                                        fDiagnostics += "\n";

                        if( mtype == MUniformParameter::kTypeUnknown)
                                // No explicit type. At this stage, it would be nice to take a look at the 
                                // sampler which uses the texture and grab the type of that, but I can't see
                                // any way to query for the sampler -> texture bindings through the effect
                                // API. 
                                mtype = MUniformParameter::kType2DTexture;
                                fDiagnostics += "No texture type provided for ";
                                fDiagnostics += description.Name;
                                fDiagnostics += ", assuming 2D\n";
                //case D3DXPT_SAMPLER: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_SAMPLER1D: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_SAMPLER2D: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_SAMPLER3D: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_SAMPLERCUBE: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_PIXELSHADER: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_VERTEXSHADER: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_PIXELFRAGMENT: break; 
                //case D3DXPT_VERTEXFRAGMENT: break; 
                default: break;
        return mtype;

// Convert a DX space into a Maya space
MUniformParameter::DataSemantic hlslShader::ConvertSpace( D3DXHANDLE parameter, D3DXPARAMETER_DESC& description, MUniformParameter::DataSemantic defaultSpace)
        MUniformParameter::DataSemantic space = defaultSpace;
        LPCSTR ann;
        if( GetAnnotation( parameter, "Space", ann) && ann)
                         if( !stricmp( ann, "Object")) space = defaultSpace >= MUniformParameter::kSemanticObjectPos ? MUniformParameter::kSemanticObjectPos : MUniformParameter::kSemanticObjectDir;
                else if( !stricmp( ann, "World")) space = defaultSpace >= MUniformParameter::kSemanticObjectPos ? MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldPos : MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldDir;
                else if( !stricmp( ann, "View")) space = defaultSpace >= MUniformParameter::kSemanticObjectPos ? MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewPos : MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewDir;
                else if( !stricmp( ann, "Camera")) space = defaultSpace >= MUniformParameter::kSemanticObjectPos ? MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewPos : MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewDir;
                        fDiagnostics += "Unrecognised space ";
                        fDiagnostics += ann;
                        fDiagnostics += " on parameter ";
                        fDiagnostics += description.Name;
                        fDiagnostics += "\n";
        return space;

// Convert a DX semantic into a Maya semantic
MUniformParameter::DataSemantic hlslShader::ConvertSemantic( D3DXHANDLE parameter, D3DXPARAMETER_DESC& description)
        MUniformParameter::DataSemantic msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticUnknown;

        // First try the explicit semantic
        if( description.Semantic && *description.Semantic)
                         if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "World"))                                                          msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldInverse"))                                               msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldInverseMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldInverseTranspose"))                              msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldInverseTransposeMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "View"))                                                               msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "ViewInverse"))                                                msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewInverseMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "ViewInverseTranspose"))                               msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewInverseTransposeMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Projection"))                                                 msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticProjectionMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "ProjectionInverse"))                                  msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticProjectionInverseMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "ProjectionInverseTranspose"))                 msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticProjectionInverseTransposeMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldView"))                                                  msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldViewMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldViewInverse"))                                   msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldViewInverseMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldViewInverseTranspose"))                  msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldViewInverseTransposeMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldViewProjection"))                                msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldViewProjectionMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldViewProjectionInverse"))                 msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldViewProjectionInverseMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "WorldViewProjectionInverseTranspose"))msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldViewProjectionInverseTransposeMatrix;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Diffuse"))                                                    msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticColor;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Specular"))                                                   msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticColor;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Ambient"))                                                    msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticColor;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Color"))                                                              msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticColor;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Normal"))                                                             msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticNormal;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Bump"))                                                               msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticBump;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Environment"))                                                msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticEnvironment;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Time"))                                                               msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticTime;
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Position"))                                                   msemantic = ConvertSpace( parameter, description, MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldPos);
                else if( !stricmp( description.Semantic, "Direction"))                                                  msemantic = ConvertSpace( parameter, description, MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewDir);
                        fDiagnostics += "Unrecognised semantic ";
                        fDiagnostics += description.Semantic;
                        fDiagnostics += " on parameter ";
                        fDiagnostics += description.Name;
                        fDiagnostics += "\n";

        // Next, try annotation semantic
        if( msemantic == MUniformParameter::kSemanticUnknown)
                LPCSTR sasSemantic;
                if( GetAnnotation( parameter, "SasBindAddress", sasSemantic) && *sasSemantic)
                        MString str( sasSemantic);
                                 if( !stricmp( sasSemantic, "Sas.Skeleton.MeshToJointToWorld[0]"))      msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldMatrix;
                        else if( !stricmp( sasSemantic, "Sas.Camera.WorldToView"))                              msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewMatrix;
                        else if( !stricmp( sasSemantic, "Sas.Camera.Projection"))                               msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticProjectionMatrix;
                        else if( !stricmp( sasSemantic, "Sas.Time.Now"))                                                msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticTime;
                        else if( str.rindexW( ".Position") >= 0)                                                                msemantic = ConvertSpace( parameter, description, MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldPos);
                        else if( str.rindexW( ".Direction") >= 0 && str.rindexW( ".Direction") != str.rindexW( ".Directional")) msemantic = ConvertSpace( parameter, description, MUniformParameter::kSemanticViewDir);
                                fDiagnostics += "Unrecognised semantic ";
                                fDiagnostics += sasSemantic;
                                fDiagnostics += " on parameter ";
                                fDiagnostics += description.Name;
                                fDiagnostics += "\n";

