
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <maya/MFnStringData.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnEnumAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVector.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MDGModifier.h>
#include <maya/MImage.h>
#include <maya/MPlugArray.h>
#include <maya/MFileIO.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MStringResource.h>
#include <maya/MStringResourceId.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <algorithm>

#include "Platform.h"

#include "GLSLShaderNode.h"
#include "AshliShaderStrings.h"
#include "glExtensions.h"

#include "ResourceManager.h"

#include <maya/MHWShaderSwatchGenerator.h>
#include <maya/MHardwareRenderer.h>
#include <maya/MGeometryData.h>
#include <maya/MImage.h>

// If and when a bug in Maya is fixed so that you 
// can keyframe internal dynamic attributes, the
// code within this ifdef cannot be used.
// If you set the attributes to be internal, you
// can keyframe, but playback may or may not work
// erratically. This is a known API bug.


// This id is supplied by Maya and should never be changed.
MTypeId glslShaderNode::sId( 0x81022);

//these are the attributes shared by all instances
MObject glslShaderNode::sShader;
MObject glslShaderNode::sTechnique;
MObject glslShaderNode::sTechniqueList; // Convenience attribute
MObject glslShaderNode::sShaderPath; // Convenience attribute
MObject glslShaderNode::sNakedTexCoords[8];
MObject glslShaderNode::sNakedColors[2];

//this is the default shader, used to render a checkered phong
shader *glslShaderNode::sDefShader = NULL;

//  This is a list of nodes presently created of this type.
// It allows us to find all shader nodes and update them after a file load,
// and it eases searching for use by the command.
std::vector<glslShaderNode*> glslShaderNode::sNodeList;

//default texture map strings
//const char *glslShaderNode::nakedSetNames[8] = { "map1", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
const char *glslShaderNode::nakedSetNames[8] = { "map1", "tangent", "binormal", "", "", "", "", ""};

glslShaderNode::glslShaderNode() : m_shader(NULL), m_shaderDirty(false), m_parsedUserAttribList( false) {

        // Make sure we have our extensions initialised
        // We do it here rather than at render time so that setting a shader program
        // in batch mode will populate the shader attributes

  for (int ii=0; ii<8; ii++) {
    m_nakedTexSets[ii] = nakedSetNames[ii];
    m_setNums[ii] = -1; 
        m_mayaType[ii] = kNonMaya; 

glslShaderNode::~glslShaderNode() {

        if (MGlobal::mayaState() != MGlobal::kBatch)
                MHardwareRenderer *pRenderer = MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer();
                if (pRenderer)
                        const MString & backEndStr = pRenderer->backEndString();
                        MStatus status = pRenderer->makeResourceContextCurrent( backEndStr );
                        if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                                MStatus strStat;
                                MGlobal::displayError(MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedResourceContext, strStat));

  //clean up any textures we have created
  for (std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it=m_samplerAttribList.begin(); it<m_samplerAttribList.end(); it++) {
    ResourceManager::destroyTexture( it->texName);

  //keep the list of allocated shaders correct
  { //this fixes MSVC and its busted scoping rules

    std::vector<glslShaderNode*>::iterator it = std::find( sNodeList.begin(), sNodeList.end(), this);
    if (it != sNodeList.end()) {
      //remove this one from the list
    else {
      //this is really bad, somehow one got created without going through create

  delete m_shader;

void glslShaderNode::postConstructor() {

//compute when DAG change occurs (likely nothing for HwShader)
MStatus glslShaderNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data) {

  //need to look to compute a default color
  if ((plug == outColor) || (plug.parent() == outColor))
    MFloatVector color(.95f, .1f, .07f);
    MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue( outColor );
    outputHandle.asFloatVector() = color;
    return MS::kSuccess;

  return MS::kUnknownParameter;

//factory for node creation
void* glslShaderNode::creator() {
  glslShaderNode *ret = new glslShaderNode;

  //add this new node to the list

  return ret;

// initialization (static)
MStatus glslShaderNode::initialize() {

  //add the necessary nodes
  MFnTypedAttribute typedAttr;
  MFnStringData stringData;
  MStatus stat;
  MObject string;

  //  The attribute names and short names below are selected to be compatible with
  // the CgFX plugin for simplicity

  // Create the shader attribute and add it to the node type

  // The shader attribute holds the file name of an fx file
  string = stringData.create(&stat);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  sShader = typedAttr.create("shader", "s", MFnData::kString, string, &stat);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  stat = typedAttr.setInternal(true);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  // Add the attribute to the node
  if ( addAttribute(sShader) != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  // Create the technique 
  // The technique attribute holds the currently selected technique name
  string = stringData.create(&stat);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  sTechnique = typedAttr.create("technique", "t", MFnData::kString, string, &stat);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  stat = typedAttr.setInternal(true);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  // Add the attribute to the node
  if ( addAttribute(sTechnique) != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  // Create a techniqueList to allow access by the AE for UI purposes
  sTechniqueList = typedAttr.create("techniqueList", "tl", MFnData::kString, string, &stat);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  stat = typedAttr.setInternal(true);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  typedAttr.setWritable( false );
  typedAttr.setStorable( false );
  typedAttr.setHidden( true );
  typedAttr.setConnectable( false );

  // Add the attribute to the node
  if ( addAttribute(sTechniqueList) != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  // Create a shader path attrib to allow access by the AE for UI purposes
  sShaderPath = typedAttr.create("shaderPath", "sp", MFnData::kString, string, &stat);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  stat = typedAttr.setInternal(true);
  if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  typedAttr.setWritable( false );
  typedAttr.setStorable( false );
  typedAttr.setHidden( true );
  typedAttr.setConnectable( false );  

  // Add the attribute to the node
  if ( addAttribute(sShaderPath) != MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kFailure;

  int ii;

  // Add the naked texture coord sets to the node
  for (ii=0; ii<8; ii++) {
    string = stringData.create( MString(nakedSetNames[ii]));
    sNakedTexCoords[ii] = typedAttr.create( MString("TexCoord") + ii, MString("t")+ ii, MFnData::kString, string);
    typedAttr.setInternal( true);
    typedAttr.setKeyable( true );
    addAttribute( sNakedTexCoords[ii]);

  // Add the naked color sets to the node
  for (ii=0; ii<2; ii++) {
    sNakedColors[ii] = typedAttr.create( MString("Color") + ii, MString("c")+ ii, MFnData::kString);
    typedAttr.setInternal( true);
    typedAttr.setKeyable( true );
    addAttribute( sNakedColors[ii]);

  return MS::kSuccess;

// callback to configure shaders, post file load
void glslShaderNode::rejigShaders( void *data) {

  //iterate over all shaders, and rebuild them, so they can reconnect attributes
  for (std::vector<glslShaderNode*>::iterator it = sNodeList.begin(); it < sNodeList.end(); it++) {

// Update shader and attributes
static bool textureInitPowerOfTwo(unsigned int val, unsigned int & retval)
        unsigned int res = 0;                           // May be we should return 1 when val == 0
        if (val)
                // Muliply all values by 2, to simplify the testing:
                // 3*(res/2) < val*2 <= 3*res
                val <<= 1;
                unsigned int low = 3;
                res = 1;
                while (val > low)
                        low <<= 1;
                        res <<= 1;

        retval = res;
    return (res == (val>>1)) ? 1 : 0;

bool glslShaderNode::rebuildShader()
  //handle shader initialization
        bool rebuiltAnything = false;


        // Re (build) current shader
        if (m_shaderDirty) {

                MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Rebuild shader : ") + m_shaderPath.asChar() );

                // Clean up old shader (delete NULL is safe, does not need protected)
                delete m_shader;

                // Create a new shader
        m_shader = shader::create(m_shaderPath.asChar());

                if (!m_shader) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MGlobal::displayError(MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedLoadShader, strStat));
                else {
                        rebuiltAnything = true;

                        // Try to reuse the existing technique name.
                        // This will allow for being able to re-read
                        // files which have saved a technique name which
                        // is not technique 0.
                        bool foundExistingTechnique = false;
                        if (m_techniqueName.length())
                                for (int ii=0; ii<m_shader->techniqueCount(); ii++) {
                                        if (m_techniqueName  == m_shader->techniqueName(ii)) {
                                                foundExistingTechnique = true;
                        // Just use technique 0 as a default, since we don't 
                        // know which one to use.
                        if (!foundExistingTechnique)
                                m_techniqueName = m_shader->techniqueName(0);

                        m_techniqueList = m_techniqueName ;
                        for (int ii=1; ii<m_shader->techniqueCount(); ii++)
                                m_techniqueList = m_techniqueList + " " + m_shader->techniqueName(ii);

                        // Reconfigure node attributes
                m_shaderDirty = false;

    m_techniqueList = "";
        if (m_shader && m_shader->techniqueCount())
                for (int ii=0; ii<m_shader->techniqueCount(); ii++)
                        m_techniqueList = m_techniqueList + " " + m_shader->techniqueName(ii);

        return rebuiltAnything;

// search the dependency graph for a file texture node
MObject glslShaderNode::findFileTextureNode( const MPlug &plug) {
  MPlugArray arr;
  MStatus stat;
  plug.connectedTo(arr, true, false, &stat);
  MObject srcNode;

  if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess)
    return MObject::kNullObj;

  if (arr.length() == 1)
    srcNode = arr[0].node();
  else if (arr.length() == 0 ) {
    //plug is not connected
    return MObject::kNullObj;
  else {
    //plug is multiply connected
    MGlobal::displayWarning("Texture plug is connected to multiple nodes");
    return MObject::kNullObj;
  if( srcNode != MObject::kNullObj) {
    MStatus rc;
    MFnDependencyNode dgFn( srcNode, &rc);
    MPlug fnPlug = dgFn.findPlug( "fileTextureName", &rc);
    if (rc == MStatus::kSuccess) {
      MStatus tStat;
      MObject fTex = fnPlug.node(&tStat);
      if ( tStat != MStatus::kSuccess)
        return MObject::kNullObj;
        return fTex;
  return MObject::kNullObj;

// search the dependency graph for an envCube node
MObject glslShaderNode::findEnvCubeNode( const MPlug &plug) {
  MPlugArray arr;
  plug.connectedTo(arr, true, false);
  MObject srcNode;

  if (arr.length() == 1)
    srcNode = arr[0].node();
  else if (arr.length() == 0 ) {
    //plug is not connected
    return MObject::kNullObj;
  else {
    //plug is multiply connected
    MGlobal::displayWarning("Texture plug is connected to multiple nodes");
    return MObject::kNullObj;
  // if we have a real node, look for the envCube
  if( srcNode != MObject::kNullObj) {
    MStatus rc;
    MFnDependencyNode dgFn( srcNode, &rc);