        // Next try control type
        if( msemantic == MUniformParameter::kSemanticUnknown)
                LPCSTR sasSemantic;
                if( GetAnnotation( parameter, "SasUiControl", sasSemantic) && *sasSemantic)
                                 if( !stricmp( sasSemantic, "ColorPicker"))                                                     msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticColor;
        // As a last ditch effort, look for an obvious parameter name
        if( msemantic == MUniformParameter::kSemanticUnknown)
                MString name( description.Name);
                if( name.rindexW( "Position") >= 0)                                                                     msemantic = ConvertSpace( parameter, description, MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldPos);
                else if( name.rindexW( "Direction") >= 0 && name.rindexW( "Direction") != name.rindexW( "Directional")) msemantic = ConvertSpace( parameter, description, MUniformParameter::kSemanticWorldDir);
                else if( name.rindexW( "Color") >= 0 || name.rindexW( "Colour") >= 0 || name.rindexW( "Diffuse") >= 0 || name.rindexW( "Specular") >= 0 || name.rindexW( "Ambient") >= 0)
                                                                                                                                                                        msemantic = MUniformParameter::kSemanticColor;

        return msemantic;

// This typeid must be unique across the universe of Maya plug-ins.  

MTypeId     hlslShader::sId( 0xF3560C30 );

// Our rendering profile
MRenderProfile hlslShader::sProfile;

// Attribute declarations
MObject     hlslShader::sShader;
MObject     hlslShader::sTechnique;
MObject     hlslShader::sTechniques;
MObject     hlslShader::sDescription;
MObject     hlslShader::sDiagnostics;

#define M_CHECK(assertion)  if (assertion) ; else throw ((hlsl::InternalError*)__LINE__)

namespace hlsl
#ifdef _WIN32
        class InternalError;    // Never defined.  Used like this:
        //   throw (InternalError*)__LINE__;
        struct InternalError
                char* message;
        //   throw (InternalError*)__LINE__;

// Constructor:
: fErrorCount( 0), fD3DEffect( NULL), fD3DTechnique( NULL), 
  fD3DVertexDeclaration( NULL), fVertexStructure( "VertexStructure", MVaryingParameter::kStructure), 
  fDeviceManager( me()),
  fTechniqueHasBlending( false )

// Post-constructor
        // Don't create any default varying parameters (e.g. position + normal) for empty
        // shaders as this just bloats the cache with a useless structure that is currently
        // not flushed out of the cache until the geometry changes. Instead, just render
        // the default geometry directly off the position array in the cache

// Destructor:

// Release all our device handles
void hlslShader::release()
        if( fD3DEffect) 
                HLSLTextureManager::sInstance.release( fD3DEffect);
                fD3DEffect = NULL;
        fD3DTechnique = NULL;
        fTechniqueHasBlending = false;

// Release our vertex declaration
void hlslShader::releaseVertexDeclaration()
        if( fD3DVertexDeclaration) 
                for( unsigned int p = 0; p < fD3DTechniqueDesc.Passes; p++)
                        if( fD3DVertexDeclaration[ p])
                                fD3DVertexDeclaration[ p]->Release();
                delete[] fD3DVertexDeclaration;
                fD3DVertexDeclaration = NULL;

// ========== hlslShader::creator ==========
//      Description:
//              this method exists to give Maya a way to create new objects
//      of this type.
//      Return Value:
//              a new object of this type.
/* static */
void* hlslShader::creator()
        return new hlslShader();

// ========== hlslShader::initialize ==========
//      Description:
//              This method is called to create and initialize all of the attributes
//      and attribute dependencies for this node type.  This is only called 
//              once when the node type is registered with Maya.
//      Return Values:
//              MS::kSuccess
//              MS::kFailure
/* static */
        MStatus ms;

        catch ( ... )
                // [mashworth] Don't forget I18N
                MGlobal::displayError( "hlslShader internal error: Unhandled exception in initialize" );
                ms = MS::kFailure;

        sProfile.addRenderer( MRenderProfile::kMayaD3D);

        return ms;

// Create all the attributes. 
/* static */
        MFnTypedAttribute       typedAttr;
        MFnStringData           stringData;
        MFnStringArrayData      stringArrayData;
        MStatus                         stat, stat2;

        // The shader attribute holds the name of the .fx file that defines
        // the shader
        sShader = typedAttr.create("shader", "s", MFnData::kString, stringData.create(&stat2), &stat); 
        M_CHECK( stat );
        typedAttr.setInternal( true); 
        typedAttr.setKeyable( false); 
        stat = addAttribute(sShader); 
        M_CHECK( stat );