    // searching for the plug seems a pretty good solution
    MPlug fnPlug = dgFn.findPlug( "left", &rc);

    if (rc == MStatus::kSuccess) {
      MStatus tStat;
      MObject fCube = fnPlug.node(&tStat);
      if ( tStat != MStatus::kSuccess)
        return MObject::kNullObj;
        return fCube;
  return MObject::kNullObj;

// load a cubemap face from a cubeEnv node
void glslShaderNode::loadCubeFace( glslShaderNode::CubeFace cf, MObject &cube, MFnDependencyNode &dn){
  const char* faceNames[] = { "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "front", "back"};
  float rgb[3];

  MObject face = dn.attribute( faceNames[cf]);
  MPlug plug( cube, face);
  MObject fTex = findFileTextureNode( plug);

  if (fTex != MObject::kNullObj) {
          MImage img;
          unsigned int width, height;

          MStatus status = img.getSize( width, height);

          // If not power of two and NPOT is not supported, then we need 
          // to resize the original system pixmap before binding.
          // Also handle non-square cube map textures
          bool resizeToBeSquare = false;
          if (width != height)
                  width = height;
                  resizeToBeSquare = true;
          if (width > 0 && height > 0 && (status != MStatus::kFailure) )
                  // If not power of two and NPOT is not supported, then we need 
                  // to resize the original system pixmap before binding.
                  if (!glTextureNonPowerOfTwo || resizeToBeSquare )
                          if (width > 2 && height > 2)
                                  unsigned int p2Width, p2Height;
                                  bool widthPowerOfTwo  = textureInitPowerOfTwo(width,  p2Width);
                                  bool heightPowerOfTwo = textureInitPowerOfTwo(height, p2Height);
                                  if(!widthPowerOfTwo || !heightPowerOfTwo || resizeToBeSquare)
                                          width = p2Width;
                                          height = p2Height;
                                          img.resize( p2Width, p2Height, false /* preserverAspectRatio */);

                  //MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("Loading ") + faceNames[cf]+ " face (" + width + "," + height + ")");
                  glTexImage2D( targets[cf], 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.pixels());
  else {
    MObject data;
    plug.getValue( data);
    MFnNumericData val(data);
    val.getData( rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
    glTexImage2D( targets[cf], 0, GL_RGB8, 1, 1, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, rgb);

//  Bind data such as texture objects for samplers.
void glslShaderNode::BindSamplerData() {

  //iterate over all samplers
  for ( std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it = m_samplerAttribList.begin(); it < m_samplerAttribList.end(); it++) {

    //only update if it has been marked dirty
    if (it->dirty) {
      it->dirty = false;

      //get the plug and associated info
      MPlug plug(thisMObject(), it->attrib);
      MObject data;
      MFnNumericData val(data);
      float rgb[3];

      if (it->texName == 0) {
        //need to gen a new name, one has not been created
        glGenTextures( 1, &(it->texName));
        m_shader->updateSampler( it->pNum, it->texName);

      switch (m_shader->samplerType(it->pNum) ) {

        case shader::st1D:
          //just load a 1D texture from the plug value until we handle files directly
          val.getData( rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
          glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_1D, it->texName);
          glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, it->minFilter);
          glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, it->magFilter);
          glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, it->wrapMode);
          glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, it->maxAniso);
          if ( (it->minFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) || (it->minFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR)) {
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_TRUE);
          else {
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_FALSE);
          glTexImage1D( GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0, GL_RGB8, 1, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, rgb);

        case shader::st1DShadow:
          //are shadow maps accessible in Maya?

        case shader::st2D:
            bool done = false;
            //set up the texture stuff
            glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, it->texName);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, it->minFilter);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, it->magFilter);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, it->wrapMode);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, it->wrapMode);
            glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, it->maxAniso);
            if ( (it->minFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) || (it->minFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR)) {
              glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_TRUE);
            else {
              glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_FALSE);
            MObject fTex = findFileTextureNode( plug);

                        if (fTex != MObject::kNullObj) {
                                MImage img;
                                unsigned int width, height;

                                MStatus status = img.getSize( width, height);
                            if (width > 0 && height > 0 && (status != MStatus::kFailure) )
                                        // If not power of two and NPOT is not supported, then we need 
                                        // to resize the original system pixmap before binding.
                                        if (!glTextureNonPowerOfTwo)
                                                if (width > 2 && height > 2)
                                                        unsigned int p2Width, p2Height;
                                                        bool widthPowerOfTwo  = textureInitPowerOfTwo(width,  p2Width);
                                                        bool heightPowerOfTwo = textureInitPowerOfTwo(height, p2Height);
                                                        if(!widthPowerOfTwo || !heightPowerOfTwo)
                                                                width = p2Width;
                                                                height = p2Height;
                                                                img.resize( p2Width, p2Height, false /* preserverAspectRatio */);
                                        glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.pixels());
                                        done = true;
            if (!done) {
              //just read it from the plug
              val.getData( rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
              glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, 1, 1, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, rgb);

        case shader::stCube:
            //search for envCube node, then traverse off the 6 faces
            glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, it->texName);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, it->minFilter);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, it->magFilter);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, it->wrapMode);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, it->wrapMode);
            glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, it->maxAniso);
            if ( (it->minFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) || (it->minFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR)) {
              glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_TRUE);
            else {
              glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_FALSE);
            MObject cube = findEnvCubeNode( plug);
            if ( cube != MObject::kNullObj) {
              MFnDependencyNode dn(cube);
              loadCubeFace( cfLeft, cube, dn);
              loadCubeFace( cfRight, cube, dn);
              loadCubeFace( cfTop, cube, dn);
              loadCubeFace( cfBottom, cube, dn);
              loadCubeFace( cfFront, cube, dn);
              loadCubeFace( cfBack, cube, dn);

        case shader::st2DShadow:
        case shader::st3D:
          //need to handle file loading directly for 3D textures

void glslShaderNode::BindUniformData() {

  for ( std::vector<uniformAttrib>::iterator it = m_uniformAttribList.begin(); it < m_uniformAttribList.end(); it++) {

        // [ANIM_UNIFORM_FIX2]
        // To allow animation to work, uniform data has been
        // left to be dirty all of the time, as internal attributes
    // do not update properly during playback.
    if (it->dirty) {
      it->dirty = false;

      MPlug plug(thisMObject(), it->attrib);
      MObject data;
      MFnNumericData val(data);
      float fTemp[4];
      int iTemp[4];
      bool bTemp[4];

      switch (m_shader->uniformType(it->pNum)) {

        case shader::dtBool:
          m_shader->updateUniformBool( it->pNum, bTemp[0]);

        case shader::dtBVec2:
        case shader::dtBVec3:
        case shader::dtBVec4:
          //no Maya native type, these are unsupported for now

        case shader::dtInt:
          m_shader->updateUniformInt( it->pNum, iTemp[0]);

        case shader::dtIVec2:
          val.getData( iTemp[0], iTemp[1]);
          m_shader->updateUniformIVec( it->pNum, iTemp);

        case shader::dtIVec3:
          val.getData( iTemp[0], iTemp[1], iTemp[2]);
          m_shader->updateUniformIVec( it->pNum, iTemp);

        case shader::dtIVec4:
          //no Maya native type, these are unsupported for now

        case shader::dtFloat:
          m_shader->updateUniformFloat( it->pNum, fTemp[0]);

        case shader::dtVec2:
          val.getData( fTemp[0], fTemp[1]);
          m_shader->updateUniformVec( it->pNum, fTemp);

        case shader::dtVec3:
          val.getData( fTemp[0], fTemp[1], fTemp[2]);
          m_shader->updateUniformVec( it->pNum, fTemp);

        case shader::dtVec4:
            MPlug plug2(thisMObject(), it->attrib2);
            val.getData( fTemp[0], fTemp[1], fTemp[2]);
            plug2.getValue( fTemp[3]);
            m_shader->updateUniformVec( it->pNum, fTemp);

        case shader::dtMat4:
            MFnMatrixData mValue(data);
            MMatrix matrix = mValue.matrix();
            m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)matrix.matrix);

        case shader::dtMat2:
        case shader::dtMat3:
          //unsupported for now, due to Maya's interface presently lacking support

// Method to override to let Maya know this shader is batchable. 
bool glslShaderNode::supportsBatching() const
        return true;

// Old style drawing commands like the HW renderer needs
MStatus glslShaderNode::glBind(const MDagPath& shapePath) {

    // Rebuild shader, if dirty
        // This is only required pre 7.0, and should not be part of
        // the plugin anymore unless we decide to ship with 6.5.
  // Initialize GL extesions
  if (!InitializeExtensions()) {
        MStatus strStat;
    MGlobal::displayError(MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeAshliFailedFindExtensions, strStat));
    return MStatus::kFailure;

    //attempt to clean up any delayed deletions

        // Build default shader
        if (!sDefShader)
                sDefShader = new defaultShader;

  //bind any dirty data

  //should add an extra global dirty flag
  if (m_shader) {
    if (!m_shader->build())


    //now the samplers

  // Disable these to avoid possible problems with shader programs
  // going into software
  glDisable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH);

  //check for active shader, if none, fall back to the default shader
  if ((m_shader != NULL) && (m_shader->valid())) 
    m_passCount = m_shader->passCount();
    if (!m_shader->build()) {
      m_passCount = 0;

        if( m_passCount == 1)
                m_shader->setPass( 0);
    m_passCount = -1;
        m_maxSetNum = 1; // We need the default UV


  return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus glslShaderNode::glUnbind(const MDagPath& shapePath) {

        for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it=m_attributeAttribList.begin(); it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) 
                glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);

        for( int ii = 0; ii < m_maxSetNum; ii++) 
                m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
        m_glState.activeTexture( 0);

        // If we're not using multi-pass, disable the effect here
        if( m_passCount < 0)
        else if( m_passCount == 1)

  // Dirty our attribute list so it gets re-built next time
  // this shader is used
  m_parsedUserAttribList = false;

  return MS::kSuccess;

void glslShaderNode::updateBoundAttributes( const MDagPath& shapePath) {
  // This code needs to get the current matrices
  //  the world matrix is easy (dagPath)
  //  The view matrix seems like it can come from the current M3DView
  //  I can't see any good way to get the projection matrix other than reading it
  MMatrix world;
  MMatrix temp;
  MMatrix proj;
  MMatrix view;
  MMatrix worldview;