        // technique
        sTechnique = typedAttr.create("technique", "t", MFnData::kString, stringData.create(&stat2), &stat); 
        M_CHECK( stat );
        typedAttr.setInternal( true);
        typedAttr.setKeyable( true);
        stat = addAttribute(sTechnique);
        M_CHECK( stat );

        // technique list
        sTechniques = typedAttr.create("techniques", "ts", MFnData::kStringArray, stringArrayData.create(&stat2), &stat); 
        M_CHECK( stat );
        typedAttr.setInternal( true);
        typedAttr.setKeyable( false);
        typedAttr.setStorable( false);
        typedAttr.setWritable( false);
        stat = addAttribute(sTechniques);
        M_CHECK( stat );

        // The description field where we pass compile errors etc back for the user to see
        sDescription = typedAttr.create("description", "desc", MFnData::kString, stringData.create(&stat2), &stat); 
        M_CHECK( stat );
        typedAttr.setKeyable( false); 
        typedAttr.setWritable( false); 
        typedAttr.setStorable( false); 
        stat = addAttribute(sDescription); 
        M_CHECK( stat );

        // The feedback field where we pass compile errors etc back for the user to see
        sDiagnostics = typedAttr.create("diagnostics", "diag", MFnData::kString, stringData.create(&stat2), &stat); 
        M_CHECK( stat );
        typedAttr.setKeyable( false); 
        typedAttr.setWritable( false); 
        typedAttr.setStorable( false); 
        stat = addAttribute(sDiagnostics); 
        M_CHECK( stat );

        // Specify our dependencies
        attributeAffects( sShader, sTechniques);
        attributeAffects( sShader, sTechnique);

hlslShader::copyInternalData( MPxNode* pSrc )
        const hlslShader& src = *(hlslShader*)pSrc;
        fTechnique = src.fTechnique;
        fTechniqueHasBlending = src.fTechniqueHasBlending;
        setShader( src.fShader);

bool hlslShader::setInternalValueInContext( const MPlug& plug,
                                                                                          const MDataHandle& handle,
                                                                                          MDGContext& context)
        bool retVal = true;

                if (plug == sShader)
                        setShader( handle.asString());
                else if (plug == sTechnique)
                        setTechnique( handle.asString());
                        retVal = MPxHardwareShader::setInternalValue(plug, handle);
        catch ( ... )
                reportInternalError( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                retVal = false;

        return retVal;

/* virtual */
bool hlslShader::getInternalValueInContext( const MPlug& plug,
                                                                                          MDataHandle& handle,
        bool retVal = true;

                if (plug == sShader)
                        handle.set( fShader);
                else if (plug == sTechnique)
                        handle.set( fTechnique);
                else if (plug == sTechniques)
                        handle.set( MFnStringArrayData().create( fTechniques));
                        retVal = MPxHardwareShader::getInternalValue(plug, handle);
        catch ( ... )
                reportInternalError( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                retVal = false;

        return retVal;

// Override geometry rendering
MStatus hlslShader::render( MGeometryList& iter)
        MD3D9Renderer *pRenderer = MD3D9Renderer::theRenderer();
        if (pRenderer == NULL) 
                // If there isn't a render, we can't render anything
                return MStatus::kFailure;

        IDirect3DDevice9* d3dDevice = pRenderer->getD3D9Device();       
        if ( NULL == d3dDevice ) 
                // If there isn't a valid device, we can't render anything
                return MStatus::kFailure;       

        if (fDeviceManager.deviceState() == hlslDeviceManager::kReset)

        // We have a device, now do we have a valid effect, or should we render 
        // some stand-in geometry?
        HLSLStateManager::sInstance.fD3DDevice = d3dDevice;
        if( fD3DEffect && fD3DVertexDeclaration)
                UINT numPasses = 0;

                fD3DEffect->Begin( &numPasses, 0); // The 0 tells DX to save and restore all state modified by the effect ... hmmmm perf hit?
                bool firstShape = true;
                for( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next())
                        // Setup our shape dependent parameters
                        for( int u = fUniformParameters.length(); u--; )
                                MUniformParameter uniform = fUniformParameters.getElement( u);
                                if( uniform.hasChanged( iter))
                                        D3DXHANDLE d3dParameter = (D3DXHANDLE)uniform.userData();
                                        if( d3dParameter)
                                                switch( uniform.type())
                                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeFloat: 
                                                                const float* data = uniform.getAsFloatArray( iter);
                                                                if( data) fD3DEffect->SetValue( d3dParameter, data, uniform.numElements() * sizeof( float));
                                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeInt: 
                                                                fD3DEffect->SetInt( d3dParameter, uniform.getAsInt( iter));
                                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeBool: 
                                                                fD3DEffect->SetBool( d3dParameter, uniform.getAsBool( iter));
                                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeString: 
                                                                fD3DEffect->SetString( d3dParameter, uniform.getAsString( iter).asChar());
                                                                if( uniform.isATexture())
                                                                        HLSLTextureManager::sInstance.bind( uniform.getAsString( iter).asChar(), uniform, fD3DEffect, d3dParameter);

                        MGeometry& geometry = iter.geometry( MGeometryList::kNone);
                        const void* data;
                        unsigned int elements, count;
                        if( fVertexStructure.numElements() && fVertexStructure.getBuffer( geometry, data, elements, count) == MStatus::kSuccess)
                                MGeometryPrimitive primitives = geometry.primitiveArray( 0);
                                HLSLStateManager::sInstance.shapeCullMode( iter.cullMode());
                                for( UINT p = 0; p < numPasses; p++)
                                        if( !fD3DVertexDeclaration[ p]) continue;
                                        if( numPasses > 1 || firstShape) 
                                                HLSLStateManager::sInstance.BeginPass( fD3DEffect, p);
                                                fD3DEffect->CommitChanges(); // Make sure any shape-dependent uniforms get sent down the to effect when rendering a single pass effect!
                                        firstShape = false;
                                        d3dDevice->SetVertexDeclaration( fD3DVertexDeclaration[ p]); 

                                        unsigned int numPrimitives = primitives.elementCount() / 3;
                                        unsigned int batchSize = numPrimitives / (numPrimitives / MAX_SEGMENTED_BATCH_SIZE + 1) + 1;
                                        for( unsigned int start = 0; start < numPrimitives; )
                                                unsigned int end = start + batchSize;
                                                if( end > numPrimitives) end = numPrimitives;
                                                d3dDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, count, end - start, ((const unsigned int*)primitives.data()) + (start * 3), D3DFMT_INDEX32, data, elements);
                                                start = end;
                                        d3dDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, count, primitives.elementCount() / 3, primitives.data(), D3DFMT_INDEX32, data, elements);
                                        if( numPasses > 1) fD3DEffect->EndPass();
                if( numPasses == 1) fD3DEffect->EndPass();
                // Hokey DX draw
                // There is no lighting so the only color will be the emissive color
                D3DMATERIAL9 Material;
                Material.Emissive.r = 0.0f; 
                Material.Emissive.g = 0.6f; 
                Material.Emissive.b = 0.0f; 
                Material.Emissive.a = 1.0f; 

                d3dDevice->SetMaterial( &Material);
                d3dDevice->LightEnable( 0, false);
                d3dDevice->LightEnable( 1, false);
                d3dDevice->SetFVF( D3DFVF_XYZ );

                for( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next())
                        MGeometry& geometry = iter.geometry( MGeometryList::kNone );
                        const MGeometryData position = geometry.position();
                        if( position.data())
                                // set up the matrices as this aren't picked up automatically as may be
                                // different in the case of swatch rendering from the current directX state.
                                const MMatrix& mtm = iter.objectToWorldMatrix();
                                D3DXMATRIXA16 tm( (float)mtm.matrix[0][0], (float)mtm.matrix[0][1], (float)mtm.matrix[0][2], (float)mtm.matrix[0][3], 
                                                                  (float)mtm.matrix[1][0], (float)mtm.matrix[1][1], (float)mtm.matrix[1][2], (float)mtm.matrix[1][3], 
                                                                  (float)mtm.matrix[2][0], (float)mtm.matrix[2][1], (float)mtm.matrix[2][2], (float)mtm.matrix[2][3], 
                                                                  (float)mtm.matrix[3][0], (float)mtm.matrix[3][1], (float)mtm.matrix[3][2], (float)mtm.matrix[3][3]);
                                d3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &tm);

                                // Setup the camera for drawing new stuff
                                const MMatrix& mproject = iter.projectionMatrix();
                                D3DXMATRIXA16 projection( (float)mproject.matrix[0][0], (float)mproject.matrix[0][1], (float)mproject.matrix[0][2], (float)mproject.matrix[0][3], 
                                                                  (float)mproject.matrix[1][0], (float)mproject.matrix[1][1], (float)mproject.matrix[1][2], (float)mproject.matrix[1][3], 
                                                                  (float)mproject.matrix[2][0], (float)mproject.matrix[2][1], (float)mproject.matrix[2][2], (float)mproject.matrix[2][3], 
                                                                  (float)mproject.matrix[3][0], (float)mproject.matrix[3][1], (float)mproject.matrix[3][2], (float)mproject.matrix[3][3]);
                                d3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_PROJECTION, &projection );

                                const MMatrix& mview = iter.viewMatrix();
                                D3DXMATRIXA16 view( (float)mview.matrix[0][0], (float)mview.matrix[0][1], (float)mview.matrix[0][2], (float)mview.matrix[0][3], 
                                                                  (float)mview.matrix[1][0], (float)mview.matrix[1][1], (float)mview.matrix[1][2], (float)mview.matrix[1][3], 
                                                                  (float)mview.matrix[2][0], (float)mview.matrix[2][1], (float)mview.matrix[2][2], (float)mview.matrix[2][3], 
                                                                  (float)mview.matrix[3][0], (float)mview.matrix[3][1], (float)mview.matrix[3][2], (float)mview.matrix[3][3]);
                                d3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_VIEW, &view );