  //get the matrices
  if (shapePath.isValid())
          world = shapePath.inclusiveMatrix();
  glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, (double*)proj.matrix);
  glGetDoublev( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (double*)worldview.matrix);
  view = world.inverse() * worldview;

  for (std::vector<boundUniform>::iterator it = m_boundUniformList.begin(); it < m_boundUniformList.end(); it++) {
    switch ( it->usage) {

      case shader::smWorld:
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)world.matrix);

      case shader::smView:
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)view.matrix);

      case shader::smProjection:
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)proj.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldView:
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)worldview.matrix);

      case shader::smViewProjection:
        temp = view * proj;
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewProjection:
        temp = worldview * proj;
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldI:
        temp = world.inverse();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewI:
        temp = view.inverse();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smProjectionI:
        temp = proj.inverse();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewI:
        temp = worldview.inverse();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewProjectionI:
        temp = view * proj;
        temp = temp.inverse();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewProjectionI:
        temp = worldview * proj;
        temp = temp.inverse();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldT:
        temp = world.transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewT:
        temp = view.transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smProjectionT:
        temp = proj.transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewT:
        temp = worldview.transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewProjectionT:
        temp = view * proj;
        temp = temp.transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewProjectionT:
        temp = worldview * proj;
        temp = temp.transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldIT:
        temp = world.inverse().transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewIT:
        temp = view.inverse().transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smProjectionIT:
        temp = proj.inverse().transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewIT:
        temp = worldview.inverse().transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewProjectionIT:
        temp = view * proj;
        temp = temp.inverse().transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smWorldViewProjectionIT:
        temp = worldview * proj;
        temp = temp.inverse().transpose();
        m_shader->updateUniformMat( it->pNum, (double*)temp.matrix);

      case shader::smViewPosition:
          float vec[4];
          temp = view.inverse();

          vec[0] = (float)temp[3][0];
          vec[1] = (float)temp[3][1];
          vec[2] = (float)temp[3][2];
          vec[3] = (float)temp[3][3];

          m_shader->updateUniformVec( it->pNum, vec);
      case shader::smTime:
        // need to find a good way to get the current animation time
        //  the cgfx plugin uses:
        //    (float)timeGetTime() * 1000.0f
        // This has two problems
        //  1. one it does not correspond to Maya time
        //  2. it has portability problems
        m_shader->updateUniformFloat( it->pNum, 0.0f);
      case shader::smViewportSize:
          float vp[4];
          glGetFloatv( GL_VIEWPORT, vp);
          m_shader->updateUniformVec( it->pNum, &vp[2]);


//  Configure the texture coordinate sets and color sets for rendering. This
// function sets up all the vertex arry pointers or current values, if a set
// is not available.
void glslShaderNode::configureTexCoords( int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays, 
                                                                                int texCoordCount,
                                        const float ** texCoordArrays,
                                                                                int colorCount,
                                                                                const float ** colorArrays) 

  //printf("*********** configureTexCoords [normal count = %d]\n", normalCount);
  int ii;

  //bind in the naked texture sets
  for (ii=0; ii<m_maxSetNum; ii++) {

    //handle the special numbers
    if (m_setNums[ii] == -1) {
      // no name is specified, send a default texture coord of (0,0)
      glMultiTexCoord2f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
    else if (m_mayaType[ii] == kNormal)  {

      //this set has requested a normal
      if ( (normalCount > 0) && normalArrays[0]) {
        //there is a tangent
        m_glState.enableAndActivateTexCoord( ii);
        glTexCoordPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[0]);
      else {
        //there is no tangent available
        glMultiTexCoord3f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
    else if (m_mayaType[ii] == kTangent)  {

      //this set has requested a tangent
      if ( m_numNormals > 1  && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = 0;
                  if (m_numNormals > 2)
                        offset = ( m_setNums[ii] * 3 ) + 1;
                        offset = ( m_setNums[ii] * 2 ) + 1;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 2)
                                  offset = 1;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("TANGENT%d : Access tangents via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                //              ii, m_setNums[ii], offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset]) {
                          //there is a tangent
                          m_glState.enableAndActivateTexCoord( ii);
                          glTexCoordPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                  else {
                          //there is no tangent available
                          glMultiTexCoord3f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                          m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
                  //there is no tangent available
                  glMultiTexCoord3f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                  m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
    else if (m_mayaType[ii] == kBinormal)  {

      //this set has requested a binormal
      if ( m_numNormals > 2 && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = ( m_setNums[ii] * 3 ) + 2;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 3)
                                  offset = 2;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("BINORMAL%d : Access binormals via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //      ii, m_setNums[ii], offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset] )
                          //there is a binormal
                          m_glState.enableAndActivateTexCoord( ii);
                          glTexCoordPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          //there is no binormal available
                          glMultiTexCoord3f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                          m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
        //there is no binormal available
        glMultiTexCoord3f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
    else if (m_mayaType[ii] == kColorSet) {

      //this set has requested a color
      if ( (m_setNums[ii] < colorCount) && colorArrays[m_setNums[ii]]) {
        //there is a color
        m_glState.enableAndActivateTexCoord( ii);
        glTexCoordPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, colorArrays[m_setNums[ii]]);
      else {
        //there is no binormal available
        glMultiTexCoord4f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);

    //now deal with regular sets
    if ( (m_setNums[ii] < texCoordCount) && texCoordArrays[m_setNums[ii]]) {
      //this set exists
      m_glState.enableAndActivateTexCoord( ii);
          glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoordArrays[m_setNums[ii]]);
    else {
      //the set does not exist
      glMultiTexCoord2f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);

  //bind in the naked color sets

  //primary color first
    glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);

  //handle the special numbers
  if (m_colorSetNums[0] == -1) {
    // no name is specified, send a default color of (1,1,1,1)
    glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
  else if (m_colorMayaType[0] == kNormal)  {
          //this set has requested a normal
    if ( (normalCount > 0) && normalArrays[0]) {
      //there is a tangent
      glColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[0]);
      glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
    else {
      //there is no normal available
      glColor4f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
      glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
  else if (m_colorMayaType[0] == kTangent)  {

          //this set has requested a tangent
          if ( m_numNormals > 1 && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = 0;
                  if (m_numNormals > 2)
                          offset = ( m_colorSetNums[0] * 3 ) + 1;
                          offset = ( m_colorSetNums[0] * 2 ) + 1;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 2)
                                  offset = 1;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("COLOR0: Access tangents via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //  m_setNums[ii], offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset]) {
                          //there is a tangent
                          glColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
                  else {
                          //there is no tangent available
                          glColor4f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                          glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
          else {
                  //there is no tangent available
                  glColor4f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                  glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
  else if (m_colorMayaType[0] == kBinormal)  {

      //this set has requested a binormal
          if ( m_numNormals > 2 && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = ( m_colorSetNums[0] * 3 ) + 2;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 3)
                                  offset = 2;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("COLOR0: Access binormals via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //  m_setNums[ii], offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset] )
                          //there is a binormal
                          glColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
                          //there is no binormal available
                          glMultiTexCoord3f( GL_TEXTURE0 + ii, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                          m_glState.disableTexCoord( ii);
                  //there is no binormal available
                  glColor4f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                  glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
  // Route color set through color 0
  else if (m_colorMayaType[0] == kColorSet) {
    //this set has requested a color
    if ( (m_colorSetNums[0] < colorCount) && colorArrays[m_colorSetNums[0]]) {
      //there is a color
      glColorPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, colorArrays[m_colorSetNums[0]]);
      glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
    else {
      //there is no color available
      glColor4f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
      glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
  // Route a uv set through color 0
  else if (m_colorMayaType[0] == kUvSet) {
    //this set has requested a uvset
    if ( (m_colorSetNums[0] < texCoordCount) && texCoordArrays[m_colorSetNums[0]]) {
      // For now Maya only supports 2 compont tex coords.
      glColorPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoordArrays[m_colorSetNums[0]]);
      glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
    else {
      //there is no color available
      glColor4f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
      glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);

  //secondary color
  if (glSecondaryColorSupport) {

        glSecondaryColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
        //handle the special numbers
    if (m_colorSetNums[1] == -1) {
                // no name is specified, send a default color of (1,1,1)
                glSecondaryColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
    else if (m_colorMayaType[1] == kNormal)  {
      //this set has requested a normal
      if ( (normalCount > 0) && normalArrays[0]) {
        //there is a tangent
        glSecondaryColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[0]);
        glEnableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
      else {
        //there is no normal available
        glSecondaryColor3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
    else if (m_colorMayaType[1] == kTangent)  {

          //this set has requested a tangent
          if ( m_numNormals > 1 && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = 0;
                  if (m_numNormals > 2)
                          offset = ( m_colorSetNums[1] * 3 ) + 1;
                          offset = ( m_colorSetNums[1] * 2 ) + 1;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 2)
                                  offset = 1;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("COLOR1: Access tangents via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //  m_setNums[ii], offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset]) {
                          //there is a tangent
                          glSecondaryColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          glEnableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
                  else {
                          //there is no tangent available
                          glSecondaryColor3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                          glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
          else {
                  //there is no tangent available
                  glSecondaryColor3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                  glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
    else if (m_colorMayaType[1] == kBinormal)  {

      //this set has requested a binormal
          if ( m_numNormals > 2 && normalCount > 1 )
                  int offset = ( m_colorSetNums[1] * 3 ) + 2;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 3)
                                  offset = 2;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("COLOR1 : Access binormals via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //  m_setNums[ii], offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset] )
                          //there is a binormal
                          glSecondaryColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          glEnableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
                          //there is no binormal available
                          glSecondaryColor3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                          glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
                  //there is no binormal available
                  glSecondaryColor3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                  glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
        // Route a color set through color 1
    else if (m_colorMayaType[1] == kColorSet) {
      //this set has requested a color
      if ( (m_colorSetNums[1] < colorCount) && colorArrays[m_colorSetNums[1]]) {
        //there is a color
        glSecondaryColorPointer( 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, colorArrays[m_colorSetNums[1]]);
        glEnableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
      else {
        //there is no color available
        glSecondaryColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        glDisableClientState( GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY);
#if 0
        // Route a uv set through color 1
        else if (m_colorMayaType[1] == kUvSet) {
                //this set has requested a uvset
                if ( (m_colorSetNums[1] < texCoordCount) && texCoordArrays[m_colorSetNums[1]]) {
                        // For now Maya only supports 2 compont tex coords.
                        glSecondaryColorPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoordArrays[m_colorSetNums[1]]);
                        glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
                else {
                        //there is no color available
                        glColor4f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                        glDisableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY);

  //handle the generic attribute sets
  for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it=m_attributeAttribList.begin(); it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) {
    //I need to find a better place for this then here
    it->handle = m_shader->attributeHandle(it->pNum);
    if (it->set == -1) {
      glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
      glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    else if (it->mtype == kNormal) {
      //this set has requested a tangent
      if (( normalCount > 0) && normalArrays[0]) {
        //there is a tangent
        glVertexAttribPointer( it->handle, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, normalArrays[0]);
        glEnableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
      else {
        //there is no tangent available
        glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
    else if (it->mtype == kTangent) {

          //this set has requested a tangent
          if ( m_numNormals > 1 && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = 0;
                  if (m_numNormals > 2)
                          offset = ( it->set * 3 ) + 1;
                          offset = ( it->set * 2 ) + 1;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 2)
                                  offset = 1;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("VTX_ATTRIB: Access tangents via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //  it->set, offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset]) {
                          //there is a tangent
                          glVertexAttribPointer( it->handle, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          glEnableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
                  else {
                          //there is no tangent available
                          glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                          glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
          else {
                  //there is no tangent available
                  glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                  glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
    else if (it->mtype == kBinormal) {

      //this set has requested a binormal
          if ( m_numNormals > 2 && normalCount > 1)
                  int offset = ( it->set * 3 ) + 2;

                  // Can occur with swatch rendering.
                  if (offset > normalCount)
                          if (normalCount >= 3)
                                  offset = 2;
                                  offset = -1;

                  //printf("VTX_ATTRIB : Access binormals via collection id(%d) = offset %d\n",
                        //  it->set, offset );

                  if ((offset > 0) && normalArrays[offset] )
                          //there is a binormal
                          glVertexAttribPointer( it->handle, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, normalArrays[offset]);
                          glEnableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
                          //there is no binormal available
                          glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                          glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
        //there is no binormal available
        glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
    else if (it->mtype == kColorSet) {
      //this set has requested a color
      if (( it->set < colorCount ) && colorArrays[it->set]) {
        //there is a color
        glVertexAttribPointer( it->handle, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, colorArrays[it->set]);
        glEnableClientState( it->handle );
      else {
        //there is no color available
        glVertexAttrib4f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);

    //now deal with regular sets
    if (( it->set < texCoordCount ) && texCoordArrays[it->set]) {
      //this set exists
      glVertexAttribPointer( it->handle, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, texCoordArrays[it->set]);
      glEnableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);
    else {
      //the set does not exist
      glVertexAttrib2f( it->handle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      glDisableVertexAttribArray( it->handle);

  m_glState.activeTexture( 0);

MStatus glslShaderNode::glGeometry( const MDagPath& shapePath, int prim, unsigned int writable, int indexCount,
                const unsigned int * indexArray, int vertexCount, const int * vertexIDs, const float * vertexArray,
                int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays, int colorCount, const float ** colorArrays, int texCoordCount,
        const float ** texCoordArrays) {

  if (!(glShadingLanguageSupport && glMultiTextureSupport && glTexture3DSupport && glAsmProgramSupport))
    return MStatus::kFailure;

  // If we're not using the default shader, setup any shape specific 
  // shader parameters
  if( m_passCount > 0)

  // this is inefficient for the moment
  int passCount = m_passCount >= 0 ? m_passCount : 1;
  for( int jj=0; jj < passCount; jj++) 
        // If this effect has more than 1 pass, bind the
        // shader per-pass. If it's a single pass effect,
        // the pass will have been bound in glBind()
    if( passCount > 1) 
                m_shader->setPass( jj);

        // Setup any shape dependent uniforms (e.g. matrices)
        if( m_passCount > 0)

    //all of the following should come from shader attribute querying
    // might want to add VBO support for multiple pass shaders
    glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexArray);
    if (normalCount && normalArrays[0] ) {
      glNormalPointer( GL_FLOAT, 0, &normalArrays[0][0]);
    configureTexCoords( normalCount, normalArrays, texCoordCount, texCoordArrays,
                                            colorCount, colorArrays );


    //should probably switch to draw range elements
    glDrawElements( prim, indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indexArray);

        // If this effect has more than 1 pass, unbind the
        // shader per-pass (if it's a single pass effect,
        // the effect will be bound once in glBind()
    if( m_passCount > 1) 

  }// for num passes
  if( m_passCount > 1) 

  return MS::kSuccess;

// If the the attribute is a shader attribute
// mark it dirty, and pass it to the parent
glslShaderNode::connectionMade( const MPlug& plug,
                                                           const MPlug& otherPlug,
                                                           bool asSrc )

        //need to grab the root in case we are dealing with a vector 
        const MPlug &root = plug.isChild() ? plug.parent() : plug; 

        //MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Connection made: ") +;

        //  Is this time critical enough to use something like a map, instead or linearly searching all
        // attribute? Present expectation is for shaders to have significantly fewer than 100 attributes.
                for ( std::vector<uniformAttrib>::iterator it = m_uniformAttribList.begin(); it < m_uniformAttribList.end(); it++) {
                        if ( root == it->attrib) {
                                it->dirty = true;
                                //allow the set to proceed using the default method

                for ( std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it = m_samplerAttribList.begin(); it < m_samplerAttribList.end(); it++) {
                        if ( root == it->attrib) {
                                it->dirty = true;
                                //allow the set to proceed using the default method

        // Pass to parent class. Must do this to ensure keyframe
        // animation works !
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

// If the the attribute is a shader attribute
// mark it dirty, and pass it to the parent
glslShaderNode::connectionBroken( const MPlug& plug,
                                                                 const MPlug& otherPlug,
                                                                 bool asSrc )
        //need to grab the root in case we are dealing with a vector 
        const MPlug &root = plug.isChild() ? plug.parent() : plug; 

        //MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Connection broken: ") +;

        //  Is this time critical enough to use something like a map, instead or linearly searching all
        // attribute? Present expectation is for shaders to have significantly fewer than 100 attributes.
                for ( std::vector<uniformAttrib>::iterator it = m_uniformAttribList.begin(); it < m_uniformAttribList.end(); it++) {
                        if ( root == it->attrib) {
                                it->dirty = true;
                                //allow the set to proceed using the default method

                for ( std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it = m_samplerAttribList.begin(); it < m_samplerAttribList.end(); it++) {
                        if ( root == it->attrib) {
                                it->dirty = true;
                                //allow the set to proceed using the default method

        // Pass to parent class. Must do this to ensure keyframe
        // animation works !
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

/* virtual */
bool glslShaderNode::getInternalValueInContext( const MPlug &plug, 
                                                                                           MDataHandle &handle,
                                                                                           MDGContext& )
  bool retVal = false;

  if ( plug == sShader) {
    retVal = true;
  else if ( plug == sTechnique) {
    retVal = true;
  else if ( plug == sTechniqueList )
        retVal = true;
  else if ( plug == sShaderPath )
        retVal = true;
  else {
    int ii;
    for (ii=0; ii<8; ii++) {
      if ( plug == sNakedTexCoords[ii]) {
        retVal = true;

    for (ii=0; ii<2; ii++) {
      if (plug == sNakedColors[ii]) {
        retVal = true;

    //handle the generic attribute sets
    for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it=m_attributeAttribList.begin(); it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) {
      if (plug == it->attrib) {
        retVal = true;

  return retVal;

/* virtual */
bool glslShaderNode::setInternalValueInContext( const MPlug &plug, 
                                                                                           const MDataHandle &handle,
                                                                                           MDGContext & )
  bool retVal = false;
  //if reading file, short circuit things, we'll clean up post load
  bool reading = MFileIO::isReadingFile();
  if (reading)
          m_shader = NULL;

  //MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Plug update: ") +;

  if ( plug == sShader) {
    m_shaderName = handle.asString();
        m_shaderPath = m_shaderName;
    if (locateFile( m_shaderName, m_shaderPath)) {
          // Set shader name to be full path so that we 
          // can access a fully qualified name from the UI (e.g.
          // for reloading, viewing and editing the fx file.
      m_shaderDirty = true;
      if (!reading) {

                  if (MGlobal::mayaState() == MGlobal::kBatch)
                        MHardwareRenderer *pRenderer = MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer();
                        if (pRenderer)
                                const MString & backEndStr = pRenderer->backEndString();
                                MStatus status = pRenderer->makeResourceContextCurrent( backEndStr );
                                if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                                        MStatus strStat;
                                        MGlobal::displayError(MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedResourceContext, strStat));
    else {
      MGlobal::displayError(MString("Couldn't find shader file: '") + m_shaderPath + "'");
    retVal = true;
  else if ( plug == sTechnique) {
    MString temp = handle.asString();
        // We are in file read and m_shader has not been built yet,
        // so don't print out an error message here.
        if (reading)
                m_techniqueName = temp;
                retVal = true;
    if (m_shader) {
      for (int ii=0; ii<m_shader->techniqueCount(); ii++) {
        if (temp == m_shader->techniqueName(ii)) {
          retVal = true;

    if (retVal)
      m_techniqueName = temp;
                        MGlobal::displayWarning(MString("Unknown technique: ") + temp +
                        MString(" for shader: ") + m_shaderPath.asChar());
    retVal = true;
  else if ( plug == sTechniqueList )
          // Do nothing
  else {

    int ii;

    //handle the naked texture coord sets
    for (ii=0; ii<8; ii++) {
      if (plug == sNakedTexCoords[ii]) {
        m_nakedTexSets[ii] = handle.asString();
        //MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("Setting Tex ") + ii + " to " + m_nakedTexSets[ii]);
        return true;

    for (ii=0; ii<2; ii++) {
      if (plug == sNakedColors[ii]) {
        m_nakedColorSets[ii] = handle.asString();
        //MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("Setting Color ") + ii + " to " + m_nakedColorSets[ii]);
        return true;