                                HLSLStateManager::sInstance.shapeCullMode( iter.cullMode(), true);
                                MGeometryPrimitive primitives = geometry.primitiveArray( 0);
                                d3dDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, position.elementCount(), primitives.elementCount() / 3, primitives.data(), D3DFMT_INDEX32, position.data(), 3 * sizeof( float));
        return MStatus::kSuccess;

/* virtual */
unsigned int hlslShader::transparencyOptions()
        if (fTechniqueHasBlending)
                return ( kIsTransparent | kNoTransparencyFrontBackCull | kNoTransparencyPolygonSort );
        return 0;

// Query the renderers supported by this shader
const MRenderProfile& hlslShader::profile() { return sProfile; }

void hlslShader::setupUniform( D3DXHANDLE d3dParameter, const MString& prefix)
        if( d3dParameter)
                D3DXPARAMETER_DESC parameterDesc;
                fD3DEffect->GetParameterDesc( d3dParameter, &parameterDesc);
                if( parameterDesc.Class == D3DXPC_STRUCT)
                        for( unsigned int p = 0; p < parameterDesc.StructMembers; p++)
                                setupUniform( fD3DEffect->GetParameter( d3dParameter, p), prefix + MString( parameterDesc.Name) + ".");
                        // Is this a special parameter?
                        if( !stricmp( parameterDesc.Semantic, "SasGlobal"))
                                LPCSTR sasDescription;
                                if( GetAnnotation( d3dParameter, "SasEffectDescription", sasDescription) && *sasDescription)
                                        fDescription += sasDescription;
                        else if( !stricmp( parameterDesc.Name, "description") && parameterDesc.Type == D3DXPT_STRING)
                                LPCSTR Value; 
                                if( fD3DEffect->GetString( d3dParameter, &Value) == D3D_OK) 
                                        fDescription += Value;

                        MUniformParameter::DataType type = ConvertType( d3dParameter, parameterDesc);
                        if( type != MUniformParameter::kTypeUnknown)
                                MUniformParameter::DataSemantic semantic = ConvertSemantic( d3dParameter, parameterDesc);
                                int rows = parameterDesc.Rows;
                                int columns = parameterDesc.Columns;

                                // If we don't know what this parameter is, and we've been told to hide it, do so
                                // NOTE that for now, we only hide simple constants as hiding everything we're
                                // told to hide actually starts hiding textures and things the artist wants to see. 
                                if( semantic == MUniformParameter::kSemanticUnknown && (type == MUniformParameter::kTypeFloat || type == MUniformParameter::kTypeString))
                                        BOOL visible = true;
                                        if( GetAnnotation( d3dParameter, "SasUiVisible", visible) && !visible)

                                MUniformParameter uniform( prefix + parameterDesc.Name, type, semantic, rows, columns, (void*)d3dParameter);
                                switch( type)
                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeFloat: { FLOAT Value[ 16]; if( fD3DEffect->GetFloatArray( d3dParameter, Value, 16) == D3D_OK) uniform.setAsFloatArray( Value, 16); break; }
                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeString: { LPCSTR Value; if( fD3DEffect->GetString( d3dParameter, &Value) == D3D_OK) uniform.setAsString( MString( Value)); break; }
                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeBool: { BOOL Value; if( fD3DEffect->GetBool( d3dParameter, &Value) == D3D_OK) uniform.setAsBool( Value ? true : false); break; }
                                        case MUniformParameter::kTypeInt: { INT Value; if( fD3DEffect->GetInt( d3dParameter, &Value) == D3D_OK) uniform.setAsInt( Value); break; }
                                                if( type >= MUniformParameter::kType1DTexture && type <= MUniformParameter::kTypeEnvTexture)
                                                        LPCSTR resource;
                                                        if( GetAnnotation( d3dParameter, "ResourceName", resource) && *resource)
                                                                uniform.setAsString( findResource( MString( resource), fShader));
                                                        else if( GetAnnotation( d3dParameter, "SasResourceAddress", resource) && *resource)
                                                                uniform.setAsString( findResource( MString( resource), fShader));
                                fUniformParameters.append( uniform);

// Set the shader we're using
MStatus hlslShader::setShader( const MString& shader)
        fDiagnostics = "";
        fDescription = "";
        fShader = shader;

        MD3D9Renderer *pRenderer = MD3D9Renderer::theRenderer();
        if (pRenderer != NULL) {
                IDirect3DDevice9* pDevice = pRenderer->getD3D9Device();
                if( pDevice )

                        fTechniques.setLength( 0);
                        LPD3DXBUFFER errors = NULL;

                        // Make sure the shader's directory is current, as the compiler will try and resolve
                        // everything relative to that
                        MFileObject fileObject;
                        fileObject.setRawFullName( shader);
                        MString resolvedPath = fileObject.resolvedPath();
                        TCHAR pwd[ MAX_PATH];
                        if( resolvedPath.length() > 0)
                                ::GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, pwd);
                                ::SetCurrentDirectory( resolvedPath.asChar());