    //handle the generic attribute sets
    for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it=m_attributeAttribList.begin(); it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) {
      if (plug == it->attrib) {
        it->setName = handle.asString();
        return true;
    if (!reading) {
      //process dynamic attributes

      //need to grab the root in case we are dealing with a vector 
      const MPlug &root = plug.isChild() ? plug.parent() : plug; 
      //MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Root name: ") +;
      //  Is this time critical enough to use something like a map, instead or linearly searching all
      // attribute? Present expectation is for shaders to have significantly fewer than 100 attributes.
      for ( std::vector<uniformAttrib>::iterator it2 = m_uniformAttribList.begin(); it2 < m_uniformAttribList.end(); it2++) {
        if ( ( root == it2->attrib) || ( root == it2->attrib2) ){
                        it2->dirty = true;
          //allow the set to proceed using the default method

      for ( std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it = m_samplerAttribList.begin(); it < m_samplerAttribList.end(); it++) {
        if (root == it->attrib) {
          it->dirty = true;
          //allow the set to proceed using the default method
        if (root == it->anisoAttrib) {
          it->dirty = true;
          it->maxAniso = handle.asFloat();

          //allow the set to proceed using the default method
        if (root == it->magFilterAttrib) {
          it->dirty = true;
          switch (handle.asShort()) {
            case 0:
              it->magFilter = GL_NEAREST;
            case 1:
              it->magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
              //this should be impossible
              it->magFilter = GL_LINEAR;

          //allow the set to proceed using the default method
        if (root == it->minFilterAttrib) {
          it->dirty = true;
          switch (handle.asShort()) {
            case 0:
              it->minFilter = GL_NEAREST;
            case 1:
              it->minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
            case 2:
              it->minFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
            case 3:
              it->minFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
              //this should be impossible
              it->minFilter = GL_LINEAR;

          //allow the set to proceed using the default method
        if (root == it->wrapAttrib) {
          it->dirty = true;
          switch (handle.asShort()) {
            case 0:
              it->wrapMode = GL_REPEAT;
            case 1:
              it->wrapMode = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
            case 2:
              it->wrapMode = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;
              //this should be impossible
              it->wrapMode = GL_REPEAT;

          //allow the set to proceed using the default method


  return retVal;

void glslShaderNode::copyInternalData( MPxNode* pMPx )
        glslShaderNode* pNode = dynamic_cast<glslShaderNode*>( pMPx );

        m_shader = NULL;
        m_shaderDirty = false;

        // These get rebuilt

        // Reset temporaries
        m_parsedUserAttribList = false;
        m_numUVsets = 0;
        m_numColorSets = 0;
        m_numNormals = 3;
        m_maxSetNum = pNode->m_maxSetNum;

        if( pNode )
                for(int ii=0; ii<8; ii++)
                        m_nakedTexSets[ii] = pNode->m_nakedTexSets[ii];
                        m_setNums[ii] = pNode->m_setNums[ii];
                        m_mayaType[ii] = pNode->m_mayaType[ii];

                m_nakedColorSets[0] = pNode->m_nakedColorSets[0];
                m_nakedColorSets[1] = pNode->m_nakedColorSets[1];

                m_colorSetNums[0] = pNode->m_colorSetNums[0]; 
                m_colorSetNums[1] = pNode->m_colorSetNums[1]; 

                m_colorMayaType[0] = pNode->m_colorMayaType[0];
                m_colorMayaType[1] = pNode->m_colorMayaType[1];

                m_shaderName = pNode->m_shaderName;
                m_shaderPath = m_shaderName;            
                m_techniqueList = "";
                m_techniqueName = "";

                if (locateFile( m_shaderName, m_shaderPath))
                        // Must be done before rebuild to set the correct technique
                        m_techniqueName = pNode->m_techniqueName;
                        m_shaderDirty = true;

                        MHardwareRenderer *pRenderer = MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer();
                        if (pRenderer)
                                const MString & backEndStr = pRenderer->backEndString();
                                MStatus status = pRenderer->makeResourceContextCurrent( backEndStr );
                                if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                                        MStatus strStat;
                                        MGlobal::displayError(MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedResourceContext, strStat));

//attribute request interface
int glslShaderNode::colorsPerVertex() {
  return 1;

int glslShaderNode::texCoordsPerVertex() {
    return 0;

  //  There are two versions of parseUserAttributeList, so the plug-in
  // can work on multiple revisions of Maya. The version for 700 and
  // above relies on the presence of the named color sets, and a fix
  // to a bug in the Maya API. 

void glslShaderNode::parseUserAttributeList()
  if (m_parsedUserAttribList)

  // Reset shared data which is used by getColorSetNames() and
  // getTexCoordSetNames
  m_numUVsets = 0;
  m_numColorSets = 0;

  m_numNormals = 3;

  MStringArray uvSetNames;
  MStringArray colorSetNames;

  bool haveNurbs = false;
  // "Magic" name for nurbs uvs
  MString nurbsDefaultUV("Nurbs Tri UVs"); 
  const MDagPath & path = currentPath();        
  if (path.hasFn( MFn::kMesh ) )

    // Check the # of uvsets
    MFnMesh fnMesh( path.node() );
    if (fnMesh.numUVSets())

    // Check the # of color sets
    if (fnMesh.numColorSets())
  else // is a NURBS
    haveNurbs = true;

    // There is no such thing as color sets no nurbs
    // for now, so don't add any "default"

  // The code here needs to work as follows:
  //  1. Add nurbs uv set if it is a nurbs.
  //  2. Iterate the list of requested maps
  //  3. Check for special maps (tangent/binormal)
  //  4. If the map is not yet added, add it
  //  5. Record the index

  int ii = 0;
  for (; ii<8; ii++) 
    m_setNums[ii] = -1;
    m_mayaType[ii] = kNonMaya;

  // Fixed splitting character to find qualifiers for inputs.
  // For now only used to scope the tangent, and binormal to
  // a given tangent or binormal set.
  const char _splitChar = ':';

  ii = 0;
  for (; ii<8; ii++) 
          MStringArray splitStrings;    
          MString comparisonString = m_nakedTexSets[ii];
          if ((MStatus::kSuccess == comparisonString.split(_splitChar, splitStrings)) &&
                   splitStrings.length() > 1)
                  comparisonString = splitStrings[0];

          // Special case nurbs. If "map1" is specified then
          // append the "special" uv set name for nurbs instead
          if (haveNurbs && comparisonString == "map1") 
                  m_setNums[ii] = m_uvSetNames.length();
                  m_mayaType[ii] = kUvSet;
          else if (comparisonString == "normal") {
                  m_setNums[ii] = 0; // Normal is currently always for set 0
                  m_mayaType[ii] = kNormal;
          else if (comparisonString == "tangent") {
                  m_setNums[ii] = 0; // Tangent is currently always for set 0
                  m_mayaType[ii] = kTangent;
          // Note that for NURBS there is currently an API bug
          // in that you cannot get the binormals even when you
          // ask for them.
          else if (comparisonString == "binormal") {
                  m_setNums[ii] = 0; // Binormal is currently always for set 0
                  m_mayaType[ii] = kBinormal;
          else if (comparisonString == "") {
                  m_setNums[ii] = -1;
                  m_mayaType[ii] = kNonMaya;
          else {
                  // Test out uv set name matches first
                  bool matchUVSet = false;
                  unsigned int numNames = uvSetNames.length();
                  if (numNames)
                          unsigned int jj = 0;
                          for (jj=0; jj<numNames; jj++) {
                                  if (comparisonString == uvSetNames[jj])
                                          // Track name, number and type
                                          m_setNums[ii] = m_uvSetNames.length();
                                          m_uvSetNames.append( uvSetNames[jj] );
                                          m_mayaType[ii] = kUvSet;
                                          matchUVSet = true;

                  // Test out color set name matches second
                  if (!matchUVSet)
                          numNames = colorSetNames.length();
                          if (numNames)
                                  unsigned int jj = 0;
                                  for (jj=0; jj<numNames ; jj++) {
                                          if (comparisonString == colorSetNames[jj])
                                                  // Track name, number and type
                                                  m_setNums[ii] = m_colorSetNames.length();
                                                  m_colorSetNames.append( colorSetNames[jj] );
                                                  m_mayaType[ii] = kColorSet;

  //now handle the colors
  // Colors need to be either 3 or 4 components, so they do not
  // draw from the texture coord sets.
  ii = 0;
  for (; ii<2; ii++) 
          m_colorSetNums[ii] = -1;
          m_colorMayaType[ii] = kNonMaya;
  ii = 0;
  for (; ii<2; ii++) 
          MStringArray splitStrings;    
          MString comparisonString = m_nakedColorSets[ii];
          if ((MStatus::kSuccess == comparisonString.split(_splitChar, splitStrings)) &&
                  splitStrings.length() > 1)
                  comparisonString = splitStrings[0];

          if (comparisonString == "normal") {
                  m_colorSetNums[ii] = 0; // Normal is currently always for set 0
                  m_colorMayaType[ii] = kNormal;
          else if (comparisonString == "tangent") {
                  m_colorSetNums[ii] = 0; // Tangent is currently always for set 0
                  m_colorMayaType[ii] = kTangent;
          // Note that for NURBS there is currently an API bug
          // in that you cannot get the binormals even when you
          // ask for them.
          else if (comparisonString == "binormal") {
                  m_colorSetNums[ii] = 0; // Binormal is currently always for set 0
                  m_colorMayaType[ii] = kBinormal;
          else if (comparisonString == "") {
                  m_colorSetNums[ii] = -1;
                  m_colorMayaType[ii] = kNonMaya;
          else {

                  // Test out color set name matches first.
                  // Basically the opposite of uv set lookup.
                  bool matchUVSet = false;

                  // Test out color set name matches
                  unsigned int numNames = colorSetNames.length();
                  if (numNames)
                          unsigned int jj = 0;
                          for (jj=0; jj<numNames ; jj++) {
                                  if (comparisonString == colorSetNames[jj])
                                          // Track name, number and type
                                          m_colorSetNums[ii] = m_colorSetNames.length();
                                          m_colorSetNames.append( colorSetNames[jj] );
                                          m_colorMayaType[ii] = kColorSet;
                                          matchUVSet = true;

                  // Currently this crashes when not in hi-quality mode
                  // so disable.
                  numNames = uvSetNames.length();
                  if (numNames)
                          unsigned int jj = 0;
                          for (jj=0; jj<numNames; jj++) {
                                  if (comparisonString == uvSetNames[jj])
                                          // Track name, number and type
                                          m_colorSetNums[ii] = m_uvSetNames.length();
                                          m_uvSetNames.append( uvSetNames[jj] );
                                          m_colorMayaType[ii] = kUvSet;


  // now handle the generic attributes
  // unsigned int setNum = 0;
  for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it = m_attributeAttribList.begin(); 
          it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) 
          MStringArray splitStrings;    
          MString comparisonString( it->setName );
          if ((MStatus::kSuccess == comparisonString.split(_splitChar, splitStrings)) &&
                   splitStrings.length() > 1)
                  comparisonString = splitStrings[0];

          if (comparisonString == "normal") {
                  it->mtype = kNormal;
                  it->set = 0;
          else if (comparisonString == "tangent") {
                  it->mtype = kTangent;
                  it->set = 0;
          else if (comparisonString == "binormal") {
                  it->mtype = kBinormal;
                  it->set = 0;
          else if (comparisonString == "") {
                  it->set = -1;
          else {
                  // Test out uv set name matches first
                  bool matchUVSet = false;
                  unsigned int numNames = uvSetNames.length();
                  if (numNames)
                          unsigned int jj = 0;
                          for (jj=0; jj<numNames; jj++) 
                                  // Track name, number and type
                                  if (comparisonString == uvSetNames[jj]) 
                                          it->set = m_uvSetNames.length();
                                          m_uvSetNames.append( uvSetNames[jj] );
                                          it->mtype = kUvSet;
                                          matchUVSet = true;

                  // Test out color set name matches second
                  if (!matchUVSet)
                          numNames = colorSetNames.length();
                          if (numNames)
                                  unsigned int jj = 0;
                                  for (jj=0; jj<numNames ; jj++) {
                                          if (m_nakedTexSets[ii] == colorSetNames[jj])
                                                  // Track name, number and type
                                                  m_colorSetNames.append( colorSetNames[jj] );
                                                  it->set = m_colorSetNames.length();
                                                  it->mtype = kColorSet;

  // Do a post-scan to see if a specific uvset is specified for tangent
  // and binormal in the uv set entries.
  //printf("----------------------- POST SCAN TEXCOORDS --------------------\n");
  unsigned int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length();
  if (numUVSets)
          for (ii=0; ii<8; ii++) 

                  if (m_mayaType[ii] == kTangent || m_mayaType[ii] == kBinormal)
                          MStringArray splitStrings;
                          MString origString( m_nakedTexSets[ii] );

                          //printf("Attempt to split the TEXCOORD string[%d] = %s.\n",
                                //              ii, origString.asChar());

                          if ((MStatus::kSuccess == origString.split(_splitChar, splitStrings)) &&
                                  splitStrings.length() > 1)
                                  // Look for a match of existing uvset names

                                  //printf("--- Managed to split the string[%d]. Look for uvset %s\n",
                                        //  ii, splitStrings[1].asChar());
                                  unsigned int jj = 0;
                                  for (jj=0; jj<numUVSets; jj++)
                                          if (uvSetNames[jj] == splitStrings[1])
                                                  int foundSet = -1;
                                                  for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<m_uvSetNames.length(); kk++)
                                                          if (splitStrings[1] == m_uvSetNames[kk])
                                                                  foundSet = kk;

                                                  if (foundSet > 0)
                                                          // Set number is index into uvset name array.
                                                          m_setNums[ii] = foundSet;
                                                          // Append a new uvset name, and point to end of
                                                          // uvset name array.
                                                          m_setNums[ii] = m_uvSetNames.length();
                                                          m_uvSetNames.append( splitStrings[1] );

                                                  //printf("---- Add uvset Index=%d. uvset name %s\n", m_setNums[ii],
                                                        //      splitStrings[1].asChar());


  // Do a post-scan to see if a specific uvset is specified for tangent
  // and binormal in the color set entries.
//  printf("----------------------- POST SCAN COLORS --------------------\n");
  if (numUVSets)
          for (ii=0; ii<2; ii++) 
                  if (m_colorMayaType[ii] == kTangent || m_colorMayaType[ii] == kBinormal)
                          MStringArray splitStrings;
                          MString origString( m_nakedColorSets[ii] );

                          //printf("Attempt to split the COLOR string[%d] = %s.\n",
                                //              ii, origString.asChar());

                          if ((MStatus::kSuccess == origString.split(_splitChar, splitStrings)) &&
                                  splitStrings.length() > 1)
                                  // Look for a match of existing uvset names
                                  unsigned int jj = 0;
                                  for (jj=0; jj<numUVSets; jj++)
                                          if (uvSetNames[jj] == splitStrings[1])
                                                  int foundSet = -1;
                                                  for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<m_uvSetNames.length(); kk++)
                                                          if (splitStrings[1] == m_uvSetNames[kk])
                                                                  foundSet = kk;

                                                  if (foundSet > 0)
                                                          // Set number is index into uvset name array.
                                                          m_colorSetNums[ii] = foundSet;
                                                          // Append a new uvset name, and point to end of
                                                          // uvset name array.
                                                          m_colorSetNums[ii] = m_uvSetNames.length();
                                                          m_uvSetNames.append( splitStrings[1] );

                                                  //printf("---- Add uvset Index=%d. uvset name %s\n", m_colorSetNums[ii],
                                                        //      splitStrings[1].asChar());


  // Do a post-scan to see if a specific uvset is specified for tangent
  // and binormal in the generic entries.
  if (numUVSets)
          for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it2 = m_attributeAttribList.begin(); 
                  it2<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it2++)
                  if (it2->mtype == kTangent || it2->mtype == kBinormal)
                          MStringArray splitStrings;
                          MString origString( it2->setName );
                          if ((MStatus::kSuccess == origString.split(_splitChar, splitStrings)) &&
                                  splitStrings.length() > 1)
                                  // Look for a match of existing uvset names
                                  unsigned int jj = 0;
                                  for (jj=0; jj<numUVSets; jj++)
                                          if (uvSetNames[jj] == splitStrings[1])
                                                  int foundSet = -1;
                                                  for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<m_uvSetNames.length(); kk++)
                                                          if (splitStrings[1] == m_uvSetNames[kk])
                                                                  foundSet = kk;

                                                  if (foundSet > 0)
                                                          // Set number is index into uvset name array.
                                                          it2->set = foundSet;
                                                          // Append a new uvset name, and point to end of
                                                          // uvset name array.
                                                          it2->set = m_uvSetNames.length();
                                                          m_uvSetNames.append( splitStrings[1] );

                                                  //printf("---- uvset Index=%d. uvset name %s\n", it->set,
                                                        //      splitStrings[1].asChar());


  m_numUVsets = m_uvSetNames.length();
  m_numColorSets = m_colorSetNames.length();

        m_maxSetNum = 0;
        for ( ii = 0; ii<8; ii++) 
                if( m_mayaType[ii] != kNonMaya)
                        m_maxSetNum = ii + 1;

  m_parsedUserAttribList = true;

#else // if MAYA_7

void glslShaderNode::parseUserAttributeList()
  if (m_parsedUserAttribList)

  // Reset shared data which is used by getColorSetNames() and
  // getTexCoordSetNames
  m_numUVsets = 0;
  m_numColorSets = 0;

  //  Always requesting a default set of map1 first, works around
  // an annyoing bug seen in Maya 6.5.

  int ii = 0;
  for (; ii<8; ii++) 
    m_setNums[ii] = -1;
    m_mayaType[ii] = kNonMaya;
  ii = 0;
  for (; ii<8; ii++) 
    // Special case, grab the special set from set 0
    if ( m_nakedTexSets[ii] == "map1") 
      m_setNums[ii] = 0;
      m_mayaType[ii] = kUvSet;
    else if (m_nakedTexSets[ii] == "normal") {
      m_setNums[ii] = 0; // Normal is currently always for set 0
      m_mayaType[ii] = kNormal;
    else if (m_nakedTexSets[ii] == "tangent") {
      m_setNums[ii] = 0; // Tangent is currently always for set 0
      m_mayaType[ii] = kTangent;
    // Note that for NURBS there is currently an API bug
    // in that you cannot get the binormals even when you
    // ask for them.
    else if (m_nakedTexSets[ii] == "binormal") {
      m_setNums[ii] = 0; // Binormal is currently always for set 0
      m_mayaType[ii] = kBinormal;
    else if (m_nakedTexSets[ii] == "") {
      m_setNums[ii] = -1;
      m_mayaType[ii] = kNonMaya;
    else {
      //just append the set
      m_setNums[ii] = m_uvSetNames.length();
      m_uvSetNames.append( m_nakedTexSets[ii] );
      m_mayaType[ii] = kUvSet;

  //now handle the generic attributes
  unsigned int setNum = 0;
  for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it = m_attributeAttribList.begin(); it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) {
    if (it->setName == "normal") {
      it->mtype = kNormal;
      it->set = 0;
    else if (it->setName == "tangent") {
      it->mtype = kTangent;
      it->set = 0;
    else if (it->setName == "binormal") {
      it->mtype = kBinormal;
      it->set = 0;
    else if (it->setName == "") {
      it->set = -1;
    else {
      //just append the set
      it->set = m_uvSetNames.length();
      m_uvSetNames.append( it->setName );
      it->mtype = kUvSet;

  m_numUVsets = m_uvSetNames.length();
  m_numColorSets = m_colorSetNames.length();
        m_maxSetNum = 0;
        for ( ii = 0; ii<8; ii++) 
                if( m_mayaType[ii] != kNonMaya)
                        m_maxSetNum = ii + 1;

  m_parsedUserAttribList = true;

#endif // if MAYA_7

int     glslShaderNode::getColorSetNames(MStringArray& names)
        if (!m_parsedUserAttribList)

        names = m_colorSetNames;
        return m_numColorSets;

int glslShaderNode::getTexCoordSetNames( MStringArray &names) 
        if (!m_parsedUserAttribList)

        names = m_uvSetNames;
        return m_numUVsets;

int glslShaderNode::normalsPerVertex() {

  // this can be revisited, now that we have dynamic attributes
  m_numNormals = 3;
  return m_numNormals;

void glslShaderNode::configureUniformAttrib( MString &name, int pNum, shader::DataType type, shader::Semantic sm, float *defVal,
                                            MFnDependencyNode &dn, MDGModifier &mod) {
  uniformAttrib ua;
  MFnNumericAttribute nAttrib;
  MFnTypedAttribute tAttrib;
  MStatus stat;