                        // Note that for some strange reason, DX9 doesn't support D3DXSHADER_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY,
                        // so we try the old DX9 compiler separately. We can remove the second attempt once we move to DX10
                        // (which doesn't support the D3DXSHADER_USE_LEGACY_D3DX9_31_DLL  flag)
                        if( FAILED( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pDevice, shader.asChar(), NULL, NULL, D3DXSHADER_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY, NULL, &fD3DEffect, &errors)) 
                         && FAILED( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pDevice, shader.asChar(), NULL, NULL, D3DXSHADER_USE_LEGACY_D3DX9_31_DLL, NULL, &fD3DEffect, NULL))
                                fDiagnostics += "Error trying to create effect " + shader + ":\n\t";
                                if( errors)
                                        fDiagnostics += (const char*)errors->GetBufferPointer();
                                fDiagnostics += "\n";
                                if( errors)
                                        fDiagnostics += (const char*)errors->GetBufferPointer();
                                fD3DEffect->SetStateManager( &HLSLStateManager::sInstance);
                                fD3DEffect->GetDesc( &fD3DEffectDesc);
                                for( unsigned int t = 0; t < fD3DEffectDesc.Techniques; t++)
                                        D3DXHANDLE technique = fD3DEffect->GetTechnique( t);
                                        if( technique)
                                                if( fD3DEffect->ValidateTechnique( technique))
                                                        D3DXTECHNIQUE_DESC techniqueDesc;
                                                        fD3DEffect->GetTechniqueDesc( technique, &techniqueDesc);
                                                        fTechniques.append( techniqueDesc.Name);

                        // Restore the previous working directory if we changed it
                        if( resolvedPath.length() > 0)
                                ::SetCurrentDirectory( pwd);

                        // Update our uniform parameters
                        if( fD3DEffect)
                                fUniformParameters.setLength( 0);
                                for( unsigned int p = 0; p < fD3DEffectDesc.Parameters; p++)
                                        setupUniform( fD3DEffect->GetParameter( NULL, p), "");
                                setUniformParameters( fUniformParameters);

                                // And re-select our current technique (which triggers a UI change
                                // and also handles the case where the current technique doesn't 
                                // exist in this effect
                                MPlug( thisMObject(), sTechnique).setValue( fTechnique);

        // Update our shader info attributes
        MPlug diagnosticsPlug( thisMObject(), sDiagnostics);
        diagnosticsPlug.setValue( fDiagnostics);
        MPlug descriptionPlug( thisMObject(), sDescription);
        descriptionPlug.setValue( fDescription);

        return MS::kSuccess;

bool hlslShader::passHasTranparency( D3DXHANDLE d3dPass )
        bool hasTransparency = false;

        //printf("Pass %s has %d annotations\n", passDesc.Name, passDesc.Annotations);
        BOOL boolParameter;
        INT intParameter1, intParameter2;
        boolParameter = false;
                BOOL getAnnot = GetAnnotation( d3dPass, "Zenable", boolParameter);
                //printf("Get zenable %d, %d\n", getAnnot, boolParameter);
                getAnnot = GetAnnotation( d3dPass, "ZWriteEnable", boolParameter);
                //printf("Get zwriteenable %d, %d\n", getAnnot, boolParameter);

        BOOL getAnnot = false;
                D3DXHANDLE d3dSemantic = fD3DEffect->GetAnnotationByName( d3dPass, "AlphaBlendEnable");
                if (d3dSemantic)
                        fD3DEffect->GetBool( d3dSemantic, &boolParameter);
                        getAnnot = true;

        //printf("Alpha blend found %d, is enabled %d !\n", getAnnot, boolParameter);
        if (getAnnot && boolParameter)
                hasTransparency = true;

                        D3DXHANDLE d3dSemantic = fD3DEffect->GetAnnotationByName( d3dPass, "SrcBlend");
                        if (d3dSemantic)
                                fD3DEffect->GetInt( d3dSemantic, &intParameter1);
                        D3DXHANDLE d3dSemantic = fD3DEffect->GetAnnotationByName( d3dPass, "DestBlend");
                        if (d3dSemantic)
                                fD3DEffect->GetInt( d3dSemantic, &intParameter2);

        return hasTransparency;

// Set the technique we're using
MStatus hlslShader::setTechnique( const MString& technique)
        // We're changing technique, blow away any existing vertex declaration

        // Now, if we have an effect update our internal data and parameter list
        // (otherwise just leave the current parameters in place)
        if( fD3DEffect && fTechniques.length())
                // Try and switch to this technique
                fD3DTechnique = fD3DEffect->GetTechniqueByName( technique.asChar());
                if( !fD3DTechnique || !fD3DEffect->ValidateTechnique( fD3DTechnique))
                if( !fD3DTechnique)
                        fD3DTechnique = fD3DEffect->GetTechniqueByName( fTechnique.asChar());
                        if( !fD3DTechnique || !fD3DEffect->ValidateTechnique( fD3DTechnique))
                        if( !fD3DTechnique)
                                if( FAILED( fD3DEffect->FindNextValidTechnique( fD3DTechnique, &fD3DTechnique)))
                                        fD3DTechnique = NULL;
                                fD3DTechnique = fD3DEffect->GetTechnique( 0);

                // Now suck the name back out
                fD3DEffect->GetTechniqueDesc( fD3DTechnique, &fD3DTechniqueDesc);
                fTechnique = fD3DTechniqueDesc.Name;

                // Make this the active technique
                fD3DEffect->SetTechnique( fD3DTechnique);

                // Update our passes and varying parameters
                fD3DVertexDeclaration = new IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9*[ fD3DTechniqueDesc.Passes];

                int offset = 0;
                for( unsigned int p = 0; p < fD3DTechniqueDesc.Passes; p++)
                        D3DXHANDLE d3dPass = fD3DEffect->GetPass( fD3DTechnique, p);

                        if (p == 0)
                                fTechniqueHasBlending = passHasTranparency( d3dPass );
                        D3DXPASS_DESC passDesc;
                        fD3DEffect->GetPassDesc( d3dPass, &passDesc);

                        D3DXSEMANTIC Semantics[ MAXD3DDECLLENGTH];
                        D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 VertexElements[ MAXD3DDECLLENGTH + 1];
                        UINT NumSemantics = 0;
                        D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics( passDesc.pVertexShaderFunction, Semantics, &NumSemantics);
                        for( unsigned int s = 0; s < NumSemantics; s++)
                                const SemanticInfo& Info = gSemanticInfo[ Semantics[ s].Usage];
                                MString Name = Info.Name; // Can't get the name through DX so use a semantic based name =(
                                if( Info.Type != MVaryingParameter::kPosition && Info.Type != MVaryingParameter::kNormal)
                                        Name += Semantics[ s].UsageIndex;
                                MVaryingParameter varying( Name, MVaryingParameter::kFloat, Info.MinElements, Info.MaxElements, Info.Type, Info.Type == MVaryingParameter::kTexCoord ? true : false);
                                fVertexStructure.addElement( varying);

                                VertexElements[ s].Stream = 0;
                                VertexElements[ s].Offset = (WORD)offset;
                                VertexElements[ s].Type = Info.D3DType;
                                VertexElements[ s].Method = D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT;
                                VertexElements[ s].Usage = (BYTE)Semantics[ s].Usage;
                                VertexElements[ s].UsageIndex = (BYTE)Semantics[ s].UsageIndex;
                                offset += varying.getMaximumStride();
                        static D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 VertexElementEnd = D3DDECL_END();
                        VertexElements[ NumSemantics] = VertexElementEnd;
                        // Make sure that the point is initialized in case something fails
                        fD3DVertexDeclaration[p] = NULL;

                        MD3D9Renderer* pRenderer = MD3D9Renderer::theRenderer();
                        if (pRenderer != NULL) {
                                IDirect3DDevice9* d3dDevice = pRenderer->getD3D9Device();
                                if( d3dDevice) {
                                        d3dDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration( VertexElements, &fD3DVertexDeclaration[ p]);
                MVaryingParameterList list;
                if( fVertexStructure.numElements() > 0)
                        // Only add our parameters if we have some - otherwise the empty structure
                        // shows up in the UI which is a bit ugly
                        list.append( fVertexStructure);
                setVaryingParameters( list);

        return MS::kSuccess;

// Error reporting
void hlslShader::reportInternalError( const char* function, size_t errcode )
        MString es = "hlslShader";

                if ( this )
                        if ( ++fErrorCount > ERROR_LIMIT ) 
                        MString s;
                        s += "\"";
                        s += name();
                        s += "\": ";
                        s += typeName();
                        es = s;
        catch ( ... )
        es += " internal error ";
        es += (int)errcode;
        es += " in ";
        es += function;
        MGlobal::displayError( es );
}                                      // hlslShader::reportInternalError

void parameterRequirements(const MVaryingParameter& parameter, MGeometryRequirements& requirements)
// recursive requirements 
        if (parameter.numElements() == 0) {

                switch( parameter.semantic())

                case (MVaryingParameter::kTexCoord) :
                case (MVaryingParameter::kPosition) :
                case (MVaryingParameter::kNormal) :
                case (MVaryingParameter::kColor) :
                        // don't know what it is.
        else {
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameter.numElements(); ++i) {
                        parameterRequirements(parameter.getElement(i), requirements);

/* virtual */
MStatus hlslShader::renderSwatchImage(MImage& image)
// Override this method to draw a image for swatch rendering.