  //set the generic attribute values = name;
  ua.pNum = pNum;
  ua.dirty = true;
  ua.type = type;
  ua.attrib = MObject::kNullObj;
  ua.attrib2 = MObject::kNullObj;

  // Note that all uniforms are not set as being internal as this
  // makes animation playback unreliable. [See related code for binding
  // unforms [ANIM_UNIFORM_FIX2]]

  //obtain relavent information
  float min=0.0f, max=0.0f;
  bool color = shader::isColor(sm);
  bool clamped = shader::isClamped(sm);
  shader::getLimits( sm, min, max);

  switch (ua.type) {

    case shader::dtFloat:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
        ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::kFloat);
        if (clamped) {
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        if (defVal)
          nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[0]);
          nAttrib.setDefault( -1.0 );
                stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtVec2:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::k2Float);
        if (clamped) {
          nAttrib.setMin( min, min);
          nAttrib.setMax( max, max);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        if (defVal)
          nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[0], defVal[1] );
          nAttrib.setDefault( -1.0, -1.0 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtVec3:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
        if (color) {
          ua.attrib = nAttrib.createColor( name, name);
                  nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
          if (defVal)
            nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[0], defVal[1], defVal[2] );
        else {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::k3Float);
          if (clamped) {
            nAttrib.setMin( min, min, min);
            nAttrib.setMax( max, max, max);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        if (defVal)
          nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[0], defVal[1], defVal[2] );
          nAttrib.setDefault( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtVec4:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
        if (color) {
          ua.attrib = nAttrib.createColor( name, name);
                  nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
          if (defVal)
            nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[0], defVal[1], defVal[2] );
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
          ua.attrib2 = nAttrib.create( name + "Alpha", name + "Alpha", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
          if (clamped) {
            nAttrib.setMin( 0.0f);
            nAttrib.setMax( 1.0f);
                  nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
          if (defVal)
            nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[3]);
            nAttrib.setDefault( 1.0 );
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib2 );
        else {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::k3Float);
          if (clamped) {
            nAttrib.setMin( min, min, min);
            nAttrib.setMax( max, max, max);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        if (defVal)
          nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[0], defVal[1], defVal[2] );
          nAttrib.setDefault( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
        ua.attrib2 = nAttrib.create( name + "W", name + "W", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
          if (clamped) {
            nAttrib.setMin( min);
            nAttrib.setMax( max);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        if (defVal)
          nAttrib.setDefault( defVal[3]);
          nAttrib.setDefault( -1.0 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib2 );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);
        ua.attrib2 = dn.attribute( name + "W", &stat);

    case shader::dtBool:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        nAttrib.setDefault( true );  //Will this work?
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtInt:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::kInt);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        if (defVal)
          nAttrib.setDefault( (int)defVal[0]);
          nAttrib.setDefault( -1 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtIVec2:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::k2Int);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        nAttrib.setDefault( -1, -1 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtIVec3:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
                ua.attrib = nAttrib.create( name, name, MFnNumericData::k3Int);
        nAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        nAttrib.setDefault( -1, -1, -1 );
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtMat4:
      if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
        MFnMatrixAttribute mAttrib;
        ua.attrib = mAttrib.create( name, name, MFnMatrixAttribute::kFloat);
                mAttrib.setKeyable( true );
        //How do I set default????
        stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), ua.attrib );
      else {
        //just grab it, need to make sure it is correct
        ua.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

    case shader::dtBVec2:
    case shader::dtBVec3:
    case shader::dtIVec4:
    case shader::dtBVec4:
    case shader::dtMat2:
    case shader::dtMat3:
      //not yet supported, primarly due to no native Maya type
      MGlobal::displayWarning(MString("Unknown uniform parameter type for: ") + name);
  if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
        MStatus strStat;
        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedAddAttribute, strStat);
        error.format(error, name);
  m_uniformAttribList.push_back(ua); //will this cause reference counting problems?

void glslShaderNode::configureAttribs() {
  MDGModifier mod;

          for (std::vector<uniformAttrib>::iterator it=m_uniformAttribList.begin(); it<m_uniformAttribList.end(); it++) {
                  it->pNum = -1; //mark it as unused

          for (std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it=m_samplerAttribList.begin(); it<m_samplerAttribList.end(); it++) {
                  it->pNum = -1; //mark it as unused

          for (std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it=m_attributeAttribList.begin(); it<m_attributeAttribList.end(); it++) {
                  it->pNum = -1; //mark it as unused

  //no need to worry about reattachment with these, they don't create attributes

  MFnDependencyNode dn(thisMObject());

  int ii;

  if (m_shader && m_shader->valid()) {

    //find the uniforms that the new shader uses
    for (ii=0; ii<m_shader->uniformCount(); ii++) {
      MString name(m_shader->uniformName(ii));

      //determine if it is bound or not
      if ( shader::isBound(m_shader->uniformSemantic(ii))) {

        //handle bound uniforms

        //add a new one to the list
        boundUniform bu; = name;
        bu.usage = m_shader->uniformSemantic(ii);
        bu.pNum = ii;

      else {
        //handle uniform attributes (tweakables)
        //iterate the list to find it
        std::vector<uniformAttrib>::iterator it=m_uniformAttribList.begin();

        //might want to store this stuff in a map instead
        while (it < m_uniformAttribList.end()) {
          if (it->name == name)
            break; //found it
          it++; // look at the next

        //see if we found the correct attribute
        if (it !=m_uniformAttribList.end()) {
          // make sure we have the same type
          if ( it->type == m_shader->uniformType(ii)) {

            //record the handle, and mark it as dirty, so we update it
            it->pNum = ii;
            it->dirty = true;

            //process the next attribute
          else {
            //need to delete the old one here, otherwise we can't create the new one
            mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), it->attrib);
            it->attrib = MObject::kNullObj;

            //check to see if it was a vec4, and kill the last component
            if (it->attrib2 != MObject::kNullObj) {
              mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), it->attrib2);
              it->attrib2 = MObject::kNullObj;
        //if there was no appropriate attribute create a new one and add it
        configureUniformAttrib( name, ii, m_shader->uniformType(ii), m_shader->uniformSemantic(ii),
                                m_shader->uniformDefault(ii), dn, mod);

    for (ii=0; ii<m_shader->samplerCount(); ii++) {
      MString name(m_shader->samplerName(ii));

      //iterate the list to find it
      std::vector<samplerAttrib>::iterator it=m_samplerAttribList.begin();

      //might want to store this stuff in a map instead
      while (it < m_samplerAttribList.end()) {
        if (it->name == name)
          break; //found it
        it++; // look at the next

      if (it !=m_samplerAttribList.end()) {
        //if found, set the pNum to point to this one
        it->pNum = ii;
        it->dirty = false;
        m_shader->updateSampler( ii, it->texName);
      else {
        //if not found, create a new one and add it
        samplerAttrib sa;
        MFnNumericAttribute nAttrib;
        MFnEnumAttribute eAttrib;
        MStatus stat; = name;
        sa.pNum = ii;
        sa.dirty = true;
        sa.texName = 0;
        sa.minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
        sa.magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
        sa.wrapMode = GL_REPEAT;
        sa.maxAniso = 1.0f;

        if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
          sa.attrib = nAttrib.createColor( name, name);
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), sa.attrib);
        else {
          sa.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedAddAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, name);
        if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name +"MinFilter")) {
          sa.minFilterAttrib = eAttrib.create( name+"MinFilter", name+"MinFilter");
          eAttrib.addField( "Nearest", 0);
          eAttrib.addField( "Linear", 1);
          eAttrib.addField( "Linear, Mipmaped", 2);
          eAttrib.addField( "Trilinear", 3);
          eAttrib.setDefault( 1);
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), sa.minFilterAttrib);
        else {
          sa.minFilterAttrib = dn.attribute(name+"MinFilter", &stat);
          //need to query the filter attribute
                  MPlug plug(thisMObject(), sa.minFilterAttrib);
          short val;
          switch (val) {
            case 0:
              sa.minFilter = GL_NEAREST;
            case 1:
              sa.minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
            case 2:
              sa.minFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
            case 3:
              sa.minFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
              //this should be impossible
              sa.minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedAddAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, name + "MinFilter");
        if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name +"MagFilter")) {
          sa.magFilterAttrib = eAttrib.create( name+"MagFilter", name+"MagFilter");
          eAttrib.addField( "Nearest", 0);
          eAttrib.addField( "Linear", 1);
          eAttrib.setDefault( 1);
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), sa.magFilterAttrib);
        else {
          sa.magFilterAttrib = dn.attribute(name+"MagFilter", &stat);
          //need to query the filter attribute
          MPlug plug(thisMObject(), sa.magFilterAttrib);
          short val;
          switch (val) {
            case 0:
              sa.magFilter = GL_NEAREST;
            case 1:
              sa.magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
              //this should be impossible
              sa.magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedAddAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, name + "MagFilter");
        if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name+"Wrap" )) {
          sa.wrapAttrib = eAttrib.create( name+"Wrap", name+"Wrap");
          eAttrib.addField( "Repeat", 0);
          eAttrib.addField( "Clamp", 1);
          eAttrib.addField( "Mirror", 2);
          eAttrib.setDefault( 0);
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), sa.wrapAttrib);
        else {
          sa.wrapAttrib = dn.attribute(name+"Wrap", &stat);
          //need to query the filter attribute
                  MPlug plug(thisMObject(), sa.wrapAttrib);
          short val;
          switch (val) {
            case 0:
              sa.wrapMode = GL_REPEAT;
            case 1:
              sa.wrapMode = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
            case 2:
              sa.wrapMode = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;
              //this should be impossible
              sa.wrapMode = GL_REPEAT;
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedAddAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, name + "Wrap");
        if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name+"MaxAniso" )) {
          sa.anisoAttrib = nAttrib.create( name+"MaxAniso", name+"MaxAniso", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 1.0);
          nAttrib.setMin( 1.0);
          nAttrib.setMax( 16.0);
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), sa.anisoAttrib);
        else {
          sa.anisoAttrib = dn.attribute(name+"MaxAniso", &stat);
          //need to query the filter attribute
                  MPlug plug(thisMObject(), sa.anisoAttrib);
          float val;
          sa.maxAniso = val;
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedAddAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, name + "MaxAniso");

    for (ii=0; ii<m_shader->attributeCount(); ii++) {
      MString name(m_shader->attributeName(ii));

      //iterate the list to find it
      std::vector<attributeAttrib>::iterator it=m_attributeAttribList.begin();

      //might want to store this stuff in a map instead
      while (it < m_attributeAttribList.end()) {
        if (it->name == name)
          break; //found it
        it++; // look at the next

      if (it !=m_attributeAttribList.end()) {
        //if found, set the pNum to point to this one
        it->pNum = ii;
        it->handle = m_shader->attributeHandle( ii);
        it->set = -1;
      else {
        MFnTypedAttribute tAttrib;
        attributeAttrib aa;
        MStatus stat; = name;
        aa.setName = name;
        aa.pNum = ii;
        aa.handle = m_shader->attributeHandle(ii);
        aa.set = -1; //no set
                aa.mtype = kNonMaya;

        if ( !dn.hasAttribute( name )) {
          aa.attrib = tAttrib.create( name, name, MFnData::kString);
          tAttrib.setKeyable( true );
          stat = mod.addAttribute( thisMObject(), aa.attrib);
        else {
          aa.attrib = dn.attribute(name, &stat);

  for (ii=0; ii< (int)m_uniformAttribList.size(); ) {
    if (m_uniformAttribList[ii].pNum == -1) {

      //attrib is unused, remove it
      if (m_uniformAttribList[ii].attrib != MObject::kNullObj ) {
        mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_uniformAttribList[ii].attrib);
        m_uniformAttribList[ii].attrib = MObject::kNullObj;

      if ( m_uniformAttribList[ii].attrib2 != MObject::kNullObj ) {
        mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_uniformAttribList[ii].attrib2);
        m_uniformAttribList[ii].attrib2 = MObject::kNullObj;
    else {
      //move to the next item

  for (ii=0; ii<(int)m_samplerAttribList.size(); ) {
    MStatus stat, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5;
    if (m_samplerAttribList[ii].pNum == -1) {
      //attrib is unused, disconnect it and remove it
      if ( m_samplerAttribList[ii].attrib != MObject::kNullObj )
        stat = mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_samplerAttribList[ii].attrib);

      if ( m_samplerAttribList[ii].magFilterAttrib != MObject::kNullObj )
        stat2 = mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_samplerAttribList[ii].magFilterAttrib);

      if ( m_samplerAttribList[ii].minFilterAttrib != MObject::kNullObj )
        stat3 = mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_samplerAttribList[ii].minFilterAttrib);

      if ( m_samplerAttribList[ii].wrapAttrib != MObject::kNullObj )
        stat4 = mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_samplerAttribList[ii].wrapAttrib);

      if ( m_samplerAttribList[ii].anisoAttrib != MObject::kNullObj )
        stat5 = mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_samplerAttribList[ii].anisoAttrib);

      if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedDestroyAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, m_samplerAttribList[ii].name);
                        MGlobal::displayError(MString("  ") + stat.errorString());

      //I don't think we have a context for certain here
      ResourceManager::destroyTexture( m_samplerAttribList[ii].texName);
      m_samplerAttribList[ii].attrib = MObject::kNullObj;
    else {
      //move to the next item

  for (ii=0; ii<(int)m_attributeAttribList.size(); ) {
    MStatus stat;
    if (m_attributeAttribList[ii].pNum == -1) {
      //attrib is unused, disconnect it and remove it
      stat = mod.removeAttribute( thisMObject(), m_attributeAttribList[ii].attrib);
      if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
                        MStatus strStat;
                        MString error = MStringResource::getString(rGLSLShaderNodeFailedDestroyAttribute, strStat);
                        error.format(error, m_attributeAttribList[ii].name);
                        MGlobal::displayError(MString("  ") + stat.errorString());

      m_attributeAttribList[ii].attrib = MObject::kNullObj;
    else {
      //move to the next item



bool glslShaderNode::locateFile( const MString &name, MString &path) {
  MString proj;
  struct stat fstats;
  MString temp;

  // I swear, there must be a better way
  MGlobal::executeCommand( MString("workspace -q -rd;"), proj);

  //search order:
  // current directory
  // project/shaders directory
  // project directory

  // Try absolute path first
  if ( stat(name.asChar(), &fstats) == 0){
    //found it in the current path
    path = name;
    return true;

  // Get the current working directory and
  // try relative path
  char buffer[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
  if ( getcwd( buffer, MAX_PATH_LENGTH ) != NULL)
          temp = MString(buffer) + "\\" + name;
          if ( stat(temp.asChar(), &fstats) == 0){
                  //found it in the current path
                  path = temp;
                  return true;

  temp = proj + "shaders/" + name;
  if ( stat(temp.asChar(), &fstats) == 0){
    //found it in the project/shaders path
    path = temp;
    return true;
  temp = proj + name;
  if ( stat(temp.asChar(), &fstats) == 0){
    //found it in the project path
    path = temp;
    return true;

  return false;

// Swatch rendering

/* virtual */
MStatus glslShaderNode::renderSwatchImage( MImage & outImage )
        MStatus status = MStatus::kFailure;

        // Get the hardware renderer utility class
        MHardwareRenderer *pRenderer = MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer();
        if (pRenderer)
                const MString& backEndStr = pRenderer->backEndString();

                // Get geometry
                // ============
                unsigned int* pIndexing = 0;
                unsigned int  numberOfData = 0;
                unsigned int  indexCount = 0;

                MHardwareRenderer::GeometricShape gshape = MHardwareRenderer::kDefaultSphere;
                MGeometryData* pGeomData =
                        pRenderer->referenceDefaultGeometry( gshape, numberOfData, pIndexing, indexCount );
                if( !pGeomData )
                        return MStatus::kFailure;

                // Make the swatch context current
                // ===============================
                unsigned int width, height;
                outImage.getSize( width, height );
                unsigned int origWidth = width;
                unsigned int origHeight = height;

                MStatus status2 = pRenderer->makeSwatchContextCurrent( backEndStr, width, height );

                if( status2 != MS::kSuccess )
                        pRenderer->dereferenceGeometry( pGeomData, numberOfData );
            return status2;

                // Get the light direction from the API, and use it
                // =============================================
                        float light_pos[4];
                        pRenderer->getSwatchLightDirection( light_pos[0], light_pos[1], light_pos[2], light_pos[3] );

                        glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_pos );

                        float light_ambt[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0};
                        float light_diff[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0};
                        float light_spec[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0};

                        glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT,  light_ambt );
                        glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE,  light_diff );
                        glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, light_spec );

                        glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
                        glEnable( GL_LIGHT0 );


                // Get camera
                // ==========
                        // Get the camera frustum from the API
                        double l, r, b, t, n, f;
                        pRenderer->getSwatchPerspectiveCameraSetting( l, r, b, t, n, f );
                        glFrustum( l, r, b, t, n, f );

                        float x, y, z, w;
                        pRenderer->getSwatchPerspectiveCameraTranslation( x, y, z, w );
                        glTranslatef( x, y, z );


                // Get the default background color and clear the background
                float r, g, b, a;
                MHWShaderSwatchGenerator::getSwatchBackgroundColor( r, g, b, a );
                glClearColor( r, g, b, a );
                glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);



                // Draw The Swatch
                // ===============
                //drawTheSwatch( pGeomData, pIndexing, numberOfData, indexCount );
                MDagPath dummyPath;
                glBind( dummyPath );

                float *vertexData = (float *)( pGeomData[0].data() );
                float *normalData = (float *)( pGeomData[1].data() );
                float *uvData = (float *)( pGeomData[2].data() );
                float *tangentData = (float *)( pGeomData[3].data() );
                float *binormalData = (float *)( pGeomData[4].data() );
                unsigned int normalCount = 0;

                // Stick normal, tangent, binormals into ptr array
                float ** normalArrays = new float * [3];
                if (normalData) 
                        normalArrays[0] = normalData;
                        normalArrays[0] = NULL;
                if (tangentData) 
                        normalArrays[1] = tangentData;
                        normalArrays[1] = NULL;
                if (binormalData)
                        normalArrays[2] = binormalData;
                        normalArrays[2] = NULL;

                // Stick uv data into ptr array
                unsigned int uvCount = 0;
                float ** texCoordArrays = new float * [1];
                if (uvData)
                        texCoordArrays[0] = uvData;
                        uvCount = 1;
                        texCoordArrays[0] = NULL;

                m_setNums[0] = 0;
                m_setNums[1] = 0;
                m_setNums[2] = 0;
                m_setNums[3] = 0;
                m_setNums[4] = 0;
                m_setNums[5] = 0;
                m_setNums[6] = 0;
                m_setNums[7] = 0;

                m_mayaType[0] = kUvSet;
                m_mayaType[1] = kTangent;
                m_mayaType[2] = kBinormal;
                m_mayaType[3] = kUvSet;
                m_mayaType[4] = kUvSet;
                m_mayaType[5] = kUvSet;
                m_mayaType[6] = kUvSet;
                m_mayaType[7] = kUvSet;

                // No colours
                m_colorSetNums[0] = -1;
                m_colorSetNums[1] = -1;
                m_colorMayaType[0] = kColorSet;
                m_colorMayaType[1] = kColorSet;

                glGeometry( dummyPath,
                                        NULL, /* no vertex ids */
                                        (const float **) normalArrays,
                                        NULL, /* no colours */
                                        (const float **) texCoordArrays);

                glUnbind( dummyPath );

                normalArrays[0] = NULL;
                normalArrays[1] = NULL;
                delete[] normalArrays;
                texCoordArrays[0] = NULL;
                delete[] texCoordArrays;

                // Read pixels back from swatch context to MImage
                // ==============================================
                pRenderer->readSwatchContextPixels( backEndStr, outImage );

                // Double check the outing going image size as image resizing
                // was required to properly read from the swatch context
                outImage.getSize( width, height );
                if (width != origWidth || height != origHeight)
                        status = MStatus::kFailure;
                        status = MStatus::kSuccess;
        return status;

bool glslShaderNode::printVertexShader( int pass) {

  if ( m_shader) {
    const char *shader = m_shader->getVertexShader( pass);
    if (shader) {
      return true;

  return false;

bool glslShaderNode::printPixelShader( int pass) {
  if ( m_shader) {
    const char *shader = m_shader->getPixelShader( pass);
    if (shader) {
      return true;

  return false;

glslShaderNode* glslShaderNode::findNodeByName(const MString &name) {
  for (std::vector<glslShaderNode*>::iterator it = sNodeList.begin(); it < sNodeList.end(); it++) {
    if ( (*it)->name() == name)
      return *it;

  return NULL;

Autodesk® Maya® 2009 © 1997-2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6