// #define _USE_OPENGL_
#if defined _USE_OPENGL_        // 

        MStatus status = MStatus::kFailure;

        // Get the hardware openGL renderer utility class
        MHardwareRenderer *pRenderer = MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer();
        if (pRenderer)
                const MString& backEndStr = pRenderer->backEndString();

                // get the geometry requirements
                MDagPath path;                                                  // NULL path
                MGeometryRequirements requirements;

                MGeometryManager::GeometricShape shape = MGeometryManager::kDefaultSphere;
                MGeometryList* geomIter = MGeometryManager::referenceDefaultGeometry(shape, requirements);

                if(geomIter == NULL) {
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

                // Make the swatch context current
                // ===============================
                unsigned int width, height;
                image.getSize(width, height);

                MStatus status2 = pRenderer->makeSwatchContextCurrent( backEndStr, width, height );


                if( status2 != MS::kSuccess ) {

                // Get the light direction from the API, and use it
                // =============================================
                        static float  specular[] = { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f};
                        static float  shine[] = { 100.0f };
                        static float  ambient[] = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f };

                        glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE);
                        glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specular);
                        glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shine);
                        glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);

                        float lightPos[4];
                        pRenderer->getSwatchLightDirection( lightPos[0], lightPos[1], lightPos[2], lightPos[3] );

                        static float default_ambient_light[]={0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f};
                        static float default_diffuse_light[]={0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f};
                        static float default_specular_light[]={1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};

                        glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, default_ambient_light);
                        glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, default_diffuse_light);
                        glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, default_specular_light);

                        glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPos);


                // Get camera
                // ==========
                        // Get the camera frustum from the API
                        double l, r, b, t, n, f;
                        pRenderer->getSwatchPerspectiveCameraSetting( l, r, b, t, n, f );
                        glFrustum( l, r, b, t, n, f );

                        // want to store these into the 

                // Get the default background color and clear the background
                float r, g, b, a;
                MHWShaderSwatchGenerator::getSwatchBackgroundColor( r, g, b, a );
                glClearColor( r, g, b, a );
                glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);


                for( ; !geomIter->isDone(); geomIter->next())

                        MGeometry& geometry = geomIter->geometry(MGeometryList::kNone);
                        const MMatrix& mtm = geomIter->objectToWorldMatrix();


                        // TO DO the geomIterator needs to give up the project matrix.

                        MGeometryPrimitive primitives = geometry.primitiveArray(0);

                        const MGeometryData pos = geometry.position();
                        const MGeometryData normal = geometry.normal();

                        // Draw The Swatch

                        if (pos.data() != NULL && primitives.data() != NULL) {

                                glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, (float*) pos.data());

                                if (normal.data()) {
                                        glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0,  normal.data());

                                // get the first texture and blind it
                                bool boundTexture = false;
                                MString defaultMap("map1");
                                MGeometryData uvCoord = geometry.texCoord(defaultMap);

                                // Setup our shape dependent parameters
                                for( int u = fUniformParameters.length(); u--; ){
                                        MUniformParameter uniform = fUniformParameters.getElement( u);

                                        if ( uniform.isATexture()) {
                                                // make sure that it a 2d texture as we can't handle anything else.
                                                if( uniform.type() == MUniformParameter::kType2DTexture) 
                                                        // Get the plug used for the first texture - but be careful to preserve
                                                        // the hasChanged state so that the shader correctly updates this parameter
                                                        // (otherwise it may never setup the texture parameter because we suppressed
                                                        // the initial hasChanged trigger)
                                                        bool wasDirty = uniform.hasChanged( *geomIter);
                                                        MPlug plug = uniform.getSource();
                                                        if( wasDirty) uniform.setDirty();

                                                        MImageFileInfo::MHwTextureType hwType;
                                                        if (MS::kSuccess == MHwTextureManager::glBind(plug, hwType))
                                                                boundTexture = true;

                                if (uvCoord.data() && boundTexture) {

                                        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
                                        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);
                                        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
                                        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);

                                        glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, uvCoord.data());

                                        // Base colour is always white
                                        glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                                else {

                                        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
                                        glColor4f(0.1f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f);

                                MGeometryPrimitive primitives = geometry.primitiveArray(0);

                                // renderer
                                glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, primitives.elementCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, primitives.data());

                                // Read pixels back from swatch context to MImage
                                pRenderer->readSwatchContextPixels( backEndStr, image );

                                // Double check the outing going image size as image resizing
                                // was required to properly read from the swatch context
                                image.getSize( width, height );


                                status = MStatus::kSuccess;



        MStatus status = MStatus::kFailure;

        unsigned int width, height;
        image.getSize(width, height);

        // get the geometry requirements
        ShaderContext context;                                  // NULL path and shading engine
        MGeometryRequirements requirements;
        populateRequirements(context, requirements);

        MD3D9Renderer*  Render = MD3D9Renderer::theRenderer();
        if (Render != NULL) {

                Render->makeSwatchContextCurrent(width, height);

                // render the back ground
                Render->setBackgroundColor(MColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));

                MGeometryList* geomIter = MGeometryManager::referenceDefaultGeometry(MGeometryManager::kDefaultSphere, 

                if (geomIter == NULL) {
                        return status;

                // set up lighting
                // TO DO

                // render the object this the shader and defaulting geometry
                if (render(*geomIter) != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        // revert to a simple fixed color material render
                        // TO DO

                // read back the image

                // let go of the geoemtry

                status = MStatus::kSuccess;


        return status;

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